Hello everyone. Update-A-Thon, day three, chapter seven, please enjoy.

Rating: T

Pairings: DeiNaru, TsutomuNaru

Warnings: Shonen-ai, like always, so if you don't like it then don't read this.

Disclaimer: As many have already guessed, I don't own Naruto. Although I do own Oimikaido Tsutomu.

Since when?

Chapter seven: Traveled

Since when had he traveled this far? He truthfully couldn't remember ever making such a trip in his life, and that was even counting the few missions he had been on years before. Really, it was beginning to bother him but he didn't complain as he was nearly to Konohagakure. Plus, if he did complain then no one would hear him, so he wouldn't do something so pointless.

Tsutomu knew that all his traveling would be worth it though, eventually. As long as he could help the Akatsuki and bring Deidara down...then his tiredness and sore legs didn't matter in the slightest.

He just had to find the jinchuriki first.


"God, now I remember why I hate traveling," Tsutomu told himself as he was granted access into Konohagakure. He began walking the streets slowly in the diming sunlight, finding the village a nice place even if it was too far away for his liking.

He quickly found an inn that gladly took his business and his money but he didn't bother resting, even though the innkeeper had told him quite a few times that he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Tsutomu just left the inn without a word, on his way to try and find something to eat, and perhaps someone that knew the jinchuriki boy.

The first place he came across that served food was the place he stopped, a place called Ichiraku Ramen. He ordered Miso ramen as he sat alone in the quiet place, feeling very comfortable even though everyone knew he was an outsider.

The moment his food was set in front of him someone else walked in, making the old man behind the counter greet the new customer. "Ah, hello Naruto! Where's that blonde you always drag in here to eat with you?"

The violet-haired man really wasn't paying all that much attention to the conversation going on as the newcomer sat down next to him just as he began to eat. "Heh, well... There was a little problem at home...again, so I made him stay home since it was his fault, again. I told him I would bring him some ramen back though!"

While Tsutomu listened to the words flowing from the stranger next to him he could only begin to wonder just why in the world he was hearing the other male talk in the first place. "Well I'll be sure to send you home with plenty of extra; I'm sure he'll be hungry!" The two shared a laugh as the male named Naruto got his ramen, just as Tsutomu finished his own.

He stood and thanked the man and his daughter before paying for his food and walking out. "Yeah, Deidara has just been..."

The green-eyed man didn't catch another word and he thanked every god that he had been listening to the other male. ...Naruto...


It was the next day before Tsutomu had a solid plan set in his mind, and by then he was well rested and no longer sore, which he was very happy about. So again he headed out to Ichiraku as it neared sunset, not actually concerned about eating today.

When he stepped into the ramen bar he immediately heard Naruto speaking and so looked up to find, thankfully, that Deidara wasn't with him today either. So after taking a deep breath he moved and sat next to the blonde, fully ready to do whatever necessary to get this boy.

"Hello there," he greeted politely, making Naruto stop eating to look over at him. "Hi," the blonde didn't sound all that enthused to be talking to him. Hmm...blue eyes just like Deidara... I wonder if it's just coincidence that he went after a blue-eyed blonde... he thought as he looked Naruto over once the younger male began eating once again, and after a moment he decided to just jump right on in and not beat around the bush.

"I'm just wondering...but are you perhaps a jinchuriki?" Naruto slowly put his chopsticks down and looked over at the stranger next to him, glaring at him a moment later. "...I've never seen you around here before... Are you with the Akatsuki?"

Do all Akatsuki members let everyone know they're Akatsuki right off the bat? Tsutomu put on a very convincing confused look as he had the thought. "Akatsuki? I've never heard of them," he said simply but Naruto's glare got icy as the teen obviously didn't believe that. "I'm from Iwa, see," he turned to the side a little to show Naruto his headband. "I'm visiting and I heard people talking the other day. You fit the description, so I thought I'd ask. I didn't mean to offend you."

It seemed that Naruto believed his story as he slowly went back to eating. "...Yeah, I am...a jinchuriki," he finally answered in between his last few bites. "Well, that's...pretty cool, I guess," Tsutomu said, more to himself. "Yeah, whatever," the blonde stood up and was about to pay for his meal but Tsutomu stopped him.

I can't have you hating me now... "Allow me," he said before handing over his own money to pay without a word.

The blonde jinchuriki walked out a moment later but the violet-haired man was close behind him. "Hey, wait!" You sure are going to be tough about this, aren't you?

To his surprise, Naruto stopped and turned around while the few people on the street walked by him without noticing him. "I never asked," he started as he stopped in front of Naruto. "What's your name?" The blonde let out a little snort, wishing that the elder would just leave him be. "Something you didn't hear from those people? Uzumaki Naruto," he said quickly, hoping that was all the elder wanted.

"Ah, okay. And I'm Oimikaido Tsutomu," he spoke the words slowly as he stared into Naruto's eyes and the blonde could see mezmerizing golden flecks glow in the green eyes. A moment later Tsutomu leaned in and kissed Naruto, purely because he felt like it and because the younger wouldn't remember.

Naruto quickly pushed the violet-haired man away. "What the hell are you doing?!" Tsutomu smirked. "Just go home to Deidara," he told the other and Naruto turned, without a word, and began walking home. "Hmm, maybe I'm getting too good at this," Tsutomu mused to himself as he followed a short distance behind the blonde to find out where he lived.


When Naruto walked into his home he shook his head, feeling a little odd. Deidara looked at him from the couch and smiled. "Hey," Naruto just nodded and it worried the elder blonde just a little, Naruto never just nodded at him. "...Are you alright, Naruto, un?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm great, Dei-kun," Naruto said after a few moments as he walked over to the couch, snuggling up to Deidara happily once he sat down. "Hey, guess what," the jinchuriki said, excitement clear on his face. Deidara smiled again, his worried feeling leaving him instantly. "What, un?"

"I made a new friend today at Ichiraku!" The Akatuski betrayer laughed as he pressed a kiss to his lover's head. "Really now? What's this friend's name, and are you going to be introducing them to me, un?"

Naruto's excitement faded quickly as he attempted to remember the other boys name. "...I... I don't remember his name... But yeah, yeah! I'll bring him over tomorrow," the younger blonde put on a fake smile as he again tried searching his memory for the violet-haired man's name.

Tsutomu stood outside the window, going quite unnoticed by Deidara and his new "friend." Okay... I take it back... I like the turn this just took. He smiled before heading back to the inn.


A/N: Okay well there is chapter seven. I hope that you like it and I hope that you review. And for people that are interested, there are links on my profile that you might wanna check out. Anyway, thank you for reading.
