I don't own Vampire Knights. Just so you now.
Anyway, this is a really short One-shot, that i came up with in the bath. And it didn't want to leave me alone! So.. I wrote it, and it got here. That is that!

Shiki lifted his head from the table, to glare evil at the door.

Knock, Knock.

"The door is open" Shiki told who ever that what out there. The door open up, to show Yuki, standing outside the door, with a book close to her chest.
"Shiki-sama" Yuki spooked quietly. "Will you.. help me with my homework?"

Shiki lifted an eyebrow, and asked: "Why don't you ask Zero or Kaname?"

Yuki looked down. "They don't have time.. Neither do Ichijo-sama, Aido-sama, Kain-sama, Ruka-sama, Rima-sama and Seiren-sama"

Shiki sighed, as he pushed his chair back. "Fine then, come over here and I'll help you"

Yuki lifted her head, and smiled. "Hai"(A/N: Hai is Yes in/on Japanese! ^^')

She walked over to Shiki, and looked down at him.
"Where should I sit?" she asked, slowly. A small smile flashed over Shiki's face.
"Here on my lap" he told her. Yuki looked shocked a minut, but then sat down on Shiki.

"Okay then, what is it, that you need help to?"


When Kaname, walked into Shiki's room, he got a shock.

Shiki was sitting on his chair, with Yuki on his lap. Yuki was pressed at his chest, with his chin on top of her head. Both of Shiki's arm was wrapped around Yuki.
Both of them, was asleep.

Kaname smiled a sad smile, and walked out of the rom. Next time, he would help Yuki with her homework's.

Please tell me, what you think about it. ^^'
