So I've been debating whether or not I should kinda add myself into a story. This time I decided yes. I am going to be a neko named Hoshiko. I hope you like the fanfic and please review.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha by any means. I do own Hoshiko, Haruki, and Yasuo though! ASK IF YOU WISH TO BORROW!

Chapter One: Lost In The Rain

Rain splatters down on the dusty trail. Hovering under an umbrella Miroku and Sango stand close. A red welt mark on Miroku's cheek is a reminder that his hands should remain by his sides. Perched on Sango's shoulder is the demon fire neko Kirara; rain is not the felines best friend so she makes sure she is hidden from any of the penetrating droplets. Clinging to Miroku's ankle, Shippo the demon kitsune tries his best to stay dry. Not far behind Miroku and Sango is Inuyasha. Drenched from head to toe the hanyou shakes his wet form spewing droplets of water everywhere. Leading the rear end of the group is the miko Kagome. Pushing her heavy pink bicycle across the muddied ground, she lets out a violent sneeze. The last time she had stayed out in the rain too long she had become ill. And becoming ill was not part of Inuyasha's agenda; she was his jewel detector after all. Turning around to face the miko, Inuyasha frowns furrowing his eyebrows. Why did she have to be so vulnerable?

"Here." Inuyasha growls shoving his red kimono into her frail hands.

"Hu?" Kagome questions starring back at him with wide mocha eyes.

"Put the damn thing on already! Do you want to catch a cold?" Inuyasha asks his amber orbs revealing a bit of concern.

"What about you?" Kagome questions worried for the hanyou in front of her.

"I'm built differently. How many times must we go over this? Put the damn thing on before I make you do it myself." Inuyasha orders folding his arms across his broad chest. A tinge of pink forming across the bridge of his nose.

"Okay. You don't have to be so pushy you know. I worry for you, you know." Kagome replies slipping an arm into the kimono's red sleeve. The bridge of her nose turning pink as well.

"Baka, you shouldn't be like that. You'll get yourself sick if worry about me." Inuyasha grumbles shaking his head lightly.

"Thanks, baka." Kagome giggles watching his face turn a shade darker.

"Yeah, whatever." Inuyasha mumbles walking picking up the pink metal contraption.

Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara who have moved up ahead of their two friends have spotted a small village less than a mile away. Hoping for a hot meal, a bath, and a bed to sleep in Kagome answers to Miroku's calls. Standing beside the monk Kagome clasps her hands together when she sees the size of the fairly large village. From the distance it looks beautiful, but on the inside Inuyasha picks up the slightest whiff of danger. Blood has been shed and people are dying, it can only mean the work of one demon; Naraku. Less then gentle, Inuyasha throws Kagome over his right shoulder, while throwing the bike over his left. He then bolts off towards the bleak scene playing in his head. Kirara, jumping of Sango's shoulder, transforms into full youki form. Jumping on the felines back: Miroku, Sango, and Shippo follow after Inuyasha and Kagome.

"What is it, Inuyasha?" Kagome asks gripping tight to his shoulder in fear she'll fall off.

"It's Naraku! I'm sure of it! His scent is thick and there's blood; a lot of it." Inuyasha replies eyes tinged pink.

Bolting up to the village gates, Inuyasha sets Kagome on her feet and throws her bike off to the side. Whipping out Tetsusaiga Inuyasha breaks down the gate using the "Windscar". Placing Tetsusaiga back in it's sheath, Inuyasha once again lifts Kagome up onto his back and rushes inside. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo who are flying on Kirara's back soon come in contact with the Windscar's aftermath, and see Kagome's singed bicycle.

"Kagome is going to kill him when this is over." Sango states combing a hand through her pitch black hair.

"I concur." Miroku replies shaking his head slightly.

"Baka." Shippo cries hitting his forehead with the palm of his hand.

Back with Inuyasha and Kagome, Inuyasha has finally made it into the village. Fire and smoke is pouring out of the huts around them, blood is pooling at their feet, dead bodies mark the ground with their signature scent, and all hope seems to be lost. Calling out his name, Inuyasha growls for the beast who had killed the innocent time after time. This time he had gone to far! What had these villagers done to deserve this? Landing beside their comrades Miroku, Sango, and Shippo gape at the sight before them. Mass destruction had demolished this once serene setting, and it was all Naraku's doing.

"What do we do now, Inuyasha?" Miroku asks searching for any form of human life.

"I don't know. Naraku has escaped, and there's only rotting corpses here." Inuyasha replies anger still clear in his voice.

"I think we should burry the dead. It's the least we can do for the poor victims." Kagome whispers voice traced with despair.

"I agree with Kagome. You did the honors of burying the slayers when we perished at Naraku's hands." Sango agrees looking to the men.

"Alright. Burry the dead then go after Naraku." Inuyasha sighs touching Kagome's shoulder lightly.

"Thank-you." Kagome mouths before walking off into the clouds of smoke.

"Kirara, follow Kagome. Make sure she'll be alright." Sango orders shooing the feline.

"RWAR." Kirara growls bounding off after the miko.

"Why'd you do that, Sango?" Inuyasha questions eyes still following after the priestess.

"You care for her too much Inuyasha. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to her." Sango breathes pulling at Miroku's kimono. "Let's get to work."

Searching through various huts Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku come across some hoes and shovels. Working the ground and collecting the dead, the three create many graves for the deceased. Not too distant from the others Kagome with Shippo and Kirara by her side collects flowers just outside the hazy village. Bending over to pick a white iris, Kagome lets out a shrill scream of terror. Inuyasha's ears immediately picking up her voice, the hanyou races to the miko. Tears steaming down her face when he gets there, Inuyasha presses the girl's quivering body to his own. There lying on the grass, is a little black neko, covered in crimson.

WOW! That ending is suspenseful isn't it? Please Rate and Review and I'll continue with the story! Thank-you.