AN: Hello everyone. Sorry that it took me so long to get this out. It has actually been sitting on my computer for about a year. Anyway, you al have waited long enough. I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or it's characters.
Bitten 2: The Awakening
By: Fate Lowe
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: 1xR
Rated NC-17 for citrusy fun!
I was lying, naked, on a beach. The sun was burning hot on my skin. The heat so intense it felt like I was burning from the inside. It was an acute pain that I was fully aware of. I stood up from my prone position and walked slowly, painfully, toward the water, hoping for relief. The water lapped at my ankles, cooling my burning flesh. I waded further in until I was chest deep in the water. The excrutiating, burning pain was still present, so I took a deep breath and went under. The pain started to recede. It started in my hands and feet and moved slowly towards the core of my being. I was losing oxygen quickly but knew that the pain would return if I went up for air. I fought against my instints and stayed where I was. My heart beat frantically against my chest. My lungs burned. The heat moved, intensifying in my chest. I knew I was dying but still did not surface. I listened to my heart slow and give a final thump.
My eyes flew open with a start. I took a minute to calm my breathing and realized that I didn't need to breathe at all. I drew in another breath and realized that I could taste the room and everything in it. There was wood (oak I think) from the floor and furniture, clean cloth from the bed sheets, raspberry from my hair (must be shampoo), and the cheery blossoms on the table next to me, among many other things that I should only have been able to smell.
I looked around the room and realized that everything was in sharp detail, like watching the best HDTV I'd ever seen, only better. I could see the grain in the wood on the floor, the swirls in the paint on the walls. looked out the open window and could see the tiny bugs on the individual leaves of the trees outside.
I lied there in an unfamiliar bed in a room I had never been in before and listened. I could hear people downstairs. They weren't really making a lot of noise, so it was weird that I was hearing anything. Occasionally I would catch the sound of clothing scraping against itself like someone had shifted. The were watching the news, though the volume was turned way down. From what I could hear, I estimated around eight people were below me.
I didn't know what to do so I lay there and tried to figure out what was going on. What had happened? The last thing I remembered was having the most wonderful sex that I had ever had with a man that I met at a bar.
I gasped softly when I heard my voice. It was like tinkling windchimes.
I heard one of them say that I was awake. How could they know that? I'd barely made any noise. The door opened and there he stood. With my enhanced eyes it was like seeing him for the first time. The chiseled features were even more defined. The color of his dark brown hair so rich and vivid that it seemed to have a life of it's own. His eyes were a deep crystalline blue. They reminded me of the water from my dream. He was wearing a bluish grey t-shirt and a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. The way that he stood in the doorway showed that he was very tense like he was bracing himself for something.
"How are you feeling?"
His voice even sounded different, like I had been listening to it through a cell phone with bad reception before.
But now that he asked, I felt something else that was new. I had a burning sensation in my throat, like I had been walking through the desert for a year and swallowing fire the whole time.
"I'm so thirsty. My throat feels like it's on fire. Can I have a glass of water?"
He smiled and walked over to sit on the bed beside me. He took my hand in his and it wasn't as cold as before.
"Water won't help. You thirst for something far different."
"What are you talking about?"
"Have you not noticed the changes in yourself?"
"Well, yes. I have noticed that my senses are much sharper and I don't need to breath anymore. What has happened to me?"
"You are like us now, Relena."
I looked up from his face and realized that the other people in the house had joined us in the room. There was a man with long chestnut hair with a smattering of almost gold highlights, blue eyes that sparkled with mischief and a smile that lit up the entire room. Beside him was a small pixie like girl with short blue-black hair and dark violet eyes. There was a couple next to them both of them had hair so blonde it was almost white. The man's eyes were a beautiful aquamarine. The woman's was the same bluish grey as Heero's shirt. There was also a very tall man with gravity defying brown hair that was styled to hide one of his emerald green eyes. The woman standing beside him was probably his sister, they looked enough alike except her eyes were a startling lavender in color. Leaning against the wall away from everybody was an asian man with hair and eyes the same ebony black in color.
"The man with the long hair is Duo Maxwell. The woman next to him is his wife Hildi. The blonde couple beside them are Quatre and Dorothy Winner. The green eyed man is Trowa Barton. His sister Catherine is beside him. The man in the corner is Wufei Chang. We are all vampires and your new family."
"Vampires? That means I'm..." I couldn't finish my sentence.
"Yes, Relena. You are a newborn vampire. This is your awakening. Welcome to our family."
"I lost control at your house. Do you remember when I bit you?"
My hand went to the side of my neck.
"Yes, but I don't feel any marks there."
"The venom healed them during the change."
"The venom is what changed me."
He nodded. We sat there for a few minutes, me asking questions and him giving the answers.
"I'm going to take the guys out of here now and let you and the girls get to know each other a bit while you get dressed. When you are ready, I'll take you on your first hunt."
"Yes, you need blood to slake the thirst. It is remarkable that you have been able to hold off for this long."
With that, Heero and the guys left me alone with my new sisters. Hildi practically danced over and sat down, taking the spot Heero had previously occupied. Catherine followed and sat on the other side of the bed. Dorothy glided across the room and sat at my feet.
"We brought your things from your house. Most of it is still boxed up. We didn't know where you would want to put everything. We did unpack your clothes. They are in that dresser over there and the closet in the bathroom through the door over there. Your bathroom essencials are in there as well. Your makeup and other grooming stuff is on the vanity over there. Make yourself at home."
She pointed out everything for me with a lovely smile on her face. I stood and found that I was wearing a long white silk robe. I proceeded to get dressed and sat down in front of the vanity, all the time talking to the three other women in the room. I found that Hildi, Catherine and I got along very well. I could see the three of us becoming very close very soon. Dorothy, on the other hand, seemed a little stand offish.
When I turned to the vanity, I gasped. I didn't even recognize myself. My skin had was now a translucent white with a pearlesque shine to it. My hair now looked like spun gold. My features were now startlingly beautiful, except for my eyes. The were a terrifying crimson. I looked at Hildi in the mirror.
"I look..."
"What do you mean?"
"My eyes."
"That will fade. Vamps that feed on human blood have eyes that color. Your body is still running on your own blood so it might take a little while. Vamps, like us, who feed on animal blood regain their original eye color. So yours will begin to change back."
"Oh, good."
I turned back and continued with my beautifying ritual. When I was done, I stood and turned to the girls.
"So what do you think?"
I was wearing a black v-neck tank top, dark wash jean shorts and my black and white shell top ADIDAS. I had on no jewelery and very little makeup.
"Perfect outfit for a first hunt." Catherine said.
"You look wonderful." Hildi added.
"Have fun." Dorothy intoned.
Heero opened the door and looked at me.
"Ready to go."
We left the room and walked downstairs. He led me through the living room and out the sliding glass patio doors. Once in the backyard, he winked at me and took off running. I smiled and took off after him. I caught him as soon as we hit the tree line into the forest. He darted up into the canopy of branches overhead, me on his tail. It was exhilarating jumping from evergreen to evergreen. I caught ahold of branch after branch never doubting that I would be able to make the leap. He dropped down onto the ground below. I grabbed my next branch, swung around it and dropped to the ground. I landed lightly on the balls of my feet right next to him.
"That was incredible!"
"Yes, you are doing very well but would you like to find something to eat now?"
I nodded.
"Okay, close your eyes and concentrate on the smells around you."
I did as he told me to and was immediatly plunged into a symphony of scents. I could smell the dirt under my feet, the sap oozing out of the trees, a faint floral smell that I recognized as daisys. I reached out further and could smell fresh grass and wildflowers, fresh water, and a warm, slightly metallic scent that sent my throat blazing with thirst. I listened and picked up a heavy thudding that went with it.
"There is an animal to the southeast, by a stream in a meadow."
"Very good. Now follow your instints."
I took off towards the sound and found a coyote. I crouched down and stalked towards it. When I was sure that it didn't know I was there, I took off towards it. It jumped and ran away. I pursued it across the meadow for a few feet before jumping on it's back and sinking my teeth into the large vein in it's neck. It struggled to get away but I had my arms and legs wrapped tightly around the body. I drank deeply of the warm, thick liquid until it ran dry. I pulled away from it, dropping the carcass to the ground. I quickly turned and darted off into the trees, following another scent.
I came upon a herd of elk. I took down the biggest one and drank til it was dry. Heero had appeared during that time and had chased down two of the others by the time I had finished. I looked at him and he smiled. He walked over to me and wiped some blood off my face.
"Are you always such a messy eater?"
I glanced down and realized that I was coated in the blood of the animals that I had taken down. I looked back at him and saw that he was completely spottless.
"You are better at this than I am."
"I've had a lot more practice."
He leaned over and licked the blood off the side of my neck. I went completely still. Every cell in my now dead body seeming to jump at his touch. I grabbed his face and attacked his mouth. Our tounges dueled for dominance. I pushed him into the grass my body falling on top of his. I ripped open his shirt, wanting to explore his body again with my new senses. I ran my nails down his chest and he hissed underneath me. His hands found the front of my shirt and ripped it open. I shrugged out of my shirt and bra. His mouth attacked my nipple. My back arched and I shuddered. His pants hit the ground at the same time as my shorts and soaking wet panties.
We rolled around in the sunlight, touching and tasting each other from head to toe. Noises were escaping my throat that were more animal than human, echoing the ones released from him. Finally he pinned me to the ground and entered me with a swift, hard thrust. My back arched and my toes curled as I growled his name, cumming with a force that I had never experienced before.
I flipped him over and rode him as he gripped my hips in his hands. I had the random thought float through my mind that I should be running out of energy but I didn't feel fatigued. I pumped up and down an him with such vigor that my knees were digging divets into the ground on either side of his hips.
We screamed each others names again as we came together. I collapsed on top of him with a little, "wow". He chuckled underneath me.
"What to go again?"
The End
AN: I hope everybody likes it. I had a really fun time writing it.