Potions always behave

Warning: Spanking in this story. If you don't like it, please stop reading here.

Disclaimer: Don't own it but wish I did.... its all JKR

Last Chapter

Severus took the invisible cloak from Argus and placed his hand on the back of Harry's neck and steered him into the sitting room.

"Please sit down", Harry looked like he had just been given the death sentence, but he did as he was told, even though he was still unable to raise his eyes to look at Severus.

The next thing that he felt was a hand on his chin raising his gaze towards Severus's. Severus looked in to Harry's eyes and could see the worry in the eyes, he placed his other had on Harry's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. Yes Harry was in trouble but he was a teenager and that appeared to go with the territory.

"Well now Mr Potter, I do believe you have some explaining to do!"

Punishment to fit the crime

Harry looked down at his hands, thinking what he should say, he knew he was in 'Deep shit', he had expected Severus to go mental when Filch had caught him and taken him down to dungeons. But Severus was just sat there waiting for Harry to say something. He hadn't shouted, he was sat in a chair right in front of him, his knees were touching Harry's, waiting for an explanation.

The relationship that Harry & Severus now had was totally different than the one they had the previous year. Harry now came to Severus with his problems and trusted him with his teenage problems. Harry had loved the feeling that the first time in his life that he could remember he had a family. He respected Severus like a father, he had never thought that the guardianship would make his feelings change that much. He also loved his relationship with Jak, they had been sort of friends before the guardianship due to the Weasley connection, but this had blossomed in to so much more. In his head Jak was his sister and he was pretty sure that Jak felt the same, even Severus joked about it using the 'Your Brother' or 'Your Sister' when talking about them.

Finally Harry got brave enough to answer, to be honest the silence was as intimidating as if Severus had been shouting at him.

"Umm I had to get a book from the Library"

"And what book would be so important that you would need to be out two hours after curfew and wearing your invisibility cloak?"

Harry looked down at the hem of his t-shirt and started picking at the loose thread.

"I'm waiting Harry!" was Severus's reminder that Harry still needed to answer his question.

"I needed to get a book from the restricted section." Harry replied in almost a whisper.

"As you know the meaning of the word 'Restricted', what book would be of an interest to a 12 year old?"

Oh this wasn't going well, there was no way that he could lie his way out of this, Severus seem to have a sixth sense when it came to lying and being able to spot one a million miles off. Harry was having an internal battle. One he didn't want to lie to Severus and the other was that if he told the truth he would be implicating his two friends, Hermione and Ron. He just could see a way to tell Severus the truth with out them being brought in to the conversation.

"Umm if I tell you everything will you promise that I am the only one punished, that you won't take this any further with Professor Mcgonagall or Professor Dumbledore?"

"That is dependent on where someone is in danger or others could get hurt?" Severus asked with an eyebrow raise at the fact that Harry was bargaining with him.

"OK, I will tell you everything, but I don't want my friends to get in trouble and they haven't really done anything yet!" replied Harry with a bit of relief that his capture would not affect his friends.

"Well Harry I will only know that when you inform me of what has been happening." Severus replied trying to hurry Harry up, it was after midnight.

"Well it has to do with the Chamber of Secrets, everyone is wondering what it is all about and who the heir of Slytherin is?"

At this Severus let out a small sigh, everyone one of the teachers was concerned with the going on with the Chamber of Secrets, but they had been trying to carry on as normal. There had only been one student that had been petrified so far, Colin Creevey. He had been found petrified in the corridor by the Girls bathroom along side Headless Nick the Gryffindor ghost, the only other thing that had been affected was Mrs Norris Argus Filch's cat. Harry had been found near the cat and Argus had been sure that Harry had something to do with it. But after Severus had given Harry the third degree over it, he believed that Harry had only run in the direction because he had heard a strange noise and had attempted to follow it. Severus had got Harry to promise that in future if he heard anything, he was to get him or another teacher.

Harry knew that Severus would not be happy that he was involved in any plans that revolved around the chamber of secrets.

Finally Severus spoke "So how does this end with you in the 'Restricted section' of the library?"

Harry took deep breath and continued with his explanation. "Well I needed a potion book, so we could make a potion that would help us find out."

"By 'we' I am presuming that you meant Miss Granger and Mr Weasley? As you would need Miss Granger to make a potion of the complexity and Mr Weasley wouldn't let you two do it alone. Am I correct?"

"Yes Sir, but I really don't want them to get in trouble, as we haven't done anything yet, because I got caught." Harry stated worriedly.

"Continue on with your explanation and my two stipulations still count."

"Well the potion that we were going to make was Polyjuice potion."

Severus took a sharp intake of breath, as this was a very difficult potion to make. A talented twelve year old potion maker could make an extremely dangerous potion that if made wrong could make the person who ingests it very ill or even kill them. At this moment he would keep his promise to Harry, but he would be having a stern word with them about the dangers of potion making and the effects that the potions can have if they are made incorrectly.

"OK Harry, who did you want to impersonate?" said Severus knowing that the properties of Polyjuice potion allow the drinker to appear to be another person for a set time.

Harry knew what he said next would anger his guardian, but said it anyway "Crabbe and Goyle".

"So why would you want to impersonate two Slytherin's?" Severus asked trying to keep the frustration out of his voice. There was always an ongoing rivalry between his house Slytherin and the house of his two wards Gryffindor.

"Umm we wanted to get in to the Slytherin common room… " he replied very quietly.

"And is there a reason that you wanted to get in to the Slytherin common room? , I am pretty sure that other than the décor & colours the room is pretty similar to your own in Gryffindor."

"We wanted to get Malfoy to admit to something." was the reply while looking down at his feet.

"And this something was?" Severus asked as Harry's answers were becoming shorter and shorter.

"Who was the Heir of Slytherin and who opened the Chamber of secrets?"

"I can assure you that Mr Malfoy has no idea who the Heir of Slytherin is or who open the Chamber!" was Severus's stern reply.

"But he is always saying that he knows all everything about dark arts and he was hinting that he knew stuff about the chamber!"

"Well Mr Malfoy is a twelve year old boy and as I remember twelve year old have a tendency to exaggerate and make things up to appear BIG in front of their peers, I can assure you that he knows nothing more than anyone else in the student body."

"But we didn't know that Malfoy was making stuff up" said Harry dejectedly.

"OK Harry I know that the Chamber is a buzz in the school, but the teachers are trying to resolve it and we don't need any interference by ANY of the student body, however helpful they think they are being. So please don't worry about the Chamber or the Heir of Slytherin. I just need to be sure that you are safe and that you are not going to do anything stupid or dangerous. Can you give me your assurance?" Severus said looking straight in to Harry's eyes.

"Yes Sir. I promise" Harry could see that what he had said had scared Severus and Harry knew that it was because he was putting himself in danger. He knew that there was a very good reason that a potion in the restricted section of the library was likely to be very dangerous and when he had said the words 'Polyjuice potion' he had seen the panic in Severus's face.

Severus could hear the sincerity in Harry's reply. So moved on with the conversation, he now had to inform Harry of consequences of tonight's escapade.

"Well now that is clear, lets move on to the rules that have been broken tonight." Harry groaned at that. He knew that he was in trouble but having it spelled out didn't make things any better.

"Rule number 1, being out two hours after you curfew."

"Rule number 2, being in the restricted section of the library without permission"

"Rule number 3, using your cloak for breaking the rules!" Severus had agreed that he could keep his cloak up in the Gryffindor common room as long as he never used it to break the school rules.

"Regarding the Polyjuice potion, I will only speak with the three of you 'off the record' on the dangers of potion making and what can go wrong. " Harry had looked worried but when he heard 'off the record' his concerns had been lessened.

"And the breaking in to the Slytherin common room, I will ignore this as it has never happened, but if I hear that you try going through with this plan I will be one very disappointed guardian" Severus left no room for misunderstanding.

Harry knew what was coming next, he had been given the rules and consequences talk before he agreed to have Severus as a guardian, but he had already known that Severus spanked. Jak had come back to the common room with a sore bum of a few occasions. Harry also knew that there was nothing to be scared of, Severus used spanking as a form of punishment and he would never abuse the situation. Harry had walked in once when Jak had been getting a spanking, she had told Professor Trelawney what she thought of her lessons. And let's just say the Severus had not been happy with her choice of words and the disrespect that she had shown a teacher. As Harry had walked in Severus had asked him to go to his room and wait until he had completed Jak's punishment. But morbid curiosity had got the better of him, he wanted to know what a spanking was like, so he looked through the crack in his door. He could see Jak over Severus's knee with her PJ bottoms around her ankles. Harry had watched the whole thing, as Severus hadn't started spanking yet. He gave Jak twenty spanks with his hand, while at certain points asked what the spanking was for. At the end Jak had been crying and apologising, Severus then pulled her in to a hug where he patted her back until her crying had stopped. While still hugging Jak, Severus had replaced Jak's PJ bottoms with magic. When he felt that Jak was OK he pulled her back slightly so he could look in to her eyes. Then after asking was she OK, he then continued on with the others parts of her punishment.

It was after this that any fears of a spanking disappeared. Not that I wanted one, as I could see that it bloody hurt, but I knew this was for a punishment and would never be abuse.

"Harry for tonight's transgressions you have earned yourself your first spanking, as it is late do you want to leave this until tomorrow morning or get it over with now?

"Now please Sir, I don't think I would sleep if I had to wait" replied a sorry Harry

"OK Harry go and change in to your pyjamas, you will be sleeping down here to night, and I will inform Professor McGonagall that you won't be returning to the Gryffindor common room tonight."

Harry went in to his room, a spare set of pyjamas were on the bed. He slept down in these rooms quite a bit especially on the weekends. Severus had insisted at first that they have some 'Family time' so that they all could get used to the new situation. And now Harry had got into the habit of spending Sat night here. But this was the first time he would be spending the night here after a punishment. He had always loved the feeling of this bed, that it was so soft and more comfortable than the one in the dormitory. But tonight was going to be different, he was going to spending the night with a sore bum. Harry pulled himself out of his musing and changed in to his pyjamas. Then quickly made his way out to the sitting room, not wanting to piss Severus off by dawdling.

When Harry got to the sitting room he could see Severus with his head in the fire place. He was floo calling Professor Mcgonagall, Harry hoped that he wouldn't be in trouble with his house head as well for his escapade tonight.

Severus then pulled his head out of the fire place and said "Professor Mcgonagall was not happy to hear what you have been up to, but I informed her that you would be punished, so she is willing to let it drop. But don't be surprised if you receive a stern telling off when you next see her."

"Yes Sir" was Harry's thankful reply, at least there wouldn't be detentions from her.

"OK Harry as it is nearly one in the morning I think that we should hurry this along and get to bed." Harry just nodded in reply.

Severus moved Harry to be standing next to him, he then sat on the chair

"Lower your pyjama bottoms and lie over my lap." Severus gave the direction, but tried to keep a soft voice.

After a big gulp, Harry did as he was told, the cool air of the dungeon chilling his bottom cheeks. He then leant forwards and with a helping hand from Severus he lay across his guardians lap.

Severus pulled Harry in towards his body and put his arm around the waist to ensure that Harry couldn't move then asked "Harry are you ready?"

Harry answered with a shaky "Yes Sir"

As Harry had never been in this position before he did know how much this was going to hurt, then the first SMACK came down hard on his bottom.

First the noise and then the burning sensation, that had hurt, who knew that Severus's hand was made of iron.

Severus waited a few seconds before the next volley of swats SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK the burning in Harry's bottom was getting a lot worse.

"Harry what is the first reason you being punished?"

"For being out after curfew."

Another volley of swat came down on to Harry bottom SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK

These caused a few "OOW" and grunt to escape from Harry.

"What is the second reason you are being punished for?"

This time it wasn't so easy to answer as the tears had started to fall, a reminder swat was given.

"B..eing in the restricted part of the library"

Again another volley of swats SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK

Now Harry was crying, Severus could see the heaving of Harry back as he tried to control his sobbing.

"OK Harry what is the final reason?"

"F..or using m…y cl…oak to bbbre..ak …the r…ules."

"OK Harry there will be ten more and then it will be all over"

Harry just nodded and felt his position change as Severus lifted his knee to get a better access to the vulnerable bit where Harry's bottom met his thighs.



Harry was crying uncontrollable when the final swat was administered, Severus let him stay there and rubbed his back trying to calm him down. Harry's bottom was a dark shade of red, and he would find sitting tomorrow not as comfortable as usual. After five minutes Harry had calmed right down and even though he liked the soothing feeling of the rubbing of his back he wanted to get up. As he pushed to get up, Severus helped him up the rest of the way and then with a flick of his wand the righted Harry's pyjama bottoms.

Harry went to wipe his tear streaked face with his sleeve of his pyjamas, but Severus stopped him handing him a towel. Once Harry had cleaned his face off, Severus put his had on Harry's back and pulled him in to a hug. Harry's arms went around Severus hugging back. This was a great feeling, knowing that Severus had forgiven him.

A muffled "I'm sorry" came from Severus's chest.

"All is forgiven, but there are some other consequences to tonight's escapades!"

Harry looked up from Severus's chest with a questioning look.

Severus carried on "1. You are grounded for one week to my quarters."

Harry nodded, that wasn't too bad "2. You will spend Sunday helping me prepare some potion ingredients"

Harry face screwed up at the thought of those disgusting ingredients

"And 3. Your invisibility cloak will remain in these quarters, until you can prove to me that you're mature enough to overcome the temptation to not use it to break the rules. "

Harry just groaned, even though he knew that his cloak would not be leaving these quarters with him for some time, even before Severus had answered the door tonight.

Please review….you know you want to! Reviews really do make me write quicker