Author's Notice
I regret to inform those of you who have taken an interest in my story that I'm canceling it. Nah, just kidding! But I am giving it a face lift. I originally planned on doing a mass edit at the end, but it works out best if I just go back and do it now. I've been planning things as I go and that was NOT the right thing to do. This is what happens when you don't pre-write. But! I'm updating the chapters I've already posted, some minor, some major, and there will be a key plot detail that i'll be nudging in there to help the growth of the rest of the story, so be on the look out for that. That being said, Pocahontas will be a little slow in finishing, but trust me, it'll all work out and I'm not abandoning it. I'll even post a preview of the chapter if you'd like. Sorry, for the inconvenience, I just felt that I should explain why it's taking so long to move forward. I hope you like the story so far, and thank you for reading! Cya!