Just another idea that I thought of doing. I haven't created a Bleach fanfic for awhile.

Disclaimor: I do not own Bleach.

It was the start of summer vacation, yet it was very hot. The skies were clear and blue while the sun was at its highest peek. Cicadas began to chirp their usual sounds.

In a small town called Karakura, people were walking by, doing their rounds of whatever it was they're doing. At the market, there was a crowd gathering up. There were sounds of yelling. Focusing on the two who were arguing, people were wondering what was going on.

An afro-ed man was yelling at the top of his lungs at an orange spiked haired boy, who was glaring at the afro-ed man. His orange eyebrows were twitching as a vein showed on his skin. Behind him were three other boys. One had orange spiky hair like the other one standing in front of him. Another had black spiky hair with blue eyes, and he was whistling a tune while looking at a Shounen Jump magazine in the hands of another boy, who had pale skin, black eyes with yellow pupils and white hair, who was gazing into the magazine. The one with black hair looked over to the annoyed orange haired boy, "Hey, Ichigo, let's go."

"Dammit! What in the world is your problem?! I paid what I've bought!" Ichigo yelled, feeling impatient with annoyance.

"Oh really?! Well, your twin brother there has stole some ice cream from the fridge! Check him!" The afro-ed man yelling, pointing at the other boy, who stood behind Ichigo.

"I paid for his ice cream! Jeez, this is endless!" Ichigo rubbed the back of his head hard.

"It seems that he wasn't listening to you, Kaien," the white haired boy stated, sighing. He flipped to the next page.

"Yeah, I noticed. Hey! I wasn't done reading that part, Hichigo!" Kaien cried, trying to grab the magazine out of the other's grasp.

"Hands off." Hichigo turned the other way, dodging Kaien's hands. The black haired boy was irritated, and he decided to fold his arms. He walked over to Ichigo. "Let's go home, now. You know the manager's always trying to pick a fight with you and Kon."

"Oh, shut it! That darn old man won't stop! He keeps making up excuses!" Ichigo glared at Kaien. The manager in the background was still going on and on about how the boys were stealing his stuff. The crowd was slowly dying, either disappointed or excited about something new.

"Yeah. I know. But, there's nothing to prove so we're free to go. Look, his wife's coming down now." Kaien pointed to a woman coming out of the store.

Ichigo sighed as his shoulders slumped down. He gave up. "Yeah, let's go."

"Hey! You kids! You're not getting away with-! Ow!"

"Shut up, you sorry excuse for a husband! Yelling in the middle of the street at the Kurosaki brothers! What in god's name have you been accusing of them now?!"

Walking back home, the four boys each carried a bag of groceries except for Hichigo, who was still reading the Shounen Jump magazine, which was paid for by Ichigo. It was quiet between the four of them. Kon was eating his ice cream, which was a blue popsicle. Kaien was whistling to himself while Ichigo just kept to himself. They kept walking for another five minutes of silence until Kaien spoke. "Hey, you guys know who's moving into the house next door to ours?"

"Not that I know." Ichigo shrugged.

"Hope they're new hotties!" Kon's eyes were shining as his hands were put into a style of praying.

Like Ichigo, Hichigo shrugged, "Do you know?"

"Not likely, Kon, and no, I don't know." Kaien just gave a simple smile.

"Don't get my hopes up!" Kon cried, his eyes were suddenly full of tears. Ichigo and Hichigo got a bad feeling.

"Well, we don't know. I'm saying 'don't give your hopes up'." The black haired teen stated as he put his hands behind his head.

"We don't know until we know. That's that." Hichigo stated, going back to reading his magazine. A prize fell out, and he picked it up. He looked at it with hardly any emotion, "Cool, a new prize."

"Your face doesn't seem to show interest in it." Ichigo stated, staring at Hichigo.

"I don't need your statement." Hichigo glared at his orange haired brother.

"Hey, now, don't fight. Ichigo, your blood seems to boil. You might get heatstroke." Kaien interrupted in a to-be fight.

"Heh. His blood is always boiling." Hichigo smirked. It was pay back time against his younger brother.

"What did you say, you bastard?!" Ichigo grabbed his older brother's front shirt, glaring at yellow eyes.

Hichigo gave a smirk as he grabbed his brother's shirt. Kaien and Kon stared, feeling awed. Kon stated, "Its like Ying and Yang."

"Yeah, you're right. I should post that on my MySpace." Kaien put his hands into his pocket, reaching for his phone.

"Urg! My eyes! Hichigo kissed him!" Kon cried as he covered and rubbered his eyes.

"Darn." Kaien cursed as he slumped.

"You sick bastard!" Ichigo cried as he wiped his cheek.

"What's the harm? Aren't brothers supposed to be, ya know, lovey dovey like family love?" Hichigo smirked as he waved his hands up as though it was a general idea.

"We're too grown for that!" Ichigo screamed.

"Good grief." Kaien stated.

"I wanna go home now." Kon whined, leaning against a pole.


"Finally! Its good to be home!" Kaien cried out as he took off his shoes. The four boys were entering the house one by one until the last one closed and locked the door.

"Yeah." Kon agreed as he sighed.

"It nearly took an hour thanks to Mr. Strawberry head." Hichigo sighed, emphasizing his whole statement.

"Shut it. You were at fault too." Ichigo walked passed his pale brother, who tripped him in the process. Kaien entered the kitchen, setting the groceries down on the counter. Kon watched his brothers arguing and fighting. In about a few minutes, the black haired brother walked out of the kitchen, seeing Ichigo and Hichigo slumped on a couch. The orange haired aggravating teen was panting while the pale figure sighed.

"So, you finished yet? I'm gonna go turn on the A.C. Its hot in here." The black haired teen went over to the wall. He clicked a few buttons. In a few moments, he heard the machine hum to life.

"When is dinner?" Ichigo asked.

"Well, depends on who wants to cook." Kaien leaped onto the couch, causing the boys to bounce up and down. Ichigo cursed as Hichigo glared at the black haired brother.

"My vote's on Kaien." Kon stated, raising a hand in the air.

"Again? Ichigo, you cook tonight." Kaien directed his gaze towards the other orange haired boy.

"I did this morning. You cook." The orange haired teen pointed towards Hichigo.

"No. You know how my cooking is. I'd rather bake. Kaien, you cook." Hichigo pulled out his magazine to read.

"So, that's two vote's for Kaien, one for Ichigo, and one for Hichigo." Kon stated, counting his fingers.

"We didn't put this up for a vote."

"I didn't vote for him!"

"Shut up! You guys prepare the food how I want it to. Kon, you set up the silver ware and get out the plates. Ichigo, you cut up the meat and vegetables. Hichigo, you bake something up." Kaien pointed to each boy in the room.

"And, what are you supposed to do?" Ichigo asked, glaring at the black haired brother.

"Shut up. I'm gonna check how you're doing." Kaien jabbed his finger against Ichigo's forehead.

"Ow. I get it. I get it. Jeez." Ichigo got off the couch and he went towards the kitchen. Everyone followed suit.

As instructed, everyone did as they were ordered to. Kon went towards the cupboard, getting plates. Hichigo searched through the refrigerator. Ichigo took out the food out of the bags. Kaien told and demonstrated how the food should be cut. The orange haired teen did and followed. The other orange haired teen put all the plates in a neat pattern on a nearby table. The pale skinned boy was in deep thought as an idea occurred in his head. He went to go get a baking book.

In another half hour, dinner was prepared as well as dessert. Everyone sat down in their chairs, and they began to eat. It was silent as they ate altogether. It was the only time of peace that they can have unless someone started to talk.

Then, the first person to be finished was Ichigo. He went towards the sink with his dishes. The teen left out of the kitchen. He came back a moment later with mail in his hands. "Mail here. And, they're all addressed to us from the same person."

Ichigo passed out the envelopes to each of his brothers. They looked at the name and the address that sent it. Kon was the first to respond. "Hey, its from that new school!"

"Karakura High, huh?" Hichigo sighed, opening it.

"Well, it says here that we're all accepted into that high school." Kaien stated, smiling pleasantly.

"Its the only high school in town. Its named after the town too." Ichigo commented, staring with a blank expression.

"Sure is." Hichigo agreed to his brother's comment.

"Its all good, you guys." Kaien chuckled.

"Hey! Its co-ed! That means......girls! Girls with boobs!" Kon squealed in delight. His eyes turned into hearts as he put his hands together.

"Yeah..." Ichigo commented as he gave a blank look at his perverted brother.

"Anyway, we're accepted into a high school now. Looks like we're just going to be introduced to the class, well, the same class actually." Kaien stated, looking over the contents of the letter written in the envelope.

"What?!" The three boys screamed in the same unison.

"Jeez, you guys are in sync." Kaien gave the same blank stare as Ichigo did towards the other brother.

"Why in the world am I in the same class as you guys?!" Ichigo screamed as he pointed towards Kon and Hichigo.

A vein popped on the side of Hichigo's cheek, and he smirked. "Don't make me hit you."

"I could say the same thing! I want a class all to myself with so many girls around the room!" Kon angrily stood up, glaring at his orange haired brother.

"So what? I don't care about your dream about girls or anything!" Ichigo stood up as well, yelling.

"You two, shut up! We are in the same class no matter how much we hate it. Its because we all scored high enough to be in a top class. We're in class 1-C at Karakura High." Kaien said, getting tired of being interrupted. His voice was growing louder in tone.

The three other brothers tensed up, and they became silent at once. The black haired boy smiled, "Thanks, and now, we got to get our uniforms before school starts, our schedules, and whatever else we need. And, I guess that's pretty much it. The school's only five minutes from here by walking."

"Good enough. I'm going now." Hichigo stated, leaving the table.

"Me too." Ichigo walked out of the kitchen.

Hearing the two boys leave, Kon sighed, slumping on the table. He heard his brother gave a sigh too. He looked at him, who was leaning on his chair. "Hey, Kaien?"

"Hmm." Kaien questioned, laying his head back.

"When did you get us into that school?"

"Last year." The black haired boy stated.

"Eh? When? I don't remember you doing the enrollment papers at all." Kon was shocked at his brother.

Kaien smirked at his orange haired brother, and he shrugged. He leaned his head against his chair and looked up towards the ceiling. "Of course. No one knew since...that time, you know..."

"Oh, I see..." Kon stated, understanding. He could never forget. As soon as his brother said those words, he began to remember those awful times. Ichigo was still recovering but he was getting better. Hichigo was hard to tell since he was silent most of the time, but he fools around with Ichigo the most. They were all close since then, but it was still hard to tell who was thinking of what.


Ichigo gave out a sigh as he laid on his bed. He stared at his ceiling. His room was currently dark. The curtains covered the windows, not letting the sun penetrating into the room. It was to help keep the room cool during hot days in the summer. He sighed again. School...again...

He sat up and walked out of his room. He walked down the steps to the door, hearing Kon asking, "Where are you going?"

"I just need some air. Its hot." Ichigo stated.

"Ok. Careful out there." Kon stated as he waved. He went back to watching television.

Ichigo closed the door. He noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and he turned his head to the left. He saw a large truck with a couple people behind it. He was reminded of what Kaien said in the afternoon. New people were moving in next door to his house. He wondered who they were, but he shook his head.

As he walked away, Ichigo couldn't help but feel a cold chill running down his spine. He glanced behind him, but he saw nobody looking at him. There were the moving people, but they just kept working.

A teal haired tall male continued to stare at the back of the orange head. He sighed.

"Grimmjow, what's up with you? Help out with the moving."

"Yeah, I will. Just stop telling me what to do, Ulquiorra. And, you should be helping out too." Grimmjow glanced at the other, who was just sitting by the door, drinking out of a can of orange soda.

"Don't want to since we already have others doing it for us." Ulquiorra stated, giving the teal haired man a blank stare.

"You and your laziness." Grimmjow mumbled as he went towards the truck.

Ulquiorra didn't say anything. He eyed the figure that walked down the street. He wondered what Grimmjow had for the orange head when they haven't met yet. He sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "Looks like this will be a great new town to live in for awhile."

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