Here's the final chapter of this story. I wanted to end it on a fun, but sexy note, using a flashback sequence that I enjoy using in stories where possible. Thank you for all the great reviews and encouragement during the course of this story. Let me know what you think of this one. Gregg.
Disclaimer: I don't own, or profit from, these characters or franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Bones sat down in her office and turned on the computer, quickly going through her e-mail inbox, deleting most of the messages as she had no desire to add much more on the consulting side of her extensive work. A couple of lecture invitations looked interesting, and she would consider them after she had a chance to talk to Booth, as she was going to start taking him on all her lecture engagements. She'd discuss it with the FBI and Cullen in the next couple of days.
"SWEETIE!" Angela's enthusiastic voice came crashing into the calm office. She burst into the room and went directly to her best friend. Looking carefully at Bones, her eyes widened. "You had sex last night and again this morning!" she declared.
Bones, instead of trying to protest, or drag the fun discussion out a bit, simply smiled. "That obvious?" she prompted.
"Well let's look at the evidence," Angela replied. "First, you're two hours late for work, or at least two hours late for you. Second, you have a fresh hickey on your neck that you missed when you put on your foundation. I think that adds up to the single conclusion that you had your wicked way with a certain hot guy last night."
"Certain guy?" Bones teased a bit more.
"Oh come on, Bren," Angela whined. "Booth's the only guy you would have possibly done the horizontal Mamba with last night since you two didn't get in from London until almost midnight. I'm right, aren't I?"
Bones chuckled.
"I should just stay quiet and let you suffer," she chided good
naturedly. "But to answer your question, yes. Booth and I had sex
last night."
Angela let loose an ear splitting squeal. "Oh
Sweetie! It's about damn time!" she crowed. Then she got down to
the important stuff. "How'd it happen, and more important, how is
FBI Hottie in bed?"
Bones winced slightly at the squeal. Angela could shatter a persons ear drums with that high pitched squeal of hers.
"Booth said something in London and it bothered me, so when we got home, I decided to confront him," she explained. "About one o'clock I went to his apartment and barged in on him in the bathtub."
Angela got a wide eyed look. "AGAIN???" she demanded. She was still in awe over the last time Bren had done that, and a bit jealous. She may be with Hodgie, but the FBI stud muffin was definitely some hot eye candy for any woman.
"Uh huh," Bones nodded. "And he was wearing that silly beer hat and smoking a cigar like last time."
"Did he stand up?" Angela demanded. That had really gotten her attention a few months previously. Bren had actually gotten to see the full package!
"No," Bones sighed. "He said it wasn't a peep show," she chuckled.
"What'd he say that caused you to confront him last night?" Angela asked, now very curious about it all, and not just the sex. Her imagination was already working at a high level.
Bones shifted a bit, slightly uncomfortable now. "He said I was special," she admitted. It was nothing bad, or intensely personal by itself, but the whole situation and the emotions surrounding it were very private for both herself and Booth.
"I'm assuming it was said during a conversation about sex," Angela replied finally. It was the only reason that would make Bren uneasy about discussing what Booth had told her. Despite how much she and Bren gossiped about each other's sex lives at times, Bren had always been pretty closed mouthed about the discussions she and Booth had had about sex, usually revealing only a few minor details, but enough for a good gab session.
"Booth was upset over the fact that I had been seriously considering Ian's offer of a one night stand," Bones admitted. Angela knew about Ian already, and that she had been seriously considering the idea until Booth had become intensely displeased by the idea. Admittedly Ian had been incredibly rude to Booth and had carried on his attempts in front of him, but Booth's behavior had also been slightly beyond the pale. At least due to the fact that she and Booth had not been a couple at that point. "We were arguing about it, a bit, and he said suddenly that I was special and that no one else was."
Angela nodded, knowing how such a remark would really impact Bren. For all her brilliance, the woman seriously questioned her worth when it came to the subject of Booth. The man had been a Godsend for Bren, in Angela's opinion, as he had opened the door to the world around her so that Bren could learn what it was that everyone had been shocked to see her missing in her life. For Bren, though, it had been a very unnerving thing. She'd always convinced herself that she was not worth the effort after her parents and Russ had abandoned her. As much as Bren had reveled in Booth's devoted friendship, she had also been scared of it ending. To hear Booth say she was special would impact her deeply, and she would definitely go to him demanding an explanation.
"So what happened then?" Angela asked.
"I gave Booth five minutes to get out of the bath, put some clothes on, and then we talked," Bones replied with a small smirk on her face as she remembered the venting she'd done before he even had a chance to say anything. "I was about halfway through my raving and I had just told him that his actions and the line had confused me. He asked me why and that's when everything changed."
"How?" Angela asked. She was definitely curious now.
Bones blushed a bit, as if what she was about to say was embarrassing somehow. "I told him it was because I had fallen in love with him," she told her friend reluctantly.
Angela smiled widely. No loud squeal or small victory dance this time. "So you decided to be honest with him," she replied simply.
"I hadn't intended on telling him that, at least not last night, but I blurted it out and then after that I told him how much his line had hurt me and how completely frustrated my personal life was because of it and his jealousies," Bones told her. "I then demanded to know why he thought I was special. He told me, and I don't know how, Ange, but he made me feel as if all the things that I considered deep character flaws about myself were in fact good things."
"He made you think of yourself as a Princess," Angela grinned.
Bren almost denied such a ridiculous idea, but once she thought about it, she couldn't deny it. "He did," she admitted. It was such a little girl's way of viewing something so serious, but oddly enough it fit with all the emotions that she had felt as he had his turn to reply to her question.
"So that's when you guys went at it like greased monkeys?" Angela demanded to know. The details of the conversation could wait for another time.
Bones laughed. "Actually, we were both too tired to have sex last night, so we fell asleep in his bed," she further admitted. Then she got a thoroughly wicked look in her eyes. "But we made up for it this morning," she informed her friend. As she said it, she smiled at the memory.
Bones woke at her usual time of 5:00 am, not quite sure where she was or who she was in bed with. Then the confrontation and revelations of the night before came flooding back and she smiled. Her head was pillowed on Booth's chest, and she breathed in his intoxicatingly masculine scent, intermingled with the slight musty body odor one expects in the morning. Her hand was on his abdomen, and she lightly stroked the toned flesh, enjoying the feel of him. She could tell by the rhythmic breathing that he was still asleep. Not surprising considering that they had been talking until almost 1:45 and then had spent a small amount of time holding each other before falling asleep. Less than three hours sleep. She should be exhausted after the long flight and then the conversation afterwards, but instead she felt energized. Booth had given her something she had craved since she had lost her parents when they left her: validation. Not the accolades and recognition that come from her professional life, but, rather, the acceptance and respect from another of the qualities that make her who she is as a person. All the negative, socially depressed qualities that she'd allowed to break her down and damage her self-esteem he had told her he accepted and loved her for. It's what made her special to him. The damaged and jaded psyche that had found solace in her work, and a number of transient lovers over the years, was now able to take stock of the real world and see something worth holding onto and believing in with her heart: Booth.
Deciding that this morning she deserved, and so did he, to be able to enjoy the benefits of this newly recognized and acknowledged relationship, she moved her hand slowly down his abdomen to his morning erection, which, to her delight, was unencumbered by anything as both had slept in the nude. She hadn't thought anything of it at the time, but she mused now that perhaps both had known that this would be the result of waking up in the same bed. Running her delicate, but strong, fingers along his length, she once again was impressed at his length and girth. He would be a wonderful lover, she could already tell just from the size of him. She dipped lower and cupped his balls, rolling them around, gently taking in their size and feel. He was perfect, as she'd always suspected. She'd been very desirous of this happening ever since she'd broken in on his bath the first time several months before when he had come back from the dead. Taking a firm grasp of his shaft, she began a sturdy stroke, wanting to coax a bit more life into him, though keeping him asleep until the real fun began.
Gently throwing the blanket and sheet off of them, she slithered down until she was at eye level with his erection. Almost as if she was scrutinizing a bone fragment or other remain, she studied him carefully, committing every curve, ridge, and contour to memory. Inhaling slowly, she memorized his scent, muskier than his upper body, and deliciously masculine. She heard him moan a bit and looked to see if he was awake, but he wasn't. He must be reacting to her touch, which brought a smile to her face. Leaning in, she ran her tongue along the length of him, learning his slightly salty taste, letting her tongue swirl around the large purple head. A drop of pre-cum emerged from the tip and she lapped it up, loving the taste, and sense of power that came with it. It was time. Opening her mouth, she took him in, slowly engulfing over three quarters of his length, using her tongue to memorize him further. Her free hand continued massaging his balls. She let her head bob up and down his length, listening to him to see when he would wake and realize what was happening. A minor change in the tone of his groaning told her that he was waking up. She sped up her motion to give him a bit more to enjoy.
"Bones?" Booth managed to croak out as he realized that somehow he was in the middle of an incredible blowjob. She was the only one it could be as he had gone to bed with her the night before after that rather unbelievable conversation the night before. "Oh, God," he let out as he lifted his head and saw her head moving up and down on him.
Bones let him slip from her mouth and looked up at him. "No, just me," she teased, stroking him with her hand now, his length slick from her saliva.
"Far be it from me to complain, Bones, but isn't it a bit early for this?" he asked, having noticed the clock at his bedside reading 5:20.
"I love sex in the morning, Booth," she told him by way of reply. It was true, but she didn't often engage in it, usually reserving that for someone she was involved with for longer than a one night stand, which wasn't very often at all. Frankly, Sully was the last one that she could place in that category, but she didn't like thinking about that. "Besides, we have a lot of catching up to do," she reminded him.
Bones broke off from her memory of the morning and smiled at Angela. She decided that she didn't want to tell her best female friend how many times Booth had made love to her, or the fact that the man definitely knew how to make use of the limited space in a stand up shower stall. Add to that the fact that the man was also a master at using his tongue and fingers on a woman's body to bring her the most shattering explosions of pleasure, and Bones was very satisfied. A warmth gathered inside her as she recalled the morning and the torrid, passionate kiss he'd given her when he dropped her off at work a short time before.
"How about some details?" Angela pressed. She was eager to know just how incredible Booth was.
Bones continued to smile. "Actually, Ange, I think that should be between Booth and myself," she told her friend. She was amazed at it, though. Apparently Booth's discretion was rubbing off on her in some fashion.
"But I tell all about Hodgie and me!" Angela protested lightly. She thought it was a bit adorable that Bren was accepting Booth's attitude about privacy and personal issues, but she was also a lover of gossip, so Bren's newfound attitude was frustrating.
"I hardly think making love with Booth in his bed is the same as you and Hodgins screwing in the Cleopatra Bed in the Egyptian exhibit," Bones pointed out with an amused smile.
Angela brightened. "You know, Hodgie and I haven't done that in a while," she mused. "I think I'm going to go find him and see if he wants a quickie. Talk to you later, Sweetie!" she waved as she bounded out of Bren's office in search of her man.
"Damn," Bones huffed. "Now I'm turned on again!" She spent ten minutes trying to quell her arousal to no avail. She picked up her cell phone and hit number one on the speed dial. "Booth?" her eyes lit up on hearing his voice. She could tell he was in a meeting with Cullen. This would get his attention. "Can you come by here for an early lunch? I was thinking we could do an experiment and see how big the back of the SUV is. Maybe even see if two people could fit comfortably back there, possibly with no clothes on? What do you think?" she teased with a slight purr to her voice. She almost laughed out loud as she heard what could only be Booth falling out of his chair as he gasped in shock at her suggestion. Then she heard what he said. Her smile widened as he told her in a rapid spate of words that he'd be there in half an hour. Then he hung up. He'd done it again. He'd shown her how special she really was to him. Now if she could only get through the next half hour without going crazy from sexual frustration.
A/N: Short, and more suggestive than anything, but seems to fit with the prior three chapters. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful reviews and the encouragement to continue with this story. Let me know what you think of this one. All the best, Gregg.