It was nothing really. He just grabbed her elbow to get her attention, but the moment shifted somehow and he found himself looking at her arm, his thumb sliding down the inside of her incredibly smooth forearm. It seemed to take forever. When his thumb found the pulse-point of her wrist and he actually felt a pulse, it jarred him loose of his bizarre trance. He looked up to see her watching him intently.
"Um..." he couldn't think of what he had been about to say. 'What the hell was it?' he thought somewhat desperately and then he realized he was still holding onto her wrist. He let go swiftly and took a step back. "Ahh..."
"Is something wrong John?" she moved closer and John backed away with his hands raised.
"I-I'm fine." His backing away strategy suddenly failed him though, when he backed into an inconveniently placed wall. Cameron grabbed his chin and looked intently into his eyes, her other hand was on his chest keeping him in place.
"John, your heart-rate is elevated, you're flushed and your pupils are dilated. I'm not detecting a fever..." She trailed off because, against all the willpower he possessed, his eyes were focused on her mouth. When she stopped talking he managed to wrench his gaze away from her lips and back to her eyes, where he saw... comprehension. "Oh." She said and he felt his face heat up, but there was also anger and resentment. Underneath all of that was resignation. He stepped sideways and walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
"Do you want some juice?" he asked her as casually as he could manage, hoping to leave it at that.
"Yes. I would like some juice." He could feel her watching him as he poured.
"Here." He gave her a glass without looking at her and started to walk away.
"I am capable of orgasm." He heard her say; he tripped and nearly dropped his juice.
"W-What?" he asked. He knew that he had heard correctly, but his brain wasn't working well enough to come up with something else.
"Sex. It feels good for me. I wouldn't be faking." A lot of thoughts went through his head at that, most of which were completely unhelpful. 'You would think I would be turned off by that reminder that she isn't human; a normal person probably would be.' he thought to himself as he retreated to his room without responding.
His room felt stifling and small. With perspective, he realized that that mountain of awkward he had just climbed was similar in pattern to his usual conversations with Cameron; something happened, she had a weird take on it and he tried to explain the human reality. Only he hadn't done his part. He didn't blame himself for this though; he still had no idea what to say. 'Forget it. I am going to sleep and I'm going to pretend this never happened.' he thought to himself firmly. He looked at his bed with some reluctance.
In his dreams
Cameron only strips
To techno music
When it's dark
Cameron only plays
If there are no rules
While it lasts
Cameron only kills
if someone interrupts