A/N Sorry for the semi-long wait, and thanks for all the feedback!

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any of it's Angels/Hunters. If so, I would not have been writing this as fanfiction, now would I?

A voice broke through the barrier of the two's emotions.

"Look guys, a weeping angel," the voice indicated, cocky and unsympathetic. Castiel quickly released his arms, putting on a mask of pure angelic righteousness and duty to hide the sure panic rising in him. Getting up, he maneuvered himself between the voice, to which he believe was a demon, and the child who reminded him of Dean. She clenched onto his trench coat, expressing the emotions that the Angel still didn't understand.

The voice belonged to a teenaged boy, who was accompanied by others like him. The boy and his friends laughed darkly as they circled the duo, their eyes flashing back as they encompassed.

Castiel held a hand to the child's chest, locking her place behind him, and one hand pointed to the leader of the gang; he felt his grace flaring up inside of him. His mind was criticizing himself on failing to notice the demons and on letting his newly acquired feelings get the best of him.

The leader spoke again, breaking him out of his thoughts.

"So, angel, gonna smite me with tears?" He questioned, his posse agreeing with his statement, "Or will the big, scary girl hug me to death." While they snickered and joked at the two, the angel felt a fire in his chest, which he named fury. And when he felt the small girl tremble under his hand, the fire continued to ravage throughout his being. He saw blue sparks of his grace arch from the tips of his fingers to his palm, reasoning that the only way to extinguish the flames was to eliminate the horde.

Castiel forcefully closed his one hand into a fist, sending bolts of blue lightening at each of the boys, burning the demons inside of each. Seeing the bodies crumple unceremoniously to the ground, he smirked at his victory.

His victory turned bittersweet with the sound of the child's whimper. He spun around to see the girl's arms scarlet and bleeding, a lightening shaped pattern etched into her skin.

The angel's fire turned into lead and dropped to the pit of his stomach, his mind filling with anguish at his failure to protect the child.

If I cannot protect a defenseless human child, how am I to protect Dean...

He dropped to his knees, the child backing away from him, and the lead became heavier. He prayed for forgiveness and guidance as the group of once demons came into consciousness as bewilderedly scrambled away. He focused on the girl who was now sitting cross-legged on the grass, sobbing while cradling her arms.

Castiel dropped his head, his vessel's lips making themselves into a thin line. He wondered what to do. He wanted to heal the damage he had done, but did not know exactly how to do so, not remembering how he healed Dean after dragging him out of the Pitt. He knew he could not simply take her into the hospital adjacent to them for the Doctors would not know how to heal someone stricken by angelic lightening.

"What do I do..." he sighed out, in frustration and worry.

The girl perked up at this, now looking at the angel with tears threatening to overflow her tiny eyes. "Kiss it and make it better?" she offered. Castiel hesitantly pulled his head up, tilting it in confusion.

"Do what the girl says Castiel," Anna states, suddenly appearing over her brother's shoulder, "Kiss it and make it better." Anna made the phrase sound not ridiculous, her face impassive and looking towards the girl. Castiel looked up at Anna, his face contorted in confusion.

"It was a thing my, most, human mothers do anytime I, they, are injured," her voice tinted with nostalgia, "The power of love is awe-inspiring, Cas. You should learn to embrace it.... not fear it." Castiel nodded in pseudo-understanding, looking towards the girl, now sitting a foot from him with her arms lifted up towards him as if they were an offering.

Castiel held her arms as if they were glass and place a chaste kiss on each, closing his eyes in the process. Once he opened his eyes, he saw the wounds on the child's arms healing up. A smile grew on both the angel's and the girl's faces, the lead dissipating from the angel's stomach.

"Come on, little one," Anna said, voice pleased and mother-like, "Your parents must be wondering where you are." She held out her hand for the child to take. Her hand reached out, but paused and hugged Castiel.

"Go find your someone, okay?" she whispered into his ear.

Castiel simply nodded into the girl, who then grabbed Anna's hand and was led away. Stood up, picking up a bit of Anna's and the girl's introductions.

"What's your name?"

"Anna. And yours?"


"What a pretty name."

"Mommy and daddy call me Nadie, though..."

A ghost of a smile appeared on Castiel at the name. Nadean. For one thing it meant hope, which was ironically laughable in it's own right, but the more important thing was it mainly consisted of his charges name. His thoughts drifted again of Dean and pain and failure and of "his someone" and the phrase "Kiss it and make it better."

And Castiel knew there was one more thing he had to do.

A/N I'm pretty sure I'm going to end it next chapter..... which might/probably contain Dean/Castiel (because I'm a fangirl like that)

If no one likes that approach I could easily change it, so tell me in the reviews.

Also..... I might have a sequal, if anyone wants that...

Also Also..... I did not come up with Nadean entirely on my own. I slightly got it from Rae666's story, Nadean.... which is awesome. Check it out..

Peace. Out.