A/N: Ok…here we are… This takes place at 2017, while Rose, Scorp and Al are in their 7th year…It's part of my "His Little Angel" series, of course…But can be read alone as well…

Call me a weirdo or even a freak, but I'm enjoying more to write sth from Scorp's point of view, and not from Rose's, although I'm a girl…Maybe it's just I really like his character, or Rose's personality is more difficult to work with…Dunno…

Anyway, I have Chap two in the middle way, and I believe this story will be 3or4shot…It's done to support another story of the series, where Rose tells Hermione and Ginny about that part of her relationship…And I wanted to be real and detailed, so I wrote this down before continuing with that part…

Plz, read, review and help me approve…

And excuse Scorp's weirdness, it all has a reason…You'll see in the next chaps…

Oh! And the title would probably change...pfffff...

Chap 1-Insticts

Rose was walking slowly through the long corridor, as the groups of students passed her, but she was keeping her own pace, lost in her thoughts, whistling a sad old song. Her messy pony tale was dancing around from her elegant movements.

Although it was still the first days of October, it was getting colder and colder each day. The cold winter that was coming was bringing a strange feel of sadness and for the heat of the summer, or the sunny days of the spring, as it always had.

But this year it was stronger, as the winter was bringing along crazy amounts of studying and work need to be done. And the most depressing about it wasn't the hard work, she was used to that. She was half Granger after all. But it was the thought that she'll have no time for Scorp and Al.

Ok, with Al it was different. They had their classes together, and they could hang out like always while they were helping each other with their homework they always shared.

However, with Scorp was different. She was trying hard not to get Al feel alone and mateless, since he was loosing both his best friends with her relationship. And this plan was quite hard to follow, cause the time she spend alone with Scorp was starting to get shrinked and shrinked day by day as the school year proceeded.

She stopped unconsciously at the frame of a window to stare outside. The Friday morning was crispy but clear, no fog or clouds, just endless grey blue beauty.

As she was leaning to have a better view, she felt two warm arms slowly move around her, encircling her waist, and her thoughts flew immediately at two grey blue eyes, almost the same color as the sky, but somehow more gorgeous.

"Thinking of jumping?" he said in a low voice, resting his chin on her shoulder as his hands pressed her stomach, moving closer to her body from behind.

"Yeah, I have suicidal instincts just because my horrible boyfriend keeps avoiding me all the time" she smiled, without moving to look him in the eye, simply playing his game.

"Can I pay up then, my lady?" he whispered in her ear, kissing the soft spot behind it.

"Absolutely acceptable offer. Your common-room?" she tried not to sound rushing, but she needed time with him. It was rather convenient that Scorpius was Head-Boy this year, and even if he insisted that it would be perfect to have Rosie as the Head-Girl, she was almost sure she wouldn't manage to go through all those responsibilities. As a prefect, studying for the N.E.W.T.s, president of S.P.E.W., plus getting over the Captain budge from James she had a lot of things running up.

"Mmm." He murmured, kissing her neck. "I was thinking about the Room of Requirement. We have only two hours till Astronomy and we're close. I don't wanna miss a heartbeat." He whispered huskily, his hot breath tingling her skin, as she tried to endure the sweet torture and not to grab him and snog him senseless in the middle of the corridor.

"We're off." She took him by the hand, guiding him, but he set it free, only to place it around her shoulders, stealing her bag to throw it over his shoulder pulling her closer as they walked.

"What?" he pretended to be surprised from the fitting gaze she gave him. "What if I want to show off my awesomely wonderful girlfriend?" he teased her.

"Awesomely is not a word." She raised an eyebrow.

"It is." His confidence was starting to get on her nerves.

"No, it isn't." she refused stubbornly, moving her head passionately, making her curled ponytail dance wildly.

"Are you gonna hit your foot to the floor?" he teased again, trying to hold on a chuckle.

"If you keep insisting." she stated, stinging out her tongue.

"Don't show it unless you have serious intentions to use it." He said, squeezing her arm tightly as he pecked the top of her head.

"I have something in mind." She smiled seductively, while they were making their way through the nearly empty corridor with the tapestry of Barn. She placed a hand on his chest, turning to face him, and stopped him in his trunks.

"It's my turn, knight. You should better empty this corridor for me." She pointed out, getting on her toes to kiss him tenderly for what it seemed an awfully short time.

"Watch me, flower." He smiled back and looked around for his victims.

It was a habit for them, that turn by turn the one would make the door appear and the other would make sure nobody watched.

Rosie smiled when she purposely dropped her bag on the floor, making its properties fly around, while Scorpius had reached a group of what it seemed 5th year Hufflepuffles and was animating something, pointing and gesturing, until they left, and then he tricked another first year Slytherin.

By the time he got back, Rose had already picked up every little thing and was now pacing in front of the empty wall.

"Here we are." She murmured and glanced around to check if nobody was watching, only to find him standing right behind her, leaning to smell her hair.

"Excellent work Mr. Malfoy." She continued "You should do it for a living. You'd become overly rich." She added.

Usually they waited for the students to simply walk off or something like that, since the particular corridor wasn't that famous since a big joke James and Fred had set up here a couple of years ago, simply in that purpose. Now, he must be very eager to work his magic on them to convince them to leave.

"Yeah, as if I'm a poor homeless little boy." He chuckled, dragging her by the waist inside the room.

When he witnessed the large double bed in the middle of a candle lit, average sized room with pal purple walls, he let out a hiss.

"Not again, Rosie." He said defeating, dropping both their bags on the floor.

He was referring to the bed, of course. She had done it again before, many times to be exact. But he didn't like the bed idea. He thought it was too much, since they wouldn't do anything serious.

"Ok, why the hell don't you like it?" she turned to meet his eyes.

"Because I don't think it's a good idea to push things to the edge, Rosie. That's why." He simply said, somehow apologetic.

"Then I have to change your mind." She smiled and despite his efforts to pull away from her in order to continue the talk, she was close enough to destruct him, and as she hooked herself of him, things had grown pretty hard.

"Rosie" he tried to refuse her, but her lips were on their way to his. She didn't hesitate even a bit to kiss him, almost immediately seeking entrance, but he refused to open his lips for her.

Rose, determined to move, and deciding there was no other way, bit his lower lip hard, and in the mere second it took him to realize it was a trick, she entered his mouth.

Letting one hand wonder between his blond locks, Rose began unbuttoning her shirt, and before he could stop her, all the buttons were free, exposing her tight bra and her lean lightly freckled stomach.

When his moving hands touched her warm flesh, he unplugged his face from hers; shutting open his eyes to look down to confirm the lack of fabric, he let out what seemed a lot like a moan. "Fuck, Rosie."

And without further effort by her side, he picked her up near his body, an action which she responded to by grabbing her legs around his waist.

He walked towards the bed, never breaking their long passionate kiss, as he fell with her onto it, placing his arms on each side of her to avoid crushing her with his weight. Her one leg relished him, even though the other remained hooked on him, holding him close.

By then, Rosie had already her hands inside his shirt, dragging it upwards; making him tore his mouth of hers to give her the chance to pull it off his head and shoulders, not bothering to waist time dealing with the buttons.

"This is wrong." He murmured but at the same time she tightened the grip of her leg at his waist, arching herself to him, and he couldn't resist leaning down to her. After another fierce kiss, he moved to attack her neck, trailing a root of wet, opened mouth kisses till her collarbone, and yet not stopping, as he reached the swell of her breasts, muttering again and again "this is wrong, Rosie" between kisses, but being unable to move off her and loose her radiating heat, her tingling touch, her flowery scent, the little sounds she made and the way she felt underneath him.

Rose had her one hand on his shoulder, trailing her finger through the still visible wood he had there, lovingly caressing it, which drove him completely mad.

His left hand moved down her free thigh, reaching the hem of her skirt and moving back upwards, underneath it, while the other was holding her waist, when he started unconsciously moving sensually above her.

She felt s fragile into his hands, so vulnerable. Yeah. Rosie was vulnerable. His Rosie. The sarcasm was almost annoying. But the most annoying thing was that she was vulnerable to him.

He could do whatever he wanted to her, and she won't refuse to follow his lead. She was strong, but he was stronger, and he could even hurt her if he would just wish to.

And that was annoying him.

He didn't want her to be weak. Not even to him.

Because especially in cases like that one, she needed to be powerful enough to shove him off herself if she needed.

He wanted her to be.

Because he totally deserved to right now.

And as the logical part of his mind got to function again, his hands froze and he pulled away just a tiny bit to look her in the eyes. And as he opened his heavy eyelids, he gazed down at those clouded from desire blue eyes staring back questioningly.

And memories popped into his mind, overcoming it.

Memories of the day they first met, her first word to him, her first stunning smile, their first competitive class together, their first inside joke, they first broom flying, their first exam period, their first shared secret, their first trip to Hogsmeade along with Al, their first patrolling together, their first kiss, their first real fight, the first time they had fallen asleep while he was trying to comfort her, and the way she felt inside his arms the next morning, as well as the nights he continued to sleep with her, trying to get the nightmares away, that followed.

What the hell was he doing?

This seductive little girl beneath him was Rosie. Rosie, his best friend. Rosie, the love of his life. And he was treating her like she was the last horn of the world.

"Oh, Merlin, what I've done?" he whispered regretfully and his voice broke.

Shifting his weight to his knees to free his hands, he frantically tried to close up her shirt, but the buttons seemed unwilling to be buttoned under his shaking fingers.

"Scorp?" she asked quietly, seeming surprised, but he knew well enough to see a hint of hurt in her low, tender voice.

"Scorpius, what's wrong?" she now moved into a sitting position bringing him face to face.

With the movement, he realized he couldn't cover her exposed body, and almost jumped off the bed to the floor, turning his back to her.

"Did I do something wrong?" the tear threatening to escape her eye was evident in her voice, as rejection spread over her. And it wasn't only a rejection. That, she could handle. It wouldn't matter.

It was his rejection.

He stood there for some moments without responding, breathing heavily, inhaling the air raggedly, trying to clean his head of her touch burnt into his naked chest and the sweet sight of her skin.

But he couldn't calm down when he knew she was standing two meters away, with her shirt open and her skirt pulled up.

"Scorpius! Look at me!" She pleaded, not noticing the tear running down her jaw.

Full of regret, he turned automatically to her, carving to make her uneasiness go away, but his eyes met the hot girl he had pulled onto the bed with him so selfishly, and he closed his eyes.

"Could you please close up your top?" he managed, emphasizing even so slightly the word please, fighting the urge to open his eyes and get a dose of his pure ecstasy.

With no vision, paying attention at the sounds, he heard her body getting off the bed, although he was clueless that she had moved to him until she circled his waist, pressing her body at his back, rubbing her cheek at his muscular shoulder, moving her hands up his chest to hold herself closer. He responded by placing a hand over hers, as his head dropped down, trying to find a way to handle this better than now.

And suddenly, he felt like his heart was rapped from his chest and thrown away when hot drops reached his skin, trailing down his back, even reaching his waist. She was crying.

He wanted to die right then and there. Killing himself was the only action equally contrasted with making her cry. He simply couldn't stand it. She was too strong to sob, but the teardrops continued to wet his skin. Just insufferable.

He turned around, slowly unleashing her hold on him, only to guide her back to the bed by the shoulders, putting her sit in the edge as he knelt in front of her.

"Please, don't cry, Rosie. Don't cry. I…It's my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting so stupidly." he whispered, reaching to lift her chin. "I want you Rose" he continued huskily now that they had eye contact. "More than anything else. But I don't want this to be like that."

"Why?" she coached, strong enough to fight the new tears back.

"Don't you see? I thought you knew me better that that. You're my precious Rose. And I won't let myself waste you because we rushed. You're more important than that. You're more important than my urges."

"This isn't what I asked. I wanted to like why you stopped. I mean, you seemed totally out of control, Scorp. Did I do something?"

'You foolish unsure girl! Would you ever understand that you are more than perfect in every cell of you?"

"There's something more Scorpius. I know you better than yourself. You can't hid." she whispered back, locking her eyes with his.

"Promise me you won't laugh?" he raised an eyebrow questioningly. She nodded but he paused before speaking again.

"It's hard for me." He paused again, dragging his eyes off hers, but regretting it a second later, only to meet her gaze again.

"It's hard to think you as a girl I'll shag." That sounded awful, and he continued quickly. "Not that you are not desirable or appealing to me. Not the least. But the matter is that you're still my best friend. And it's complicated. It's not that I don't want you, is just that I care about you in more than one ways. I can't see you as just a girl, Rosie."

"I knew it." She murmured under her breath, gazing down at her hands. "I knew it we'll have a problem with that at some point." She finally looked up at him, her eyes serious and hurt.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see it, Scorp? It's because we're best friends. Loving me as a sister doesn't help." she exclaimed. "It just makes things more complicated."

"No, Rosie. It's better that way. If you were any of the girls, now I would have shagged you, not once or twice, but a lot more. I respect you because I love you so much. And I would definitely kill them if any guy were just thinking about things I'm planning to do with you, just if they had a single thought." He stated running a hand through his hair uneasily, his eyes gleaming with controlled anger, not destined for her.

"And if the magic word is 'making love' and not 'shagging'?" she offered, running her fingers where his own had been mere seconds away, bringing him even so closer.

"That would be fine for me." he replied sweetly, with a slight smile that didn't reach his eyes. "But you have to promise me you'll be a good girl. Because the next time you'll push me to my limit I won't be able to stop." he traced her jaw line with his long fingers till he reached her lips, where he stopped. "Cause I love you Rosie. And I really want this. But I've waited, and I can wait more."

She kissed her fingertips, and reached to brush her own on his cheek. "You don't need to."

"But I want to." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "What I did before…You deserve way too better."

"Malfoy, if this whole thing is acting to break me off, I swear-" the fury gleamed immediately at her eyes, her cheeks flashing.

"Never say that again" he cut her off rapidly, his voice deep and serious, with a hint of anger. "Never again." he came closer to place a soft kiss on her lips. "I can't live without you."

"Then why not to move on? It's for some stupid noble reason, isn't it?"

"Of course, Rose. Being serious about this means I've got to put you first of anything."

"Put me then." She got off the bed, sitting on the floor beside him, digging her fingers in his hair, while moving to place her body as close as it could be to his.

"Rose." he managed, reaching to put a curl that had escaped behind her ear. "I want this to be perfect. I want it to be as proper as it could get." he was serious, but she couldn't help a strange puzzled look.

"Could you explain the definition of 'proper' in your own personal dictionary?"

"Proper I mean in the right way. The way it must have been."

"Right way?"

"Marry you first, of course" her jaw dropped on the statement.

"I'm serious Rose. I want this to last, and I'm a gentleman, even if my hormones disagree. And I wanted your horror untouched before marriage, even from me. But I can't see that happening." he said, brushing the remains of her tears off her pink freckled cheek.

"Scorp, look at me. Do I seem like a lady in crinolines? We're not living in the 15th century! And what makes you believe I'll marry you?"

"You'll eventually do so, my dear. You can't resist me for long." he teased, feeling the tense gone and the room lighter around him, although he knew it was temporary.

"So, what's the problem? I'm sure, you're sure..." she trailed off. "You're sure, right?"

"Of course I'm sure, Rosie. It just…I just hate myself for treating you like that. This had more lust than real love. And there's a huge difference between those two."

"And what keeps you then? We'll do it your way. Of course we are going to. This is important for me too. But Scorp, this is madness. If you didn't want to…with me…" she lowered her eyes momentarily, to pause but then she looked at him again "But I know you want to." her look was almost pleading, pleading him to confirm it.

"You have no idea." he caressed her neck, smartly avoiding her collarbone, where the first buttons of her uncarefully replaced shirt were undone. "But I can't think I took advantage of you."

"And what do you want, knight?" she pronounced the last word ironically, but he ignored her.

"Basically, I want two things. I want you to be extremely sure and to do it right. I don't want regrets or a timeline to catch, like now. We have minutes left for classroom, Rose." he pointed out, and she couldn't help but agree with him. There was no need of further explanation as Rose imagined them waking together, the morning after.

"I didn't want that either." she said, kissing his temple. "And I think I'm really sorry for dragging you to bed before. That was selfish and inappropriate." she blushed but kissed his nose, as his warm hands ran again through her sides, carefully above her shirt.

"If my memory serves me well, it was me who actually carried you. And I'm still embarrassed about my luck of self control." He looked away.

"Tell me about it." she complained, making him gaze her, and as their eyes met, they both bursted into fits of laughter, shaking inside each other's arms.

"We are pathetic, aren't we?" Rose managed when they both calmed a bit down.

"Absolutely, angel." he led her in his arms, leaning above her, his blond locks encircling his perfect face and his wide lopsided grin flashing, she wasn't sure who was actually the angel right then.

"I love you." she giggled.

"More than anything." he added, leaning more to brush his lips with hers, but before he could pull away, she had prisoned his head down, with both her hands holding his neck.

"I'm completely sure. So, there's only the right part. Promise me it'll be soon and I'll wait." She pulled him close to her. "And I won't play dirty." she added and kissed him, slowly and tenderly, bringing him down to her.

"You just did." he breathed after a lot of endless moments.

"Sorry." she giggled "You must hurry. I won't keep it for long."

"Don't you have even a tiny bit of self strain, angel?"

"Not when you're in 1 mile perimeter, sweetie."

"Do you really think I'm sweet?" he raised an eyebrow playfully.

"In your own personal way." she assured him.

"Let's change your mind" he rushed to say before dropping her to the floor and landing on top of her, so fast she couldn't react, and he attacked her, leaving love bites all over her freckled skin, from her ear to her shoulder, while tickling her ribs at the same time. She giggled and shaked, trying to get out of his gasp, something nearly impossible considering Scorpius Malfoy was the subject of the sentence.

"I'm a monster!" he moaned in a deep, dangerous voice, moving back to her neck.

"Please, please, don't eat me!" she played along between her giggles, trying to put a dose of agony in her voice, but he was certainly a better actor.

"I could." he said, still speaking with the deep voice "But then you'll have to do whatever I'll say you to." He nearly laughed here, but he remained serious with a little more effort.

"Whatever you want, mister monster. Just don't eat me." She giggled, her efforts to concil her joy and serve her role, fruitless.

"Oh, holly mother!" he nearly shouted dramatically. "I have a weasel for a servant!: his excitement was entirely true.

"Your wish my command, my lord."

"Hmm…" he thought "Say 5 names starting with S." he ordered, his face serious, but the smile on his lips unable to be conciled.

"Sam, Sergio, Samantha, Sandy and Sol." She mumbled quickly.

"May I remind you of the greatest person in the history of history whose name starts with S?"

"Salazar?" she teased, letting another giggle escape.

"You failed." he said, still serious. How the hell did he do this?! "Now, I'll have to punish you." He pulled a bit back slowly, only to jump forward and attack her again. "I'm gonna eat you." He managed before his lips reached her skin, pretending that he was biting her, all over her neck and collarbone, as she clung from his bare shoulders with both her arms.

He placed his open mouth deep in her neck now, unconsciously sucking his teeth truly into her warm flesh, and she instinctively dug her nails into his broaden shoulder, shutting her eyes close and letting a deep moan.

"Ouch! Rosie, you killed me!" he complained, half smirking.

"Sorry. It was by instinct." she whispered regretfully.

"Rose Weasley out of her brain's control!" he laughed.

"What?" she demanded. "You're too hot for me."

"I'm hot for you, ha?" he thought about it.

"Did you ever think you're not, Malfoy?" she emphasized his name.

"Have you ever looked in a mirror, babe?"

"Yeap. All I could see was a bunch of wild red curls and some freckles." she rolled her eyes.

"You're the most beautiful thing in the fucking world." he whispered in her ear.

"Clisee." She fought back

"I love you." he whispered.

"The most clisee of all." she commented.

"Ok, then show me something that's not clisee." he fought back competitive.

"Are you sure you want to?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Chickening, Weasley?" he teased.

"Never." Her voice was serious when she got off his grip and on her feet, pulling Scorp up too.

She leaded him onto the bed, when he sit with his back resting at the wall.

"You sit there." She ordered, while she took place in front of him, kneeling at the bed.

She closed her eyes for a moment, and when she reopened them, a slow music melody was echoing in the room.

Rose straighten herself, wearing a completely stolen from him smirk while she started moving her body along with the music, her fingers working her top buttons after a while.

"No." he moved to her, placing his own hand on hers and the other cupping her cheek. "I don't want you to strip for me. I promise you, one of these days I'll strip you myself."

"But it's unfair." she tried to seem heartbroken. "You're shirtless and I'm not." She gestured at his exposed torso, before point her nearly visible bra.

"I don't think I'm such a temptation to you as you are for me. You've seen me shirtless a thousand times. It's like a swimsuit." he his point.

"And you've seen me in swimsuit too. It's the same thing And in my opinion Malfoy, you are tempting me more." Rose arched an eyebrow, smiling at him.

"You can't prove it." He teased.

"Oh, yes I can." She shoved him, dropping him with his back on the bed, falling along him.

"Don't do anything stupid." He murmured breathless after a fierce kiss she'd pulled him into.

With her knees on each side of him, she leaned down and started sucking on his neck, moving down his collarbone, then his chest and finally pressing her lips on his soft lean stomach several times, staying more than it needed in the healed scar low, near his waist, while she was dangerously fingering the belt of his trousers.

"Rose." He let out a gasp and arched to her.

"I wasn't doing anything, prat." She said moving back to meet his lips.. "I was just showing you a not-so-clisee thing. Plus, I don't think I could restrain myself after…that." she giggled and took his earlobe between her teeth.

"You're wicked." He said cupping her breast while he kissed her again. He opened his mouth to say something more, but a voice sang from inside Rose's thrown bag, and they both looked up surprised, only to realize it was Rosie's schedule's alarm, an original pattern of Hermione Granger the Great, which was screaming that she had class in ten minutes.

"Gods bless your mother." Scorp said. "We would have missed half the year's classes if it wasn't that bloody alarm." he added with a laugh.

"Indeed." she agreed over her shoulder, while she was searching into her bag to find the schedule and hex it to stop. "Get ready, knight." she said, her head still buried into the papers when he got off the bed.

Rose stood straight and turned around, only to let out a gasp, covering her mouth with both her palms.

Scorpius was kneeling to reach his thrown shirt, and in the heavy light of the room, four red deep woods were decorating his right shoulder blade, gleaming from the unleashed blood.

She astonished the old Slytherin, who jumped around.

"What's wrong?" his eyes were wide open. He knew Rose was nearly never frightened or troubled, and even if she was, she knew well to hide it.

"Sorry." She mumbled, unable to form a longer sentence, blushing at his still questioningly gaze. "You should have told me." she added, a bit more sharply than she intended.

"Tell you what?" Scorp took a step towards her, the look on his face equal he'd used with a loony.

"That I hurt you so much!" she gestured towards him, and his expression changed from confusion to acknowledgement and then laughter, as a mirror appeared in the nearest wall, and he turned his head to observe the damage on his back. He reached to wonder his fingers along the red woods, which made Rose blush even more.

"I've hurt you. Badly. And you didn't even tell me!"

"Come on, Rose! You know how easily I bruise or scratch. It's that bloody fragile girly skin." he frowned.

"I love your skin. Plus, I don't think it's girly." she moved to him to check by close distance the damage she'd made. They were indeed pretty serious. "At least let me heal them." she said, carefully touching the skim around them.

"If anyone heals them, that would be me. I'm the soon-to-be Healer on the bottom line. However…I want to keep them." he flashed his famous lopsided grin.

"You what?" she exclaimed and he sighed. He knew she would react.

"I want them. I have you on me. Plus, it's a reminder for my promise to sleep with you soon. We'll do it before they fade. Take my honored word."

"First," she pointed out her thumb, counting "If any of the boys see them? And especially a redhead? Then what? Al is aware of us –meaning us- , but what about the others? You boys are wondering around shirtless. And you must be quite obvious to ignore such scratches. And secondly, what assures me that you won't keep spelling them again and again not to close?"

"Thanks for the idea, angel." his grin widened. "But I'll be careful. And with this cool weather, I doubt I'll wonder around shirtless." he caressed her neck with his fingers, wondering till the escaping curls at the bottom back of her head. "You should let them free. They are yelling what we were doing from miles away." he laughed.

"Why not fix them?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Because they're fucking awesome when you wear them down." he replied, suddenly pulling her close by the waist, only to to hug her and spin her around him fast and cause loud fits of giggling.

"Put me down!" she tried to sound bossy, but all she could manage was to laugh more.

Suddenly, he missed a step and lost their balance. The result was to fall over and pull her down with him, turning his body so she could fall onto him. However, before he could hit the floor, a carpet appeared, welcoming the two fallers softly.

"I start to adore this room." He chuckled and she followed.

"come on." She said when they both calmed down. "Astronomy can't wait." she stood, pulling him up, and turning to take her bag. But before she could throw it over her shoulder, he moved quickly, taking the bag from her, throwing it over his own shoulder.

"I have to inform you, Malfoy, that I'm totally capable of myself!" she attacked him, annoyed.

"Don't you think this one had become a clisee by now?"

"Git." she murmured and turned to the door.

"Wait, Mrs Fury." he followed with big steps. "So, how are we gonna get a permission to the Restricted Section?" he asked casually when he caught her up, taking her hand and swinging it, as the carefully opened the door to leave.

"What do we want?" she simply replied, still annoyed from his humiliating nobleness.

"The Potion, of course." They were now outside, in the corridor, where noone had noticed their sudden appearance.

"Potion, speaking of…?" she raised one eyebrow while they reached the corner, leading him by the hand.

"The Contraceptive, Rosie!" he whispered in her ear, holding her to place, so he can near her from back.

"Have you decided when?" she asked, and the hope was screaming through her voice.

"Not yet." he whispered back. "But I know it's one of those days, and I'm not sure about the charm, so… It's just we have to be sure about those kind of things, love."

She turned into his arms to face him, holding his face tightly, kissing him tenderly, deepening it, sticking herself onto his body, melting into him.

"I have the recipe. Roxanne is a very useful thing of a cousin. But I'm not sure if it's the best." she whispered, pulling his blond locks out of his eyes.

"Let's search for sure, then." He nodded, and seeing Al's black messy head in a group somewhere near, he pulled her by the hand to meet him.

"What was that awesome kiss for?" he asked one last question, squeezing her shoulder.

"It was cause your mum did a great job." she replied fast, as Al was running towards them.

Scorpius gave her a questioning and slightly confused look, but she mouthed a 'later', since Al was now yelling too.

"Hey guys, guess what?" he was almost cheering up and down.

"Eryn and you made it up?" Rose and Scorpius asked at the same time, with the same teasing tone.

"Oh, stop that!" he complained as his best friends burst into laughters.

"Talking about clisees…" Rose whispered at Scorp, as she her one hand continued to hold his while the other reached and hugged her cousin from his shoulders.

"Well boys, my boys…" she trailed of as the walked to class.

A/N: I know that was a really big chapter and I though about cutting it in the middle a lot of times, but I though it's better that way…I hope you enjoyed…Now, press that magic green button…I know you want to… Till next chap, kisses…

P.S. Eryn is Al's girlfriend, and they fight a lot, as well as they break up a lot…It's a routine for them…That's why the others tease them…oh! And Roxanne is one of George's twin –the other one is Fred of course- and she's a couple of years older…No, I think I had placed the twins along with James's year…Anyway, she had graduated…