Tony cursed as his call went through to voicemail.

Something was definitely wrong with Ziva. He grabbed his keys and bolted to his car.

He drove the familiar route to Ziva's Silver Springs apartment. From the car

park he could see a thin sliver of light coming from the open door of her apartment.

"Shit." He cursed and sprinted to her home.

"Ziva!" he yelled as he climbed the stairs two at a time, disgruntled residents opened their windows and scolded him but he took no notice. "Ziva!" he flew through the open door to find her lifeless on the tiles of her kitchen.

"Ziva! Ziva… Zi come on, please, no." he muttered as her rolled her over and cleared her gorgeous hair from her face. He checked her neck for a pulse… it was there. Steady and strong.

"Hey! Ziva!" he slapped her cheek gently, 'Ziva!" he slapped her harder. She groaned softly and her eyes fluttered open.


"Yeah Sweet cheeks I'm here."

"He is gone." She choked, "Lucas left."

Tony held her close and checked her over.

"Are you hurt?"

"No… it is your fault."


"It is your fault that he left." She cried.

"Ziva… hey."

"Go away Tony! I do not want to see you here again!"

"Ziva wait a minute!"

"GET OUT!" she screamed. Tony left, not because she yelled, because he was afraid of what she would do to him if he did not.


"What an awful Valentines Day." Tony groaned, he had not wanted to leave Ziva by herself after he had found her on floor but he would have been a part of the carpet if he had stayed.

There was of course a second best… Gibbs.

He called the land line but all he got was the recorded , robotic female voice say that the number was unavailable.

He rang his mobile but it just rang out.

"Oh yeah… ex-wife." He remembered.

He slumped down on his lounge in his untidy living room.

"I should really clean this place." He mumbled, "I don't feel like it." He put in half heartedly. He closed his and sighed into his hands. He let his hands down but kept his eyes closed. He fell asleep.

The phone rang and Tony fell off the lounge onto a pizza box and an empty long neck.

He swore loudly as he was woken up and scrambled groggily to answer his phone.

"Tony DiNozzo, who until recently has never felt the sting of rejection."

"Tony?" a soft foreign voice replied.


"Tony I am really sorry I-." Tony cut her off.

"Ziva are you alright?"

"I am fine Tony… I was wondering if maybe I can come to your place."

"Yeah… yeah sure… but I don't want you driving."

"Tony I am fine."

"No you're not! You collapsed on your kitchen floor Ziva."


"So I am coming to get you. I'll be there soon." And he hung up.

Okay I know Ziva would probably have regained consciousness by the time Tony got there but I like it better my way.