
To Fight a Destiny



-While I thought that I was learning to live, I have been learning how to die.--------

Leonardo Da Vinci





Remus?" Sirius asked, sitting on the couch with his fellow marauder who was reading at the moment in time.

"Yes Sirius?" Remus asked annoyed. Sirius had been asking questions about Harry around the hour. He had just gotten out of Azkaban a day ago when they found proof that Peter Pettigrew was actually, alive and well and living with the Weasley family in his animangus form; concealed as a little boy's pet rat. And ever since Sirius had been cleared he didn't even care. Sirius most likely didn't even know where he was. He just kind of wandered into the house that he completely despised; The Noble House of Black. And ever since he sat down on the couch, or maybe it was when they announced him cleared, he had been asking questions about his godson. Sirius was supposed to gain custody of Harry when James and Lily had died, but he ended up being sent to prison. But now that he was out and cleared the Ministry decided they could take their chances and give Sirius the custody of his godson.

"Do you think Harry will like me?" he asked, staring at the ceiling.

"Yes, Sirius, you have already asked me this," Remus said setting his book down on his lap. "Will you please stop repeating yourself? Everything will be fine. Just calm down and maybe figure out where you are." He picked up his book again as Sirius searched the room trying to recognize it. He was silent for a moment as he began to figure it out.

"How long have I been sitting in the room that leads to the pits of hell?" Sirius asked stoically.

"Since you got cleared. I've been waiting for you to shut up so I could tell you but the moment never came," he said distractedly.

"My brother told my parents he was joining Voldemort in this room," Sirius said morbidly, distracted by his memories. His voice sounded hollow and there was no fragment of happiness in his voice anymore, as there was when he was speaking of Harry.

"Sirius, please don't talk like that," Remus said, setting his book down. Sirius always talked like this when they were younger. Like at Christmas when he didn't get a present from his parents because he was the outcast. He would spend his time in the dorms and James once found him crying. They would all try to make him feel better but every time they got on the train the next year James would have to cheer him up with a prank on Snivellous because Sirius knew that they had seen the scars. "I think you were better off when you didn't know where you were. Talking about Harry, remember Harry?" Remus asked, sympathetically, turning to Sirius.

"I love him. When do we get him back Remus? We're not raising him here right?" he asked desolate. "I wasn't paying attention when they were saying these things."

"Dumbledore should be here in a few hours with information," Remus said.

"I'm here now," Dumbledore said, stepping into the room. Remus and Sirius both stood. "Let us sit." Dumbledore and the other two sat down. "Now it is still morning. I was thinking you could head to the Dursleys home soon-"

"The Dursleys. Why would we go there?" Sirius asked.

"You really weren't paying attention were you?" Remus asked.

"That is where Harry resides Sirius," Dumbledore said calmly.

His eyes went wide. "He what?" Sirius yelled. "You sent him there? He's better off in an orphanage than with those people. They're evil! If Petunia was a witch she would have joined Voldemort so she could kill her own nephew without getting caught."

"Sirius calm down, Harry is fine," Dumbledore said.

"He may look fine, but mentally he probably isn't very happy; and how close did you actually get to him to see if he was 'fine'. Or does fine mean that he's alive and that's good enough for you?"

"Sirius," Remus said standing beside him. "We are going to get him today. You don't have to worry about him anymore."

"No I have to worry more. This means he will have less trust in me. He won't even know who I am, not that I thought he would. Now he has trust issues instead of just family issues."

"Would you like to go get him now?" Dumbledore asked.

Sirius paused. "That would be wonderful, let's leave now."

"He doesn't even have clothes or anything," Remus informed.

"Well, we can get that later," Sirius said, heading to the door quickly.

Dumbledore and Remus looked to each other before following him into the hallway.

- - -

Harry sat in his cupboard playing with the fire between his fingers. He had been in here for, what he suspected, was a week and he thought it was a miracle he was still alive. The bruises on his back and neck-from when his uncle had punished him-were still stinging and he hadn't eaten since the morning he was punished. And even then, all he got was some bread and a glass of water.

The fire set off some light in the dark cupboard where he slept. He was used to sleeping here by now. He got used to the spiders and the dust. During the times he was stuck in his cupboard he would practice with the fire that came out of his fingers and bending the air and water. When he was outside the cupboard he would practice in the garden and play with the mud. That was fun. But then Dudley would always come and see and tattle on him for using his freakishness. That's how he ended up here. He didn't think his power was bad, but his uncle did. It made him really angry. Even before Harry knew what he was able to do his aunt and uncle always seemed to hate him.

They had told him he should be grateful that they brought him in here: that his parents were stupid drunks who drove after a trip to the bar and got in a car crash. Harry never knew if he believed them or not, but what else was he supposed believe. At night, he would wish for a person to come and save him from his uncle. They haven't come yet though. But he was still waiting. Very patiently. Without blinking. So that he could see them coming.

The door to Harry's cupboard was thrown open and Uncle Vernon stood, spitefully, between the doorframes. Harry's head snapped up at the sudden blazing light, the flame in Harry's hands went out abruptly and he clapped his hands together quietly.

"What are you doing boy?" Vernon asked, raging. He grabbed Harry by the collar of his ratted shirt and pulled him into the hallway. He threw Harry against the wall and held him against it by his neck. "I told you not to use that freakishness of yours or you would be punished! I'm guessing you didn't learn your lesson well enough did you?" he asked. Harry saw the look in his uncle's eyes and knew he was getting another beating for what he did. His uncle threw his hand across Harry's face letting Harry drop to the floor at his feet. He picked him up harshly from the floor and slammed him unsparingly against the corner of the wall making Harry feel like his back was going to break.

He dropped slowly to the floor not letting out a moan of pain or any sound that could show he was in pain. His uncle didn't like that. "Pick yourself up," he said crudely. "Your aunt has some work for you to do." He walked out of the room leaving Harry to peel himself off the floor. He stood, feeling the pain in his back return more harshly then ever. He forced himself to ignore it and headed to the kitchen to find his aunt.

She stood, horse faced, at her stove, cooking her son his large breakfast that he would soon scarf down within seconds of placement. She looked at Harry like he was a disgusting mud spot on her spotlessly white tile floor. She set a bucket of soapy water on the floor and a scrubbing brush and told him to scrub the floor. Harry got down on his hands and knees and started to scrub at the floor as Dudley watched in amusement, as if Harry's life was one of his stupid television programs.

Dudley headed outside as Harry kept cleaning. In about a half-hour Harry was finished. His back hurt from his beating and from being bent over for so long scrubbing.

Dudley came back in from playing; his shoes dirty from the mud of the garden. He walked on the newly clean floor, smiling at Harry as he happily dirtied the clean floor. Harry glared at him for a moment but knew it wouldn't get him anywhere. Only cause him more pain. Harry sighed to himself and started scrubbing at the floor again.

He finished another half-hour later and finally straightened out his back. He felt like that old man on the street that had a cooked back and didn't walk straight, always keeping one hand on his back and the other on the cane as he limped down the streets. He was with another middle-aged man who he knew he hadn't met before but the man had insisted on shaking Harry's hand. Harry got punished for that too. He got punished for a lot of things he didn't understand.

In a rush came the ringing of the doorbell and a loud knocking on the door. "Boy! Get in there," his uncle yelled. Harry stood quickly, slipping slightly on the wet floor before gathering his balance. He ran to the hallway and got into his cupboard and his aunt locked him in as his uncle went to the door.

- - -

"Hello," Sirius said in feigned happiness. "My name is Sirius Black. I'm here for my godson."

"I don't know who you are or what you want but we don't have anyone you're looking for," Vernon said.

"I think you do," Sirius said, stopping Vernon from closing the door with his arm. "Let me in... please," Sirius said, not requesting.

"I don't know who you think you are-"

"I am Sirius Black and I'm here for Harry. Now let me in or I will be forced to take drastic action," Sirius said, venomously, pointing his wand at Vernon's forehead through the slight of the open door. Vernon stepped back into the house letting Sirius push the door open to walk through. Remus and Dumbledore stepped in after him following slowly in. "Where is Harry?" Sirius asked gradually.

"I told you he isn't here."

"I know he's here," Sirius ordered.

"Well I don't know where he is," Vernon lied.

"Fine, then you won't mind me looking around would you?" Sirius put his wand down as Remus raised his to them.

Sirius searched the house finding not even a hint that another boy lived here. He was beginning to get doubtful. He went back into the living room to find everyone still standing in the same position. "Where is he?" he asked dangerously. Vernon flinched at the sound of his cold voice. He shakily lifted his arm pointing somewhere over Sirius's shoulder. Sirius turned to see a small cupboard under the stairs that he hadn't noticed. He looked back at Vernon with a look to say, "You've got to be kidding me." He walked quickly over to the cupboard, unlocked it and slid the door open. Harry sat with his head down his legs stooped and pulled to his chest as he whimpered quietly over them.

Sirius looked at him for only a second before gathering sadness in his eyes. How could anyone treat a child like this? James's son no doubt.

His hair was very messy and what he could see of it was raven black, just like his father's. He was wearing ratty and ripped clothing and he looked bruised. It was obvious to anyone in close contact that the boy was crudely mistreated. But he looked just like James. Sirius swore he could have been looking at a miniature James. His clone.

"Harry," Sirius said, cautiously, stretching out his arm to touch Harry's fragile shoulder. Harry flinched, his head shot up and his eyes shot open into a jet of green light. They seemed to light the cupboard. It was the only thing that wasn't like James. Harry's eyes weren't a deep brown like his father's. They were the beautiful emerald green of Lily's eyes, his mother's. They were filled with tears as they fell and stained his cheeks. And Sirius realized that the eyes were filled with fear.

"Harry my name is Sirius," he began. "I was a friend of your father's. I'm here to take you home with me." Sirius was worried. How were you to convince a child that they were safer going with them?

Harry looked at them strangely letting the tears run off his cheeks. "Harry you're going to come with me. You're going to stay with me and Remus now," Sirius said.

Harry just stared at him. Looking scared, eyes still full of fear. "Harry," Sirius said trying to touch him again but Harry flinched away. "Harry please. If you come with me, you'll be taken care of. Without the scarring of your skin. You can't stay here where they lock you in a cupboard."

Harry just stared at him, eyes still scared as if not taking in a word he was saying. "Can you hear me?" Sirius asked.

Harry nodded slowly. "Okay, if you want to come with me nod your head." Harry didn't move. He just pulled at the toes of his hightops. He had stopped tearing though. "Do you want to stay here?" Sirius asked, sounding upset. Harry looked like he was in thought for a second. He finally blinked at him showing the first sign of movement besides his small nod. Harry unlocked his legs and let them go. He leaned forward toward Sirius and Sirius grabbed him into a hug pulling him out to stand up. Harry laid his head against Sirius' shoulder as they stood taking in his scent of aftershave and something Harry thought he recognized, like warm wine, which made him more comfortable. They walked back into the living room, where Vernon was standing in front of his wife and son.

"I will be seeing you soon Vernon," Sirius said, threateningly. He then turned to Harry who had stopped blinking again and wouldn't look up. "Do you have anything you want to take with you?" Sirius asked. Harry didn't move for a second before motioning for Sirius to put him down. Sirius did and Harry went back to his cupboard as Sirius glared at Vernon.

Harry went into his cupboard and crawled over to the edge of the blankets that he slept on. He picked up the edge of his blanket and pulled out a small box. He then crawled away and walked back into the living room to Sirius. He picked him up and they all headed out the door with no last words to the Dursley family.

Once safely outside the house, Sirius and Remus apparated back to Grimmuald Place. They were in the living room of Grimmuald Place. Harry looked around the room and wrapped his arms tightly around Sirius's neck.

"It's okay Harry," Sirius said, calmly, as he sat Harry down on a chair and kneeled down in front of him. Harry stared at him silently looking side to side. "What's in the box?" Sirius asked as Harry clung to the black box. Harry looked to the side of him where Remus was sitting in a chair waiting for Harry to say something. Harry didn't know if he should show them. He didn't want them to take it away. He had tried so hard since before he could remember to keep this safe. But Sirius and Remus seemed different. Harry felt he could trust them.

"Filthy blood traitors, HALF-BREEDS, DISGUSTING VERMIN in my home," a portrait from the hallway yelled. Harry jumped off the chair and grabbed at the leg.

"It's okay Harry," Sirius said as him and Remus went to close the curtains over the portrait. Pulling hard they finally got it to close. They both went back into the room where they left Harry to see that he wasn't where they left him. Sirius immediately got worried but Remus pointed under the table where they found Harry hiding. Sirius went over to the table and slid down beside him. "Harry, you're alright. I'm sorry," Sirius said pulling a frightened Harry gently from his position balled up against the leg of the table. He pulled him into a hug and got out from under the table. "Are you alright? Don't be scared. That's just my mother, very cranky," Sirius asked gently. Harry nodded, not looking him in the eye and stopped blinking. Harry had never seen a painting that screamed before. And the lady sounded like she was in such pain. Harry didn't like that she was so beset. Sirius set him back down on the chair. "You hungry? Did they give you breakfast there?" Harry shook his head. "Why don't we plead Remus to make us some breakfast huh?" Sirius looked to Remus. "Remmy," Sirius said with a pouty lip.

"Yeah fine," Remus said. Sirius picked up Harry gently and the three walked into the kitchen. Remus went to cook while Harry was sat at a stool by the counter with Sirius.

"So Harry, you don't talk much," Sirius pointed out. Harry just stared at him. "So what's in the box?" Sirius asked. Harry looked around the room as if someone was going to pop out of the corners. Harry held the box in his hands and pulled the top off. He set the box on the counter and pulled out a very clean white stag. Sirius noticed that it looked just like James in his animangus form. James gave this stuffed animal to Harry when he was one. Sirius remembered it sitting in his crib when he was sleeping. But where did Harry get it now? It would have been with the house. "Where did you get this Harry?" Harry looked at him for a second before shrugging his shoulders. "This was yours when you were younger. Your father gave this to you," he said. Harry hugged it to his chest tighter than before, as if he thought it would be taken away.

Remus set down a plate of food in front of Harry and Sirius and sat down in front of a plate for himself. Harry stared at the plate confused. Was this all for him? He never got this much. "Something wrong Harry?" Sirius asked. Harry looked to him. He then took his chances and took a bite of the food. It was so tasty and Harry was so starved that he had to eat more. He ate quickly as Sirius and Remus delayed their eating for a moment to watch him, smiling.

When they were all finished Sirius turned to Harry. "What do you say we go shopping? You're going to need some new clothes and things." Harry just stared at him not knowing what to say. They were actually going shopping for him? The Dursleys usually didn't even take him anywhere. Especially after that incident where everyone in the weird clothes wanted to shake his hand. Now that Harry thought about it, Sirius and Remus wore those strange clothes too. Harry nodded anyway and Sirius stood. He picked Harry up who didn't actually weigh very much. A lot less than a normal five-year-old should. Remus went with him as they headed to the fireplace. "Now Harry when we get through I want you to keep your head down alright?" Harry nodded confused. They stepped into the fireplace and Sirius yelled Diagon Alley. Remus followed behind a second later.

Harry looked around carefully trying to see the room but Sirius was doing a good job at hiding his face. Remus followed behind as they walked through the crowded room. They made it into a small spot where Sirius tapped a long stick at different spots on the wall. The wall started to shift and open to a large crowded street that they stepped into. The wall closed behind them. Harry's eyes stayed wide as they passed the people, all wearing the funny robes. They headed into a store where Harry got some of the funny robes too. He had to put one on, complete with hood. "We should head into apothecary for the wolfsbane potion," Sirius said and they both headed into the store thinking Harry was still following behind them. But Harry was staring at the large crowd around the window. He made his way through to the showcase and saw that they were all staring at a very polished broom.

"It's the new Cleansweep 7," one of the boys said. Harry wondered why kids his age were wondrous of a broom. Harry used one everyday, just not as shiny.

"It's just a broom," Harry said, more to himself. All chitchat around him was paused after Harry spoke.

"Just a broom?" one of the boys asked. He had a very cold sounding voice and all the other boys seemed to back away from him as he stepped toward Harry. The boy had cold gray eyes and slick back blond hair. The other boys were all leaving as their parents called and looked happy to leave. "This is the newest broom on the line. Where have you been? You're probably a mudblood."

"Am not," Harry said. He didn't know what it was but he didn't think he liked the way the boy said it.

"I bet you are. Don't have any wizard blood in you at all."

"Stop saying that."

"Draco," said a cold voice behind Draco. It was an older very tall man who looked like Draco with much longer hair. "Where did I tell you to meet me?"

"Madam Malkins," the boys said.

"You don't seem to be there now," the man said then he looked to Harry. His eyes showed surprise at first but hid it quickly. "Well if it isn't-"

"Harry," Sirius said striding up beside him. "Don't leave my sight like that alright." Harry just stayed staring at the man before him, noticing from Sirius's voice that he was actually very worried about him. That had never happened. No one ever cared if Harry was okay or not. Sirius finally noticed Lucius Malfoy. "Malfoy," he said trying to act clam.

"Black," he said in the same tone. "I see you've gotten custody of the boy."

"Yes," Remus said. "We would love to talk now but we must go. Come on Sirius," Remus said pulling Sirius away. Sirius grabbed Harry's hand and they walked away.

When they decided to leave they headed back through the wall where Harry's face was hidden by his hood and back through the fireplace. Harry went over to Prongs when they were in the house and grabbed him off the table. He had forgotten he had left him out in the open.

"Would you like to go see your room Harry?" Remus asked. Harry looked at him in surprise. What room? Harry thought. He had never had a room. At least not one he could remember. He nodded anyway. Sirius grabbed Harry's free hand as he held Prongs in his hand by the waist. They headed up the stairs and down a hallway stopping at a door with a small gold sign that said "Prongslet." Remus opened the door and Sirius led Harry inside following behind him.

It was a very nice room. In all Gryffindor colors (not that Harry knew that) and Quidditch posters. The four poster bed was on one wall with a side table beside it and a dresser across from it. "You like?" Sirius asked kneeling down beside Harry. Harry nodded. He didn't know why Sirius was asking though. "Good, because this is your room," Sirius said. Harry looked at him surprised. He noticed that Remus was putting all of Harry's clothes in the dresser.

"My room?" Harry asked meekly.

"Yes your room. No more cupboards for you," Sirius said messing Harry's hair. "My room is right across the hall and Remus's is right next door."

Harry stared in astonishment at the room he was supposed to sleep in. He had always lived in the small crawl space of the cupboard and this seemed like it might be too big. But if Sirius wanted him to have it he would take it.

It was eight o'clock and Remus and Sirius didn't exactly know what to do with Harry. They had never raised a six-year-old before. They decided for today until they could think it over now was Harry's bedtime. After dinner, which they had pizza, per Harry's request.

"Harry you ready to go to bed?" Sirius asked as they sat on the couch together. Harry was already looking tired but didn't seem to want to show it. He shook his head no. Sirius smiled at his drooping eyes. "Come on Harry," Sirius said trying to pick him up but Harry clung to the couch. Sirius furrowed his brow in confusion. "Harry, come on. You're tired, let's head to bed." Harry unwillingly let Sirius pick him up and take him up to his room. He set Harry on the floor and grabbed some of the new pajamas from his dresser. He turned back around to see that Harry was already in bed but he wasn't asleep. "Harry, come on put on your pajamas."

Harry sullenly got off the bed and headed to Sirius. Sirius kneeled down and helped Harry undress but when he pulled off his shirt he found the reason Harry didn't want to change. His back and stomach were covered with scars and large black and blue bruises. Harry had his head down in shame. Sirius touched his hand gently to the large bruise on Harry's back. He gently picked Harry up without touching the scars and took him back downstairs. He headed over to Remus.

"You're the healer," he said sitting Harry down on the couch next to Remus as he set his book down. He saw the scars and immediately stood to get some things. "You okay Harry?" Sirius asked turning him around to face him.

Harry nodded. Sirius looked at Harry knowing exactly what Harry was thinking by looking at his eyes. If he were talking he would be defending his uncle for doing this. Sirius pulled Harry gently to him.

He doesn't like when I play with the fire, Harry thought resting his head into Sirius' chest. Remus came back in with bottles of lotions.

"Alright, I'm really sorry but the only one that will get rid of those bruises is the one that stings. Just slightly though." He sat down next to Sirius and looked him sadly in the eye knowing he would rather die than cause Harry pain. He nodded though knowing it was for the best to get rid of the bruises. Remus took out the first potion that was for the scratches. He rubbed the potion on the scratches on Harry's back as he held to Sirius on his lap. Then took out the other and spread it on the large bruise on Harry's back. Harry bit his lip as to not let himself show the pain on his back. When it was finished a small tear rolled down Harry's cheek but he held the rest back. Never daring to let himself cry was something his Uncle had always made him do. If he cried he just got beat more.

Sirius picked him up and they headed back up to the room, Harry still feeling the tingling pain on his back. Sirius changed Harry into his pajamas and set him into his bed carefully. He pulled the covers up to Harry and tucked him in. For once Harry felt safe in his bed. It seemed a bit big but it was comfortable. "Your back okay?" Sirius asked sitting on the edge of the bed. Harry nodded tiredly. "I'll see you in the morning." Sirius bent over and kissed the top of Harry's hair. "Night Prongslet," Sirius said standing from his seat and heading to the door.

"Night Padfoot," Harry said, quietly, rolling over with Prongs now, somehow, contained in his arms.

Sirius smiled and headed back down to Remus. "He's a great kid Remus. Why would anyone want to hurt him?" he asked sadly.

"I don't know Sirius. Maybe we found why he doesn't talk though."

- - -

The next morning Harry sat in his bed looking at his shoes. He didn't know whether he should go downstairs or not. But his answer came to him when the door to his room opened. Sirius walked in. "Hey, you're awake," he said walking over to him and sitting down on the edge of the bed. "How come you're not wearing your new shoes?" he asked looking down at Harry's old black high-tops that were dirty and starting to peel at the seams as Harry pulled at the toes. Harry looked down at his shoes and then back at Sirius, his eyes unblinking as if waiting for Sirius to say something. "Okay, you like these shoes better?" Harry nodded. "Okay. You want to come down for breakfast? I made flapjacks." Harry nodded and Sirius stood up. Harry crawled to the edge and slipped down till his feet hit the floor. Sirius held out his hand for Harry to take and they headed out the door. They walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Sitting at the table was Remus and Dumbledore. Harry let go of Sirius's hand and backed away to the wall.

"Albus, you're here already. I thought you wouldn't be here till this afternoon," Sirius said.

"Oh, well I had a meeting this afternoon and I thought I would just come early."

"Great well Harry... Harry?" he asked looking around to see him by the wall not blinking. He didn't seem to blink at all Sirius noticed. Sirius walked over to him and kneeled down to his eyes. Harry looked at him as his eyes kept searching back to Dumbledore to make sure he was still there. "Harry, it's okay. This is Professor Dumbledore. He came over to see you." Harry looked over to Dumbledore for a second then back at Sirius. Harry blinked and Sirius had the sudden feeling that Harry just sent his thoughts to him. Why? "He just wants to see if you're going to do okay here. Maybe ask you a few questions." Harry looked over at Dumbledore again who seemed to be observing him as well. Harry bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "What does that mean?" Harry didn't answer him. He just walked away leaving Sirius to follow him with his eyes. Harry walked over to Remus who had a plate of food for Harry next to him. Harry pulled himself into a seat and looked at Remus and smiled. Remus smiled suspiciously back at him. Harry looked down at the parchment Remus had next to him on the table. Harry pointed to it and the ink. Remus handed him a piece and Harry grabbed a quill. Harry wrote quickly and blew on the paper. He then handed it to Remus. On the paper was written: No questions. No talk. Bad plan. He read it aloud. They all looked to Harry who was shaking his head with a smile, as if he thought everyone was being silly.

"Well Harry, we did want you to talk so we could ask questions. The main one being why you don't talk," Dumbledore said gently. Harry shook his head stabbing at his food. Sirius sat down in the chair beside him and turned his own chair so that he was looking at Harry.

"Harry, please talk to us. We don't know what went on at your aunt and uncles and you're the only one who can tell us. We just want to know why you won't talk to us."

"No," Harry said, talking for the first time. They all wondered at the power behind the voice. He didn't talk at all since they first saw him and now they're forced into listening to him after one word. Harry slipped down off the chair and walked from the room taking Prongs along with him.

"Where is he going?" Sirius asked.

"Maybe we should leave him alone. If he doesn't want to talk we shouldn't force him. He'll come on his own time."

"Maybe Remus is right. He did just get here. Maybe in a month or so."

- - -

Meanwhile, Harry was looking for a door. Any door would do he just wanted to get out. This house wasn't what he was expecting. Although he wasn't really expecting anything from them. But he thought that maybe they wouldn't ask questions. There wasn't really a reason behind the fact that he didn't talk; he would just rather not. He decided that talking only caused trouble and if he could talk to everyone through his eyes, then what would be the point. Sometimes, words were worthless things to him because they don't mean anything to the person you're saying them to if you don't mean them yourself.

He found a door that led to the outside. When he opened it he found himself in the backyard. There was a dead garden in the back. The grass was dying and it was turning a brown color. Harry walked over to the garden and sat down putting Prongs beside him. He looked at the poor flowers that drooped and were slowly dying. He touched one of the petals and it slowly broke off and fell into the dirt. He felt sad for the poor flowers. He raised his hand over the flowers and let his fingers dangle over them as water began to seep through like a watering can. The dirt was starting to get muddy and the flowers seemed to be getting softer but they were still dead. He tried to think of what he could do to help them. He made flame erupt from his hand and set it on the dirt and let the flowers soak in the heat before adding water with his other hand and wind and healing the earth.

After a few seconds the flower began to rise and bloom back to color and life. Harry smiled in accomplishment at what he had done. All the flowers bloomed back to color and life. He smiled again, happy that the flowers didn't have to be dead.

He moved onto his stomach and looked down at the dirt feeling like he was on a roll with the magic he could do with his hands. He was always only able to play with the fire and water but he felt he might be able to do earth. He looked at the mud and moved his fingers making five globs of mud form. They shifted into five little Mud Men with canes in their hands and hats on their heads. Without the use of his hand and only the use of his thoughts, Harry started to make them dance. Pointing with their canes and tipping their hats. Harry giggled quietly at them.

"Human children are so easy to please," said a hissing voice. The Mud Men dropped back into the dirt when Harry thought that maybe someone had found him. He sat up quickly and looked around to see no one there. When he didn't see anyone there he laid back down on his stomach as the Mud Men started to dance again. "And so easy to scare as well. I think I might go out and pretend to bite him."

Harry looked through the flowers where the voice sounded like it was coming from. All he saw was a snake, slithering in the mud. He came out and headed over to Harry's mud people, who had now gained dance partners.

"Are you the one that's talking?" Harry asked, unknowingly speaking in Parseltongue. The snake looked at him.

"Are you talking to me?" the snake hissed.

"If you can understand me then I guess so. I've never talked to a snake before," Harry said looking back at him. He guessed it was okay to talk to a snake. Snakes wouldn't talk to anyone else. At least he didn't think they could.

"Well this is a strange happening. Do you have a name I could call you by?" the snake asked.

"Uh, Harry, Harry Potter."

"Ah, the great one. I wasn't expecting to meet you. I was told about you though. Never did I think you would have the power to speak to me. This will be wonderful."

"Why will this be wonderful? And who has told you about me?"

"Word has traveled from the beautiful Nagini. You killed her master. Though you wouldn't remember it I guess. Look, most snakes wouldn't have the luck I'm having right now at meeting you. I wonder if I could ask you a question."

"Why not?"

"Well, you see, we snakes, in these times of dark; well we search for a master I guess. If we don't find one, we will end up under the control of the dark lords or his followers. So I was only wondering if you would be my master?"

"I don't know. I'm only five. But I guess if you really want me too. What is it I'm supposed to do?"

"I'm not sure. Let's just say you are and be done with it. For the meantime, my name is Happy Tea. Strange I know but don't be rude."

"I wouldn't. I think it's a great name."

"Harry," someone yelled getting closer to him. Harry told the snake to hide so it slithered away. Harry wondered about the flowers. If someone saw them alive they would wonder how they got that way so fast. Harry thought quickly and unhealed the earth making the flowers wilt again and let the mud people drop back into the ground and sat up to turn around just as Sirius and Remus walked up. "Harry there you are. What are you doing out here?" Harry just looked up at him innocently as Sirius kneeled down in front of him. "Dumbledore left, you can come back in now." Harry looked back at the garden. He felt guilty for killing the flowers. He wanted to bring them back but he guessed he could always come back.

Harry pushed himself up and took Sirius's offered hand as they walked back into the house.

Over the next month the only person Harry talked to was Happy Tea, who had become his only friend. He spent most of his time in the backyard talking to him and showing him the strange things he could do, with Prongs always by his side. He slowly had the flowers come back to life so no one would be suspicious. Sirius and Remus had tried to get him to talk without really seeming to do anything. But they did find that Harry could talk well with his eyes. Everything he said went through his emerald green eyes so you knew exactly what he was thinking.

A month later Harry was sitting in the backyard, holding Prongs in his lap, watching mud people do the tango with their dance partners while little drops of rain dropped quietly over them. Happy Tea sat beside him discussing with him the form of elements and how it was rare for a child of five to have all four of them mastered.

Harry looked at him and rolled his eyes before returning to his enjoyment.

Sirius was inside talking to Remus and Dumbledore about how Harry still wouldn't talk to anyone.

"Maybe he just needs some friends his own age," Remus thought aloud.

"Maybe, but who has kids Harry's age. I don't remember many people from school. Most of them hate me now that they think I may kill their children. I was cleared but they think I might have gone evil in Azkaban or probably just insane."

"Molly and Arthur Weasley have a son named Ron who is Harry's age, and a daughter just a year younger," Dumbledore informed.

"Don't they have eight other children?" Sirius asked playing with the spoon in his coffee, not really pleased with setting up a play date for Harry when he won't even talk.

"Their daughter makes seven," Dumbledore corrected. "I think it would be a good idea to set Harry up to make friends. I'm not an expert but I don't think it's healthy for the only person you talk to, to be yourself," he said looking through the window where, from their point of view, Harry looked to be talking to himself and watching dirt.

"I don't think he is talking to himself, more like he's talking to the flowers. Flowers are living things so it isn't that insane. Harry just thinks differently than most people. He sees things different. Personally I don't think we should take that away from him."

"I'm glad you can see the good in this Sirius but he really should have some friends his own age. I promise it won't ruin the special way that he sees things."

"Well I think it's awful that we seem to push him into things. Like talking. He doesn't want to talk. I've gotten over that. He can answer yes and no questions. And I've found that I can communicate with him without talking. He's very smart. But since I obviously won't win this battle I will let you both win and we will set up a play date with the Weasley children."

"Good, don't worry Sirius. He'll be fine. But right now," he said standing, "I must head back to Hogwarts. I will contact the Weasleys for you." He headed over to the fireplace and disappeared in the flames.

"Maybe he'll like being able to play with other kids. You never know Sirius. He needs to get out of the house."

"He is out of the house. He spends all of his time outside. I think the fact that... he talks to things that can't talk back to him... is what I most love about him. He has a quaintness about him but he presents it well. He talks to flowers and likes to look at mud. Or maybe we just can't actually see what he's talking too. He's good at hiding things from us and even though I wish he wouldn't, he's good at it."

"You're just too strange Sirius," Remus sighed patting him on the shoulder.

- - -

"So this evil guy Voldemort, he wants to kill me?" Harry asked Happy Tea, as he lay on his back looking beside him at the dancing mud that were now mouthing the words to 'Singing in the Rain' and doing the same dance with their umbrellas.

"Yep," Happy Tea concluded. "And now that I know you better I can see why he chose you. You're much more powerful than anyone I have ever seen. I mean, you can bring stuff back to life. That's something no one that ever lived has ever accomplished till now."

"It's only flowers that I can bring back to life." Harry rolled over onto his side facing the dancing mud that had changed their choreography to something that looked like western dancing and were singing the words to a 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' song. Harry smiled at the fun they were having and the fact that they had actually grown mouths.

He sat up and looked down at them. He liked making things happy.

"You are also the strangest child I have ever met master. No one I have ever seen had fun watching mud dance," Happy Tea said watching the smiling mud with distaste.

"That's because people don't enjoy the simplicity of things anymore," Harry said pleasantly. He looked at Happy Tea. "You're not a happy little snake are you? You need to lighten up."

"I'm a snake, master. Not your cushy stuffed animal. I don't have the muscles to make a smile," Happy Tea said scathingly.

Harry smirked and looked back at his mud people.

Harry heard the footsteps and the mud dropped and he shooed Happy Tea into the flowers just as Sirius came up next to him. He kneeled down in the grass beside him. Harry looked over at him and smiled.

"Having fun?" Sirius asked.

Harry raised his eyes slightly and smiled brighter with his eyes. Which means yes.

Sirius smiled. "Good. I was talking to Dumbledore in the house a moment ago. He and Remus think it may be a good idea for you to make some friends." Harry's eyes were meant to be read, like letters. They said 'but Padfoot, you're my friend.' "I know Harry. But they think that maybe you should make some friends your own age." Harry just watched him plainly, which informed Sirius to continue. "There is a family, the Weasleys, they have seven children. Two are at Hogwarts, one will be going next year, and they have two twins who are a bit older than you are. Then they have a son named Ron, who is your age and a daughter Ginny who is only a year younger. We're going to set up a day where we'll go over to their house and you can play with them. Is that okay?"

Harry made a thinking face and looked away. He took Prongs into his arms and hugged him tightly looking at the mud. He stroked one of the flowers gently and quickly pulled his hand away to hold Prongs against his chest. He was completely ignoring the fact that Sirius was still there and sat silently. He tilted his head slightly and didn't do anything but stare at the flowers. As if they were some artful masterpiece that he couldn't stop staring at until he figured out the secret behind it.

Sirius moved closer and sat down next to him staring in the same direction. He looked to Harry to try to find his eye direction and looked back at the flowers and tilted his head like Harry. "Harry?" he asked, looking back at his godson with inquisition. Harry stared straight ahead but Sirius knew he was listening. "Do you have some sort of special relationship with the flowers and the mud? Or are you just wondering how mud and flowers came to be?"

Harry slowly turned to look at him and Sirius knew it was the first.

"Maybe you could make a new friend who likes them as much as you do," Sirius offered softly. Harry turned away. Sirius took him and placed him gently in his lap holding him tightly against his chest. "Prongslet, please. I know you don't want to talk to anyone but Remus and Dumbledore, they really think you should meet some kids your age. I love you, and all I want is for you to be happy." Harry leaned against his chest and nodded his agreement. "Does that mean you're agreeing to go?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded again. "That's good to hear Harry. Don't you worry. I promise you're going to have a nice time meeting the Weasleys."

That night Sirius put Harry to bed, tucked him in and kissed his forehead before leaving quietly to head downstairs. Harry tucked Prongs under his arm and rolled over in his bed to get comfortable. He closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep.

- - -

"Come Wormtail," said a sickeningly smooth voice. All Harry saw was a chair. It sat in front of a tall fire. He watched as a short stubby man walked over to the chair and kneeled in front of him. "What has come of the plans to capture him?" the smooth voice asked, his tone slipping like a snake.

"My L-lord, plans are g-going we-ll. Lucius says the plans may be put into work as soon as you would like my Lord," Wormtail stuttered.

"That is good news Wormtail," said the voice. The person behind the chair, who before had only been the scathing voice, stood and headed to the wall. He looked up into a mirror and Harry saw the terrible face of the man. He had a horrible face. It was normal but the twisted smile was so sick that it made him look like an insane murderer watching his victim as he peeled off their skin. "We will be going after Mr. Potter as soon as I hear of these mastered plans. Send in my newest recruit. I would like to teach him a lesson for ever doubting that I would come back. Full form."

Wormtail left the room for a moment before returning throwing a man onto the floor. He fell to his knees before the twisted man. "Ah, Macnair. How nice to see you. I seem to remember you telling the others that I might never return. I know that you now don't believe a word you yourself said but I think a little punishment is in order."

"Please my Lord. I did not mean what I said," Macnair said quickly.

"I'm sure you didn't. Crucio!"

- - -

Harry screamed and Sirius and Remus made their way up to the room to find Harry thrashing around in his bed screaming his lungs out in terror. Sirius quickly ran to the bed and tried to get Harry to wake. "Harry, baby wake up," he said desperately. Harry's eyes snapped open and he quickly grabbed Prongs beside him and jumped at Sirius to wrap his arms around his neck. Sirius pulled Harry close to him and held him tightly to calm him down. "It's alright Harry. It was just a nightmare," he said calmly rubbing the boy's back to calm his sobs.

Harry cried into Sirius's shoulder before slowly calming down. Sirius let him go as Harry did and gently set him back on his bed. "Are you okay?" Sirius asked moving Harry's hair out of his face only to be met with Harry's bleeding scar. Remus saw it and quickly went to get a wet washcloth to wash off the blood. Harry was still shaking with silent sobs as he lay back, holding Prongs tightly to his chest. "You wanna talk about it?" Sirius asked carefully as Remus came back. He crawled into bed beside Harry and pulled him into a tight hug and Harry took the unfamiliar contact by laying his head to Sirius's chest and closing his eyes. Sirius took that as a no to talking about it. As long as Harry wasn't talking they wouldn't know what the nightmare was about. Harry could only portray feelings that spoke words, not actual names or scenes. "It's okay now. It was just a bad dream."

Harry slowly fell asleep in Sirius's arms, the sobs calming as he slowly drifted into a more pleasant sleep.

- - -

The next morning Sirius and Remus waited downstairs in the dining room for Harry. They were still fighting over weather they should send Harry to the Weasleys after his nightmare. Harry walked down the stairs slowly and sat down at the table where a plate of flapjacks was set down for him.

"Good Morning Harry," Remus said. He looked to Sirius then back at Harry. "Still feel up to going to visit the Weasleys?" Harry shook his head.

"I know him," Harry said in a small voice. They both looked at him shocked. It was the first time they had heard him speak since he had told them "No" to talking to them.

"Know who?" Sirius asked, leaning into the table to make sure he heard him.

"The man from my nightmare," Harry said quietly. "He was talking to someone named Wormtail about plans to capture me. Wormtail said that L-Lucius had finished them. Then he brought in a man named...Macnair. He said Cr-crucio and then I-I woke up."

Sirius and Remus both looked at each other slowly. They both had the same look then looked back at Harry who was staring at his food as if it was going to talk to him. "I'll go contact Dumbledore," Remus said. He walked from the room to go to the fireplace. Sirius moved and sat next to Harry who looked to be in a dazed silence.

"Harry, do you remember how you know this man?" he asked. Harry shook his head. "His name is Voldemort. He was the one who killed your parents." Harry just stared at him confused.

"But Aunt Petunia said that they died in a car crash," Harry said quietly.

"Well your aunt is a big liar," Sirius said, holding back his anger. "Your parents were murdered, by a very bad wizard named Lord Voldemort. He had started a war against the wizarding world while your parents were still at school. And then they had you. And..." He wasn't sure if he should continue telling Harry why his parents were attacked. Was he allowed to tell Harry about the prophecy? "And when you were one, they were attacked and Voldemort murdered them."

"Why would he do that?" Harry asked, pouting with his eyes full of sorrow. But he wasn't crying.

"Voldemort is a very bad man. He was even going to kill you. But somehow the curse had backfired and he ended up losing his body and fleeing. That's why you have that scar. It's from when Voldemort had tried to hit you with the killing curse."

"Why would he want to kill me?" Harry asked. Sirius opened his mouth but closed it again just as Remus was coming in with Dumbledore. They had caught the question as they walked in so they sat down across from Harry and Sirius.

"Harry," Dumbledore began, "before you were born, there was a prophecy, which is something someone predicted will happen in the future. This certain Prophecy was made about you and a certain Lord Voldemort. This prophecy said that one-day; you would have the power to defeat a dark lord, which happens to be Voldemort. You were said to have a power that he knows not." Harry stayed silent. "Harry do you understand what I'm telling you?" Harry nodded slowly.

"I know what it is," Harry said quietly.

"You know what, what is?" Remus asked.

"What he doesn't know," Harry said. He jumped from the table and left the room and the others followed him all the way to the backyard. He ran to the garden and sat down. The three adults stood over him and Harry looked up at them. "Watch," he said in a small voice that still seemed to command them. He looked back at the garden. He twisted his fingers with a twitch of his wrist and made it rain. He started to float off the grass as he created a burning flame between his fingers. When he knew they had seen what he did everything dropped and went back to normal. "Is this what you've been doing in the backyard for a month Harry?" Sirius asked, kneeling beside him. Harry nodded.

"I can also talk to snakes. Happy Tea is somewhere in the garden. He's nice. He told me I was an Elementalist," Harry said, struggling to get out the last word. "And that Voldemort wanted me because I had this power. But then I didn't know who Voldemort was and I hadn't bothered to ask."

Sirius turned to look at Dumbledore. "Voldemort most likely transferred some of his powers to Harry through his scar that night. As we all know Voldemort was a Parselmouth."

Harry sat there watching them all talk. He was sitting, they were all much taller than he was, and they were talking in low tones. He only caught a few words like; "war", "I'm not training him", "he's only five", "he has", and "destiny". And a fair few others that didn't make much sense to him. Sirius sighed in dislike of whatever they were talking about. As Sirius continued to fight with Dumbledore Remus walked over to Harry. "It's almost dinner now Harry. How about we go inside and let them finish up while we get something to eat alright?" Harry took his hand and followed Remus into the house. They ate dinner silently at the table. Remus noticed that Harry was a little too quiet. He usually had bright eyes and wore a smile as he listened to Sirius and Remus talk, even when it was about nothing.

"Harry," Remus started. Harry looked up. "I don't think we ever told you much about your parents. You wanna hear a story?" Harry's eyes brightened up immediately and Remus knew exactly what Sirius meant when he said he could read Harry's eyes.

- - -

Harry ended up falling asleep in Remus's arms as they sat on the couch together. They had been going through some pictures in a photo album and Remus was retelling a story of one of the marauder's adventures at school.

Remus heard Sirius walk into the house and throw, what sounded like a chair, against a wall. Luckily Harry didn't wake up. Sirius walked into the room they were sitting in. He caught Harry sleeping and was quickly guilty for making such noise.

"I'll go put him to bed and then we can talk," Remus said, standing up. He went upstairs to put Harry into his bed, giving him Prongs and telling him goodnight. He then went downstairs and met Sirius and Dumbledore in the lounge. Sirius was sitting on the couch across from Dumbledore glaring at him. "Sirius, lighten the mood a bit," Remus said while heading over to sit beside him. Sirius didn't even move, just continued to glare at Dumbledore. He usually at least rolled his eyes. This time he was completely serious, which was always scary. Sirius was never serious. "Have we come to an agreement?" Remus asked, more directed at Dumbledore but Sirius answered first.

"I wouldn't call it an agreement. More like an unwanted force of compromise," he said unamused.

"Sirius has agreed to start training Harry. As I have said before, I would like to be able to wait and have Harry grow up normal, but we must all admit that Harry will never be normal. The sooner he is engaged in his training the closer we will be to defeating Voldemort. He will be trained by all the best Aurors in the Order and you both. I will also teach him what I can, but none of us being elementals I suppose he will be doing that on his own. I guess that's how it should be. One is only born every thousand years so there would be no one to train the other."

"So what will the rest of us be teaching him? He may be powerful but he is only five. There's no way we'll be able to teach him dueling skills," Remus said.

"I don't expect you to teach him to duel just yet. Just the basics. Start early on everything students would be learning in their first year. By time he's five or six he should be starting on dueling tactics."

"Who's going to break the news to Harry?" Sirius asked. The other two both looked at Sirius expectantly. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Fine. But I am not telling him it was my idea and I am still not totally set on the idea. I think it's awful with everything he's been through. For Merlin's sake we just got him to talk to us this morning."

"Sirius you agreed with me on this point. If what I am suspecting is correct, that Harry's connection with Voldemort goes as far as reading his mind at the present moment, then Voldemort is even closer to getting his body than we thought or he already has his body. I believe that if either is correct and Voldemort is coming after Harry it would be best to start keeping him safe now. Including teaching him how to keep himself safe. He has his elements but it would help for him to learn other usual things. Not to get off topic but I would suggest we teach Harry wandless magic and wordless magic and combination of them either while teaching him or sometime after. Back to what we were discussing, I'm sure you both agree that it would be best to train him now, Sirius."

Sirius sighed unhappily but nodded. "I'll talk to him in the morning. I'm going to bed," he said, standing up. He left the room without goodbye and left them.

"I should get going now," Dumbledore said, standing up. "Tomorrow will be the beginning of classes. Just to inform you Remus, I will be pulling together the old crew. Just in case you know. I would like to have the order on hand to check up on what is going on. I was hoping you would be able to contact some of them as well," Dumbledore asked as they walked to the fireplace.

"Of course Professor," Remus said.

"You may call me Albus now Remus. We are no longer in school." Remus smiled, as it was habit. Dumbledore then left and Remus headed upstairs to see if Sirius was all right. He was about to head to Sirius's room but heard voices from Harry's room. He walked over and stood in the doorway to see. Sirius was too distracted to notice him.

He was lying on the bed beside Harry, quietly talking to him while sweeping the hair off his face. He knew Harry was sleeping and Sirius was only talking to make himself feel better. Remus left the room.

Sirius was staring at Harry's small sleeping face. He looked so innocent and just a few minutes ago he had been persuaded to teach the small child to defend himself and fight against the darkest wizard to ever live. He didn't deserve that. He was so small and innocent and had no idea what was going on. He didn't deserve this life. Then again, nobody did.

While Harry was sleeping Sirius quietly promised him things he knew he would keep. "Harry I promise, while we're training, I won't be too hard on you. I won't yell at you. Ever. I promise to keep it fun and not end up like Dumbledore who would probably like to keep you from showing any emotion like Snivellous. I promise to keep telling you stories about your parents so that you will know them as well as I did. I won't work you to the bone.... You're not a warrior Harry. You may not be a normal child, but you are not going to be some robot who only knows how to fight and win wars. You won't be normal, but you will not have a controlled mind. I promise. I won't let anyone take advantage of you. I won't let anyone hurt you." He kissed Harry's forehead and moved Harry's hair behind his ear only to have it move back to its normal place. Sirius didn't notice it. He watched as Harry moved sleepily, his eyes still closed, closer to him and cuddled up against Sirius's chest holding Prongs between them. Harry sighed in comfort and fell against Sirius and back to sleep. Sirius didn't really know what to do. But Harry's words seemed to give his brain a boost. "I love you Padfoot," Harry said tiredly. Sirius wrapped his arms around him and quickly fell asleep himself.

- - -

The next morning Remus went in to find them both still asleep. He closed his eyes and shook his head with a slight smile. He walked further into the room and went to look at Harry to find that he was awake. He was content where he was though. He had a slight smile on his face and moved as close to Sirius as he could.

"Harry," Remus said quietly. Harry squinted his eyes open and then opened them to show himself wide-awake when he saw it was Remus. He looked to Sirius then back to Remus. His eyes were smiling mischievously and Remus now saw that James did pass on a marauder. Remus nodded and, knowing that Sirius was a terribly hard sleeper and wouldn't notice, he helped Harry climb out from under Sirius's heavy arms. Harry stood over Sirius on the bed and looked at his hand. He put one hand palm down above the pillow in front of Sirius's face and put the other with his palm facing the other but held on its side. A jet of water came shooting from his hand and a gust of wind from the other causing the water to shoot right into Sirius's face. Sirius was immediately awake and jumped out of bed. Harry quickly dropped his hands and fell into a sitting position on the bed with a large smile plastered on his face. Sirius was trying to shake the water off his face and gave a look to Harry.

"You think that was funny do you?" Sirius asked climbing back onto the bed to push Harry back and tickle his sides. Harry giggled uncontrollably and both Sirius and Remus couldn't help but plaster smiles onto their faces. Harry's laughs were the most beautiful sound in the world. Sirius pulled away and Harry grabbed Prongs and moved to the other end of the bed so he could catch his breath, which only took a second. He then sighed blowing out a breath looking mockingly irritated.

"Want some breakfast Harry?" Remus asked. Harry looked up at him and smiled. "Well you get dressed and me and Sirius will be downstairs making you breakfast." Harry smiled as Remus left. Sirius kissed him on the forehead and left as well. Harry quickly dressed and tied up his hightops before quickly heading downstairs with Prongs. He stopped quickly when he saw that Dumbledore was there. He walked slowly the rest of the way to the table. Sirius brought him up onto a chair in front of his food when he seemed to be in a daze. Harry didn't touch his food. It was as though he knew there was a speech coming and he was preparing for it.

"Aren't you hungry Harry?" Sirius asked. Harry stayed quiet and looked down at his plate before pushing it away slightly. They got the point. He knew and wanted them to just tell him.

Dumbledore began. "Harry, I'm sure Sirius has told you about Lord Voldemort right?" Harry nodded. "Well one thing you don't know about him is that you and him share some similarities. For one, Lord Voldemort can speak to snakes, like you can. But the most important is that you both have a prophecy about you. A prophecy is what someone said is to happen in the future. The prophecy about you and Voldemort says that one day there will be someone with a power he doesn't know. Someone will defeat him or he will defeat them. Neither can live while the other is alive. The other person in the prophecy is you. Do you know what that means Harry?"

Harry nodded solemnly, listening intently but not looking at anyone.

"Well Harry, Lord Voldemort isn't dead. The night your parents were murdered, you tore Voldemort from his body. The Killing Curse he sent at you rebounded and took away his body. But apparently, he is not gone. His soul still lives on looking for a body. And if your dream was real, which we suspect it was," -Harry's eyes widened a little bit more at this but he didn't say anything - "then we think Voldemort has his body back. As we know the prophecy, we think the best thing for you, is to start training. You'll be learning new magic, things to help you defend yourself against him. Both Sirius and Remus have agreed to work with you and I have also lined up a few Aurors to train you as well. You will be welcomed into the Order of the Phoenix, which is a group that plans against Voldemort. Are you understanding what I'm telling you?"

Harry furrowed his brow looking down at the table. He nodded. "I have to go talk to Happy Tea," he said quietly. He slid off his chair and left the room.

"I don't think he took it very well," Sirius said, standing up and leaving.

"Remus I needed to talk to you and Sirius but since Sirius is still adjusting I'll leave it for you to tell him." Remus nodded. "I think it's a good idea if you and Sirius moved out of Grimmuald Place. I know that Sirius has many homes in England. I think if Voldemort is coming after Harry it would be best if we move him as soon as possible."

"I think that's one thing Sirius wouldn't be unhappy about. He hates this house. I'm sure he's been thinking about moving."

"I have also been thinking about making this the new hideout for the Order."

"I'll have to talk to Sirius about that."

"I suspected. Well, I must get back. It's still the first day back for the students. I'll be back later to see how everyone is."

- - -

Harry lay in the garden. Happy Tea was curled up on his stomach trying to persuade him that what the adults were doing was probably one of the better ideas they could have had. It would mean that Harry would be safe and it would also be good to learn to control his power. Harry didn't want to, but he agreed. He guessed he still had to be thankful for not being at the Dursleys. Learning to defend yourself was probably a lot better than being beaten.

- - -

When all the initial shock had left the house Sirius was told about the house situation. Harry had a strange reaction to the fact that they were leaving the house but agreed anyway. Sirius was ecstatic that he got to leave the house and didn't mind in the least that they use Grimmuald Place for the Order as long as he didn't have to live there.

So they all packed up their things and left for Black Manor, a house that wasn't used often, only summer holidays. And not even all the time. It was a lot nicer than Grimmuald and wasn't as dank and dirty. There was also a new house elf that wasn't raised evil like the others. So Sirius felt better at raising Harry there.

Harry was surprised that he had gotten an even bigger room than the last one and was suspecting that if they kept moving it wouldn't get any smaller. He liked this room though. Even if his bed was a little too big for him. It was king size and Harry was already half the size of someone his age. But he enjoyed his room none the less. Harry had found that Sirius had bought him multiples of black Converse High-tops. Harry had giggled for a few minutes and traded his old torn ones for his new ones.

- - -

Harry had gone to the first Order meeting and met with the Order members. He already liked a fair few out of the bunch. Tonks specifically, who he now thought of like an aunt (not like Petunia), but she was funny and Sirius's cousin and tended to make Harry laugh even during training. Kingsley Shaklebolt may have been strict but he was a terribly nice guy when it came down to it. Moody was a little scary at first, especially with the funny eye, but Harry tended to have some fun with him. The entire order had thought Harry a miracle from God when he had gotten Moody to give a good hearty laugh at an order meeting. Tonks had laughed hard and ended up crying afraid for a moment that Moody had finally gone completely insane and may kill them all. It took a good minute to get her to calm down and they all had a good laugh about it afterward. That was when they all decided that Harry could hold his own with a bunch of adults. He paid attention well; though fell asleep immediately after a late night meeting, though he never showed a hint of being tired while the meeting was in progress. The Order members had thought him interesting when he paid attention to things. He sat very still, his legs folded in Indian Style, and he had insisted on sitting on a stool claiming that chairs were constricting. Tonks had joined him and had no idea how he did it and ended up back in her chair. He sat very straight, with his hands in his lap, his eyes bright and wide as if he couldn't tear away from the interesting conversation. He blinked only twice every other minute.