
She sat at home, her mind searching for something to occupy her time. The thunder from outside echoing around the darkness of the room, everything was still, everything was calm. Except for one thing; her mind was racing, thoughts whirling around her head. His laugh. His smile. His eyes… his deep, blue, penetrating pools of understanding that saw straight down, right down deep into her soul. He understood her like no one else had ever before. It was simple, all these thoughts in her head came to the one and only conclusion… she loved him with all her heart. That was never going to change.

She remembered the first time they met, or at least the first time they had spoken. Before that she had watched him, liked him, loved him since the first time she had laid eyes on him, but the moment she was reminiscing in her head was the first time they had truly connected.

He had been playing his acoustic guitar behind the school in the shade of a large tree he was sat beneath. She had sat on the other side of the tree, back leaned against the wide trunk. He had not moved or turned around to see the unexpected visitor, just simply said,

'Hi', his deep, calm manner of speech fitted his personality perfectly. She had often overheard him speaking to others, but was pleased to here when the words that he spoke were aimed directly for her hearing.

She replied in the same way, a quiet greeting whispering through the wind whilst he continued to strum chords to a tune she didn't recognise, presumably something he had been working on himself since she knew almost every song that had ever been made.

Eventually he had turned around meeting her eyes. The sides of his mouth curled into a kind, soft and gentle smile. Hers returning in the same gesture in an uncontrollable way, like his smile was a disease that she couldn't help but catch.

They had sat there, no more words had been uttered to one another, but the moment didn't need it, it had already been enough to stick in her memories for the past three years. There had been many rough patches in between, but every second had been worth it, if only for the friendship which had followed that moment, being able to spend hours a week listening to him compose his music, whilst she sat there with her eyes closed feeling the sudden sense of calm able to just wash over her by sitting in his presence. It was the happiest she had ever been. At the age of 14, Lucas Scott had been her best friend.

A sharp knock at her door broke her trail of thoughts. Her heart beat slightly faster than usual at the sudden interruption which she definitely hadn't expected. Then it dawned on her. Who could it be?