"Kit? Helloooooooooo? Can you hear me!?" Boomed a voice.
"Fox? Is that you? What the hell do you want? I gotta get to the bridge." Naruto said. He had just saved Tsunami and Inari from some samurai.
"Detour kit. I sense something here that you might want to check out. Even that cyclops sensei of yours and that punk Uchiha couldn't copy." Naruto gave in and followed Kyuubi's directions. He came to the shore and to his right in the distance he could see the bridge.
"Lets hurry this up fuzzball. What exactly am I looking for?" Naruto asked as he got ready to dive into the water.
"A stone." Kyuubi's cage rocked as Naruto smacked his seal.
"A stone!? Do you know how long that's gonna take!?" Naruto was silenced when all he heard in his head was laughing. Now normally this would require yourself to check yourself into an institution, but Naruto is an exception. "What are you laughing at?"
"This will be no normal stone kit. Trust me, it'll be easy to find." Kyuubi gave exact details about the stone. "Its light blue, should be glowing and have three dog heads inscribed on it. He's a good friend of mine." Naruto dived in and swam to the bottom, he had clones searching as well, and began looking.
'Damn fox has me looking for a stone. I should be fighting on the bridge. Why'd I even do this?' Naruto thought.
"Because what you will find you can use in your fight on the bridge. Wait, I can feel it. Twenty feet to your right." Naruto went up to the surface, got more air and dived down again. On the bottom was a stone, it was large and fit in the palm on Naruto's hand. It was blue and had swirls of white and was very cold to touch. Only when Naruto was out of the water that he noticed the stone radiated frost. Naruto looked closer at the black dog head markings when the stone cracked and everything went black.
"Wake up brat."
"Hey take it easy on the kit Cerberus. You just popped out of the stone and into his head, that'll take some getting used to."
"Quiet Kyuubi. The boy is waking up. Hello there Naruto, you've had quite the experience."
Naruto looked up into the head of a large dog. Correction, his gaze kept shifting back and forth to one of the three heads. The dog was large and standing on four powerful legs. Every inch of him was covered in blue armor or ice. Naruto noticed that the blue armor was his actual body, he was made of the stuff it seemed and the ice seemed to be decorative pieces. "Whats with the ice, does it serve some purpose?"
"Kid, sometimes you just gotta go for style points." Cerberus said.
Kyuubi laughed. "If you're talking style then Aanya and her pack and Hono and his pride definitely got you beat."
"At least I wasn't foolish enough to reconfigure my body. This metal proved its worth time and again before my imprisonment inside the annoying orb." Cerberus shook and scratched his body. The area was filled with the sound a scrapping metal.
It was then Naruto got a good look at the place. They were standing on the shore of a beach, Behind them a large forest and there was also mountains. Across the water he squinted and saw more mountains, but they were white, capped with snow. "There is also a desert, jungle and a series of caves in the mountains." Kyuubi explained.
"Style points?" Naruto asked.
The two demons laughed. "You catch on fast kid. Now we'll explain to you the terms of your new abilities and a proper introduction. I am Cerberus, Guardian of hell and wielder of ice. You, Naruto, have control of my abilities."
"Kit, there are other demons sealed inside orbs like Cerberus, and some aren't so finding other beings you wish to control might prove difficult. If the demons in the orbs don't wish to be bound to you, you might have to fight them here instead of outside like others who aren't imprisoned." Kyuubi spoke.
Naruto noticed that on the center head of Cerberus that there was a large black collar. Attached to it were two chains, the third was only a half chain and slightly fading where the split occurred. They went towards the sky. Naruto looked up and say similar but reverse patterns of chain hooking onto a floating circular ring. "What is this place."
"Your mind kid. Now, some will offer techniques, others weapons, some body augmentations such as wings if you happen to obtain a bird demon. But most of all you can control a demon by linking via chains." Cerberus allowed Naruto to climb onto his back. Once he had a good position and large bracelet like stone object covered his right forearm. A ring was hooked to it and attached to the ring were three chains, one for each head of Cerberus. They started at an average chain size and progressively got large until they reached collars around Cerberus' necks. "You are a Demon Lord now, Naruto. We offer you our services."
"Now kit. Don't you have a bridge to get to?" Kyuubi chuckled at Naruto's face. It was full of panic.
"Shit. Lets go Cerberus!" Naruto pulled his arm back and Cerberus reigned and roared. "One thing. How the hell do I get out of here?"
"Just wake up." The place slowly faded into darkness.
Naruto woke up on the back of Cerberus. "Alright. Cerberus, to that bridge."
"We're connected by the chain so you could just think commands and I'll know them." Cerberus took off at a light jog.
Kakashi stared at Zabuza "This fight ends here." He gripped his right arm with his left hand and started his attack. Soon he held lightning in his palm. He charged, looking to end it. He thrust his arm forward into his target.
"Haku?" Zabuza gasped.
Scratch that, not his target. The boy had appeared to take the attack for Zabuza. He had left the Uchiha in a death like state using senbon after he awakened his sharingan and was about to attack the pink haired girl when Kakashi formed the chidori.
Kakashi pulled out his arm and Haku slumped to the ground, dead.
"Is this what I paid for? You're pathetic Zabuza." A new voice entered the scene. "Looks like your tool didn't make it. Seems like I need to take things into my own hands." A short, fat man stood at the unfinished end of the bridge surrounded by a large group of mercenaries.
"Kakashi. I no longer have any quarrel with you. Allow me to have first go at these bastards." Zabuza turned to face the new arrivals.
"Here, use this." Kakashi tossed Zabuza a kunai and he caught it in his teeth. He took of into the crowd killing anyone who got in his way. Finally he got to his target and plunged the knife into the Gato's throat. Soon he had weapons stuck in his back as Gato fell backwards off the bridge.
"He killed our meal ticket!" Someone shouted.
"Your meal isn't what you should be worried about." The group turned to see a large three headed dog. "Cerberus! Freezing Howl!" All three heads opened the mouths and, howled. A large gust of wind froze the entire crowd. Cerberus raised his front paw and slammed it on the bridge effectively cracking the frozen bodies. "That takes care of that."
Naruto stepped onto the bridge followed by a now smaller version of Cerberus. He knelt down by Zabuza. "Oi, you couldn't have waited another thirty seconds? I would've taken care of him."
"I wanted to take care of him myself. If death is my end result, then so be it." Zabuza said.
"I understand. Very noble of a demon." The two laughed.
"Kid what is that thing following you?" Zabuza asked.
"This is Cerberus. He's a real demon that I have under my control. There are more that I'll need to find." Naruto answered.
"Then you'll need a decent weapon. Take my sword when you leave. It served me well, now its yours." Zabuza coughed. "In my hideout there are some scrolls that might prove useful to you. Also, I want you to have my bounty."
"After you die Zabuza. I won't be the one to kill you." Naruto said.
"Very well. Now do me a favor, take me to Haku." Naruto complied and carried Zabuza over to Haku's fallen body. Zabuza said some things, but Naruto couldn't hear. He was now answering questions from a jealous Uchiha, his annoying follower. Kakashi stood off to the side talking to Tazuna.
"Dobe, what is that?" Sasuke pointed to Cerberus.
"This is my new partner Cerberus. I found him and he agreed to let me control him in battle." The chains broke and Cerberus vanished back into Naruto's mind. 'Everything ok in there?'
"Hey kid you should see Kyuubi. He put his old gear on. He's now metal like me." Cerberus said.
"Quiet you. Naruto, we'll work on getting me out some other time. For now you need to get those scrolls Zabuza mentioned, his sword, and his head." Kyuubi ordered
"Hey kid. I have no weapons, techniques, or augmentations to bestow upon you. If you'll allow it I can transform that sword into something more fitting. What say you?" Cerberus asked.
'Sounds good.' Naruto turned back to Zabuza, who now lay motionless. Naruto allowed a single tear to fall. True Zabuza was an enemy, but it was unfortunate circumstances that they had to fight. "Excuse me." Naruto left the other two genin and went to Zabuza's sword and placed it on his back. He then went over to his body and using the sword removed his head for the bounty.
"Tough career ain't it kid?" Tazuna had come over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Maybe once I retire I'll build bridges." The two laughed.
"You did a good thing, those thugs would have trashed the village." Tazuna said.
"Thats not the thing. I would have done that regardless." Now Naruto let his mask drop. He was getting serious.
'Serious Naruto + new demonic abilities = get the fuck out of his way.' Kakashi thought as he observed Naruto. Naruto shed his orange jacket and tossed it over the side of the bridge.
"Good riddance to that. I don't know why I bought that. I'll have to get rid of the pants later." Naruto and Tazuna chuckled.
"Naruto, I'll seal Zabuza's head in a scroll for you. Don't want to be carrying it around all day do you?" kakashi pulled out an empty scroll and actually explained sealing to Naruto.
"Yes, well then lets go back to my place. We've all had a taxing day." Tazuna said.
"You guys go. I'm going to give these two a proper burial." Naruto picked up the bodies and left.
Naruto knelt in front of the graves. The claymore laid out infront of him. "From the frozen gates of hell you rise. Cerberus!" A large piece ice rose from the ground and shattered revealing Cerberus.
"Lets do this." Cerberus lowered his heads and breathed on the sword. His breath came out as frost so thick Naruto couldn't see the sword until it was done.
Now laying there wasn't the silver steel sword. The swords handle remained unchanged but it was now black connect to a rod that progressively got bigger to hold five large triangular pieces of ice on one side. The sword was about as tall as Naruto. "There. Fitting of the Ice demon."
"Lets head back." Naruto stood up, placed the sword on his back and left. Only sparring one last look at the graves for the rest of the day.
The next day Naruto sent clones to look for the hideout while he spent time on the bridge. They found it in about an hour. Jutsu scrolls along with sword techniques and some money Zabuza had collected were all sealed inside another scroll.
The bridge was now finished and team seven were saying their goodbyes. The entire village was there to see them off, mostly because of Naruto. Word spread how he took out the entire group of bandits. After Zabuza got to Gato. Naruto had to give Zabuza credit, it wasn't much but still.
"So what do we name the bridge Tazuna?" Someone in the crowd asked after the ninja left.
"We'll name it after one showed that even though you might be just one, you can beat many. It'll be called the Great Naruto Bridge." Everyone cheered.
Naruto and group were currently walking back to Konoha. Well everyone else was walking, Naruto was resting on Cerberus' back half asleep. Seeing Naruto and Cerberus made Sasuke angry. "Kakashi-sensei?"
"Yes Sakura?" Kakashi lowered his book.
Sakura, convinced Naruto was asleep, spoke. "Why don't you make Naruto Cerberus to Sasuke? Surely he can use it better than Naruto."
Cerberus growled. "You try giving me to that stupid Uchiha and I'll destroy you, got it 'Copy-nin'? Besides why would I want to go with that little punk?"
Sakura then went into a rant about how great Sasuke is. "Ignore her Cerberus." 'God what did I ever see in her.'
"Glad your waking up to that kit. Though that other blonde wasn't to bad. True she worshiped the Uchiha as well, she At least didn't hit you or make fun of you. What was her name?" Kyuubi spoke up.
'You mean Ino?' Naruto asked.
"Yes thats right, the mind walker." Kyuubi said. Content now that he got the information he didn't have.
"Oi, oi. I like were this is going. What do you think kid, you going to switch targets?" Cerberus asked.
'I don't think so. She's to hung up on Sasuke. Always talking about how great he is and shit like that. Everything is always about him. I don't understand it though.' Naruto let out a sigh.
"So you'll just have to change her mind. With us and the other orbs and demons you have to collect you will put that Uchiha in his place." Cerberus roar in agreement with Kyuubi.
'Thanks fox, I didn't know you cared.' Naruto laughed.
"And thats why Sasuke is the greatest." Sakura finished.
"I'm sorry Sakura did you say something?" Naruto asked.
"Interesting report Kakashi." Team seven was standing infront of the Hokage. Cerberus, the size of a puppy, sat on the desk looking innocent and wagging his tail. Naruto was trying, and failing miserably, to hold in his laughter at the dog. "So Naruto you went and got yourself a three headed pet."
Cerberus growled. "I am not a pet old man."
"It talks." Hiruzen raised an eyebrow.
"That and more old man. I am Naruto's partner in combat. I can grow so large I can easily knock over this tower." Naruto yanked Cerberus off the desk. "Not that I would of course." Naruto loosened his grip on the chain allowing Cerberus back on the desk.
"Very well then. You all shall be getting paid for an A-rank mission and Naruto you'll have the bounty for Zabuza included in your pay. A shame you changed the sword. Kiri would have liked that back as well."
"We all have to make sacrifices. Kiri will just have to live on without their sword." Naruto said. Cerberus got off the desk and returned to Naruto's side before leaving to his mind.
"Naruto, are there more of those?" Hiruzen asked.
"Yes. Though only I can access their powers seeing as only I have a means of finding and communicating with them." Naruto explained.
"Yes well see me after your team meets tomorrow. Now you are all dismissed. Get some well deserved rest." Team seven bowed and left.
Naruto raised his hand trying to keep the sun out his eyes. After five minutes he gave up and got out of bed. He went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, put on his clothes and got some breakfast before leaving. He tied his forehead protector around his right arm and set out for the training ground.
On the way he passed a wandering team ten. "Naruto?"
"Oh Ino, good morning. Shikamaru Chouji. How are you guys?" Naruto asked.
"Fine I guess. Honestly though I didn't recognize you without that hideous jacket Naruto." Ino said.
"Yeah I don't know what was going through my head at the time. I just need to replace the pants after my team meeting and seeing the hokage real quick." Naruto gave her his fox like grin.
"So whats it like being on a team with Sasuke-kun?" She asked, stars in her eyes.
"I ignore the bastard whenever I can. Not much going on really. He doesn't talk, doesn't want to work as a team. Could care less really. That attitude is going to get him killed and when it does you won't see me crying about it." Naruto crossed his arms and scowled. "Good riddance I'll say."
"How could you say that Naruto-baka!?" Ino yelled.
"Oh sure, yell at the guy who speaks the truth." Naruto said sternly. "And if I'm and idiot, how'd I get clones behind you without you three noticing?" Team ten turned around to see three clones standing there. "Uchiha isn't that great. Even with those eyes of his he'll never be able to copy my abilities. Sharingan is useless against me."
"What abilities?" Ino taunted.
"Thats for me to know and for you three to fear. Excuse me, I'm going to be late." Naruto left leaving a stunned team ten.
"What do you think of that Shikamaru?" Chouji asked between bites of chips.
"Naruto has changed. He is a lot more dangerous than we thought. And here I thought we might have had an easy time against his team in the exams, despite Sasuke." Shikamaru said. "Troublesome blonde."
"Naruto you're late!" Screeched Sakura.
"So? Kakashi-sensei ain't here yet." Naruto said. Sakura was about to hit him when Kakashi showed up.
"Ok everyone here? Good. I just want you to know that the chunin exams are a month from now and I signed you all up. So for the next month you all will be training individually." Kakashi told them what to focus on most. For Naruto it was just chakra control and everyone else got further instructions. "Sasuke you will train with me. Now then, thats it I suppose."
'Even with my new abilities he still favors Sasuke. Can't wait til the exams where we show him up.' Naruto only received roars from Cerberus and Kyuubi. 'Glad you two agree.' Naruto didn't think about the meeting anymore, it wasn't important to him. He arrived at the tower like he was instructed and knocked on the door.
"Come in." Naruto entered. "Good Naruto, right on time. Now lets get to business, you only have a month and we don't want to waste any time. I've been thinking since our debrief yesterday, do either of your 'friends' now any locations of the other demons?"
"They have an idea. But if we're close we could more accurately pinpoint locations. They give off an energy either Cerberus or Kyuubi will be able to sense." Naruto explained.
"I see. No doubt you probably want to get a few of them before the exams start." Naruto nodded. "Fine then. Hayate would you come in please." The door opened to reveal a ninja wearing standard jounin equipment and on his back was a sword. "I can't have you roaming around the countries unsupervised. Hayate, Naruto, this will be an A-rank mission for both of you."
"I expect us to be collecting bounties while we're gone. Is that acceptable Hayate-san?" Naruto asked.
"Very well. We leave in two hours. I have been briefed on what we're looking for by the Hokage." Naruto nodded and left.
"Teach him the body flicker while you two are away.." Hayate nodded and left the office.
Naruto quickly performed a henge on himself and entered a clothing store and bought a pair of black fingerless gloves, black baggy pants and black shoes and restocked on equipment such as scrolls, kunai, shuriken. He bought a pair of tanto he kept on his lower back. In an ally he burned his orange gear.
He went back to his apartment, grabbed his sword and put it on his back, sealed some food and money into a scroll and put it in his right pocket. He exited, not wanting to stick around in his small home.
"Naruto-san. Right on time." Hayate said.
"We're wasting time lets go." Naruto left the village quickly. 'One month thats not enough time to cover any sort of ground to search for these things.' Naruto complained to himself.
It was three days before anyone noticed Naruto had left. It was Ino who noticed first as the rookie teams were all gathered at a training field. "Where is Kakashi sensei and Sasuke?" Sakura muttered. She stopped when a swirl of leaves showed the two.
"Naruto's not here either. I've been looking for him after our last conversation." Ino said. "He said something about new abilities. Yeah right."
"Kakashi looked up from his book. "Naruto left the village to train for the upcoming exam with Hayate, Konoha's sword master."
Team seven, minus Naruto, stood before the Hokage. "Now I want you all to know Naruto left to train for the month. I want none of you to mention his new abilities to anyone. Or I'll allow him to demonstrate to any disbelievers on you. Understood?" Hiruzen got three nods. "Good."
End Flashback
"I can't say anything. Only that Naruto wasn't lying." Kakashi returned to his book.
"So the sharingan really is useless in a fight against Naruto." Ino said, earning a laugh from everyone else.
Somewhere, halfway up a mountain, Naruto sneezed. 'I think someone is talking about me.'
"Wonder if its that blonde?" Kyuubi asked.
'Who knows.' "Got it!" Naruto held up a yellow orb.
Back in Konoha everyone finished laughing. "Something like that is impossible. Unless he had a bloodline, which he doesn't."
"The dobe is going to be a failure not matter how much training he gets." Kiba laughed again.
"Kiba, don't underestimate Naruto. You didn't see the look in his eyes. They were cold, filled with danger." Chouji said.
"It happened after he killed all those bandits in one shot." Kakashi said. He ignored their looks only to say, "Sorry, can't talk about it. But you'll see it during the exams."
The month finally ended. The Konoha genin were ready to take the exams. Here we find one standing before the Hokage. "So Naruto, everything went well it seems."
"Yes. My assumption was wrong, we were able to gather plenty of ground and collect quite a few heads." Naruto placed a scroll on the desk. "See to it that the bounties are divided equally and put into our accounts."
"It'll be done by the time you finish part one of your exam. It starts in three hours. Now I wouldn't go to your apartment, seeing as its not there anymore." Hiruzen had a look of sadness. "Some of the villagers got a little overzealous."
"It doesn't matter. I'll purchase a new place after the exam." Naruto said.
"Very well. Hayate and Naruto mission success." The two bowed and left in a cloud of smoke to reappear on a rooftop five buildings away from the tower.
"Well Naruto I should see you sometime after the second exam to help you train." The two shook hands. "Give'em hell kid."
Naruto was making his way to the academy where he was going to take his exam after putting any left over money from his trip into his account and gorging himself on the ramen he missed out on over the month. "Put him down please?" Naruto was fortunate to stumble upon a Suna nin holding up Konohamaru.
"Put him down!" Naruto ordered. He starred at the black clad genin and the blonde girl behind him. The girl blushed at the sight of Naruto. He didn't have a shirt as his old one was torn to shreds in the many spars he had with Hayate.
"So another brat wants to play? Fine by me." He pulled a wrapped object off his back.
"Kankuro, you're going to use that? What if Gaara shows up?" The blonde seemed worried.
"Don't worry he won't know. Besides this will only take a sec-" Kankuro couldn't finish his sentence as Naruto was behind him with a tanto to his back and another to his throat.
"Now this is the part where I'd kill you, but your friend in the tree seems to want to do that." True enough in a tree stood a red haired boy with a large gourd on his back. With a swirl of sand he was standing next to Naruto who had sheathed his tantos. "Keep an eye on your teammate. He was dumb enough to almost start a war."
"Kankuro, next time I'll let him kill you." Kankuro had a look of shock on his face, mostly from how quickly Naruto got behind him. "Lets go."
"Wait, whats your name?" Naruto asked.
"M-me?" Temari stuttered and pointed to herself.
"Sorry, but I got my eye on another blonde. I'm asking sandy over here." Naruto said.
"They call me Gaara of the Desert and you've met my siblings Kankuro and Temari. And you?" Gaara asked.
"Naruto Uzamaki. Recently I've been dubbed in the Bingo Book as Demon Lord Uzamaki." Naruto crossed his arms.
"Interesting title. I hope you live up to that in the exams." Gaara ordered his siblings and they left.
"Come out Sasuke." Naruto said. "We're going to be late if you keep sitting in the tree." Naruto turned to face the others.
"Boss that was so cool!" Konohamaru cheered.
"It was nothing really." Naruto smiled as he watched Konohamaru, along with Moegi and Udon praise him. "Run along you guys I gotta go do something important."
"Alright boss. You gonna become a chunin?" Konohamaru asked.
"Hell yeah. Told you, I'm gonna be hokage." Naruto shooed the three kids away, in a brotherly sort of way. "Lets go." He ordered the other two.
Team 7 entered the academy and maybe their way upstairs. On the second floor they stopped by a large group of genin outside the door. Naruto just ignored them and left. It was easy to tell it was a genjutsu, if you knew how to count to three that is. He approached room 301 and noticed jounin instructors standing outside. "Naruto?"
"See any other blonds with whisker marks? Oh shit I forgot you only use one eye." Naruto suppressed his laugh.
"Very funny Naruto." Asuma chuckled so did the other jounins.
"I got more if you want to hear them." Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out a list, but he never got a chance to read off it as Kakashi swiped it away.
"That enough Naruto." Kakashi looked at him sternly atleast Naruto thought. He couldn't tell with the mask and lowered forehead protector. "Where is Sasuke and Sakura?"
"Like I care where the emo and his bitch are." Naruto leaned twisted his upper body right, then left resulting in a few cracks. "Wait, they're coming this way." Sasuke and Sakura rounded the corner, Sasuke with a few bruises and Sakura fawning over him. "Aw shit, I wanted to be the one to kick your ass."
"Like you could dobe." Sasuke snarled.
"Yeah." Naruto cracked his knuckles. "Don't blink or you might miss it." Naruto said to the crowed of jounin instructors who really wanted the fight to break out.
"Naruto! Thats enough." Naruto slowly unclenched his fists and turned back to face Kakashi ignoring the glaring Sasuke. "I don't know whats gotten into you Naruto but you need to stop it."
"Whatever." Naruto pushed his way past Kakashi and into the exam room.
"Seems like they boy has changed a lot. Part two and three should be interesting." Asuma lit a cigarette.
"Yes, well, you two should be going in then." Kakashi stood aside allowing the remaining members of team 7 to go through.
"Hm, I don't see that many strong opponents here." Naruto muttered. He looked into the crowd and spotted Gaara and smirked. Gaara smirked as well and the two nodded to each other.
"Sasuke!" Naruto covered his ears.
"God damn it!" Naruto cursed.
"Get off him Ino-pig!" Sakura yelled.
"Buzz off forehead!" Ino yelled back.
"Will you two shut the hell up!?" Naruto yelled at them releasing killer intent. The entire room visibly shuddered at the amount.
"Naruto?" Gaped Ino. She took in the sight. Red slitted eyes in a hard stare. Well formed muscles. He didn't have a forehead protector on, letting his hair go wild. Around his neck was a silver chain with dog tags. One had the Konoha symbol on either side and the other had writing which read 'Come face your demons' on both sides. He still had on baggy black pants and black shoes. On his left thigh was two scrolls, one labeled trophies and the other bounties, and on his right thigh was the standard kunai holster. He had two weapon pouches on his waist. The tantos were still on his lower back.
"See you haven't changed in the last month. Shame really." He turned around showing his back, which was tattooed of an orange nine tailed fox encircling a black orb and about to swallow it. The orb had a small white flame.
"You guys should really keep it down. You're attracting a lot of attention to yourselves." O silver haired genin approached the nine. "You guys are fresh out of the academy. Maybe I can help you out."
"And why would you be willing to help us?" Naruto asked.
"We Konoha shinobi need to stick together. The names Kabuto, and I have all kinds of information." Kabuto brought out a deck of cards. "Even info on any person in this room. So who do you want to know about?"
"Gaara of the Desert and Rock Lee." Sasuke said.
"Rock Lee. Now there's a name I haven't heard in awhile. Excuse me." Naruto disappeared into the crowd.
"Ok, first is Rock Lee. This is weird, he has no ninjutsu or genjutsu abilities. His team mates are Neji Hyuuga and Tenten. Jounin Instructor is Maito Gai. Pretty average mission record for genin." Kabuto applied chakra to the other card. "Gaara of the Desert. His teammates are his siblings Temari and Kankuro. But get this, he's never been injured on a mission."
"Oi, Rock Lee. Where you at?" Naruto called.
"Yosh Naruto! I thought I saw that mop of blonde hair downstairs." The two genin shook hands.
"Speaking of hair. What the fuck happened to yours? You lose a bet?" Naruto pulled Lee into a headlock. "Seriously what the hell? And where are the other two?"
"Naruto!" Tenten pulled the blond into a hug. "I can't believe you're finally a genin."
"Tenten-nee!" Naruto coughed. "Can't breath!"
"Sorry. Just can't believe this is the kid I saved from angry girls you pulled pranks on." Tenten laughed.
"Thanks again for all those times." Naruto smiled.
"Naruto, shouldn't you be with your team?" Neji asked joining the trio.
"Some team. An emo and a screaming banshee fangirl. But I guess you're right Neji. Its great to see you guys again." He turned to go back. "One thing thought." He looked over his shoulder. "I won't hold back."
"What about Naruto Uzamaki?" Ino was shocked she was asking that.
"Very well." Kabuto pulled out a card. "Naruto Uzamaki. Also known as Demon Lord Uza-" A kunai pinned the card to the wall.
"If you wanted to knew my secrets Ino I would have told you them. Probably over dinner but thats just my preference." Naruto pulled the kunai out of the wall and then ripped the card into pieces.
"Are you asking me out?" She asked.
"I don't know, would you say yes if I was?" Naruto waited for her answer. Unfortunately some Oto-nins made a move. One threw kunai at Kabuto who easily jumped backwards to dodge. Then a bandaged genin appeared, swinging his right arm. Kabuto was going to dodge when a chain wrapped itself around the genin's arm.
"Naruto-san?" Kabuto spoke surprised.
"You said it yourself right? Konoha shinobi need to stick together." Naruto grinned. "But that isn't important right now."
"You got some skills kid. You might be on oar with the Uchiha." Naruto growled and yanked the chain dragging the Oto genin to him. He reached down and grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him into the air.
"Don't ever compare me to Sasuke again. It is both an insult to my intelligence and my abilities." Naruto threw the other boy into the chalkboard in the front of the room and it cracked on impact.
"There will be no fighting unless instructed! Understood!?" A scarred man had his hand on Naruto's shoulder.
"Yeah, understood." Naruto gave the boy's teammates a hard glare and they merged back into the crown to get to their other team member.
"Save it for round two Naruto." The jounin patted him on the head.
"Don't you have a job to do Ibiki?" Naruto asked.
"Thats right I do don't I? Alright brats listen up!" Ibiki shouted. Naruto's full attention was on Ibiki as he explained the exam. He had pulled a little trick with the random drawing and ended up sitting next to Ino.
"Bet I'll finish before you." He taunted her.
"Yeah right." Ino scoffed.
"Tell you what. If I do finish before you allow me to take you out to dinner. And if you finish before me, well I'm sure you could think of some form of payment I could give you." Naruto chuckled.
"Alright sounds good." Ino said.
"Ok then. Begin!"
Well what do you think?