Renegade...and Alpha?

Suicune ran up the hall of origin. If she didn't get the news to Arceus on time, then she would be mising some limbs for a few weeks. The news was this: an insane human named Cyrus had recently attempted to make the universe his, and was stooped only by Giratina. Nobody ever bothered to ask Giratina how he was, or why he does the things he did, so everyone ignorantly assumed he was simply the master of the dead, and had no greater purpose. Legendaries also assumed that the Renegade was in fact, a Renegade. Only Arceus knew how that had happened, and Arceus, of course, wouldn't let anybody know. Suicune thought about Arceus. She was often seemingly a control freak, and if anyone ever questioned her authority, then you could say good-bye to that fool. Arceus certainly seemed caring, but often had trouble showing it. As Suicune approached Arceus's throne, she kneeled. The Alpha looked down upon her and said, in a commanding tone;"Speak, canine.". "Arceus, a human took control of Dialga and Palkia and tried to destroy the universe and make a new one."said Suicune oh so nervously. "And how was he stopped?"asked Arceus. "My lord, Giratina stopped him."Suicune was shaking at this point. "Giratina stopped him? What reason do you have to lie to me?!"angrily belowed the equine creature. "I am not lying." said Suicune, calming down and looking Arceus in the eye. "Hmmmm. Very well then. Thank you for the news. You may go."said Arceus. Suicune let out a sigh of relief. "But, since I'm in a bad mood, I'm sending you to the Distortion world."coolly said Arceus. "WHAT?!"half asked, half screamed the wolf. Arceus moved her arm and transported the dog into a world like none she had ever seen...

Suicune opened her eyes and looked around. She appeared to be lying on some sort of floating rock. Looking up, she saw that the sky completely surrounded her and was bluish-black with strange floating rocks everywhere. Getting up, she heard a strange noise coming form behind. As a shadowy being slowly crept up on her, she turned around. Looking up, she saw it was..."GIRATINA!!!"screamed the feminine canine. "Yes, that's my name." placidly said the behemoth. Suicune tried to run, but was stopped when she saw there was nowhere to run. "Why are you running? It's not polite to visit and just run out."said the Renegade. "Wait, you're not going to kill me for disturbing you're sanctuary?"asked the north wind. "What? Oh, you must have been listening to Arceus's propaganda.". "Propaganda?"asked Suicune. "Yes. You see, when Arceus created the world, she made three beings first. Dialga, Palkia, and myself. Before creating the lake trio, she assigned each of us jobs. Dialga picked the job of time controller, Palkia took the job of space maintainer, and I was given the job of spirit keeper. However, I thought that stability, or balance was necessary for the time being. As such, I went against orders and created this world to support the one above. She didn't like that. Not, one, bit. So, she takes her powers and makes three new legendaries, each with the power necessary to maintain one fraction of spirit. As punishment, I was "banished" to this world, and was labeled a Renegade. Now unlike most people, I grew to like my "prison", and even enjoyed my time here. Eventually, I found a way to open a protal between the dimensions. I opened a permanent one in this little cave I mad called Turnback Cave. due to overexposure, that place became infused with some of the energy from this world."finished Giratina. "But then why the two formes?" asked the legendary beast. "After so much time spent here in my Altered Forme, I eventually developed a system of adaption. My Origin Forme is more accustomed to flying and self-defense, so that's what that Forme has greater power over. My Altered Forme was always a bit about defense, and flight was far less useful in the other world."answered the spectral dragon. "So, can I leave?"asked Suicune. "Sure. I'll show you the way."

KL: So what do you think? Will Arceus have its revenge on Giratina? Will Suicune escape the Distiortion world? And what role will Cyrus have in all this? Stay tuned to find out!