Chapter 1: its nothing.

Monday. I loathe Mondays. It's the day that ruins the week. Another day at forks high. Its not that I hate school, cause I really don't mind it. I just like weekends better.

I am friends with pretty much everyone, but im not popular. I'm just nice and I share about a million inside jokes. I'm not one of those girls 'pretty' girls that go to parties all the time and are loved by at least 5 guys in the school at one time. But I'm not a nerd who hides in the library at lunch and studies for absolutely no reason. I'm somewhere in between. I'm usually top of my class in most subjects. The teachers love me, even though they give me detentions every week. I am good at sport and can play pretty much anything. Same with music, art and all those other things. I'm a bit of an all rounder.

But who likes an all rounder? Well apparently no one. I've never really been in the whole 'boyfriend girlfriend' market before. I'm always on the side, setting people up. No one has ever liked me, well not that I know of. And well in turn, I never liked someoneā€¦ a lot. So right now, I'm happy to just live my life how it is, and just wait for that guy to come along, if he ever does.


"Bellaaaa." I just walked out of English and found myself in front of Edward. We've known each other for a while, since we were 9. We went to the same primary school, and sort of got along.

"Oh hey Edward" I said calmly. We were just friends. Well, maybe I get a little bit nerves when he talks to me. But he's way out of my league, he's one of those guys that have everything, I guess you could categorize his as a 'pretty' guy.

"Where were you the other night?" He asked.

I looked up at him, sort of confused, "where?"

"Hockey." He said as if I should have known at the blink of an eye.

"Oh.." I said, finally understanding what he was getting at. He and my brother played hockey on Thursday nights at the stadium. Usually I finished up basketball and would watch them play. But last night I went home to cook dinner because mum was out.

"I had to go home, sorry. Did you win?" I asked. Hockey was the only thing we had in common, so all our conversations ended after about 3 sentences.

He laughed while he said, "Bella, of course we won, are you serious?"

I laughed too. They were on top of the ladder, and they played the bottom team, but hey, you never know what could happen.

"Oh, right" I said shaking my head and looking down.

By now we had already begun to walk to my locker, his was on the other side of the school. Then one of the 'pretty' girls in our year ran up and jumped of him front on in a big hug.

"Eddie! I missed you!" great, it was Jessica. She went away to Canada for 2 weeks and this was her first day back. Jess was actually pretty nice, but when she was around her friends she turned into this up-herself blond bitch.

Edward staggered back a pace and put on a smile, I felt a tang of jealousy. Wait, I don't like Edward. Oh well, I rolled my eyes to myself and turned to go to my locker alone, like every other time. I looked back once and jess was pulling Edward towards the canteen. We caught each others eyes for a second and he gave me a smile that said, "sorry, but I cant help it"

I gave him one back saying " its okay, enjoy"

He frowned at that.

When I walked into my locker bay a few of my close friends were there chatting away. As soon as they realised I walked in they all pounced. "Bella!" yelled Alice, who was always hyper, and gave me a hug.

"Hey Alice" I said smiling at her energy.

"Okay, what was that?" Rosalie said folding her arms and staring at me intently.

"What?" I asked, confused for the second time in 5 minutes.

She couldn't keep a straight face, she smiled and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my locker so I could put away my things.

"We saw you Bella" said Alice, leaning her head back on the locker next to mine, looking bored but wanting an answer.

"Saw what?" I said. I was honestly confused. I was thinking of all the things that I had done today, trying to figure out what they ment.

Rosalie couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Hello? Edward. We saw you guys walking, what is going on there?" she said with an 'I can't believe you didn't tell us' expression. I paused putting my books away for a second to look at her incredulously.

"Come on rose. You know I've known him since primary school" I said, sounding bored. Which I was. They were always trying to get out of me who I liked. But that's the thing. I didn't like anyone. Edward was just that guy that talks to me, that doesn't mean I like him.

"Well then why were you walking with him?" Alice said, still arguing her point.

"Because his class was next to mine and I walked into him, literally." I said locking my locker and walking away. Alice and rose exchanged a look and then followed.