Title: An Uchiha And An Uzumaki

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I don't Own Naruto

Pairing: FemSasuke/Naruto

Note: I am sorry my fellow Sasuke-haters but I am writing a femSasuke/Naruto fic

I hate that I am but I feel I must it has been bothering me for a while...

Summary: "Sasuke's a Girl?" asked Naruto and Kakashi eye-smiled

"Hai, and it seems she's liked you for sometime" came his answer


Two Shinobi stood in the Valley of the End, one a sun-kissed blonde and the other a raven haired Avenger...

Naruto dodged the blow from Sasuke as punch after punch was thrown

"Come on teme I'm going to bring you home!" shouted Naruto unknowingly making Sasuke hurt on the inside

"Then come on dope, you can't beat me" said Sasuke as he scowled at his rival activating his Sharingan, it was in it's 'final' form(three comas in each eye) as he charged the kyuubi jinchuriki, going through handseals and suddenly chirping could be heard in his hand, Sasuke just used the Chidori...

"RASEN-GAH!!" said Naruto as he started the Rasengan only for Sasuke's hand to pierce his chest and slowly he lost consciousness

"Oh Kami! NARUTO!!" said Sasuke as suddenly the realization that he had stabbed Naruto broke the power of the Cursed Seal, trying to stem the flow of blood coming from Naruto's chest just as Kakashi landed near them

"SASUKE! he yelled about to grab him when he saw Naruto on the ground and what Sasuke was doing Kakashi started to go through handseals and his hands glowed green, he only knew a limited number of medical jutsu, but he wasn't going to lose his sensei's son

"Save him please Kakashi-sensei!" said Sasuke in a more feminine voice then Kakashi had ever heard from a boy before and he had a few gay friends, Gai being one of them, and Kakashi turned his head to Sasuke to see, much to his surprise, that Sasuke was... Um... Morphing into a girl as if a long-term genjutsu was just lifted...

"Hai, hai, Sasuke-chan" said Kakashi and Sasuke looked at her body and froze, the supposedly permanent genjutsu was canceled? "Kakahsi-san!" came a male voice and Sasuke did a minor hedge to cover herself so maybe she could get away with little to no questions but it was not to be as Kakashi knocked her out but he reinforced the hedge giving her that little bit of kindness, even if she did try to run away it seems she wasn't in complete control and now she was... Though he was surprised that Sasuke was a girl...

'Wonder how Naruto will take it, heck I wonder how Sasuke's fangirls will take it' thought Kakashi as the medic-nin helped him with NAruto keeping him alive while they made their way to Konohagakure no Sato

"SASUKE-KUN!" said Sakura as she saw Kakashi carrying both gennin, "Naruto!" she said as she finally saw Naruto's wound jmping into pace with Kakashi she told him she was going to go get Tsunade ready for them before adding more chakra into her legs and heading for the hospital

"Tsunade-sama! Kakashi-pant-Naruto-pant-Sasuke-pant-injured" said Sakura as she had arrived with enough time to tell Tsunade and have a room ready for the boy, and her crush before falling over due to chakra-exhaustion


"... I'm in the hospital... I guess that means I failed..." said Naruto as he looked at the ceiling and then he heard a familiar voice

"Not quite, gaki, you did something I was unable to do, you saved your teammate" said Jiraiya as he sat on the windowsill

"How? I was stabbed by him... wasn't I?" asked Naruto as the door to his room opened

"Yo!" said Kakashi with an eye-smile as he entered, "And Yes you were stabbed by her" said Kakashi and Jiraiya look at Kakashi in confusion

"I didn't think that Sakura-" started Jiraiya

"She didn't, but Sasuke did, and it seems there was a perma-hedge on her" said Kakashi and Jiraiya looked at Kakashi surprised

"And Tsunade-hime never found it?" asked Jiraiya and Kakashi nodded

"Sasuke's a girl?" asked Naruto

"Hai, and it seems she's had feelings for you for sometime" said Kakashi surprising the aspiring hokage whom seemed to quiet down, "You want to see her?" asked Kakashi while Naruto was silent

"Hai, Kakashi-sensei" said Naruto as he tried to get up only to fall back down into the bed

"Just stay put" said Kakashi sweatdropping, "I'll go get her" he said as he headed to the door only for it to slid open revealing a distraught Sakura

"Sasuke-kun a girl?" she said in a stunned voice

"Yes Sakura, now if you don't mind I'm going to go get her" said Kakashi side-stepping the konoichi

"Naruto" said Sakura in a barely controlled voice, "I'M GOING TO KILL-ARGH!" said Sakura before Sasuke appeared punching the konoichi in the gut

"You won't hurt Naruto-kun" said Sasuke in a feminine voice the Sharingan spinning wildly in her eyes

"Sasuke-kun! That DEMON changed you!" said Sakura and Naruto hung his head, not only had Sakura tried to kill him but she saw him just like the villagers did, a demon

"No he didn't Sakura, I always was a girl, why do you think I never accepted any of your or the other fangirls' advances?" asked Sasuke and Sakura shook her head

"NO! YOU'RE WRONG THAT DEMON-ARGH!" this time Jiraiya punched the girl

"You will stop calling Naruto that or you will be in a bed here soon enough" threaten Kakashi surprising the trio in the room at his threat, he even had his Sharingan out to back it

"I'll be letting my mother know Kakashi, and I hope you are ready to have your Shinobi license revoked" said Sakura as she stormed out of the room



End of chapter, and please be nice and if you are a Sasuke/Naruto hater(like me even though I am writing this fic) PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I NEEDED TO GET THIS STORY OUT OF MY HEAD!!

Read and Review, NO FLAMES