A/N: I want to thank Twisted Puppy for her amazing beta work. *Thank You, You totally Rock!!*

I also want to thank all of you for being patient with me and for the great reviews. You all Rock too!!

Disclaimer: Remember this is A/U and all mine; anything is possible. Can you just smell the smoke coming out of my ears? *grabs head* too many ideas, head going to explode, LoL. By the way, I don't own anything, yadda…yadda…yadda; I do wish I did though. Wouldn't that be fun? Oh yeah…like we all wouldn't have fun if we did. Lol.

Epilogue for Carnival.

8 months later

Sara's spirits soared as she was led down the aisle. Grissom was waiting for her dressed to the nines; he was her knight. A white tux and a navy blue silk button dress shirt; they had tried a cummerbund but it didn't look right and a red rose pinned on the left side of his lapel.

Grissom's breath stopped the moment the doors opened. She was absolutely breath taking. She was wearing a navy blue silk dress that matched Grissom's shirt perfectly. Her hair was pinned up and the crown of her veil was made with roses. She was an angel and her rounded belly made his heart almost burst. My family! He smiled at her and she was beaming back up at him

She wanted to wait to get married until the baby came, but he didn't want the baby born out of wedlock. They took care of all the arrangements; the florist, the chapel, the minister, the caterer, the honeymoon plans, the invitations, the guest list, and all that good stuff.

"Who gives this woman away?" The minister's voice was loud and echoed throughout the church when she finally reached her destination. The man of her dreams is now her reality.

"That would be me." Came the deep voice beside her. James Brass was his name. He was a stocky man; he could've been a boxer or weight-lifter in his younger years. He's very kind, funny and such a sweetheart. He was one of Grissom's best friends and; not at all what Sara though he would be. When she had first met him, she immediately saw why Gil liked him so much. Jim gave Gil Sara's arm and went to stand beside him.

"Sara, are you ready for this?" Gil whispered facing her. Her eyes glowed with excitement for their future and with the love of her family to be.

"I always am with you, Gil." She rubbed her bulging belly. "I always am." Sara whispered back with a smile.

"Dearly beloved…" The minister began the ceremony.

They had picked out simple solid gold bands. The rings resembled their love and starting a life together. A ring exists without a beginning or an end in sight; solid, steady, pure and true.

Gil placed a two-toned solid gold band on Sara's finger and when it was her turn, Sara did the same. Sara had met a lot of his family, friends and some work colleagues since accepting his proposal. There was one of his co-workers, a man by the name of Conrad Ecklie that had astonished her with the fact that he had made it to adulthood alive. It was no wonder he only went to brothel's or whore houses. Every time he opened his mouth a snide remark about someone would come out. Why Gil ever went on vacation with him in the first place was beyond her.

"Well…that was an interesting wedding." Conrad was standing close to Gil and Sara at the buffet table. "Where do you guys plan on going for your honeymoon?" He picked up a drink. "And when's your little one due?" Sara looked at Gil and they both smiled.

"We actually plan on staying here for our honeymoon because our baby is due any...Oh, God!" Sara gripped her stomach, as a contraction ripped through her and rocked forward. Her face was turning slightly red.

"Sara, are you alright?" Gil's voice was trembling from his nerves and he was looking around the room; hoping to find his mother or Jim even. Sara tried to straighten up.

"I…I…Uh oh," Sara's reached for Gil's hand and probably breaking it in the process, shuddering with another contraction. Conrad looked down and then jumped back suddenly.

"My shoes! I can't believe you peed on my shoes!" Conrad yelled, startling everyone around them.

"I've heard of bladder leakage, but this is…" He was stepping back as fast as he could from the puddle that had formed. Conrad ended up slipping and falling backwards onto the floor.

"Her water broke, dumb ass." Laughter burst through out the banquet hall at Jim's comment. Melody was frantic; running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Jim rushed to Gil's side and asked what needed to be done. Mary Sue Grissom, Gil's mom, rushed to Sara's side, firmly took her other arm told Jim to get the car, and began to walk the newlyweds towards the exit.

"Come on Gil. We've got to get Sara to the hospital right away." His mother called from the car, making sure to get Sara situated. Gil snapped out of his fog and climbed into the back with Sara. Jim jumped into the driver's seat and Mary in the passenger's seat. Melody had calmed down, promising to stay behind and take care of everything.

They made it to the hospital in record time and checked her in quickly. Sara was in pain and didn't care who she took it out on. She grabbed Gil by his lapels and was nose to nose with him.

"By the love of all…" She gripped harder as a contraction rippled through her body again; they were five minutes apart and becoming more persistent. "If you even think about laying a hand on me again," She took a deep breath. "You'll be my new science project. I'll lay you flat on your back and castrate you with my bare…" She cried out in agony and snapped.

"Get out! All of you leave me the hell alone!" Sara looked like an angry bull; her nostrils were flaring, her eyes were slammed shut and her face was red. Mary rushed to her side and placed a wet, cold wash cloth across her face; Sara moaned with pleasure. Mary then turned to her son and gave him a small smile.

"Why don't you and Jim go get some coffee?" Gil looked at Sara then his mom and back again. "Now don't you worry one bit, I'll be sure to call if anything changes." She removed the wash cloth, soaked it again and then replied it to her face. "We could be here for a while or it could come fairly quick." With her explanation, both men left to find coffee.

No sooner where they in the cafeteria, with coffee in hand, did Gil get paged back to Sara's room. He dropped his coffee and took off running; bumping into a security guard along the way and mumbling his apologies down the hospital hall.

"What…happened?" He gasped. "Is…she alright?" Gil was still panting, from running up the stairs, because the elevator was taking too damn long. He looked from one woman to the other. Sara smiled brightly and her eyes were glassy.

"Honey, you're back." She sighed and held her arms wide open. He walked over to her, his eyes wide as she embraced him in a big hug.

"I've missed you so much." He looked over her shoulder and seen his mom mouthing 'drugs' and laughing. Then Sara's shoulders started to shake. He pulled back and seen tears running down her face.

"Bella, don't cry honey." He wiped her tears with his thumbs. "Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

"It's… not that." She sniffled. "I didn't mean to yell at you. I…I…I don't know." Tears were now flowing freely down her flushed cheeks. He tried his best to sooth her and calm her down. She ended up falling into a restless sleep.

He gazed up at his mom, then back to his wife. Life was so much better than he ever thought possible, but he was pretty clueless at the moment. He didn't want Sara to hurt or be in pain; thank God for the drugs. He caressed her cheek and she smiled in her sleep. Jim walked in with a bouquet of flowers, daisy's to be precise, and a balloon.

"So…how's she doing?" Gil looked down at his wife and smiled.

"She's better now that she's got something for the pain." He sighed. "I feel so helpless. I mean how can I help her, if I don't know what to do?" He rubbed his temples.

"It shouldn't take much longer." Gil snapped his head up; startled at his mother's voice. Mary smiled at her son. "That's the reason I paged you, my dear son. Her doctor came in, after the anesthesiologist had administered her epidural and checked her dilatation. He said that she was progressing nicely and he'd be back in within the next two hours," Mary looked up and the clock. "which should be fairly soon." Gil nodded and Jim sipped on his coffee.

About an hour and a half later, Sara woke up groggy and slightly disoriented.

"Gil?" Her eyes were still closed and she felt someone grab her hand.

"I'm right here Sara." She opened her eyes and giggled. His hair was a total mess, his clothes were rumpled and she could feel the tension in his body. "What's wrong Bella?"

"Nothing….nothing at all." She sighed and then winced. "Actually," She looked around the room, and noticed her mother-in-law and Jim. "I'm feeling a little pressure in my abdomen. Has my doctor come back yet?"

Gil opened his mouth to answer her; when there was a knock at the door. A tall, middle aged man with glasses came in.

"Hello, Sara." He looked up from his chart and gave everyone a nod and polite smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Hello, Dr. O'Neal, I'm okay so far." She got a stern look from Gil and sighed. "I'm a little tired, I feel pressure in my lower abdomen and it also feels like I have to use the bathroom." She looked at everyone's face. The doctor and Mary smiled, while Gil expression didn't waver and Jim just looked confused.

"Nobody needs to worry, that is perfectly normal." He slid the chart on the roll away table. "Now if everyone would be so kind to leave; I need to check and see how far along Sara is." Gil went to stand and Sara grabbed his hand.

"Please don't leave me." There was uncertainty in her voice. He nodded and sat back down; Mary and Jim left the room silently.

The doctor situated her feet in the stirrups and adjusted her gown. She kept eye contact with Gil during the exam. Dr. O'Neal snapped off his gloves and threw them in the garbage.

"Well we've got some good news." He made sure to get their attention before continuing on. "You are dilated to a nine. I'll call in a nurse; have her start preparing and getting things in order." He smiled at Gil and Sara. "In my opinion, it shouldn't be much longer." Dr. O'Neal stood up and couldn't help but smile at the couples loving embrace as he left the room to get ready.

Mary and Jim walked back in the room, just as Gil was covering her back up.

"Your doctor told us it shouldn't be much longer." Mary kept her voice soothing and calm, but her eyes twinkled with excitement for her first grandbaby. She couldn't wait to see what it was; Sara and Gil decided they wanted it to be a surprise. As long as the baby's healthy and happy; that's all they cared about, they also picked out names for both.

"So, are you both ready for this?" Jim asked them both. Gil and Sara smiled.

"Yes." "Absolutely." They answered at the same time. Some of the nursing staff came in with equipment for the delivery; hospital bassinet, a respirator just in case, incubator, and much more. Then the Dr. O'Neal walked in with a smile.

"So who's going to be staying and who's going to be going?" He looked from person to person. Jim stood up, gave Sara a kiss on the cheek, Gil a pat on the back, and left the room. He checked Sara again, noting she was finally at ten centimeters.

The nurses were prepping and dropped the end of the bed out from under Sara's ass, stopped her epidural intake, and asked Gil and Mary if they wanted to help hold her legs.

"I feel like I'm about to fall." She sighed and tried to get comfortable. "I know I'm not…but still." She looked up in time to see her Dr. O'Neal crouch down into his position. She felt a slight pinch and winced. He peered at her from between her open legs. Such an intimate act; it felt so odd to see someone other than Gil down there.

"Ok Sara. I want you to try and push with the next contraction." He waited for her answer.

"Alright." She said and nodded.

"Great and when you do…you'll need to bear-down and hold it for ten second intervals with every contraction, okay?" He asked and waited again.

"I can do that." She smiled and gave a little nod; still a bit nervous. Gil felt nervous, scared, excited and out-of-place; so many 'what ifs' running through his mind. What if the baby gets stuck? What if Sara can't push anymore? What if… He felt pain in his hand and looked towards the source. Next, he looked at Sara and watched her face turn red from pushing.

"That's it Sara. Keep it up, you're doing great." Gil looked at the doctor, then at his mom. His mom had a smile on her face and her eyes were wide and watery. The two women he loved most were together in one room, waiting for a miracle to be born. He was happy and waited for the baby just like everyone else in the room.

"Ohgod!" Sara huffed and strained. Who would've thought it would be this hard?

"I can see the head." Dr. O'Neal looked up again. "You're doing great, but you need to keep pushing Sara."

It felt like a life-time, but in reality it was an hour later.

"Okay Sara, stop pushing for a minute." Dr. O'Neal said. "The head is clear and I need to clear out the nose and mouth." Sara nodded and fell back against the bed. Gil leaned over and kissed her blotchy face.

"I love you, honey." He had unleashed tears in his eyes. She looked up tired and drained, but wore a loving smile. His mom placed a wet wash cloth on her forehead and wiped her face down.

"I love you too. Now I know why they call it labor." Sara heard a few chuckles, but didn't care. Soon, very soon she'd be holding their baby; a life that they created out of love.

"Sara, I need you to push lightly." She did as she was told. "There you go…good…now just a little more." She felt a tug, and then heard crying. "Congratulations, it's a girl!" He held her up between Sara's legs. She was beautiful.

"Bella!" Gil whispered and Sara started crying. The nursing staff cleaned her off and Gil got to cut the umbilical cord. Anna Bella Grissom was eight pounds two ounces and twenty inches long, born on October fourth at two forty-five in the morning.

The End.

A/N: I know no smut, sorry! This may be one ending to one story but I'm going to start back on Wild Differences so.......you never know (There is still smut out ). Thank you all again very much. I'm sorry it took so long, I've had cp/internet trouble. I wanted to pull out my hair, but fear not; I still have a head full of .