
Note: This is based after season 2 of Rosario Vampire.

I don't own the rights so don't shoot me.

Chapter One

The morning of the second term of their second year at Yokai Academy began well, nobody lost control, nobody went berserk, everything was completely fine.

Until Moka got a letter.

This one wasn't a death threat by her sister Kokoa, nor was it anything to fear for her life over. But it was worrying. It was from both Moka's and Kokoa's eldest sister, the heir to their fathers estate.

* * *

"Who is your elder sister?" Tsukune asked as they headed to lunch.

Moka hesitated, then said, "I don't know her very well, the younger three were told to never go near her. Father, whenever he came, could be heard yelling at her from across the house." Moka sighed. "I don't know why he yelled at her, but when I got my rosario she went to live with Father."

All of a sudden Kokoa was next to her. "Our elder sister is the strongest and has the hottest temper." She said. "I met her once before, before she went with Father, a very distant minded person."

"How did you-" Tsukune began to ask.

Kokoa held up a piece of paper. It was the exact same letter that Moka had received.

There was a commotion near the door of the cafeteria.

A girl dressed in black shorts and a plain white T-shirt was walking toward them, she had red eyes and short white hair. She was Moka's and Kokoa's eldest sister.

"Hello." She said as she stopped in front of Moka and Kokoa. "Moka. Kokoa."

Both fumbled for words but managed curt "hellos."

Kokoa finally managed to say something. "Why are you here Zukya? I thought you were living with Father."

Zukya scowled. "I was, but after a minor accident I asked if I could come here for a little while." She explained. "And my mother thought it would be a good idea for me to spend my senior year here."

"Your m-m-mother?" Moka stammered.

"Yes." Zukya just said, then remained silent.

That's when Mizore, Kurumuru, and Yukari chose to show up after missing their morning classes. Kurumuru shoved her boobs in Tsukune's face while Mizore appeared creepily behind him and Yukari was left to complain about the stalker and the big boobed freak.

Only after a moment did they notice that there was someone else there.

"Who are you?" Kurumuru asked backing away so Tsukune could breathe again.

Yukari and Mizore looked at Zukya and they both froze.

"My name is Zukya Kuchki, I am the eldest sister of Moka Akashiya and Kokoa." She told them.

The three looked at her strangely.

"I'm spending the rest of my senior year here." She told them. "Could I talk to you Moka, and you Kokoa, in private for a moment?"

They both nodded as Zukya led them away.

* * *

"Do you remember what happened at Fathers castle with Tsukune, Moka?" Zukya asked.

"Yes." Moka said.

"Do you know what Father told Tsukune?" When Moka shook her head Zukya turned to Kokoa.

When she was silent Zukya gave her an impatient look.

"What he basically said was that he accepted Tsukune as a human and your friend Moka." Kokoa admitted reluctantly.

"Indeed. I never thought I'd hear those words from him." Zukya told them.

Kokoa stared at Zukya with hate filled eyes. "It's not like we knew him very well!" She snapped.

Zukya froze. "If you really knew him, you wouldn't want to. You would never say that if you knew his expectations for the eldest and most powerful of his daughters." Zukya snapped back as she walked away.