Author's note: Alright…here's the epilogue…then I'm done…wow. About six months of work. Jeez…thank you all so much for reviewing and keeping me going throughout this whole story :D

Disclaimer: For the last time! I DON'T OWN VAMPIRE KNIGHT!

kAtiE-lUvs-mcr- No sequel, but I think I'm going to put Mika-chan in the spin-offs a couple times…maybe. I dunno. But here's her little bit.

akiharu-chan- And I now present to you…THE EPILOGUE –sniffles-

georgisakura- I toyed with the idea of doing a story on Mika-chan but opted not to because I didn't want to. So this epilogue is it.

LUNAR-W0LF- As long as you love how it turned out, that's the point. And after this…the story is officially over…that's depressing.

silentspirit426624- That's true since when I finish this, I'm starting two others

Rimacchi Kuran- I learned that the faster I update, the less I'm threatened with eating utensils.

earthlyXangel- The song is fantastic. And as for Kaname…he will always be a hobo in my heart….and all fics that relate to this one

BlackNeonAngel- Originally, the whole last chapter was going to be in third person but I changed my mind…I'm glad you liked the end! That makes it worth ending…or something.

shikixxrima- Everybody loves a happy ending. And thank you for the compliments. I really hope you like the epilogue as much as the rest.

Chibi Kitt- But Kaname's not just a hobo. He's a teh sexy hobo.

PurebloodPrincess97- I met Maggie Stiefvater in Chicago at brunch with the publishering compnay Scholastic (food was gross) She's a funny person and wrote some really good books like Shiver and she said "It's my goal as an author to make everyone cry when they read what I write so I can laugh at them." Yeah, she actually told me that. Anyway, I feel the same way so thank you for crying. HA MAGGIE! TAKE THAT! I CAN MAKE PEOPLE CRY WITH MY WORK TOO LIKE YOU MADE ME CRY WITH SHIVER! Ahem…sorry. That was pointless...ah whatever.

hana-flower23- Kaname could live at the house…but I'm not gonna let him.

RosesAndStripes- I knew no one was going to miss her

JKL-JaylaKahoonaLagoona- You're like, the only person to notice that part! Congratulations!



In my house, many would-be abnormal things are ridiculously normal. Like when a hobo with a scraggly beard comes through and starts picking out of the trashcans, we do nothing because that hobo is my second cousin on my father's side.

It's also completely normal to hear my mother shrieking something or the other to my father, her voice echoing all around our huge house that I've grown up in.

"SENRI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" my mother screams and my multiple trophies, awards, ribbons and other markings of the genius nature rattle on my walls. I looked up and absently watch my ceiling shake in my mother's fury. Similar to Auntie Sara, when my mother gets angry, all hell breaks loose.

But the hardest part is that it's six in the evening.

"What did I do this time, Rima?" asks my father from the kitchen. I'm telling you, it's a daily thing.


The whole house is silent.

"I'm sorry?" Daddy says uncertainly and I snort.

I hear thudding down the stairs and leave my room to watch the show after stroking my calico kitten Kohana.

Kohana is a relatively new thing. I got her as a present for giving up first place to another kid in my class. I enjoy winning but the fun is taken out when it's your sixth year in a row winning first place for a model airplane. So I purposely made my unstable so when the judges touched it, the airplane fell to pieces.

I still won second. It probably had something to do with the engine I'd stuck in it to help it fly on its own…

Anyway, I look out the window the see Kaname chowing down on yesterday's breakfast. He waves and I wave back. I love my family.

"I'm going to call, Sara," Mom says, jumping up and down. She doesn't look too upset now and I feel excitement filling me. She pulls out her cellphone and as soon as she's gone, Dad picks up the house phone and I know he's calling Uncle Ichijou.

That makes things easier.

I watch him dial the number and once he begins blabbering, I pick up the other house phone.

"Jesus Ichijou!" Dad yelps. "What am I going to do?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Uncle Ichijou says weakly.

"Don't tell me—" Dad gasps but I finish.

"Auntie Sara is having a baby" I squeal hopefully. Dad sighs.

"Mika-chan, how many times do I have to tell you not to tap into the phone wire?" he asks me.

"Ah my Mika-chan is still as clever and like her favorite uncle as ever!" Uncle Ichijou cries.

"Actually Uncle Ichijou, I just picked up the other phone," I tell them smiling.

"Why? Do you call me that now?" Uncle Ichijou sobs. "What happened to Taku-oji?"

"Umm…" I say for lack of better words.

"Good lord Ichijou you're pathetic," Dad snorts.

"Well the point is, Sara is pregnant and I don't know what to do!" Uncle Ichijou says and me and Dad both know that if the ultra sensitive man on the other line isn't offender, he must really be panicking.

"Senri! Senri! Sara is having a kid too!" Mom squeals as she runs down the stairs…again.

"So I've heard," Dad replies and I grin happily. I wonder what it'll be like, having a little sibling. Tsubasa has five older brothers and one new baby sister and he always says that it's awful, but I have to wonder if he hates it as much as he says.

"I need to tell Tsubasa!" I yell loudly and blush when everyone stares at me.

"How is that little runt?" Uncle Ichijou grumbles. "He's still being nice and appropriate right?"

"Yes, Uncle Ichijou," I say with a sigh.

"Good," Uncle Ichijou says and I can tell his distain of Tsubasa from his voice. It's not like Tsubasa is bad or anything. Uncle Ichijou just thinks he's taking a lot of my time away.

My neighbor and best friend, Tsubasa has been my everything for most of my life. The first two years I knew him, we hated each other for a reason neither one of us could figure out looking back on it now. But then, when we were four, something happened and we randomly became best friends. Not that I'd dream of complaining.

Dad rolls his eyes and Mom smiles.

"Go find that little Sakurai boy," she says and I dart out of the house before my father can make a single comment. I smile at the reaction Tsubasa would have at being call 'that little Sakurai boy.'

When I knock on the door to his house, his older brother Haru opens the door, followed by third oldest Ryuuji.

"Tsubasa, your little girlfriend it here," Haru shouts without even asking what I want. He turns to me.

"So, you're mom is pregnant?" he asks for clarification.

"Was she that loud?" I ask mildly. Ryuuji looks at me from behind Haru.

"I'm here!" Tsubasa announces and smiles at me. I love his smile, I really do. It lights up his golden eyes that he hides behind a mop of dark brown hair.

"Get out of here you two," Haru orders and we comply without question. Before the door slams shut, Tsubasa's dog Daisuke comes running out. He jumps on me and I fall over. This is why I like cats better. They don't tackle you and try to lick your face off.

"Ew," is all I say as I push off the offending animal.

"You're gonna hate having a sibling," Tsubasa tells me quickly.

"How do you know?" I demand.

"Haru, Natsume, Ryuuji, Hayate, Sora, Me, and now little Sakura," Tsubasa snorts. "That's how I know."

I shrug.

"Well, I'm going to be older," I point out.

"Haru hates it too," Tsubasa says.

"He probably only hates you," I tell him crossly.

"Why just me?" he asks.

"Your hair," I inform him. Tsubasa is the only one of his brothers and sister with their mother's dark brown hair, something I never grow tired of teasing him about.

Tsubasa growls and tackles me.

"Maybe," he says crossly. "But that's OK with me."

And then Tsubasa starts to tickle me. That's the one thing I can't stand. When he stops we're both out of breath and we sit down against Daisuke. The one advantage to having the ugly oaf around is that he makes a good pillow.

I remember that I was going to tell Tsubasa that I'm going to have a sibling but since he already knows, there's not much of a point. The two of us sit in silence and the March wind kicks in. I shiver and Tsubasa puts his jacket around me.

That freak never gets cold and only carries around a jacket because I'm always shivering. I look at the sky and see that it will be getting dark soon. We watch the sun set contentedly before Tsubasa starts twiddling with his thumbs.

I've known him long enough to know that this means he wants to tell me something but isn't sure whether or not to do so.

"Just say it," I advise him and he rolls his eyes.

"I hate it when you read my mind," Tsubasa grumbles. I laugh, but don't bother telling him it's just because he's easier to read than an open book.

"Tell me," I urge him. He's quiet for a moment.

"Hey, Mika-chan?"

"What is it, Tsu-kun?"

We rarely use those names with each other which is how I know this conversation is going to be important.

"What if I…what if...just say, I offered you my heart?" Tsubasa asks me so quietly it's almost a whisper.

I pull my knees up to my chest and snuggle deep into his jacket, I watched my childhood friend run his fingers through Daisuke's soft coat and I realize Tsubsa is anxiously waiting my reply. It's almost dark now, but my parents won't want me back for a while, especially with all the commotion.

I smile. I know it's physically impossible for Tsubasa to give me his heart, but metaphorically thought is sweet.

"I'd give you mine," I tell him and I hear him sigh.

We're sitting by the lake and out of the corner of my eye, I see my mother watching. Or at least I think I do. I can't really tell so I say nothing.

"Good," Tsubasa says looking relieved.

"Why?" I ask feeling curious. For once, my genius mind can't figure this out.

"Um…well, I think I might love you…like more than my best friend," Tsubasa admits sheepishly. He looks at me under his dark hair.



"I think I might love you, too. More than my best friend," I say happily. Tsubasa pulls me closer and we both grin. I feel a certain peace settle upon us, one I feel when we sit in a comfortable silence such as this one. I close my eyes.

All is well, and we can all sleep in peace.

So sleep, everyone…

There we go. Now what happens is up for you guys to come up with in your own minds. But hey, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so who knows! You Can't Fix Me is now officially complete. Ah, but I do need you guys to tell me whether the Taku/Sara fic should be ten years later (the time period of the epilogue) or the time in between. Because if the story is ten years later, it'll probably be about Sara's time being pregnant. That would be fun to write…what do you guys think? Review and tell me!!