Hey guys...I hope you like it! :-) Thanks for reading :-) Love, Jen
"Mommy...help...I c-can't get my tights up!" Grace Nielson grunted.
Kelsi Nielson walked into her daughter's lavender bedroom and struggled not to laugh at the sight that greeted her. Standing next to her sky blue painted dresser was a miniature version of herself...struggling to get a pair of pink tights up over her bottom. Grace looked up, her purple glasses askew with a look of determination that was presently crumbling. Kelsi, knowing tears were quickly approaching hurried over to her daughter's struggling little form.
"Hold on Bunny Rabbit, stop wiggling and we'll get these tights on comfy cozy."
Grace took in her mother's calm and pretty features. Same glass-framed big blue eyes, same long curling brown hair and they were both teeny-tiny. She felt her small frame relax as her mommy worked the tights up and over her tushy. Her mommy fixed everything...she was the best ever. She decided it was only right to vocalize this to her mommy. Besides her mommy always said, "when you think something nice of someone they would probably love to hear it."
"Mommy, you saved the day...again. You are the best ever." Grace gifted her mother with a huge baby-toothed grin.
Kelsi smiled at her daughter as she gently brought Grace's body over to her own in a loving hug. Taking a minute to really appreciate the feel of her daughter in her arms. She sniffed the blueberry-scented shampoo she used to wash Grace's hair the night before and felt her daughter's soft cheek against her own. God, she loved her baby...her 5 year old baby. She could be having the worst day ever and just thinking of her Grace made every worry flutter away. As her mind drifted, she felt Grace's petite body start to wiggle out of the embrace.
"Mommy, hurry! Aunt Gabby and Izzie are going to be here soon and I don't even have my leotard on yet."
Kelsi gave her daughter a quick kiss on the lips.
"Sorry sweetheart...I just love you so much."
"I love you too mommy...do you know where my leotard is?"
Kelsi spared a glance at Grace while she took her pink leotard out of the dresser drawer. She made such an adorable picture...a little disgruntled, tights wearing pixie. No sooner had Kelsi gotten Grace into her leotard when the doorbell rang announcing Gabby and Izzie Bolton's arrival. Grace sped out of the room to greet her best friend at the door.
"Izzie! Oh my gosh...I am SO excited for ballet today...Miss Kim is going to teach us how to pirouette."
Four year old Izzie Bolton was an exact replica of her mother Gabriella with her olive complexion, long waving ebony locks and petite build, except for her eyes. She definitely had her father's shining blue eyes.
Kelsi walked over holding Grace's gym shoes and hat. She greeted and hugged both Gabby and little Izzie.
"Hey Bunny, why don't you put your gym shoes on for the ride over and you can change into your ballet slippers there okay?" Kelsi said as she placed Grace's newsboy hat upon her head, gently pushing some curls behind the young girl's ears.
"Sure, sure, sure...I love you mommy!" Grace puckered her lips for the kiss she knew was coming.
"I love you too sweetie. Do you have your listening ears?" Kelsi asked with a smile, helping her daughter into her sneakers.
"Oh yes...my rainbow listening ears are in right now. Izzie do you have yours?" Grace said seriously.
Izzie took on her friend's serious attitude, as their mothers both struggled not to laugh.
"I sure do, I am wearing my "purple with a purpose" listening ears today...they are super." The youngest Bolton stated.
Gabby hugged her daughter to her, laughing the whole while.
"Well, it sounds like you ladies are ready to dance." Gabby said with a smile.
"Yeah!" Both girls shouted simultaneously.
Kelsi gave Grace and Izzie one more kiss for the road.
"Thanks so much Gabby and I will pick the girls up when class is over." Kelsi said to her friend.
"Sounds great, we'll see you later. C'mon girls, let's hit the road." Gabby said with a grin.
Kelsi watched as the two young girls held hands, talking excitedly about their upcoming dance class. She blew kisses and sent waves until the Bolton's car was no longer in sight. Sighing over the loss of noise in her small house, she walked over to the piano to work on her latest composition. As her fingers found the approximate keys her mind traveled to Grace and the present state of her life. If someone had told her six years ago she would be living back in Albuquerque raising a child on her own, Kelsi would have thought that person insane. Yet, here she was making a modest living giving piano lessons and doing her best to raise a little girl. Kelsi looked around the living room taking in not only her piano, but also the coffee table littered with coloring books and markers, the dolls and miniature instruments that stood up against the walls and the purple and pink blanket that laid in a heap on the ancient sofa. An overwhelming feeling of love rocked her body to the core and she knew, as she always knew that she would not change one aspect of her life. For all of it had led to the greatest gift she had ever received...it all led to Grace.