Thank you so much for the reviews. This is the last and final chapter of 4 Brothers. Yes, it's the end. I'm not happy either, but it's how it's going to end.

Thank you for hanging on until the end.

Disclaimor: I do not own Bleach.

A day passed ever since Hichigo was placed in the hospital. Things were back to they were except a few things changed. The Kurosaki house was hardly used. The white haired boy's room remained a mess. The couples were at their lover's houses. Kon was at Rukia's while Byakuya was awhile. Kaien would hang out at Tatsuki's place as always. Hichigo had no one, and he preferred it that way. And, finally, Ichigo would be with Grimmjow.

It was the end of the school day. The teachers were informed by Kaien about Hichigo being in the hospital, and nothing more was asked. Ichigo, feeling responsible, felt that he should deliver homework to his brother. His brothers don't mind at all as long as he's ok with it. Grimmjow would go with Ichigo, afraid that his boyfriend will be doing more than delivering homework to the white haired boy. Ichigo thought nothing of it, and he enjoyed Grimmjow's company. Ever since the confession, they have been hanging out more. It was as though the orange haired brother has followed his older brothers' footsteps except for Hichigo.

Ichigo didn't notice that he was the last one in the class. He had cleaning duty. He noticed someone entered the classroom, and he looked to see that it was none other than his boyfriend. The orange haired boy smiled. "Hey."

"Yo. Thought I found you here. Didn't know it was your turn when I waited." Grimmjow stated with a shrug.

"Sorry. It was unexpected." Ichigo felt guilty while holding the eraser.

"That aside, at least fulfill what I want." The teal haired boy walked towards the boy.

"What you want?" Ichigo questioned, having a bad feeling as he backed away from his tall boyfriend. He kept walking backwards until he bumped into the corner of the classroom. He cursed mentally.

Grimmjow put his hand on the wall, blocking Ichigo from escaping. His other hand caressed Ichigo's face as he stared at the orange haired head's face. Curious hazel orbs staring into lost dazed teal ones. Grimmjow closed in the distance, kissing the boy on the lips. The sounds of responses were pleasurable in Grimmjow's ears. The third year's hands began to strip the boy out of his shirt. Ichigo sensed what was going on, and he tried to move out of his boyfriend's grip, but he couldn't. Ichigo patted his boyfriend on the shoulder, demanding for air. The third year finally released the kiss, looking angry and feeling irritated. "What?"

"Think of where we are! Plus, I'm hearing people." Ichigo stated. His cheeks were red.

Before the third year could complain, his ears picked up some sounds. He focused his hearing, and he could hear murmuring. That murmuring sounded feminine. Both boys looked to see faces of girls by the door and the windows. Some even reached the ceiling.

"Oh my god…"

"That is so hot…"

"Why'd they stopped?"

"That is just too hot."

"I want to film this."

"I already got that covered!"

"Get them!"

Both boys looked at each other, thinking of an idea. Grimmjow breathed in and out. "Ichigo, I hope you're ready for this."

"Sure, I am. You lead though." Ichigo stated, grinning.

The girls had no idea what is in stored. The door suddenly crashed opened, causing the girls to fall on the sides. Grimmjow ran, followed by Ichigo. They ran as far as they can get to as the fangirls chased after them.

"After them!"


In the white room, Hichigo was sitting upwards, lying against a fluffy pillow behind him. It's only been a day, but he was bored. He wanted to go and do stuff, but he physically couldn't. He was covered in bandages, and he needed to rest and heal. Besides that, he couldn't try to leave. The nurses were too hissy about him moving about. He sighed.

Then, his ears heard a few knocks on the door. He thought it was the nurses who do their usual rounds of check-ups on him, but it was his younger brother, Ichigo and his boyfriend, Grimmjow. "Yo."

"Hey. I brought your homework over, but I guess you can't do it since you're injured." Ichigo smiled as he laid the books down by the bed.

"Obviously, yeah. I can't even hold a pencil." Hichigo stated with a grown as he laid back.

"Yeah, but you look like you're enjoying yourself." Ichigo smiled as he sat on a stool.

Hichigo noticed a happier aura around his younger quadruplet. He sighed mentally, wishing that he could make that happy aura, but it wasn't him. Hichigo still had a hard time getting used to seeing his brother with the blue haired third year. It was a loss for him. He still had to let Ichigo go. "So, enjoying yourself with… that guy right here?"

Grimmjow felt a vein popping, but he remembered to not pick a fight in the hospital and he'd make Ichigo upset to see Hichigo with more wounds.

Ichigo laughed a bit. "He's Grimmjow, Hichigo. But, yeah, I'm enjoying myself."

Hichigo didn't say anything else. Ichigo's smiles were brighter than before, and it's all thanks to Grimmjow. He closed his eyes. "Well, don't you have some kind of date to get to?"

"Date?" Ichigo questioned.

"Well, don't you? I don't want to keep you guys here all day long, you know?" Hichigo smirked.

Before Ichigo could say anything, Grimmjow picked up his boyfriend into his arms, carrying him bridal style. Ichigo blushed and he panicked. The blue haired boy stated, "Yeah, dating, and we're going to this hotel in town…"

"Oh, is it?" Hichigo stated smirking and grinning.

"Eh? A hotel? W-wait!" Ichigo stated, struggling out of his boyfriend's arms, yet he couldn't. He was held too tightly against his boyfriend's chest.

Grimmjow took his leave out of the room, feeling the glares coming from Hichigo. Along the way, the couple has been stared at. The female nurses and doctors were blushing and thinking how sweet the couple looked. Grimmjow pretty much had a straight face on, but he did enjoy the stares that he has been earning. It was better than school though. Fangirls would just chase anything that caught their eyes.


Days have passed, turning into months. Hichigo was able to leave the hospital a month after. He was fully healed and he was ready to go back to his normal life. But, he has to clean his room. He came back to an empty house. No one was home. He knew Kaien was with Tatsuki, Kon with Rukia, and Ichigo being with Grimmjow. The white haired boy didn't feel like cleaning his room. He sat on the couch and leaned back against the cushions. No one told him what to do. He could do what he wanted to do. His brothers don't complain about him doing nothing. Everyone just had their own agendas to do.

Hichigo leaned his head back, and he saw things upside down. He saw the calendar, and his eyes focused on the days listed. It was close to April. He wondered what'll happen, but he didn't care that much about what happens in that coming time. By summer, he and his brothers will be second years. Another thought came to mind. Grimmjow will graduate and he'll never come back unless he wanted to visit Karakura on his own time. Much to his relief, he would have Ichigo back, but his orange haired brother won't be the same again. Ichigo has changed and that was caused by the events that took place here in this town. The white haired boy remembered the events, but a few of them never involved him.

Ichigo witnessed his parents dying in front of him. Ulquiorra died in the river, which was basically suicide. Hichigo kissed his brother. The first kiss was bliss to him. He remembered it, and kissing Ichigo again added more of a prize to him. He was glad to have stolen a few kisses, but from now on, Ichigo won't be too happy if Hichigo kept that up. Ichigo had Grimmjow, and that's what his younger quadruplet wanted.

The white haired boy gave out a long and loud sigh. "This summer is going to be boring."

Another thought came to his mind. Hichigo felt better, which was strange to him. There's nothing to burden him now. His feelings were cleared and there was no one that he wanted. Ichigo was his before, but he dropped that plan. He gave up too much, but this time was for the better. If Grimmjow were to not come into their lives, then Ichigo would have been his. Hichigo smirked to himself. If only life was that easy…but this life is better than nothing… Ichigo is my one and loving brother…

Hichigo knew deep down that he still loved Ichigo, but it's enough to be his older brother and quadruplet. That's all he needed. That's all…

"Life's a bitch, but no complaints there…" a smirk soon followed.


Two years have passed. It was night time as the wind blew with the cherry blossoms in the air. It was still chilly. At a noisy restaurant, a party was being held. Kon was being disruptive while Rukia tried to quiet him down. Tatsuki and Kaien were in their own little world. Ichigo was silent to himself. Hichigo drank to his content.

Two long years have passed. Ever since spring, Grimmjow has left to Hokkaido. Ichigo tried to deal with it, but he was getting better. The first part he was told about the news and how he reacted to it. Grimmjow was feeling not himself and he didn't know how to tell Ichigo. The orange haired boy did accept since he understood the kind of position that his boyfriend was in. It was hard to not be able to see the blue haired boy every day right by that doorstep next door. But, Ichigo was able to get used to it. The best part was that his boyfriend came over when he had the time. Now, in the present, Ichigo was eagerly waiting for Grimmjow. He heard that he was coming but he didn't know when, but sometimes around spring close to his graduation date.

There hasn't been any sign of his boyfriend, but he was still patient and waiting.

Hichigo noticed his brother's silent pose. He sighed, moving a bottle of sake to his younger brother. "Drink."

"I'm fine. I don't need a drink." Ichigo smiled to his brother.

"That's stupid. It's graduation, and it's a party. Enjoy yourself…isn't that what Grimmjow wanted?" Hichigo stated in a disgusting tone. He didn't like how Grimmjow was being pronounced on his tongue.

"Well, yeah, but…" Ichigo shifted his eyes over to the drink. He felt awkward for some reason. He just didn't feel like celebrating without his blue eyed boyfriend.

Before Hichigo could say anything, he saw something caught his attention out the window. He looked and he sighed. So, he's here afterall…


Ichigo perked up. He saw him by the front door. Grimmjow stood where he was until he saw orange hair. He walked towards where the graduation party was held. He smirked downwards at the smaller boy. "Did I take long…Ichigo…?"

Ichigo felt tears coming out of his eyes as he smiled. He stood up, and threw himself into his boyfriend, who caught him into an embrace. "Yeah, you did…Grimmjow…"

"Oh, hey, nice to see that you're joining us!" Kaien stated with a grin, throwing a bottle at the taller male.

Grimmjow caught it, and he sat next to Ichigo.

Kon stated loudly, "Yeah! Drink! Drink! Drink!"

"Never knew I had to, but I will anyhow. I can hold my liquor." Grimmjow stated as he drank the whole bottle down his throat. He gave a sigh of pleasure as he placed the bottle back.

"That sounds like a challenge." Hichigo drank his drink in a gulp.

The two smirked to each other, seeing a challenge. Ichigo smelled trouble. Kon, Rukia, Kaien, and Tatsuki cheered on with a blast. Soon afterwards, a table joined in, which was occupied by Orihime, Uryu, Chad, Keigo, and Mizuirou. The night was long and it was endless. They all enjoyed themselves. Some cried, didn't want to grow up while others accepted what they were turning into today. They were going into colleges, and they were going on separate paths. They're going to be far apart from each other. It was a lonely thought, but as long as they had each other, there were no complaints.

Kaien and Tatsuki were set on going to the same university. The black haired boy was going to major in writing as his girlfriend were going to major into karate. Tatsuki wanted to open her own karate class. Kon and Rukia were going to enter a cooking college. They wanted to open their own business in a restaurant. Hichigo planned to major in video games and manga. He had a bunch of creative ideas. Ichigo planned to go to Hokkaido to go to the same college as Grimmjow. He made sure to check out the college there too. His blue haired boyfriend was kind of worried about Ichigo choosing the college just because he, Grimmjow, was attending it. But, Ichigo stated that he needed to go there even if it's just to see him. They didn't argue about it too much, and they accepted their choices for what they wanted. Orihime was going to be a preschool teacher. Ishida wanted to be an ophthalmologist. Chad became a sign language teacher. Keigo and Mizuirou had no plans, but they wanted to go to college to see where they will go.

Their high school life as a teenager has ended, and they were going to become adults.

Please review.

Well, that's my first alternative story of Bleach. I'm willing to work on more of Bleach, but I do not know of what the future holds.

I hope to see you guys again until next time.

PS: If you're not interested, I'm going to be doing another Bleach fanfic with Ichigo and Hichigo this time, but it's not going to be like this though.

Edit: lol, I forgot to post this chapter, which was five hours after it was completed.