Chapter 12: Friction

Sano was walking back to his quarters with his fraccions after a training session in the desserts. Thus far, both Anko and Kidomaru were being professionally compliant and had put aside their differences while under his command. Not really surprising since both had been competent and experienced shinobis in their previous lives despite their personality quirks and were used to taking orders without question.

Ability wise, both were much stronger, faster and smarter then the average arrancar. These traits made them quite valuable as potential allies.

On the flipside though, this would also make them troublesome foes should they decide to take Aizen's side though he had no intention whatsoever on letting that happen anytime soon.

"Greetings Septima Espada Uzuki Sano."

Sano had to force himself NOT to go for his sword upon hearing the eerily familiar voice of one of his most hated enemies. He calmly turns around and sees Orochimaru leaning against a post eyeing him and his fraccions.

"Octava Espada Orochimaru. Is there anything I can help you with?" Sano asks in a dispassionate tone of voice.

"Kukuku... Oh, nothing really." Orochimaru answered. "I simply wanted to go around and introduce myself properly to my peers in the ranks of the Espada. I imagine that many of you may be a little suspicious of me especially since I AM a total stranger to you. I am here to alleviate you concerns."

Out of the corner of his eye, Sano notices Anko tense up at seeing the former Snake Sannin. He figured that her reaction was already hardwired into her despite the fact that she didn't remember who Orochimaru was in her current form.

Kidomaru had all six arms crossed in front of him and was narrowing his eyes at his former leader. Like Anko, even though Kidomaru didn't know Orochimaru now, Sano could clearly see the hate and mistrust in the former Sound Four member's visible eye. This meant that even within Otogakure, Orochimaru must not have been a very popular figure.

"You imagine correctly Orochimaru. The rest of your new breathren in the ranks of the Espada ARE wary of you and your intentions especially since we know nothing about you." Sano stated, narrowing his eyes from within his mask. "But please don't confuse our vigilance and concerns for weakness because it is a mistake not many can get to repeat."

"Kukukuku... Such a bold statement from someone who is also a newcomer to the ranks of the Espada." Orochimaru stated with a chuckle. "Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?"

"Sano Sama is NOTHING like you." Anko snaps, not able to restrain herself any longer. "He's had to WORK to get to where he is right now so he's earned his spot in the Espada which is more then I can say for you."

Instead of getting angry, Orochimaru merely glances at the ex snake mistress in amusement. "My my Sano San. Your little pets need to know where their place is and learn some manners." Orochimaru said as his hand drops to his zanpaktou. "Would you like me to teach it to her?"

Before things could escalate any further, a voice cuts in. "Hey Guys. Is there a problem here?" Naoto and his Fraccions walks into view and upon seeing the former Snake Sannin, Kiba starts growling low while Tayuya was openly glaring at him.

"It's nothing really Naoto." Sano said, not taking his eyes away from Orochimaru. "Just a little debate on issues."

"Yes. Me and the Septima were merely having a little... Disagreement over certain matters." Orochimaru seconded, his hand moving away from his zanpaktou at seeing that it would probably be suicide to go up against TWO Espada. "Nothing for you to be concerned about."

"So you say." Naoto stated, resisting the urge to just outright destroy the man. Even when he was speaking politely, it still sounded like he was insulting them. "After all, violent conflicts are prohibited here inside Las Noches and infighting amongst the Espada will send a bad message to the rest of the Arrancar army."

"Kukukuku... That it will. Well said Namejin Naoto." Orochimaru stated with an evil smile which slips upon hearing Naoto's next words.

"But to deliberately provoke someone into fighting for your own purposes is even more unacceptable." Naoto said in a low dangerous tone. "I don't know how you managed to defeat the former Octava and frankly speaking, I don't really care. But if you do ANYTHING to jepordize our cause which includes the warriors who believes in it, Octava or not, I will not hesitate to destroy you myself."

"Are you threatening me?" Orochimaru hissed angrily.

"Threats are merely empty words for those who don't have what it takes to back it up. That was a promise." Naoto replied evenly before adding. "And I ALWAYS keep my promises."

Orochimaru's serpentine eyes widens ever so slightly at the familiar sounding words. "Kukuku... Do you know that the two of you remind me of people I knew in my past life?"

Naoto and Sano showed no outward reaction but inwardly flinched. Nonetheless they kept their composure as Sano spoke up.

"Please keep whatever morbid fantasies you may have about us to yourself. Not everyone in the Espada share your preferences you know?" Sano said dryly.

"True, but not all Espadas are who they say they are so one can never really tell." Orochimaru countered.

"You wanna repeat that teme?" Naruto said in a dangerous tone of voice. "Be VERY careful with what you're saying if you don't want to eat those words."

The potential conflict between them was averted when Tousen suddenly appears between the two parties.

"Excellent. All of you are here so I do not have look for you individually." The blind ex shinigami said. "Aizen Sama wants the Espadas and their fraccions to meet him in the meeting room now for a meeting."

Orochimaru didn't bother to say anything but merely glares at Sano and Naoto before disappearing. Once he was sure that the Octava was gone, Tousen turns to the Septima and Novena.

"Both of you have shown admirable restraint in the face of such provocation and this tells me that Aizen made the correct choice when he decided to give you two the opportunity to become Espada." Tousen commented.

"How long have you been listening in?" Sano asks suspiciously.

"Long enough to know that the current Octava may become more of a liability then an asset in the future. It is advisable to watch yourselves around him." Tousen stated simply before turning around. "Now come. We have kept Aizen Sama waiting long enough."

Tousen then blurs off followed shortly by Sano, Naoto and their fraccions after the two Espadas shared a look which clearly stated that Orochimaru was not the only person they'd watch out for.


They arrive in the meeting room in time to see Ulquiorra and a battered looking Yammy present themselves to Aizen.

"Excellent. Now that everyone is here, show us everything you've experienced in the world of the living Ulquiorra." Aizen instructed.

"Yes sir." The pale Espada said as he plucked out one of his eyeballs and crushed it, allowing the particles to float freely in the air. This in turn allowed the other arrancars to experience what he saw and heard in his mission where they invaded the land of the living, confronted Ichigo and his friends as well as encountering Shihoun Youichi and Urahar Kisuke.

"I see..." Aizen said after a while. "So you decided that Kurosaki Ichigo was not worth killing?"

"Yes sir." Ulquiorra said. "Our orders were to eliminate anyone who might prove to be an obstacle to us and..."

"You're too soft!"

Ulquiorra looks at the one who spoke. "Grimmjow."

"If it was me I would've killed them with the first strike." The Sexta Espada declared. "What's the matter with you? When you've got permission to kill, so you kill right?"

"I agree." The Sexta's fraccion Shawlong spoke up. "Worthy or not, he stood up to you so you should have killed him."

"And look at you Yammy. You're a mess." Grimmjow said looking at the Decima. "It seems to me that it wasn't a case of you not killing him because he was unworthy but rather you simply COULDN'T kill him."

"Didn't you see what happened? The kid didn't do this to me. It was the guy wearing hats and clogs and the dark skinned woman." Yammy answered.

"What are you, stupid? I would've squashed them like bugs too." Grimmjow countered.

"Grimmjow, only you would think that two former captains of the Gotei Thirteen would be like lambs to the slaughter." Sano stated with a shake of his head.

The Sexta turns his head towards the Septima. "What's THAT supposed to mean?"

It was Naoto who answered with a smirk. "What he means dumbass is that if you seriously think that the Goddess Of Flash AND the founder of the Gotei Thirteen's research and development division is THAT weak, then you're retarded."

"What the hell did you just call me?" Grimmjow asked dangerously.

"Enough." Ulquiorra cuts in before looking at Grimmjow. "You don't understand Grimmjow. Aizen Sama is not worried about the boy's current abilities. The problem lies with his growth rate because he has tremendous potential. Right now, his powers are extremely unstable but I sensed that if he doesn't self destruct, he could still be of some use to us. That's why I didn't kill him."

"I still say you went easy on him." Grimmjow grated. "What if you're wrong about him? What if he managed to stabilize his powers and we have to fight him?"

"Then I shall deal with him." Ulquiorra said in a dead voice.

"Very well then." Aizen spoke up, diverting all attention to him. "He's your responsibility Ulquiorra. Do as you wish with him."

"Thank you m'lord." Ulquiorra said with a bow.

"Now if there's no other pending business, you are all dismissed." Aizen said.


Naoto and Sano watched as Grimmjow and his fraccions stalked out of the meeting room.

"That was a risky thing to say Sano." Naoto said.

"That's my line." Sano retorted. "You shouldn't have antagonized Grimmjow like that."

"In any case, Ulquorra is right. This Kurosaki Ichigo's got quite a potential." Naoto said. "But if I know Grimmjow, he's gonna be looking to dispute that claim."

"Agreed." Sano said before he smiles. "And this may be just the opportunity that we've been waiting for."

Author's Notes: A new chapter for you guys. R&R pls.