Authors Note…

Okay, any living breathing person out there wanna give me ideas? I haven't updated in a while cause I seem to suffer from idea-loss.

I'm not too sure how to explain the Night World so much, so you can like…you know. Google it. Try Wikipedia, AKA the saint of information.

Oh, and I just wanted you to know, I'm writing, or typing whatever, a story called Dusk. Like, Alice and Bella switch roles and Jasper and Edward the same. Sort of like a Twilight switcheroo.

Please read it and give me your views on it. Like, actually leave me a review instead of just adding it under 'favorite story'. Please? You know I'm talking to the majority of you…

Anyways, I now give you my next chapter of The Witching Hour.

The Witching Hour





I stared at the vampire who was my current idea of what god would look like if there was one.

He smiled crookedly at me.

I swear to Hellawise, my heart just cracked.

"Wanna ride?" he repeated, seemingly clueless to the race of my heart, which I totally knew he wasn't.

"Yeah, sure." I had lost my forty bucks anyway. Lily was probably home, laughing her head off with the memory of me standing soaking wet kicking my motorcycle.

"I'm guessing we're gonna have to come back to get your bike?" he guessed.

"Yeah." I walked around to the passenger seat while he rolled up his window.

I sat down and tried to ignore the fact that when I sat my clothes made a squeaky noise as it rubbed against the leather.

He restarted the car (I hadn't noticed he turned it off) and asked, "Where do you live?" He drove straight, due to the fact that there was currently only one lane road.

"Just keep going straight, I'll tell you when to turn."

"Why did you make that bet with your sister-cousin sorry-if you knew you were low on gas?" he questioned.

"How did you know I knew I was low on gas?" I turned to him.

"Well, you made an upset expression right before you agreed to it." he chuckled slightly. I saved it in my memory. "You're stubborn aren't you?"

"No." I said, stubbornly.

He chuckled again.

I began to play with his radio. "What were you listening to last?" I muttered as I pressed the play button.

The sound of soft piano playing filled the car with a calm peace.

"Claire de Lune?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"You know Debussy?" His eyes were as wide as mine.

"Yeah, my sister was obsessed with it. She used to play it all over the place." Somehow, I didn't feel sad as I spoke of my sister. Something about Edward gave me an air of confidence.

"Emmett mentioned that. He said that you said she looked like my older sister, Rosalie." His voice was cautious, as though asking me personal questions would somehow set me off.

"Yeah," I nodded. "They looked exactly alike. Except May didn't care how she looked. She was proud if she showed herself to the world in sweatpants." I smiled at the memory.

"Was she your older sibling? Or younger?"

"Well, we were fraternal twins. She was older by 39 seconds."

"How did she pass away?" He was smart one, this Edward Cullen. He didn't use the word dead.

"Well…" I struggled with the idea of lying or telling him the truth. I chose the half truth. "She was going for a walk in the forest, and when she wasn't back by night, I went to go search for her. It took me a while, but I found her. She was almost dead…she begged me to kill her. I tried to save her, but it was too late. The man was back and…" My voice died away as the memories hit me, fresh and painful.

I didn't show it of course.

"-and she just died. We had the funeral two weeks later once her body was viewable." I finished. He didn't push the subject any further.

I didn't expect him to.

The car was silent. I broke it by saying. "Right." he looked at me again.

"Turn right." I pointed at the turn. He complied and turned the wheel.

"So," I began. If we kept driving at the 30 miles per hour pace, we would be there in five minutes. "I've met you. I've met Emmett. I've met Alice. I've met Jasper. I've met Carlisle and Esme. I just haven't met Rosalie." He looked at me, confused.

"Tell me about her." I smiled slightly to myself, wondering if she was like May.

"Well, she's with Emmett and she loves cars. She absolutely loves babies and little kids." His musical voice listed. "She and Alice are obsessed with shopping and clothes. I don't think they've ever worn the same thing twice." He mused that for a moment before continuing. "I think she has some anger issues and she plays piano, somewhat. She can, but doesn't."

I laughed slightly to myself. She was sort of like May. They had a thing for big guys, loved mechanics, kids and clothes. I'm not sure if May had anger issues, but she couldn't play an instrument if her life depended on it.

I quickly wiped that last thought from my head and asked Edward. "How long have you been with Esme and Carlisle? They adopted you right?"

"Yeah, but I lost track. I've been with them as long as I could remember."

I nodded to show him I understood.

"Are they nice, fun…?"

He smirked slightly. "You'd be surprised by how different and unique our family is."

I'll bet.

A coven of made vampires acting out a family. My goodness. Carlisle and Esme are the oldest made vampires I've ever seen, I didn't even know they lived if they were changed when they were over twenty years old.

I recalled Grandma Blaise's words from along time ago during a lesson.

"Well, Bella. Made vampires are never over twenty years old…If any vampire is to try changing them, the body will just…burn out. They don't wake up from the change. They die."

So maybe there is a new breed of vampire. Besides, shouldn't they be aware more people from the Night World have entered their territory?

I glanced at Edward who was looking ahead as we approached my home.

Maybe the Hallen's are a breed of vampire that have somehow remained hidden from the Night World…

I would have to ask Ash.

Edward stopped the car in front of my large house.

I undid my seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

He unrolled the window.

"Thanks Edward. I would probably be eight miles behind if it weren't for you." He nodded.

"Its okay."

I smiled and walked to the house.

Lily was waiting for me in there a scowl on her face.

"Bella! What is your problem! You knew you didn't have gas yet you raced me anyway!" she exclaimed when I sat down.

"Uh, excuse me Miss This is Why I'm Hot (1)? You passed me up, music blaring and didn't even stop!"

Ash watched us, amused.

She glared at me and held her hand out, expectant.

I pulled a wad of cash out of my pocket and put it there.

She turned on her heels (literally) and went upstairs.

I turned to the boy on the couch.

"Ash-" I began. "I think you're wrong about the Hallen's." He raised his eyebrows in question. "They don't act like made vampires…not from the Night World anyway."

"Yeah, I noticed. But I sure as hell wasn't going to ask them. I figured you would find out and make another 'mission impossible." He rolled his lilac eyes at me.

I glared slightly at him. "Way to go, genious. They could have massacred us by now because I just barely found out they were different, whereas you knew all along." I sniffed, insulted, and sat next to him.

He laughed, just because he could and picked up his phone and dialed a friend.

I stood. If he wasn't going to talk to me, I wouldn't talk to him. I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich to eat and pondered the Hallen Mystery.

They were definitely different from any made or lamia vampires I had ever met. They had seriously pale skin, gold eyes, and luring voices. They also seemed to never be worried or mad. Except Rosalie. She hated me.

So they were content people (vampires) while Carlisle and Esme, being over twenty, just may be lamia.


Whereas the Night World vampires looked the same after the transformation, only slightly more beautiful, and when they were thirsty, their canines grew and they eyes took on a silvery look.

Thirsty…what did the Cullen's drink? Human blood? Or animal blood? Now that I think back, Jasper Hale had seriously black eyes when he and his parents came, and he was rude…so he could've been thirsty. The next day, everyone in the family had the same old regular golden yellow eyes.

There hasn't been a death or missing person in Forks for years, and when there was a death, it was likely due to age (according to the newspaper).

Did they come out in the sun, like Night World vampires could? Did their powers just grow weaker too?

Ugh. I hate not knowing what's going to happen, or more correctly, why these things are happening.

Maybe I should talk to Thierry on Friday when he comes. He is the King of the Night World, after all. He should know these things. Unless, he finds them offensive and harmful and decides to destroy them…but he wouldn't do that right?

They were coming to the party Saturday (if Emmett told them), so its no use in avoiding it.

I sighed slightly to myself and stared at the sandwich in my hands. Suddenly I wasn't too hungry anymore.

I threw it away and walked outside. I looked up at the darkening sky. I hope it won't be this way Saturday…the sun can give me answers about the Hallen's hopefully.

A raindrop fell on my cheek and rolled down like a tear. I wasn't sad though.

I was worried about the Hallen's, excided for the party Saturday, dreadful if Thierry kills the Hallen's, hopeful that Edward Cullen will like me-

Holy Hellawise, what the heck am I thinking!?

Grandma Blaise's voice broke into my thoughts, thankfully.

"Bells! Come inside and take a shower! It's already late!" She was right, it was already…well. I dunno. I don't carry a watch around.

Whatever. Better go inside before Lily scolds me for 'not listening to my elders' which will tick of Grandma Blaise who will ask 'elders?! Am I old?' then Ash would laugh which would send her to all bipolar on him, lashing out. Then we will be grounded (Ash included) and unable to host the party. Then I will beg and grovel at her knees for forgiveness until we were forgiven and un-grounded.

I didn't wish for that scenario.

"Bella! Get inside! God! Learn to respect your elders!" Lily hollered from inside.

"You think I'm an elder? Am I that old in your eyes?" Came Grandma's sad voice. Ash's laughed echoed outside to where I stood. "Why are you laughing! You are all grounded! All of you-No! Don't give me that look Ash."

"But what did I do?!"

"You insulted me!"

I sighed and dusted my knees, and walked to the house, where they would get surely dirtied again….







Smart Remarks?

I'll answer them back, pinkie swear.

(1) "This is Why I'm Hot" is a song by Mims. An old song but I still love it.

I tried to explain a bit of the Night World again in this chapter. If you still don't understand and are cussing me out in your heads right now, don't fret my dear. Everything will be explained in much later chapter, trust me.


Ja ne!




Any other ways to say bye, send a message! ;)