Code Lyoko: Son of X.A.N.A.

Warning:: This story is rated M for Mature because of blood, violence, mild language or even a lot of vulgur language, sex, drugs, basically it is rated M for reasons you'll find out if you dislike any of this stuff, don't read.

Pairings: (dominant)x(bottom)









XANA took its time to take an actual human fetus and let the child grow in Lyoko. The child was raised off of cords, computer devices, wiring, tubes, and then some. As it grew, no one noticed, for a child is the most pure of innocence on earth, and Lyoko as well. When the child was finally born, it was a boy, and XANA named him VICTORY…for he will lead Earth to its downfall and the age of computerized earth will begin…

But the boy is human, not computer, and can only choose his own path.

Chapter One: Birth

As most human children are born within a mother with a feeding tube attached to them to help them stay alive, a small fetus was not given these things and was actually scraped and abandoned…it was left to die.

The fetus laid in a jar full of a sticky sort of liquid, and it remained still…the heart was the only thing that could be seen. It seemed so frail, and its heart raced from time to time, but then began to slow down. Men and women in long white coats were passing it by and running around; one woman picked up the jar and ran. The woman passed by three large golden metallic columns, they were called scanners. She ran into a large room that held the supercomputer. She stared at it, gulped, and ran up to it…setting the fetus down and beginning to type away at the computer.

The fetus's heart was weakening, and the woman noted this as she typed as fast as she could. Unfortunately, not realizing the small grammar errors she was making as she typed. When she was finished, she pressed enter, and a small virtual world opened up. A man entered the room, and he immediately yelled "What is the matter with you? You cannot use that program!" The man walked up beside her, and she whined "I have to! I think this could work! Mr. Schaeffer, I know everything you made all this for…"

The man paused; Mr. Schaeffer was a man who enjoyed his privacy. The only time he said anything was either to his daughter, Aelita, his wife, Antea, or his own thoughts. "How do you know?"

"I can't explain now! It's going to die!" The woman cried, and then Mr. Schaeffer gently pushed her away so she could get up from the chair. He took her place and started to type away. He opened a few things, and then a window popped up, a map and the virtual world again. He glared at her through his glasses "This was specifically made to destroy a military project, nothing more. I do not understand what you are trying to do!" "You'll see!" The woman yelled as she picked up the container with the fetus and ran towards the scanners "It can test your theory that you've been mumbling about, start the scan!" She set the glass in a scanner and shut the door, its heart thumped slowly.

Mr. Schaeffer pressed enter and muttered tiredly to himself "Scanning the fetus now."

The woman stepped back and watched as the machine glowed. Inside, the fetus was slowly floating into the air. In the supercomputer room, a red light was blinking at the corner of the screen, Mr. Schaeffer too much in a panic to notice. But then the scan was successful. The woman opened the machine to see the object gone, and she ran back to the other scientist "Sir! It's gone!"

"It's in Lyoko!" The man smiled widely. He was so amazed, it actually worked! It worked! It could scan human life! He was a genius, he was amazing…all he needed to prove now was that computer science and technologies can raise a dying fetus…

"I'll give X.A.N.A. an order…" He said gently as he typed away at the keys. The fetus was lying in some grass, the world was like a forest like area, and there were trees, flowers, little floating islands and many other things. Birds sang from the surrounding speakers of the computer, making the little forest world seem like the perfect place to create human life.

The fetus's heart was beating ever so slowly…

Mr. Schaeffer was typing instructions and information about human life and how they live. He was explaining how humans live and grow, and how reproduction was. He also included how children were formed, how they grew in the womb and how they were fed, and how they were released into the world to grow up with the help of loving parents.

He entered it in, and suddenly a small glowing orb appeared on the screen. The orb moved itself around the fetus, and slowly took it away. Mr. Schaeffer and the woman watched and stalked X.A.N.A with their eyes as the glowing orb of light was now entering, what was now called, the stomach of Lyoko. The heart of Lyoko was made to be able to control Lyoko, for XANA to take care of the world for until they were both needed, and the stomach was simply a pit where excess trash and viruses were placed. After awhile the trash would be deleted forever.

The world of Lyoko could be claimed to be designed after a human body.

XANA let go of the child, and the container rested at the center of a large metal ring that had dark pits lying around it. They were in what appeared to be simply an area of nothingness. There was only the metal plate that XANA and the fetus were on, and then there were a few metal machine arms that seemed to reach out of the darkness, holding pitch black orbs in their claws. They would constantly appear with the orbs, throw them into the pits, then disappear only to return from the darkness again and throw them into the pits and do the same.

A glass column soon fell around the fetus, and the glass container holding the unborn child shattered. The column filled with the same liquid, and soon a thin metal arm lowered itself through the liquid and lifted the fetus to the center. The three fingered claw of the arm sank into the arm and soon became nothing but a metal tube. Then it connected itself to the fetus's stomach. It sank into the little body, and was sending gentle shocks through its frail system to get the heart beating again.

It worked.

The two scientists rejoiced when they saw the fetus's heart beating normally. They hugged and laughed happily, and a few others witnessed what had happened and started to cheer and applaud. Mr. Schaeffer bowed to them, and the woman smiled happily "See? It works! Why hide something this amazing?" Mr. Schaeffer only smiled to her, but he had a feeling that something would explain why eventually…

Everyone left, their mission was finished…so the science lab was shut down and only the computer remained on and active. Everything changed though, XANA came to a realization that it could be stronger, it could gain human intelligence and learn to control the world with the use of human beings…he would raise this fetus to be its own son…it would be his, and the child would learn his ways and help him destroy earth.


Years later, and the problem still was not realized.

A girl was walking around Lyoko quietly; her pink hair remained still as she moved in the virtual world. She had green eyes, and she seemed happy. Her name was Aelita…and though she cannot remember much about her past, she knew that someone had placed her in Lyoko for a reason…a reason unknown to her, but she knew it was important.

She heard small sighs, which was odd…since there was no life around her but herself and the plants.

She teleported from world to world, through the forests, the deserts, the mountains, everything…she heard sighing, but she could not see where it was coming from. As Aelita paused to listen within the world of ice, she also heard small noises; noises that sounded like what an infant would make when they were trying to speak.

She continued to stand still and listen, after awhile the noises stopped…and she ignored it…soon forgetting it, and a little while later everything seemed brighter. Someone spoke to her, and in a male voice. A picture of a blonde male around her age appeared, and he had glasses and light fair skin. He introduced himself as Jeremie…and they became close friends.

The distraction gave XANA more time to continue teaching his son to walk…


Months passed…and the boy aged. He was a regular human being, except for the fact that he was also half computer.

XANA taught himself of children, and how they were considered the most pure of all man and computer kind. No matter how much bad they did, they were pure innocence and meant no harm to anything or anyone…they were raised by a mother and a father, and depending on how they are raised…they are molded.

Because of the boy's innocence, Aelita and her friends could not sense the boy's presence as he remained in the stomach of Lyoko. He was born there and raised there, the toddler grew into a young boy fairly quickly, being taught to walk by metal claws, talk by gentle whispers that he could only hear, and he was taught everything a human was taught by the things there. XANA also allowed him to grow out his personality and nature, and he was not what XANA had hoped. He became a boy who got excited easily, was more into fun than learning, and he enjoyed 'hanging out with others like himself'…XANA would not allow the young boy to 'hang out' with anyone like himself, especially ones like Aelita and friends…so XANA created a clone of the young boy, and also random images of different children of earth. The young boy was happy with his new friends for awhile, talking to them and all...but they went over the same conversations over and over again…when he got bored with them, XANA destroyed them.

The boy's name was Victory…because when he got older, he would be the end of humanity and bring upon the age of robotics.


Aelita was gone from the computer, and a new male had entered…allowing Victory the ability to explore Lyoko…his mother, his earth…his home.

Victory was now, in human years, a teen of 15 years old. He explored the world of Lyoko, chatting away with his new found friend that XANA had gained control over. His name was William, and though the male didn't talk much, he was still another like himself, so Victory talked away to the male as if he was listening…and the little voice in his head, XANA, talked for William…making Victory enjoy the other male's company. It was this time when he believed William to be his best friend, and he had gained more of an interest in males than females.

XANA didn't care, he only wanted the boy to be happy and learn so that when the time was right, he would be able to control him and destroy Aelita and friends.

Victory walked with William every day basically, talking about the same things everyday. How his father was, how life was, his favorite worlds, etcetera. William only stared straight ahead as they walked and made grunts and groans in response, but besides that, a voice only Victory could hear would respond for the male, and Victory would nod in agreement.

The teen wasn't watching where he was going once…he didn't jump to reach a floating rock to the next level of the desert world…and instead of joining William, he fell. Victory laughed at this as he fell, and XANA continued to order William to hurry and catch him, only for William to miss and pass the falling boy to hit the digital abyss of nothingness first.

XANA spent his time recreating William to use him again, and Victory disappeared.

He was left in the abyss; it was dark…there was…nothing. Victory was scared, and with small whimpers and cries, his eye was first to slowly deteriorate, and his legs started to slowly get forced to turn towards each other.

XANA saved him, but Victory was left with a split personality disorder. Half of him was emotionless and cold, like William, he could easily be controlled by XANA. The other half was his normal self. It was easy to stay himself though, as long as he wasn't hit in the head by anything hard. He also had one of his legs partially pigeon toed, this did not affect his walking though…XANA disliked this set back, but he knew that it would not make him stupid, and he would remain skilled.

The male gained some abilities in the void as well, he was able to, like the female Aelita, create holographic projection wings to fly. Unlike Aelita, instead of deactivating towers, he could activate them, he could also summon machines created by XANA and even absorb powers from other objects by will…XANA knew that this boy would be a great one…

When William disappeared, he knew that it would soon be time to put his plan into action…the group would discover Victory, and feel the need to bring him out into the real world like they had done for Aelita…and then, everything will belong to XANA.