Chapter Three – Kate's POV

I had been walking in the jungle for many minutes now, just taking time to think it all through. It had not been long since I was in the middle of the jungle making out with Sawyer topless, not bothered if anyone could see us, not caring if anyone saw and told others about what they had seen. Right now, I was thinking a way of telling Jack. Do I just say it or hint it? Do I yell or say it slowly? All these questions filled my mind and confused me even more. I knew Jack wanted to meet me in half an hour's time and that time had nearly arrived. I learnt against a tree and slowly fell down it, until I hit the floor. I starred up at the sky. The wind had gone down now and the sky had hardly any white clouds left in it. The sun peeped through the leaves of the trees above me and hit my face. I could feel its warmth. I closed my eyes and starred up at it with a smile for a little while longer. Then, reopening, I got back up and walked off.

When I got back to the beach, he was already there, standing next to Claire, Charlie and the baby, laughing like he had nothing to loss and all to gain. He was happy. How could I break him? How could I know what hurt he would face within the next few minutes and he doesn't know a single thing? My mind messed up once more. I shuck my head ferociously and then step by step, made my way towards him. When I had gotten behind him, I flicked my hair back and in a confident, non worried voice I said, "Well I'm here!"

He turned around. I had never seen him look so happy. Guilt flowed through me, spreading like wild fire. I'm going to crush him I thought.
"Great, well...let's head over there, its quiet there," he pointed to the west, a long golden path of sand stretched far.

"Okay, sure," I replied with a smile. He said goodbye to Charlie and company, then faced me again. His eyes lit up instantly, "let's go then," he said cheerfully.

We walked side by side, slowly and calmly putting each foot into the sinking warm sand, one foot in front of the other. He began to speak of Desmond's music and how he played the same song over and over again, "it's like an OCD of his or something," he stated. I giggled, but behind the giggles, the guilt kept building up more and more, getting worse and worse.

"Jack..." I stopped in my tracks and faced him.

"Yeah?" he seemed concerned.

"Can I...can we...perhaps sit It's nice here. Nice and calm," I stammered. He smiled at me once more and nodded. Crouching down, we looked at the ocean and its horizon [which of course was more ocean]. We sat in silence for a while, admiring the sun sparkling in the ocean.

"What would you say, if I was with someone?" I asked quickly.

"...What?" he chuckled slightly.

"What would you say if I was with someone...someone that was on the island?" I couldn't look at him. My heart began to pound. What if he reacts badly and hates me? I worried.

"...well, erm, I don't know. Who is it?" he answered in a soft, soothing voice.

"S-sawyer," I stuttered.

"Well...I can't really judge can I? I mean...If you want to be with him, it's your choice, and I...can't change that," he replied. I brought the courage to look at him. He still bore a smile. I did not understand. Why was he not upset or hurt.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"Really." He gave me a large smile and then carried on, "is that all?"

"O yeah. Yeah, it-it is. What did you want to say to me anyway?" I looked at him, looking for a hint of sadness. He looked to the sea, "strangely, I have actually forgotten," then looked back at me, his smile never changing.

"Well that's...clever. I'm going to go now, okay?"

"Yeah sure. Run along."

"I'm not a child you know."

"I know."

I got up and took my time going back to camp. I could not understand why he wasn't affected by the news...

Jack's POV

But I was affected by the news. I was torn to shreds. How could he get her? He wasn't sensitive or caring. The only person he cared about was himself. I guess I can't be hypocritical now. I could have told her how I really felt, but I did not want to hurt her.

I guess I'll have to live with it now and as the days go on, I'm going to have to hold back my speech, "I want you Kate," I was going to say to her, "as the days go by, I am getting more and more you..."