A/N: Another chapter...here we go. Thank you for the reviews :D. I accept any type of review.

She found herself sprawled on the ground, tears streaming from her eyes whilst she was with frustration and confusion.

"Hinamori," Tadase said beside her and blinked worriedly at her. "Are you all right?" His gentle touch reached for her, but she flinched and scooted away from him. She didn't know what was wrong with her; all she knew was that she suddenly felt afraid. The feeling was indescribable, as if she sensed an impending doom coming upon someone very soon.

Bound to happen.

Those words wouldn't stop running through her head. They repeated in her mind in an echoingly manner, and she grew exhausted over time that she cried some more, clasping onto her head, she scrambled out of the room, saying in between her sobs, "I-I'm sorry Tadase. I can't!"

Amu couldn't face him anymore; she couldn't bear looking into those innocent eyes of his. She wanted to deny his predestined fate, but it was already sealed.

While many questions whirled madly in her mind, she couldn't bring herself to even ask; not now. Her main focus was running out of the hospital, away from him.

She heard faint shouts belonging to the voice of Tadase, and sped up, bolting to the exit of the hospital.

Outside of the hospital, a gentle breeze blew, and she was finally able to cool off—her emotions were leveled again. The nice chill was a cure to all insanity that surged through her.

It was a horrible yet beautiful death. The blue-hair boy killed him with his claws then scattered petals of white roses on top of him…

"Is there any way to save him?" her lips merely moved as strands of pink hair brushed softly against her skin. Her mind thought and searched for answers, but came to no conclusion.

Walking through the empty streets of the city, she past by a blonde hair girl with long pigtails who had a pair of shade slipped on as a gang of men dressed in black chased after her.

The men jostled Amu, yelling furiously, "Hey! Get back here you brat!"

The girl ignored them and darted to the right corner of the street; Amu stumbled back a bit and blinked her eyes a few times. She bit her lip and wondered if she should follow them; without hesitation, her feet began to run in the pathway that the black men took.

The sky was turning light pink and orangey as the sun seemingly began to sink behind the horizon. What would a group of men want from the innocent girl? Although, she did appear mysterious with those shades on, she couldn't have done anything wrong unless that girl owed something. Maybe, they are loan sharks.

Amu continued pacing after them then when she was close enough, she leapt up mid-air and threw a powerful kick through the group of men.

They all shouted and screamed, falling towards the ground, they cried in pain. "Looks like she's got an ally," a man noted as he lowered his glasses to see more clearly, the pink-headed girl.

A few grunts of approval sounded as they clumsily rise to their feet to fight against Amu.

"It's five against one, what have we got to lose?" the man sounded boastful, but Amu narrowed her eyes at them, saying sullenly, "We'll see about that."

She dashed up to them and took each of the men down one by one with a few kicks and punches; however, some appeared to be tougher than they looked.

Sure, a few of the men fell back to the ground and groaned some more, but some were yanking at Amu's hair, throwing her roughly at the ground where she yelped in pain.

"What did I tell you?" the man asked, surrounding Amu, who was propping herself with her elbows. "You can't possibly win." He picked her up harshly and used a fist to hit under her chin; a spew of blood flew from her mouth.

Suddenly, someone from behind assaulted them with a purse. Whack, whack, the heavy purse hit them hardly, causing an injurious wound on the head as the person quickly seized some wrists to twist. A grimace formed the men's faces; painful cries escaped from their mouths.

"What the hell?" some cursed and looked around for the person who dared attack them.

"If you've got business, don't get others involved in this," the blonde hair girl swung a kick at the leader of the gang and he immediately fainted from exhaustion.

The men grew scared and scattered around the boss, shaking him steadily, telling him wake up, but he never did, so they glowered at the girl and Amu, threatened them that they'll be back and next time, they wouldn't get away.

"Until next time Utau," one of them snarled and limped in the opposite direction.

Amu growled as they made their getaway, but then fixated her attention to the beautiful, young girl that held the most captivating violet eyes.

"Your name is Utau?" Amu raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yes, and thank you for helping me back there," Utau said, although, she didn't look her way and had a straight face plastered. The gratitude towards Amu didn't sound sincere.

Amu smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing." She painfully got up to her feet and smudged the blood on her face with her hand. "Why were those people chasing you?" Amu asked.

"They wanted information for selfish reasons," Utau replied, eyes narrowed.

"About what?" Amu further inquired.

Utatu threw a cold glance that sent chills down Amu's spine. "It's personal," she hissed.

"Well, all right then I won't pry anymore then," Amu said defensively, raising her hands beside her.

Without another word, Utau swiveled on her heel and started to stalk away from her as if she had an important mission to tend.

Amu stood there until the last inch of her body was no longer in view. She wondered what was wrong with the girl, and definitely didn't like how Utau treated her after she risked her life to keep her away from danger. "Some grateful person you are," Amu mumbled.

Amu was a fighter, but that didn't mean she was invincible all the time. She still had training to do, and in the current state she was in, she isn't in the position to fight anymore. She also didn't want her mother to find out that she's been around town fighting either yet her mother was probably wondering where she is.

Sighing, she reluctantly decided that it was time for her to go home where her mother started reprimanding her. "Amu! I told you not to go! What ever happened to listening to your elders? I'm your mother and if I say you can't go, then it's no."

Amu stared at the floor and listened to her mother scolding and then her mother gasped in astonishment. "Oh my god! Amu, what happened to your face and your arm?" She inspected her carefully, examining the bruises and heavy blows she took. "Have you been fighting?" Mother raised an eyebrow at her.

"It's nothing," she snatched back her wrist and waved off the subject. "Amu! You can't expect me to believe that, get back here!" But it was too late; Amu was already climbing up the stairs to the bathroom.

In the shower, she contemplated and tried to cleanse herself the best she could, trying to make the wound appear invisible, but she knew some of it would probably linger around for a few more days. She couldn't organize her thoughts right now, nor could she face her mother. What was she supposed to say? Apologize? Would her mother accept a measly apology and expect a "sorry" would cover for everything that Amu has treated towards her mother?

Once she finished dressing, she bravely descended down the steps where her family had gathered around the table, eating dinner in silence.

She slipped in her seat and didn't say a word to either of her parents as they watched her, waiting for someone to break this buzzing stillness.

Amu's dad, Tsumugu, settled his fork down and said steadily, "Amu, how could you run off like that?"

She kept her mouth shut, but she was reflecting. There were secrets she had kept from her parents up till now yet she felt like she didn't need to explain to them. Secrets were secrets for a main reason.

This time, however, was different. It seemed like family bonding time again, even though; she has never really trusted her foster parents.

Exhaling a deep breath, she said quietly, "I'm sorry mom and dad, especially mom for running away like that. There are just some things out there that you guys wouldn't understand. My life is complicated as it already is." Or so it felt like to Amu; the foresight was already too much to handle.

"You have secrets? What kind of secrets honey? You can tell us." Tsumugu said calmly as he wrinkled his brow.

His fatherly words sounded so warm, that she wanted to tell them right away, and be free like a butterfly. However, she decided to sum up her thought into one sentence. "I don't have secrets…it's just that I was so afraid, afraid that my friends wouldn't be put to safety." It was partially true, but she felt that this wasn't the right time to tell them anything.

"Well, honey," her father's face softened and that relieved Amu. "Just don't go run off when mom says not to next time. Listen to her." He added a small smile to the advice.

Amu wasn't the kind of obedient and perfect kid at home, in fact, she was somewhere in between. At times, she acted like an angel and other times, her parents met up with the devil side of Amu.

Amu nodded at her father and smiled back; they finally started to eat dinner in peace and satisfaction.

It feels nice to be a part again.