OK, I had an amazing story! And I deleted it all when my computer crashed! So I am pretty mad!!! So this story is hopefully going to be about 20 chapters long!

Eric and Calleigh Delko, that had always kinda clicked in o her mind as something that she would like. . . not that she would ever tell anybody, not even he himself! She and Eric were looking through evidence, and quietly talking. They could not talk out loud for a while now, being that Rick Stetler is a freak, and is always around, even thought they all put out restraining orders against him. He was a creeper, and everybody knew that.

"So. . . I will see you back at the house?" Calleigh asked as she stood up. "I need to go and drop off this evidence with Ryan and Natalia, and then I am going to do a little more organizing, and then BAM! I will get ready for dinner!" She laughed and she nodded. She stopped in her tracks and turned back, mouthing I love you. He mouthed it back. She smiled and walked away, giving him some eye candy by shaking her hips. She hopped in her hummer and started to drive, but she got no farther than the parking lot, when a major wave of nausea fell over her. She stopped the car and ran out, but it passed, thank god, and she climbed back in. She drove the rest of the way to the lab with an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach, when she got there, she ran into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. There was something wrong, she was a green-tint! She had to get home to be able to get herself OK before her dinner with Eric, Ryan and Natalia. She must say, they are good, Ryan and Natalia have been dating for about five months, and are getting pretty serious, but the thing is, Eric and she are the only people who know about them. The two couples are best friends, or, if you are Ryan and Natalia, the couple and the friends get along great. Nobody knows about Calleigh and Eric.

"Hey you two." Calleigh said. "Look what I got." She held up the bag of evidence and smiled.

"That's great."Ryan said. "Hey, are we still on for dinner?"

"Of course. Eric and I wou-" She stopped as she vomited all over the counter.

"Calleigh!" Ryan yelled and took her out of the room, to the garbage can. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I was fine at the scene. . . "

"What about on the ride home?"

"Not too good. I mean it was bearable."

"OK, Calleigh, go to the washroom, Natalia and I are going to take you home. Calleigh ran into the bathroom, and then it clicked, they were going to take her home! She grabbed her cell and pressed 1.


"Eric. . .Eric. It's Calleigh."

"What's wrong? You sound worried."

"We are in trouble."

"Why? Are you hurt?"

"No, I am fine. But Ryan and Natalia are going to take me home."


"Because, I am really sick. I started throwing up everywhere."

"Well then they should . . . take. . .you. . .oh god."

"What should I do?"

"Ummm, just take them there. Make sure they don't miss the turn, but then I will try to be home much-ish later. . .OK?"

"OK, I think that will work."

"Bye, I honesty love you. Get well."

"Will do, I love you too!"

They hung up and Calleigh looked up at herself in the mirror.

Calleigh and Eric had been together for a month now, and when that started, Rick caught on, but Calleigh and Eric would never budge. He found out where Eric lives, and parked outside of his house, so they decided that they would move into Calleigh's place. When Rick found out where Calleigh lives, he stood out their too. He accused them of sleeping together, but they actually didn't, and Calleigh said that he had no other choice but to move in here. They called Horatio, and he got a one week restraining order from them, just so they can re-locate. They told everybody that they live very far, so Stetler wouldn't be able to find them, but what no-body knows, is that they moved in together. For good. They got into the hummer, and they were about to come up to the turn.

"Turn right." She murmerd under her breath.

"What? I thought your house was this way." Ryan said.

"Just turn right." Calleigh closed her eye's, and let the swaying of the movement with the car relax her stomach. The two did what they were told, and the rest of Calleighs instructions, and soon came to a big house, right outside of Miami.

"Wow Calleigh, why are we here?" Natalia asked.

"Here," She handed Natalia the keys, "just get me inside." Natalia and Ryan got her to the door, and went inside.

"Wow, what is this?" The house was beautiful, with browns and dark yellows all around. It was so neat, yet with some boxes around.

"I live here."



"With a roommate?"




"Some sort of secret boyfriend?"


"Ooh, Calleighs got a boyfriend! Callieghs got a boyfriend!" Natalia chanted. She jumped up and down, which just looking at made Calleigh want to puke, which she almost did, all over her new car, but kept herself under control. Well. . at least until she got into the bathroom.

"Wow, Calleigh, I have never seen you like this. Something must be wrong."

"Or right." Ryan said as she walked in with a picture of her and Eric. It was professionally done, and she is sitting on his lap, and they are holding hands, smiling. "Do you want to tell us about this?"

"OK, Fine. Eric and I have been seeing each other for about a month now. A week into our relationship, Stetler was all up in our faces, so when we got that week restraining order, we moved here."

"But what about the movie I saw at your house?" Natalia asked.

"My brothers house."

"And the game I watched at Delko's?"

"His sister's."

"Wow, why didn't you tell us?"

"Because you never told us about your lovingness 'til a month in." Calleigh complained. Ryan crossed his arms.

"That's only because we thought that it did not concern you."

"Dido." She said and walked out of the room, bumping Ryan's shoulder.

They felt the vibe that Calleigh wanted to get ready for dinner, and that Eric would be home soon, and god knows that they want time together, so the two left and got ready for the dinner themselves.

OK, So this is the introduction part 1, the introduction part 2 will be up soon! OK, Life check-up. . .

. . .I am on spring break. . .

. . . I am watching CSI Miami in all my extra time. . .

. . .right no, Going Ballistic is on right now. . .

. . .my vacation got canceled, due to my friend going into surgery. . .

OK I will update my life soon!