Hey guys this is the very last chapter of Cat's Eyes. Yep this is the ending so please give me some awesome reviews!! Don't be afraid to PM me or add I love it when you guys do (It means you care *hehe*) Thanks a ton!!

Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Inuyasha.

Claimer: I do own Hoshiko, Yasuo, Haruki, Amarante, Rya, Kiba, Kishi, Aika, Saki, and Katsurou. I also partially own Midori, Amaya, Ren, Katsumi, Kimmiko, Kirgura, Hikari, and Yuki.

Chapter Twenty-One: What It All Comes Down To

Dear Hoshiko-sama,

Life couldn't possibly get any better than it is right now. Since our departure fate has taken our group nowhere but up. Kagome-sama and Inuyasha-kun were wed not too long after defeating that monstrous hanyou Naraku. They built a hut down by the rivers edge on a large piece of farmland, Kagome-sama is said to be due anytime with her first pup. Inuyasha-kun is so proud that whenever you mention his mate's name his eyes light up and sparkle like that of a thousand diamonds. I believe he has truly gained enlightenment since wedding his wife and becoming a soon to be inu-papa. From what the others are telling me they wish to name their little boy Kiyoshi meaning pure. Sango and Miroku have also been wed to one another. The lecher finally decided that after a good five years worth of lechery it was time to settle down and start a family. Sango now a mother of two twin girl, which I may say look exactly like their father, is expecting another in the fall. A little boy who will hopefully not take after his father and be more courteous like his mother. Kohaku, that twelve year old who was possessed by Naraku, is now fully recovered. Now seventeen and more than old enough to start a life of his own has decided to take out little Kimi-chan with him. Being only twelve she'll have to wait to be wed, but in the mean time Kimmiko and Kohaku can enjoy each others company. He even promised to show her the art of youki slaying if you can believe that. Kirara, as much as she loves Sango, has decided to accompany Kohaku seeing that Kirgura is Kirara's potential mate and all. Hopefully I'll get a notice when the tiny neko's arrive because Rin just adores company. Yuki, after watching seeing that Kohaku was the man her "Imouto-chan" was going to want to be with, went off in search of Kouga's oka clan. Kiba of course followed along seeing her mate is back home and her brother Kishi is no longer with us. I hope with all my heart that Yuki will be accepted by Kouga and that she'll live the remainder of her hanyou years happy and in good health. Katsumi although young and childish when we first met her has grown to be an amazingly strong woman. Nineteen years old she has taken thirteen year old Shippo under her wing and has promised to give him a good home with her on the outskirts of Inuyasha's village. I always knew that oka hanyou was a good girl. As for my self dear Oujo I have gone and wed the one man my heart will always beat for; Sesshomaru. Lover's past no longer haunting us we have decided to start over and give this little space in time called life a try. Jaken, although annoying and pushy at times, has treated me like a queen since Sesshomaru has taken me back. And the little girl Rin, well not so little anymore being a teenager and all, has started calling me mother. Sesshomaru says he wants me to bear him a child and I have happily agreed; so when the infant arrives don't be too shocked alright? Hoshiko-sama, take care of yourself okay? You're a beautiful young woman and I wish you the uttermost happiness. Enjoy life and stay strong.



Dear Midori-sama,

I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you, but I have settled down as well. A year and six months after defeating Naraku I wed the mortal Yasuo and asked him to be king of my father's castle. Yasuo of course agreed and the coronation took place. His little sisters Koukaben and Hikari have come to live with us in our fortress. Koukaben makes such an adorable Oujo and Hikari looks wonderful in the diamond tiara I used to wear. Being queen is difficult but I'm not alone; I have Yasuo right beside me and the oka clan. Speaking of the oka clan Ren and Amaya are finally hitched. The two were wed not long after the war ended and Amaya took the thrown. A hanyou and a youki are now rulers of Haruki's beloved castle. Amaya and I have become extremely close since we each became queen of our castles. And to fulfill my father's final wishes we have even come up with a plan. My beautiful little girl, a neko-tenshi hanyou, is going to wed Amaya's handsome oka-hanyou son. Midori-sama you should see our little girl! She's so tiny and yet amazingly strong. She has almond colored hair like her father but amethyst colored eyes like my own. On her back are a white pair of tenshi wings and on her head a pair of white neko ears. Where the white came from? My mother I believe…Amarante and Rya must have given us their blessing through my little girl. Saki, like myself also carries a star birthmark on her breast. And one day when she's old enough she'll wear the new crest on her thigh; a cat's eye with tenshi wings. Amaya's son Katsurou is just too adorable. He has dark brown hair just like his mother but emerald green eyes matching Ren's orbs. His hanyou oka ears are black along with a length tail. I think he'll make the perfect husband for my Saki someday. Yasuo isn't too thrilled but what father wants to give his daughter away? I hope to see you at Haruki-sama and Kishi-kun's memorial service. It's been five years since their death and still it seems like just yesterday. I don't regret marrying Yasuo, but deep down I know I'll long for Haruki-sama. His last words will haunt me forever; Aishiteru. Thank-you Midori-sama for everything you have done for me! I hope the pregnancy goes well and that your happiness remains for a thousand years.



So the last chapter was a letter one from Hoshiko and the other from Midori. This will explain how everyone's lives have changed since the death of Naraku and what is to come in the future. I hope you enjoyed Cat's Eyes and if you could please review for a final time!! Thanks so much ^-^
