Mantis' Tragic Memory

by: Terrell James

Chapter 1: Concerns

One day in the Jade Palace, Po, Crane, Tigress, Monkey and Viper were all gathering around the kitchen, looking a little concerned about Mantis. With his 21st birthday coming, they were worried about the birthday Furious Five member looking depressed and moody. Po sighed deeply and asks, "Do you think Mantis doesn't want a birthday?"

"Are you crazy, Po? Of course Mantis wants a birthday. What makes you thinks he doesn't want one?" asked Tigress.

Viper sighs and said, "Maybe he's afraid of turning 21."

"What's wrong with being 21? It's a sign to show that you're maturing a bit, but still young." said Crane.

"That's because you haven't even been 21 yet." said Monkey.

Crane glared at Monkey and thumps him on the head with his wing. Monkey exclaims and rubbed his head, furiously. Then, he turned to Crane and said, "It was just a joke."

Po stood up near the kitchen and brought out some bowls. He poured out some noodles and added an extra one for passed them through the table and saved the other bowl for Mantis. Everyone else has been eating the noodles and Viper asks, "So, do you think Mantis has a problem or something?"

"This morning, I asked him how does it feel turning 21 and his response was, 'I don't want to talk about it for a while.' It's kinda weird, but I think he has a depression of forthcoming age." said Crane.

"Forthcoming age?" asked Tigress.

"Well, when you're almost full-grown, you feel as if you need to reverse time and just go back to being young until you're ready to grow."

"That is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard." said Monkey.

"What makes you think got me accepting that I'm growing up?"

Monkey scoffs and rolled his eyes, thinking Crane's kinda crazy and his comments are a sick joke. He then said, "I'm not even gonna ask that."

Minutes later, Shifu walked around the kitchen, checking in on most the members. He saw them eating and talking, unaware that someone's missing in this kitchen. He came in and asked, "Where's Mantis?"

"How would we know? We haven't seen him around since this morning." said Po.

"I think he's depressed about being 21, master." said Tigress.

Doubting that comment, Shifu then said, "There's nothing wrong with growing up. It just means that you have great memories of your youth and since you come in age, there's no turning back. Just live your life and accept the fact that you're grown."

"I seriously don't know what it means." said Crane.

"It means you grow up and everyone will respect you more."

"Okay. That almost made sense." said Monkey.

"Give me a bowl, panda." said Shifu.

"You sure?"

"What makes you think I came here for?"

Po got up and grabbed another bowl for Shifu and served a bowl of noodles for him. He saw seven bowls around the table and he asked, "Why are there seven bowls?"

Po looked at the other bowl and explained to Shifu, "Well, master, I'm saving the other bowl for Mantis because he hasn't been out of his room all day, so I'm just saving it for him, in case he gets hungry."

Shifu stared at Po and realized that he's good at caring for his members. Then, he decides to go and check on Mantis to see how he's doing. He went to knock on Mantis' door and expects him there.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Po."

Po stood back and Mantis opened the door to see what he wants. He gave him the bowl of noodles and decides to go back to the room and closed the door. Mantis scurried through the room and ate half of the noodles until a twinge of memory just came back that starts to haunt him.