-- My Dog Is Named Scruffy --

- Edgeworth Gets Catty... Literally -

"Here are the reports you wanted, sir," Detective Gumshoe said, depositing the reports on Edgeworth's desk. "If that's all, I'll be going now..."

Edgeworth was still adjusting to the fact that things would never be the way used to be between himself and Gumshoe. He missed the abject servitude that the detective had previously shown him.

Other people in the police department and Prosecutor's Office were starting to notice that the two of them weren't getting along. Most people tended not to ask Edgeworth personal questions, so he wasn't worried about it on his end.

There was a rumor going around the police department that Edgeworth had made a pass at the detective and that was reason for the detective acting cold toward the prosecutor he'd formerly worshipped. While Gumshoe had not actually started the rumor, he did nothing to discourage it.

On his way out of the Edgworth's office, the detective noticed a throw pillow on the prosecutor's couch that he had never seen before. It was pink and silky with ruffles around the edges and "Miles" embroidered across the front in large cursive letters.

"Is that new?" he asked, looking the prosecutor stangely. That pillow was too much, even for Edgeworth's a-little-too-gay-for-a-straight-man taste.

Edgeworth answered with a smirk, "It was a present from Franziska." At the look of shock on the detective's face, Edgeworth's smile grew wider. "This too," he said, holding out a small dangly object for the detective to see.

It was a toy mouse on a string.

Edgeworth held up his free hand with his fingers curled under as if it were a paw, and mimed washing his face as a cat would.


The phrase fighting like cats and dogs was about to take on a whole new meaning.


A/N: And that's all she wrote, folks.

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