Disclaimer: S.E. Hinton created and owns the Outsiders along with all the characters... I don't own any of it.


Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard i fell against the door. My hands tried to grasp something on my way down, but caught onto nothing, so down i fell. As my body whacked into the doorway, one of my arms landed on the ground in front of me and in the shocked silence you could hear the sickening crack that echoed through out the room.

Pain. Thats all i could think about as i felt the pain shot up my arm. As the pain shoot through my arm it seemed to radiate and my whole body seemed to struggle with the mind boggling pain. I let out a small cry. Darry and Soda, who had seemed to be frozen with shock seemed to take this cry as a confirmation as to what had just happened. Time seemed to rush forward then.

Darry was at my side in an instant, begging for forgiveness. I almost didn't forgive him, but the as i turn to face him i saw the look in his eyes. They looked so many emotions at once: guilty, horrified, upset, depressed, pain, worry, panic and i noted in slight amusement that there was a slight look of hysteria. Actually now that i thought about all the pain seemed to lessen if i thought about something funny. Watching a big, strong, muscular, tuff guy look like he was about to curl up and start hyperventilating was very amusing. I felt the need to reassure him.

"It's okay Darry, i'm fine" My voice shook a little though and gave away my cover.

"Ponyboy you are far from okay, we need to get you to the hospital right now!" Was Darry's response. He had calmed down quiet a bit and was now giving Soda directions on what to do.


Sodapop helped me out of the backseat and was now ushering my though the sliding doors of the hospital.

"i'm going to go talk to the nurse at the front desk, you two go sit down and wait" Darry ordered.

"Kay" I agreed usually i hate hospitals, but right now i was in to much pain to argue otherwise.

Sodapop led me over to some hard plastic chairs while trying to coax me. He knows i hate hospitals. Darry joined us a couple minutes later and we all sat in silence waiting for the doctor to come and look at my arm.


So there you have it, my first chapter of my first fanfic, please review, i wanna know if it's any good :) If i get lots of reviews saying it's good i'll write more soon.