D'oh! Author's Note
Oh, no! An Author's note!
First, let me start off by saying:
The Pegasus Tango has NOT been abandoned!
Thank you so much to everyone who's sticking with it and leaving reviews despite my long silence. Silver, WraithPerfect, WriathPerfection, WraithSympathizer, WraithBuster, (anyone else noticing a pattern here? I love that I've managed to make so many wraith-lovers happy!), and everyone else who has left a review over the last year and a bit. It's extremely heartening to find those reminders in my mailbox, telling me I'm not forgotten and validating my investment in this story...
That said, I'm having great difficulty finding time to work on 'The Pegasus Tango', even though it continues to inspire me. I'm trying to shift into the Magical World of Self-Employment, and that means devoting as much time and energy as I can to developing original projects. Currently I'm writing poetry and plays while making audio recordings of Shakespeare's sonnets, (which may expand into other public-domain recordings). And in between I'm scrabbling to piece together odd jobs and freelance graphic design assignments. All this, along with the audio recordings, is devouring my time like a hunger-starved beast, and also fleshing out my website, which is a lot better than it was a year ago. Feel free to check it out if you're interested. (It's in my profile.)
But just to reiterate this incredibly, stupendously, important point—
This is not an abandoned story!
'Tactical Error: Part Three' is still in the works. There is much wraithy-goodness stuck in my head, yet too materialize, and I am striving to figure out how it fits into the new life-style that I'm haphazardly constructing for myself. Thank you SO much for your patience and understanding while I explore this.
Thank you for sticking with me!