
I don't own anything. Just having fun. Enjoy!


My head was pounding. My vision blurry. I sighed, and took a deep breath, letting the warm waters of the ocean surround my shaking form as I waited for Bella to follow me. I took a shaky breath and glanced up at the fullness of the moon and smiled to myself. It was beautiful, but didn't even compare to the beauty of my wife. My heart swelled with this new found realization. My wife. Bella and I were truly together now. How long had I waited for the love she offered me? How many years had I closed off my heart to even the thought of love? That time seemed so far away now, and as I closed my eyes and thanked the universe for sending Bella to me, suddenly I felt her.

Her small hand tentatively reached out to touch my shoulder and I slowly turned in the water and reached for her beneath the surface. My hands found the curve of her waist and she gasped so softly and then smiled. Her bare form shivered as I pulled her closer. The currents of the ocean swirled around us lazily, rocking us together, closer and closer until she was pressed against me, her arms around my neck, her legs locked behind my waist. I closed my eyes and willed myself to stop shuddering at the connection I felt.

"Oh...", Bella breathed against my cheek.

I nodded, unable to answer her. Instead I kissed her cheek, then trailing down to her chin my fingertips clenched in anticipation as her breasts pressed against my chest. Bella gasped and it took all I had not to lose control, to take her, right there underneath the silvery light of the moon. No. I wanted this to last. I wanted this forever. And I needed to stay in control. Losing all inhibitions was not an option. At least...not yet.

Bella leaned away from me, and gave me a shy smile. I grinned back at her and she ducked her head in the way I had grown to love so much. Nuzzling the delicate spot beneath her chin with the tip of my nose, I tilted her face up to meet my gaze again and kissed her softly. Instinctively, our bodies pressed against each other, and the sensation drove me mad. The feeling of being naked in her arms was something I had only known in the deepest reaches of my heart. I swallowed and willed my overstimulated senses to relax. I chuckled in spite of myself.

Bella pulled away and looked at me quizzically.

"Find this funny, do you?"

I shook my head, grinning at her with a lopsided smile.

"I don't know how I'm going to survive tonight. I...want you. So much..."

I let my voice trail off as she cupped my face in her hands and kissed the smile from my face, leaving me insane with a desire I never thought possible. She didn't stop. Her mouth claimed mine for her own and I was helpless to her delicate touch. She was testing her boundaries, pressing her lithe body against me underneath the water, the darkness of the night making her brave. I growled, low in my throat as her hands moved from around my neck and slowly down my chest, her nails gently scratching the skin.

"Do you like...this?" she whispered against my mouth.

Hearing the sweet unsureness of her voice was nearly my undoing. In no uncertain terms did I want her to understand of my desire for her.

"I love this." I rumbled, the coming from deep within my chest. "I love you."

She smiled, my beautiful Bella, and I took the opportunity to let my hands drift from around her waist, lower. My eyes were transfixed upon her own and I watched as her smile faded and her mouth fell open slightly as my fingers traced the curve of her bottom, and then underneath the delicate skin of her thighs. I guess the darkness was making me brave too.

Taking a few steps forward in the water, with her form still wrapped around me, I planted my feet firmly in the soft sand, and leaned forward to taste her mouth again. The water receded just slightly around us, exposing the long graceful column of her neck to me, and my lips wandered to the corners of her mouth, the line of her jaw, the soft flesh of her earlobe where I stopped. She was breathing quickly, the movement itself causing her body to writhe against me so softly. My hands settled at her waist again and so carefully, so deliberately slowly, I began to kiss her neck.

Bella gasped, her breath catching in her throat. I focused on the pounding of her heart, the sound almost deafening in my ears and so beautiful. My lips lingered at her pulse point. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders again, trying to pull herself impossibly closer to me as I nipped gently at her pale skin, almost alabaster in the moonlight.

"My love," I whispered, almost to myself as I suckled her there, testing my own limits.

Bella clung to me, sighing and writhing softly and without thinking, without hesitating, I gently bit her.

Bella's soft cry was not of this world. It was something musical, something so beautiful that not even my wildest dreams could have prepared me for it.

I bit her again, softly, unhurriedly. Her fingers slid into the thickness of my wet hair and I moaned against her skin.

Lapping my tongue against the small red spot I had made, I heard her whimper at the loss of contact and wanting only to please her, I leaned forward to lavish attention to the opposite side of her neck, biting her there and relishing in the rapid rise and fall of her chest, her breasts just beneath my chin as I raised her up easily in the water, delirious with passion to see her.

Bella, so clouded with her own desire, leaned back into the water, and arched herself sinuously, exposing her porcelain skin to me and supporting the delicate arch with my hands beneath her, dipped my head to lavish kisses on places I had only dreamt of before.

I explored the new curves with my mouth, feeling on the verge of oblivion as she pulled me to her, inviting me to taste her, discover her. She sighed my name, over and over again until I felt mad with desire. Closing my lips around one of her breasts, the feel of the hardened center beneath my tongue was almost my undoing. Bella cried out, the usually low timbre of her voice, airy and light. I moved my attention to her other breast, kissing her there, tasting what she offered to me and in one swift movement, she leaned forward and flung her arms around me, searching frantically for my mouth.

I stumbled back in the water, my chin dipping below the surface as she tangled her tiny hands in my hair again and embraced me to her.

Laughing with nothing but pure delight I grinned up at her as she sheepishly ducked her head and apologized.

"I'm, I'm sorry. I...was that too...I mean, um..." she stammered with baited breath, flushed and embarrassed at her forwardness.

I knew I had to turn around the situation quickly, or this beautiful creature before me, with no inhibitions would be gone soon, and so, knowing now what her "sweet spot" was, I lunged forward, taking her waist firmly in my hands and nuzzled against her neck, growling in a tone that commanded attention.

"I don't ever want you to apologize for feeling this way."

To make my point, I bit her neck again, in the same sensitive spot I had visited earlier. She bucked against me and I felt her arch, her actions betraying her fear and nervousness.

She giggled quietly, and sweetly nuzzled her nose against mine, leaning in for a kiss.

"Do you realize how delicious you taste?" I asked her, not really looking for an answer.

She giggled again. "I think its yourself you're tasting."

I shook my head and without notice, slipped and curved my tongue around her own, exploring the sweet caverns of her mouth, suckling at her bottom lip and then starting all over again.

Each kiss was stronger than before, and I pulled away from her, wanting to see her face.

Through heavy lids she gazed at me, her lips swollen from my kisses, her hands slowly reaching for my face. Her fingertips traced the curves of my mouth, my jaw, my neck. I watched her, never taking my eyes off of hers and marveled at the way she could make me feel as though I was on fire.

"You don't know what you do to me, do you Bella?" I whispered huskily against her mouth. She shuddered at the sound of her name rolling off my tongue like warm caramel and I said her name again, teasing the curve of her hips beneath the lapping waters with my fingertips.


My hands traveled up beneath her breasts, cupping the shivering flesh in my hands.


My teeth gently scraped against her throat.


My tongue lapped against her pulse point again, lingering against the rapid beat, echoing every sigh, every groan.


The last call of her name was almost a plea. My need for her growing slowly as a sweet aching in my belly, and when she leaned forward to kiss the spot just underneath my ear, I growled, my hands cupping her bottom and pressing her almost violently against me. I wanted her to feel...everything.

She called out to me. "Edward! Yes. Oh, yes my love."

Walking towards the shoreline now, with her body entangled with my own, our lips crashed together, our tongues dueling for dominance in each others mouths.

I reached the soft sand of the beach and nearly fell to my knees with Bella in my arms, hovering over her and taking in her beauty. She smiled shyly up at me, her chest still rising and falling erratically and I bent my head to place a kiss over her heart, the tips of my hair shining like glittering pieces of silver upon her skin. Her legs were still wrapped around me and I felt her tug impatiently at my waist.

"No..." I whispered wickedly against her breast.

"N..no?" she stammered as I kissed her taut nipple, swirling my tongue around the tip.

Lifting my mouth to the delicate shell of her ear I whispered, "I want to make love to you, Bella. You don't how much I desire you." I stopped abruptly as one of her hands began to travel in between us.

"Then do it. Make love to me, Edward. Please. Please," she begged again, her fingers coming dangerously close to the center of me.

Sucking in my breath with a loud hiss, I growled and caught her wrist before she was able to move any further.

"I want to learn you, love. I want to discover every sweet curve and line of your body." To make my point, in one swift turn of her wrist, it was now my hand and fingers dangerously close to her center, and the heat coming from her made me groan deep in my throat.

"I need to, Bella. Let me love you this way. Slow. Delicately. It's the only way I'll be able to control myself. It's the only way, Bella. The only way..." My voice trailed off as her hands cupped my face and she kissed me softly.

"I love you," she answered simply, and I sighed, my senses reeling with anticipation as she followed the desire behind my eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her, my lips finding their way to the hollow of her throat.

"Yes...", she whimpered.

Trailing down to the spot above her heart, my tongue darted out to lick her and she arched against me, her hands grasping at the wet sand underneath us as my mouth moved down, down, down...

I reached her lower belly and hovered there for a moment, glancing up at her quivering form, bare and so beautiful before me.

Before dipping my head to kiss the soft curls of her apex, I glanced up at her one last time, a devilish grin on my lips, and whispered, "Bella, this is going to be a long night."


To be continued...