EDIT! So this story (that I haven't even finished yet) had just over gone extensive relookover. Hence why it took so freaken long to post the next chapter. I had to change a few very important things what were pointed out to me and I truly want to thank the reviewer who actually put all the time and effort into writing that awesome comment. This edit is going at both the beginning and the next chapter and of the story so for those who are just starting to read this story welcome! And I hope you like it enough to review for those who have been reading it since it started I am really sorry but you might want to skim over the other chapters just to get a glance at what I changed! XD! Hope you enjoy the rest of the fic and I just want to give the re heads up please don't mind to point out obvious spelling errors such as places ect. Enjoy



Okay advance warning I suck so hard at writing this so be warned if this isn't the best insert that you have read. MAJOR SPOILERS! For everything in the game. So try to stick with it! And swearing like lots of it

Totally Not Relevant to story but to my previous readers

Schuldig: comes running in from side YOU ABANDONED US!!!

Me: Whoa! Halt stop all of thee above! I have not abandoned you I have many chapters written just wayyyyyy to lazy to type them and this story won't leave me ALONEEEEEE!

Schuldig: How could you! After all the stories we've gone through

Me; sweatdrop I have only written five stories two of which you aren't even in

Schuldig: FINE! That's it! I have no faith in you WHAT SO EVER! Good bye! runs away to Yohji

Me: Great my muse just dumped me! Well I know a few people who would be happy about that.

???? 1: Well I guess We can be of assistance?

???? 2: This is after all our story. Smirk

Me: blink blink OMG JADE AND ASCH!!!!!!

Jade 1: Well I guess that means a yes.

Asch 2: I would say so

Me: Faints Okay brief recap! My muse abandoned me and I get two new muses from my new Favorite game?

Jade: Yes that sums it up

Me: I am totally cool with that!

Asch: Just don't go all crazy yaoi on us. If that happens…

Me: Sweatdrop Well I realllly don't feel the need to do that… yet

Asch: Takes out sharp pointy sword

Me: Eep! On to the Fic!

Finally it's mine! The most glorious game to ever grace the Tales Nation and it's mine! Sure Steven has a copy, and a few others do as well, but now I have a copy and I am going to play it to my freaken' hearts content!

My name's Angela and I'm your average 16-year old fan girl who gets excited the moment anyone blurts out the title of an anime. I have hazel eyes and shoulder length, mousy brown hair that is usually tied up in two braids. If you haven't guessed yet, I am in love with the game I just bought! It's the Tales of the Abyss and with its amazing graphics and completely wicked story line, how could one not love it!

I raced home from EB Games with the game clutched tightly in my hands… I lost The Game! 1 I am anything but a hard core gamer and the only game I've actually been into (other then Abyss) was Symphonia. It's been months and I still haven't beaten it!

Anyway, I have been scouring every gaming store to find this. Every shelf has been searched and every store has been raided until, on a lowly shelf in a dim corner behind the used gamecube block, I found it what I was searching for! I burst through the door of my house, crashing up the stairs and my mother looked down from the kitchen, "Angela! Where have you bee-"

"Canttalkmustplaygamenowbye!" I yelled up the stairs, I quickly connected the Playstation 2, tearing the game out and with hastened speed put it into the player. Sitting back on the couch, Mother came down from the kitchen.

"How dare you say that to me!" she fumed, "You leave for hours on end, not telling a soul where you were! Then you just decide to show up in the middle of the day? You skipped school! How could you?!" She was yelling now, good old mom… I'm just gonna be a bitch and ignore her now.

I could hear her vaguely in the background, telling me how I always screw up her sweet time alone in the afternoon. Like that one time I was playing field hockey and fucked up my leg… yeah, totally my fault. I just did that on purpose, huh?

Hey, what's this? The opening had just finish, making me drool in excitement! An option had come up on the screen. : PLAY NORMAL MODE: and :PLAY EXPERIENCE MODE:

"Well, young lady, enough! You are not too old to be spanked! I, I will-"

Experience mode it is then! I pressed X, the whole controller vibrated. I was used to that, rumble controllers are really good at giving hand massages. However my whole body had started to shake along with the rumble.

Quickly I tried to drop the controller, but it stuck to my hands like glue! I looked up into my mom's face. It was shaking; looking around everything was shaking but not falling. As my mother continued to scold me I noticed something else. I was glowing, a soft golden light. My mother was now backing off tripping over the coffee table, staring at me in shock, previous words and death threats forgotten. Now I may not have played Tales of the Abyss before but I was a hard core fan and knew what shit was about the go down. Hyperresonance. It had to be their was no other explanation My head suddenly felt like Presea had hacked it in half, or was in the process of doing so and couldn't quite get the chopping motion down. This time when I let go of the controller it dropped to my lap. My hands flew up to my head.

"A-a-Angela?" I heard my mom yell, but it was a soft whisper to the roaring in my ears. I felt, not as much as I saw, the golden light consume me. "ANGELA!" she screamed. My last thought; what the hell is happening!?