Title: Drabbles [SET #11]

By: kitty868theonly

Beta-Read By: Nobody (seriously, nobody beta-read this for me)

Rating: T+; For cursing/swearing and indications of a lemon.

Type of Story: BLEACH; Grimmjow X Orihime; Drabbles; Tragedy/Angst, Romance, & General

Started On & Completed Date: August 26, 2009 (Start Date) & October 11, 2009 (Complete Date)

Total Pages: 07 (Including my comment).



What if….?

He couldn't believe it… He just could not believe it… How could something like this happen to him? Well, he supposed he deserved it. He was always a bastard, and basically killed anything that got in his way- a man- no… An Ex-Arrancar with no good morals, not even counting that time he saved the woman.

The woman standing in front of him now, looking at him with a very confused expression. And, did he detect a hint of fear in her eyes as well? The same woman that he stupidly fell for, though he couldn't explain why he felt this way around her, since he only knew her briefly at Las Noches… But even so, he expected something from her! He risks his life to help her stupid friends to defeat Aizen. And, surprisingly, they did defeat Aizen, even though he was close to dying. But, after he helped defeat Aizen- he felt lost…

He stayed put in Las Noches as was 'ordered' by Soul Society, as their 'pay back' for his services. But, he couldn't stay put… There was nothing to gain by staying put there. And so, since he couldn't keep his mind off of the woman, he decided to break the 'orders' by Soul Society and see her. And, what does he find out? The woman doesn't know him… No, she doesn't remember him… She had forgotten about him… She couldn't recall him at all- not by his personality or by his looks. And when she told him that she didn't know who he was- he felt his chest tighten and in that moment- he wished that he had died by Aizen's hands. Surely death is better than to be forgotten. Because, to be forgotten is worse than death, is it not?



What if….?

Orihime was sitting on the floor on her knees, looking out of the window as usual. Not even having a chance to dwell on her usual thoughts, the door to her room was opened. She sighed to herself, already knowing who her visitor is.

She turns towards the door and faces him. But, she instantly gasped in surprise when she saw that he wasn't his usual looking self… Grimmjow had blood on his chest, a little on his face, and his hands as well- though it looked like he was holding something in one hand. But, she couldn't tell, the darkness covered that for her.

Grimmjow approached her, and she realized that it wasn't his blood on him- it was another's… Not surprising really, he loves to fight or take his anger out on some inspecting individual. She hoped the person didn't suffer too much…

And for the second time, she gasped- but in horror. In his hand was someone's heart! What was he doing bringing it to her!?

He held up his hand with the heart in it and showed it to her, and she reacted by backing up. Grimmjow grins.

"You want to know whose heart this is?"


"Hmmm… I thought you would want to know because he seemed to mean so much to you before… If I remember correctly, you would tell me now and then that your heart still belongs to him- even after we fuck."

Orihime was shaking her head in denial. He couldn't have killed Kurosaki! He just can't! Couldn't he?

Grimmjow grin widened.

"Well, here you go."

He tossed the heart onto her lap and she instantly backed up, making it fall off of her lap. She couldn't look at it any longer, and she felt like throwing up at the sight. Why does he torment her so?

She felt her chin being forced to turn, and to look at him. She focused on his eyes, trying to ignore his next words.

"His blood is all over me too… So, how about I help spread this over your body, woman? Since you love this bastard shinigami so much."

Without giving her a chance to reply, he ripped her clothes off- and took her. She noted that he was being rougher with her then usual…

Once he finished, he was busy tying his sash around his hakama. He figured he did enough damage to her for today. He figured maybe she'll finally give all of herself to him, but, he was wrong…

"I'm not giving up…" She said, despite how tired she was and ignoring the blood all over her body- along with the pain.

Grimmjow was by the door, ready to leave- but her words stopped him from doing so.


"You can--- have me as much as you want Grimmjow… But, I'm not going to give you my heart… The only way you're getting it- is if you rip it out from my own body…! I will not give it to you willingly! You have to use force to get it from me!"

Grimmjow growled and he briefly considered doing as she suggested. But, he left instead.

"One day… She'll give in to me… Won't she…?"



What if….?

Grimmjow was sitting on his rather large bed, just thinking- and trying to not make himself go to her room.

He use to go by her room all of the time, but stopped when he realized that he was beginning to see the woman as a woman- he was getting attached to her... He, of course, would just ravish her to fulfill this new desire he had for her if he entered her room again. So far, he was doing fine of avoiding her room. He hasn't stepped one foot into her room for---- a week… Maybe that isn't a long time to somebody else, but it sure as hell was for him!

For the past week, he kept his mind and body busy by killing any weak hollows outside of the castle and any unlucky servants that just pissed him off… Which, truthfully, now and days were happening more often and he lost his temper even more easily- if that is even possible…

Just as he was about to close his eyes and 'sleep', he heard his door creak open, very slowly. He looked toward his door- and almost killed the person on sight. He sat up on his bed to look at his visitor with a scowl clearly on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here woman!?" He demanded.

She took a step into his room and approached him, stopping by the side of his bed.

She looked down at him shyly and she began to shuffle her feet.

"I- ah… I was wondering Grimmjow… Why don't you come by and see me anymore…?"

"Che! Does it look like I have time for you!? I got more important shit to do! I don't have time for you! Besides, you have your 'servant' Ulquiorra to keep you busy."

Without his permission, she sat on his bed, on an empty spot that was close enough to him. What the fuck was she doing anyway?

"But I… Well, I came by to see you then… Since all I have is time…"

Grimmjow scowled at her, but then it changed into a mischievous grin.

"Are you saying that you are giving yourself to me? Because that is what it sounds like."

Orihime didn't reply.

"Is that the only reason why you come by my room? Hoping I would…"

He didn't hesitant with his answer.

"Of course it is!"

Again, she said nothing. But, the silence didn't drag on for long.

"I… I miss you coming by… I know that maybe the conversations that we have don't mean anything to you but… They mean a lot to me…"

She looked up at him, straight into his blue eyes.

"If I have to… Give myself to you for you to come by again… I would… Do it then…"

Grimmjow didn't say anything, though his surprised face expression betrayed his thoughts to her. His mind was screaming to take up on her offer… But, he didn't… He patted the top of her head, as if she were a child- though she could be at times…

"You are just plain stupid… Get out of my room and don't bother coming back…"

Orihime continued to look at him- and then she did the unexpected…

She threw her arms around his neck and slammed her lips onto his. He was caught by surprise momentarily, but then he reacted to her sloppy and inexperienced kiss with his own more controlled mouth.

"Fuck… You're not going to leave my room until I'm completely satisfied…"

And after that night, his visits to her room continued again.


DRABBLE #44 (THEME #6: Break Away):

What if….?

Grimmjow was heading to her room as usual, for one reason only. A few months back, ever since she accidently fell and her hands touched his chest, so that she wouldn't fall- they have been getting a little closer and more physically attracted towards one another. Even though he started the whole sex routine (not by force either), she technically started it all first, an accident or not, she still started it first…

But, everything changed when he entered her room today. Usually, when he entered her room, she would immediately head towards her large couch and sit- like an obedient 'pet' and wait for him to start the 'show'. But, when he entered her room, she continued to stand there under the window. At first, Grimmjow thought maybe he had the wrong room and that the woman wasn't really defying him. But, he wasn't wrong- he knew.

He scowled at her and said, "What the fuck are you standing there for!? Go to the couch and wait for me!"

She looked down at the ground and said, in a very low voice, "No…"

Grimmjow thought he was hearing her incorrectly, but no, he wasn't wrong…

"What!? You want me to force you over there or something?"

"…. Grimmjow… I want this to stop… I can't do this anymore… I just can't… Make love to a man that-"

"It's not called 'making love'! We are fucking! There's a difference!"

Orihime winced at his words, still not use to his language, but she continued.

"Whatever you want to call it… I don't want to do it anymore… I want there to be a reason of why we are doing this…! But, if there is no reason, then I don't want to do it… I.. I have a reason… But, I can see that you don't…"

Grimmjow looked at her as if she was stupid- well she is technically, but more stupid than usual. Who is she fucking kidding!? He could do whatever the hell he wanted with her! He didn't need her permission to do as he pleased with her! There may have been a few times he would take it slow and to make sure she enjoyed their sessions. But, that was all, nothing else; he didn't need a rebellious woman to make his job harder.

But, he surprisingly turned away from her- and left her room, without saying a word to her. Orihime was just as shocked that he left her room… She had to wonder if that really was Grimmjow…


But a few days later, he came back to her room- and Orihime was afraid. She was afraid that he wasn't going to take 'No' for an answer this time and just take what he wanted from her. She stood there, trembling in fear, not caring if it made her look weak. He silently approached her, and she didn't move an inch from her spot.

Once he was in front of her, he bent down a little, to be on the same eyelevel as her. And that was when Orihime realized that he wasn't holding his usual frown on his face. In fact, it was blank…

"You told me that you wanted a reason for my visits… Right?"

She just nodded her head, afraid her voice would betray her.

"Hmm… Well then… My reason would be because---- you are different…"

He stood back up straight and continued to look at her. He wasn't going to say anymore, he hoped that she would understand his words, what they truly meant.

She looked at his chest and lifted one of her hands. She lightly grazed her hand onto the scar on his chest- the one that Kurosaki gave him- she found out… She finally looked up, into his eyes, with a small smile on her face.

"I think… that reason is fine…"

And that was the only thing he needed to hear from her. He bent down and kissed her, so lightly that she wasn't sure she felt it. And, to his surprise, she grabbed his wrist and urged him towards her couch. She hoped the night would never end- or to end very slowly… And strangely, he felt the same way…




'Drabble 41', I made this up based on the quote from my favorite Final Fantasy games- 9. When you look at the 'opening' of the game, one of the quotes in the game is, "To be forgotten is worse than death." And that quote was for Freya. Freya is one of my favorite characters in the game (besides Zidane). I even have her background picture on my Zune (for the past few months too). Anyway, this drabble is when Grimmjow goes visit Orihime, despite the trouble he could get in, and somehow she doesn't remember him- at all. Quite sad really…

'Drabble 42', I don't know what went through my mind when I did this one… I just wanted one that was just plain crazy, though, something Grimmjow would do if it sounds crazy to me and others… This one isn't clear completely, but it is somewhat indicated that Grimmjow is jealous that Ichigo could still have a effect on Orihime- even though he is dead… And, it shows how faithful Orihime is- even if their love (Ichigo and her) might never be or will never be in this drabble…

'Drabble 43', is basically the opposite of the one before it. Orihime missed his company, she goes sees him- and that's it pretty much… I'm not sure how I made this one up- it just popped into my head…

'Drabble 44', I made this one up just by seeing the title, or words rather 'Break Away'. And, that was how this drabble was born…

Enjoy these drabbles, and until next time, more will come soon! Thanks for reading!

NOTE: I had this drabble set done about two weeks, but I sent them to my beta-readers to beta-read them- but NONE of them got back to me… And I have 4 beta-readers in total to review ONLY my BLEACH stuff, so that something like this wouldn't happen… Well, unfortunately, what I didn't want to happen happened anyway… I'm going to have to see what's going on with them…