Author Notes

Lúthien was the first of her kind, the half-elven. But though her parents be of different races, they were both immortal, and so her true race is never pondered upon. In her descriptions there is an ethereal beauty and magic, greater than any other elf in the stories. She may appear elvish, but she is greater than elf-kind, perhaps more Ainu through her mother's heritage. Had she not met Beren and played out their destiny, would she be granted a choice of different flavor? Would that choice matter at all?

Anyway, fate played out and presented Dior with a unique dilemma. He was half-elven and each part of his blood had diagonally distinct places in the Ilúvatar's plan. Years after his death, it would be known that the choice of Lúthien carried down to all her descendants. But Dior's life was spent in a state of limbo, not knowing and only guessing which kindred he would stand among. Perhaps he was content to remain in this twilight, so I have had him foresee his own death, and that raises more questions for him than answers.

Oh, and Dior is perhaps naïve to think that he could have the best of both kindred - something that led to the ruin of Númenor - but he's only hoping for the best in bleak circumstances. It seems natural that he would be enamored of immortality.

The vow of Nimrodel is taken from Arwens words to Frodo at their parting - 'A gift I will give you. For I am the daughter of Elrond. I shall not go with him now when he departs to the Havens; for mine is the choice of Luthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and the bitter. But in my stead you shall go, Ring-bearer, when the time comes, and if you then desire it.'