A/N: So, some of you might be asking, "Why in the world are you starting another story?" Honestly, I would like to ask that same question myself.

I got the idea from my professor in Philosophy class when he used this situation as one of his examples for a particular topic. Anyway, it eventually stuck and lingered in my head for days. I tried putting that scenario into words because 1) it wouldn't allow me to write anything other than the idea itself; and 2) I actually thought it would be a nice plot.

So, yes. Please enjoy. :)

Disclaimer: Of course, I do not own Twilight.



The loud cacophony of the students echoed within the four corners of the classroom, clogging the entire place with nothing but a jumble of their voices. It was already past 3'o clock and the scheduled professor for our next subject was nowhere to be found. The noise hasn't gone even an octave down and a few people started to get out of their seats to leave. Though some had acquired enough toleration to stay, and I was one of them.

The growing commotion hasn't affected me the least bit. No; my mind was far too preoccupied to be bothered by the situation. My undivided attention was caught by a piece of paper I rigidly held in my hands. I ran my fingers across the tiny sheet, feeling the dents where he had pressed the pen into the paper with much force than necessary, and smiled.

I knew nothing else to expect from his letter. The rough calligraphy and the placement of each word–it was very him. I could almost picture him writing this as I reread the words I'd already memorized:

Meet me at room 107 later tonight.
Around seven in the evening, maybe?
I have a surprise for you.
I'll be there. I promise.

- Jacob

Pulling me away from my thoughts, the bell rung its shrieking pitch and I immediately dashed to get out of the classroom, the paper still in my firm grasp.

- - - - - - - -


The continuous dribbling of the ball and the squeaking sound of shoes in contact with the floor always filled my afternoons. I ran towards the other end of the court, ball in hand, and positioned myself in the 3-point area—long-distance shooting was my forte. I released the ball and instantly felt triumphant as I heard the soft swish of the basket's net, signifying my successful attempt at a 3-point shot.

"Good job, boys! I think that's enough for today," Coach Clapp announced as he entered through the gym door. I never wanted basketball training to end but the exhaustion building up on me was not one to be neglected.

I grabbed my things and headed to the boys' locker room. I was drenched in sweat, my body convulsing from too much adrenaline rush. I heard my cell phone beep for a new message. A smile escaped my lips as Tanya's name came up.

We have a special date for tonight.
7'o clock. Room 107.
You'll be sorry if you come in late.

- Tanya

What could Tanya and I be doing in a room with no one else but us? Well, I could think of a few. And those few would have to wait until tonight. I felt excited with just the thought.

This is very short, I know. But it is meant to be that way. Prologues are, right?

If by any chance, this story ignited the curiosity in you, or just made you interested on how everything on this fic would turn out, then please leave a review. Your reviews always matter. Thanks! :)
