The Diary of Danger Duck-chapter one

The diary I am writing in now has the most awful, pink, blonde, thing on the front cover. Her name is 'Barbie' or something ridiculous like that. I asked Lexi if I could exchange with her (hers has a nice forest-green cover) but she refused to exchange. Typical girl.

But let me start from the beginning.

Dear diary,

My name is Danger Duck and I am the fastest, smartest, strongest and most handsome of the Loonatics.

Well, maybe I exaggerate a little. Rev is a bit faster than me, Tech is slightly smarter, Slam is just a smidgeon stronger, but I am the handsomest (though Ace thinks otherwise). Who are the Loonatics, you may ask? We are a group of six super heroes who save the world blah blah blah. Now, onto something much more interesting...

This morning Zadavia called in and told- well, ordered- us all to start keeping a "diary of our successes, missions and achievements". I personally think it's a rather ridiculous idea and felt like telling her so, but we're not meant to argue with the Boss Lady. But seriously, what's the point of writing stuff down when you can just remember it?

Well, Rev rushed out to the shops and came back with six diaries. Of course, the other five (beastly things that they are) rushed forward and had their pick of the diaries, leaving me with this hideous, horrible, putrid, 'Barbie' thing! Oh well. Now that I've started writing in it, I guess I can't exchange.

The others have taken to writing with enthusiasm. Lexi and Ace are thinking aloud. They're writing about all their powers. Rev is writing at a lightning speed, Slam is writing slowly in huge, messy letters, and Tech is drawing invention designs.

What do I think of the other Loonatics? Well, I guess I like them as friends, but for some reason we're always getting on each other's nerves. Ace can be very bossy out on the field, and gets angry when I contradict him. But he's also saved me more times than I can count, so I guess I can't complain (a pity, as complaining is what I do best).

Lexi's pretty friendly, although she can be such a suck up to Ace. Really, it makes me sick to watch sometimes. And Tech can be described in one word: NERD! But then, his inventions can be pretty cool, and have saved our lives on missions, but really, that coyote needs to get a life.

Rev talks so fast that sometimes my brain (often the others ask if I actually have one, the beasts) feels like exploding. And Slam is fat and stupid and greedy, but (like all the others) is very handy on missions, and I'm probably closer to him than to any of the others.

What do the others think of me? I guess they think I'm annoying and uppity, considering their constant teasing, jibes, laughter at my expense and apparent amazement whenever I say something smart or useful. Ace also takes great delight in the fact that, as he's the leader, he's allowed to order me around, and I have to do what I'm told. But I get the impression that we're more 'friendly rivals' rather than 'downright enemies'.

But despite all that, I think the other five care about me. They seem genuinely concerned if I get injured on a mission, and never say anything really hurtful, it's more friendly jabs.

Geez, these last few paragraphs have been really suckish and sappy. I hope all this diary writing stuff isn't turning me all soft and girly.

On a completely different note, the weather's been unusually hot today... maybe there's an evil villain up in space shining a giant heat ray on Acmetropolis... Or maybe there's going to be a huge drought and the whole world will become a shrivelled desert! Or maybe the polar ice caps will melt and sea levels will rise so high everyone will have to climb mountains to survive!

Nah, it's probably just a very, very hot summer.

Well, I'm starting to go on and on randomly now, so I'll guess I'll stop.

Till I write again!

Danger Duck.


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