The Witching Hour

My name is Isabella Poppy, but call me Bella. I am a witch of the Night World, and not of the second kind either. I was born knowing I was a witch. So yeah, my life is full of potions, good luck, and a knack for knowing things.

"Hey, Bells? Do you think grandma will let us talk to the humans? Ever since she heard James hooked up with that human, she has been a bit…upset over who our friends are." My cousin, Lily Harman, asked me. We were like sisters, since our mothers were killed in the same incident when we were 9, we grew up with our grandma as best friends and sisters.

"Huh? I hope so." She had dark black hair and eyes with the white skin to match. She had many traits that show her heritage as a witch. She always got revenge, knew the best potions to help us in a sticky situation, and of course, never let her prey escape her wrath. Never.

I, on the other hand, had dark brown hair, whiter skin than Blaise, and eyes that changed colors quickly. I have my own traits that define me as a witch. I never with my prey, unlike lamia, who love to toy with their prey. I got things done quickly and accurately, and I am a true night person.

We were the dynamic duo.

Or, so the Night World calls us. We stuck together and would kill for each other, which we did on an occasion. But that is another story. The story now, is that we just got expelled from our old school in Phoenix and now we were moving to Forks, Washington to start all over our junior year in high school.

Forks High School. Oh freaking joy.

"You look sour." Lily told me, a smirk on her face. She knew I was thinking about the whole moving thing. She knew I hated the water and rain, which is exactly what this little town represented. We started school tomorrow. It was 11pm and we were waiting for Grandma Blaise to hurry up and give us permission to go to bed.

At the moment, she was currently mad at us for getting expelled…for the seventh time in the past three years. Ever since we entered high school, we got into a lot of trouble with the human boys and enjoyed causing drama with the human girls.

We totally lived for those moments.

I heard the door open. Lily jumped and turned off the TV we brought without permission. According to Grandma Blaise, TV was for the mortal.

Yeah, being a witch in the 21stCentury had its downs. Such as no TV, no pets (besides a house cat), and most importantly…don't fall in love with anything outside your own kind. Of course though, that last rule applies to everybody, even the humans. I mean, a witch and a human together would be like…a werewolf and a common lamia. A major Ew.

"Isabella, Lily report to the den." I heard Grandma Blaise call. Lily and I shared a look that clearly said here-come-the-ground-rules-that-apply-to-this-year look. She gave us the same lecture every time we had gotten expelled.

We went down to the stairs in a rush, we didn't want her to be upset enough that we couldn't have any fun.

The lights were off, leaving the lavender candles to give us what light we needed to see her. She was wearing a frown. "What's wrong?" Lily leaned forward.

Grandma Blaise sighed. "There is something preventing me from seeing how your first day of school will go. It is like a shield." She murmured. She concentrated for a moment. Then sighed again, rubbing her head like she had a headache, which she probably did. Only few witches in the world were born with a special gift, like…grandma saw the future.

Gram looked at us gravely. "Tomorrow be careful, there may be other people from the Night World preventing us from knowing about them, possibly other witches." She looked outside the window, where the sun was in the sky, slightly going down. "You have half and hour before the midnight begins, I expect you in bed by then. We nodded and went upstairs, leaving Grandma Blaise to her own thoughts.

"What do you think we're in for tomorrow?" Lily asked, twenty minutes later, a slight smirk on her face. I knew what she was thinking.

"I don't think they will as many cute boys here, the town's pretty small. Don't cha think?"

She grinned at me. "Like it matters? We're going to crush those girls' ego's. I am going to be sure that we will be adored by the Fork's people." She said. I shook my head, a smile on my face. We were probably on their minds right now, when the news of this house had been bought.

"Girls! Lights out!" I heard Grandma Blaise call. Lily and I shared a glance as the lights went out by themselves. When Grandma Blaise wanted something done, it got done.

"Bella! Bella! Help!" I heard May call. I looked around desperately to find her. She sounded terrified.

"May! Where are you!?" I screamed. I heard her crying and sobbing somewhere in the distance.

"Please! No! Stop I-" I heard her voice get cut off by her own screaming, not just a terrified scream, but a muffled scream. It was gurgling, like she was choking on something.

"May!" I ran everywhere I could. I felt like crying, but I knew the tears would blur my vision and lessen the chance of finding my twin sister.

I tripped.

I got up as fast as I could and looked for what tripped me, it was dark, but I could clearly see what tripped me.

It was May.

She was on the ground, her gold eyes were open and glassy, her bright blonde hair was tangled in the dirt of the forest floor.

"May? May are you…." my own voice faded into silence when I saw why she wouldn't answer me.

All over her, were large open gashes. Like she was whipped with a stick, at least fifth degree burn marks on her neck. Her wrists and ankles were handcuffed to a large iron blocks.

She was looking at me, tears rolling down her pale face.

"Save me." she begged.

But that wasn't why I was staring…her body was aflame.

Somebody was burning her alive.

That somebody grabbed me from behind.

"Bella! Wake up! C'mon! It's just a dream!" My eyes flared open. Grandma Blaise stood over me, holding my hands down. Lily was in a corner, tears running down her face.

"Take deep breaths and go to the bathroom to wash up, Lily. Get ready for school." Grandma Blaise told her, keeping her eyes on me. Lily nodded and walked out of the room.

I broke down into sobs. "I couldn't save her…It's all my fault…." I cried into her chest. She hugged me.

"It's not your fault." She said fiercely. I nodded, the tears didn't stop. "No, it's not. You never knew. Now, go say your prayers then get ready for school."

I nodded and went downstairs to the cellar. I bowed to my knees. I started humming to myself so I wouldn't cry. I sounded like a muffled sob.

I stayed downstairs praying as much as I could before school started.

"So, did either of you eat breakfast?" Grandma Blaise hustled around the kitchen pulling out a pan to make eggs.

"No, but I'm not hungry, thank you." I muttered, looking out the window. We didn't have neighbors, but we lived close to a forest. After school I would gather the large rocks to finish my prayers.

"Me too. Hey, Grandma, can Bella and I take the blue Porsche to school? The cars here are very unstylish and we want to make an entrance. A big one." Lily told her.

Grandma Blaise looked at us, probably wondering if we would crash it into something, killing the car beyond total repair. "There's nothing to crash into Gram." I told her, looking down in embarrassment. I mean, you break a car beyond any fixation one time…

She smiled at us. "I know you won't." She told us. She gave the keys to Lily and muttered "Don't let her drive." I was already walking out the door.

"I heard that," I called, but got into the passenger seat nonetheless. "Hmmm…so do you think anybody will ask you out?" I mused.

"Duh!" She said. That's just the way she was, an over-large ego, and an attitude to match.

"Thought so. Do you think we ended up with any classes together?" I asked.

"Yeah, I already checked yesterday. We have all of them together but Biology and Algebra. Go figure. The ones you cheat off me in." She said in a sure voice.

She pulled into an empty lot. She was right about earlier. The cars were ugly.

People stared as we got out of our cars. Nobody from the town had seen us yet, so we had to look confident and positive. I turned to look at Lily, she looked as beautiful as ever, wearing a dark olive green to show it looked good on her. She looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Let's see. You're eyes are the perfect shade of a normal brown." She approved of my ever-changing eyes.

Time to get our day started.

We walked to the office, which was quite easy to find. "Hello. We are Isabella Poppy and Lily Harman. We're the new kids." Lily spoke to the secretary, Ms. Cope. She looked shocked at our appearance.

"Oh! Uh-Here are your schedules and a map of the school in case you get lost." Like we could get lost in this mini school. I looked at my schedule.

On the bottom, which had obviously escaped Ms. Cope, said Lily was here…1-23-05 from yesterday when she checked out our files.

She grinned at me when she saw me look at her.

We walked together to our first class, History. The stupidest class in history. Really, have any schools heard the saying forget the past, prepare for the future? I totally fail this class at every school we go to.

"Hi! I'm Mike, do you need any help getting to class?" a cute baby-faced boy with blonde hair and blue eyes asked us. He looked excided. Behind him were his friends, silently urging him on. After all… there were two of us.

Lily smiled. "Of course we do. But Bella won't have anybody here with her." She gestured to me. Mike looked at me like he never noticed me there. I resisted the urge to laugh. He was a terrible actor.

"Oh, that's okay. My friend Eric Yorkie thought he should be her escort for the day." He turned around and called out "Eric!"

The half-Asian boy ran to me, a grin highlighting his face. "Hey, I'm Eric, but I'm sure Mike over there introduced me." He pointed to Mike, already walking away with Lily to class. Eric put his smelly arm on my shoulders and started walking to History. "So, what's your name? Lily or Isabella?"

"Bella." I corrected. "Do you have this class too?" We were already in front of the class room. His happy face turned sad.

"Well, no. But I'm sure we will have a class together." He smiled at me and walked to his own class.

I walked to Lily, who was sitting by herself due to seating arrangement. I looked at Mr. Banns, the teacher, to sign my paper to give to Ms. Cope at the end of the day. Thankfully, he didn't stare, much. I took an empty seat next to Lily at the back of classroom, who already had much of the male population of the class staring at her. When I sat, the rest of them turned.

This year would be as interesting as the last.

The day passed in a blur, one class leading to the next. The next thing I knew it was lunch.

I looked at the poison called food. "Is this a casserole?" I asked Mike, who was picking at it, a look of disgust on his face.

"Huh? Oh, um, I though it was meatloaf." He said, a slight frown on his face. I looked at Lily, who was staring at something to her left, a look of shock on her face.

"What are you staring at?" Some girl, Jessica, asked her. She turned to see. She giggled. "That's the Cullen's." Lily looked at me.

"They look familiar, do we know them?" It had a double meaning. She meant, do we know them from the Night World?

I turned to look.

Oh wow. There, sitting at a table, sat five beautiful people with white skin and gold eyes. But while staring at them, I noticed one that made my skin go cold.

Sitting in the middle, staring at her reflection on a spoon, sat a blonde with gold eyes. Breath-taking, yeah, but…

"Bella? Are okay?" Eric's voice drew me out of the reverie I didn't know I was in.

"Who is the one with blonde hair?" I asked, my voice sounded the completely opposite of what I felt, shaky and scared.

"Jasper or Rosalie? Sorry, but Jasper is taken." Jessica said, in an annoying voice. Rosalie looked exactly like my May.

"Excuse me," I said, standing up and avoiding everybody's eyes. I walked outside to the Porsche. I hot-wired it and drove to my new home.

Tears were running down my face as I worked. I picked up the large rocks the size of oval boulders. I stacked them up, like how a child would stack blocks, or a teenager with a deck of cards. Soon, it was a tower at least 8 feet. I walked inside my home and grabbed a spiral and pen.

It was raining, not unusual for Forks, but I made sure the paper didn't get wet. I wrote my prayer, a prayer to forget May, she would want me to be happy, not clinging to her death. I felt my throat burn as I swallowed the sobs, itching their way up. I started humming "Walking On Sunshine" as an attempt not to break down again. I lost to my sadness, as the tears rolled down my face, erasing along with the rain.

May loved that song.

"So, how was you're day at school, Lily?" Grandma Blaise asked.

Lily looked up from her plate of sushi.

"Weird. Well, not the school, but there are a group of kids there, the Cullen's. Bella had to leave, one of them looked like…May so much. It was scary how she could have been her sister, actually." Lily murmured to her, Bella was grieving half a mile away with her prayer stones.

"May Isis be with her." Grandma murmured. Her youngest granddaughter has been through so much in her mere fifteen years of life.

It was quiet in the kitchen for a moment, then a knock from the front door broke them out of their thought.

"Can you go get it?" Grandma Blaise asked Lily.

"Sure." She stood up and left the room. She undid a lock and opened the door. In front of her stood a young man with honey blonde hair and golden eyes, with him a woman with caramel hair and similar gold eyes. They were inhumanly beautiful, like the Cullen's, Lily noticed. Behind them stood a younger man than the first with a pained expression on his face.

"Hello. We are Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, and this is one of our sons, Jasper Hale. We would like to welcome you to Forks." The beautiful woman said. So motherly.

"Oh, well. Thank you. Please, come in. Just let me get my grandma." Lily told them, forcing a smile. Her throat still hurt from repressing the tears in front of Grandma. Jasper looked confused as he looked at her.

"Grandma, there are some people here to welcome us." Lily told Grandma once she entered the kitchen.

Instantly, Blaise looked troubled. "Where is Bella?"

"Still grieving." Lily replied, together, they walked out of the kitchen and into the front room, where the guests were sitting or walking around, admiring the pictures.

"Hello, and thank you for taking the time to greet us." Grandma said, pushing her blackish gray hair behind her ear to shake the woman's hand.

"It's nothing. I am Esme and this is my husband, Carlisle. This is our son, Jasper." The woman, Esme, gestured to each as she spoke. "Do you mind?" She sat down on a couch. Carlisle and Jasper followed her suite.

"Now, I thought you had another granddaughter? Isabella?" She spoke.

"Oh, well. She went out for a while. I'm not too sure when she will be back." She told her. When she told people anything, she did everything she could not to lie. It was in her nature. But it was against the law to tell anyone of the Night World.

Her heart broke when she thought of why Bella was gone.

Jasper looked troubled..

"So, what brought you to Forks?" Carlisle asked.

"Well, you see. My granddaughters are trouble makers and were expelled for the seventh time in the past three years…" She said, a slight frown pulling up on her face.

The door was pulled open. Bella walked in, her hair darker than usual. Her eyes were pitch black with dark rings under them. Her skin could make snow look grey by how white it was.

She looked like a depressed angel.

"Bella, this is Carlisle, Esme, and Jasper. This is Bella."

"Nice to meet you." Esme told her.

"Hello." Carlisle nodded and stood up to shake her hand. He winced when he shook her frail-looking hand.

They both looked at Jasper expectantly. He hesitated. He didn't look troubled or confused any more. More like depressed. "What's wrong?" he asked her. He didn't move from his spot.

"Oh, nothing. Just a little difficultly. That's all." She replied forcing a smile for him.

He didn't look convinced but nodded.

"So, Bella. Where did you go?" Carlisle asked.

She felt hurt all over again, but refused to let it show. "Oh, just. You know. Out." She said. He nodded. "May-" Her face contorted while her body shook with repressed pain. She looked down. "Can I be excused?"

Grandma Blaise nodded just as Bella left without another word.

"I don't mean to pry. But I'm guessing she wasn't happy about moving here to Forks." Esme offered.

"Exactly." Blaise and Lily said in unison.

"Well, if you don't mind. I think my family and I will take our leave. I do hope that Bella gets well soon." Esme bid her farewell. The Cullen's left.

"Bella, please sleep." Blaise said quietly, but witches had excellent hearing. Bella would hear.

Lily went upstairs to comfort her.

Blaise sighed. This new year was not going right at all here at Forks. It seemed like just yesterday Bella was making fun of Forks' name, saying it was located between Spoon and Knife.

Now she was broken down after years of healing.

May and Bella were like best friends. Inseparable until May died, Bella nearly left with her if Lily hadn't shown up. When she died, Bella was placed in a Night World hospital, trying to heal her when she wouldn't cooperate with anybody or anything. Finally, she looked at people when they talked to her and after not speaking for five years, she talked again.

"Please dear Isis. Heal my Bella." She prayed.

I hate mornings. Like seriously.

The Tuesday morning light hurt my eyes. Just kidding. Light in Forks? Oh please, I wish.

I groggily threw the alarm clock at the wall. "Bella, get up. I don't want to leave alone." someone said.

"No! Bella! Don't leave us!" the sugar cupcakes pleaded.

"Don't worry Mr. Cupcake. I won't leave you." I told him. He smiled at me. "Oh thank you!" the cupcake told me earnestly. A muffin came up to me and pulled on my jean leg.

"Don't you dare talk to her! Muffins aren't worthy of her time! Only us sparkly cupcakes!" Mr. Cupcake told it. The muffin laughed and poked him with a stick.

"Don't do that Muffin Man. That's not polite."

"Bella! Wake up! We have school!" Lily yelled. I opened my drowsy eyes.

"Oh yeah. Is that today?"

She stared at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." I walked to the bathroom to dress, shower and brush my teeth. I slipped on a white long sleeve blouse with skinny dark wash jeans and put on a pair of black and white converse.

Grandma Blaise appraised me for a moment when I went downstairs. "Do you think you should wear that to school?"

"Huh? Oh, your right, I don't match." I pulled my shirt off in the kitchen and grabbed a black shirt out of the dryer. Lily muttered as she walked out the door.

"Please, don't do that in school."

I grinned at her. "Don't worry. I will only if I must. For the boys of course."

She easily grinned back. "It better be. If you come out of the closet…I will smack you silly."

"If I did come out, I wouldn't mind if you smacked me."

She stopped the car and burst out laughing.

"Hey, Bella. Wanna pull a Forks prank? Just like old times?" She suddenly asked.

"Huh? Like…take away all of the school forks and replace them with spoons? Hmm. That may anger them." I told her seriously. She laughed again and drove.

"Nice. But I think we should. I was walking around during 6thPeriod while I was in the, quote "Bathroom" end quote, and I noticed something." Lily told me as she pulled into the driveway. We stepped out of the car. We politely told people we didn't require their assistance. As we sat in History, she continued.

"I have seen how most of the people react to seeing pictures of actual forks, like the utensils?"

"Go figure."

"Well, maybe we could put up a picture of a fork getting strangled by a spoon."

"Gay. Give me until tonight and I will give you THE most hugest prank ever pulled in OUR history of pranks." I didn't need a mirror to know that my eyes were flashing an optimistic blue.

"Ugh. Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" I asked innocently.

She scolded me "You know what. Your eyes change too fast. You're going to freak out the kids."

"So? I have a disease called…eyecolorationdifffersfromyoursinisis."

"Wow. I don't think so."

"Why not?"

"Diseases aren't cool."

"Aww! Thanks!" The teacher started class and everyone hushed immediately. Lily sent me a look that said 'we will finish this at lunch'.

I rolled my eyes, which according to the window reflection were green, being overshadowed by brown, to gold, to black, then to violet. I felt dizzy. Poor Lily has to deal with this everyday. I sniggered into my palm.

The day passed by quick, just like the first. Well, yesterday. Before I knew it, it was lunch. I refused everyone's offer to sit with me, Lily doing the same.

"Thank you again for saying I have beautiful eyes." I said.

"I never said that."

"Yeah you did." I told her earnestly. I was a wonderful liar. Something I am proud of. Although Grandma said I would hate it one day. PSH! As if.

"Whatever. You gonna eat that…uh. Mango?" She asked, picking up an orange item off my plate.

"Knock yourself off. So. I found out what we are going to do tonight." She looked up from her examination of the 'mango' and looked at me.

"You know what to do?"

I grinned. "Do I have the best eyes in the world? Is your dear brother Ash Redfern a lying cheating player? Can you-"

"Alright I get it. Geez. Oh, what were you talking about this morning when I was waking up?"

I looked outside the window to my left. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She glared at me. "If it was about May-"

"Please. Don't." I covered my ears. Her face softened. "But no, it wasn't about her, it was…about me defending an ugly muffin because the sparkly cupcakes were making fun of it…" My face was red. Beet red. Lily laughed loudly. I covered her mouth with my hand, slightly pink now. "Shut the hell up! You asked and I answered! Now shut up!"

From 4 empty tables away, one of the Cullen's…No Jasper Hale, the one that came last night, looked tense. He looked at me…no not me…my blushing cheeks. I stared at his gold eyes, in them, I saw my eyes turn from embarrassed pink to a mirror of gold as his were. His eyes widened and he turned back around to his family.

He seemed to tell them something because the one who looked like my May turned and glared at me. I turned away. It hurt to see someone who looked like May hate me. It made me think of how she would have felt about me now because I couldn't save her from the fire.

"Bells? Don't look at her. May would never hate you."

I looked up at Lily. "What makes you think I'm thinking of her?" I never did say her name out loud.

"You're eyes are blue. A sad one. Bella, you cannot lie to me. You're eyes will always give you away. May wants you to be happy. She made everyone happy. But you," She said, grabbing my hand. "Are making me depressed. Now, tell me your prank to taunt the school or I will make you relive every happy memory in you fifteen years of life." She threatened me like it was an everyday thing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Cullen's look up from the table at us, like they had heard our entire conversation.

"Well, I was thinking we steal Gram's book from the Medieval Times and find out how to create an illusion of fire. I figured that this school can do with a bit of heat."

She blinked at me. "Did you never learn how? It's a basic spell I learned when I was twelve." I scowled at her.

"Well, I was in an asylum at the time. Forgive me."

"Excuses…Anyway, it's a pretty advanced spell. Forbidden in most states. By the time we get all of the material, it will be May." I winced.

"What will be the most difficult item on the list?" I asked.

"Uh, well there are no vampires around, so I plan to call Ash over as a sibling reunion. It works best with lamia hair, much rather than a made vampire's. Of course, he will want some part of this when he finds out. So I'm gonna make him buy us some special herbs." She suddenly grinned at me. "With his own money of course."

I frowned at her. "Ash? Do you want me to repeat what I said earlier? I quote 'Is your brother Ash a lying cheating player?' I end quote by moi. Don't cha think he will try something? Such as, lets say actually putting the school ON fire, or impregnegating one of these girls, or-"

"Okay, okay. I get it. He's a major player and a rebel. But what do you expect? That's just him. My brother is useful though. Admit it."

"Yeah, whatever. I'll call my cousin dearest and tell him to buy the herbs and to visit…hmm. He'll want details on how we were expelled. I'll call later."

The bell rang.

"If you will excuse me, I have some teachers to meet, and some pride to demolish." I walked out of the cafeteria.

"Isabella Poppy? You're sister was here yesterday." Was the teachers greeting.

I smiled at him. He blinked. "I felt ill from the food so I left early. Sorry." He signed my slip from yesterday that I never turned in. "Take a seat with Cullen in the back of the room." I turned to 'Cullen' and took a seat next to him.

He stared at me before saying "Hello, I'm Edward Cullen. You must be Bella Poppy." I cocked my head to the side. He had a pretty voice.

"Ello' Edward. How did you know that it was Bella, and not just Isabella." I questioned. He blinked at me.

"Sorry, that's just what everyone else is calling you." he muttered.

"Yeah, I told em' too. So, how's life?"

"Good…" He looked at me wearily, like this wasn't how people started conversations. "How's yours?"

"A bit apple, a tad melon. But it's all fruit." I told him casually. He chuckled. "What?" "Most people don't start conversations with 'how's life?'"

"Well, now. That's a problem, ain't it. I'm not most people."

He looked at me. I looked back coolly. "Are you wearing contacts?" I asked.

Edward looked down. "No."

"Well, then you have pretty eyes. They look just like my sister's did."

"Thanks. Now, tell me. How do you're eyes change like that?" I blinked. Aw crap, I had to bring up eyes.

"Change? I dunno what you been smoking Willis, but my eyes are one color."

"No they aren't. They just turned green." Yeah, a panicked green. I'm going to be dead by the time Lily found out about someone seeing my ever-changing eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Edward…they have been green everyday of my life." Which wasn't a lie, I was compelled to tell him truth. They are every color everyday. I turned my attention to the teacher, who was beginning class.

"Today we will be discussing the idea of God." God? Oh, I read biology wrong, really wrong. It was physiology. Really, really wrong.

"Who in here believes in God?" Everyone raised their hand but Edward and me.

"Who is unsure of God?" Edward slowly raised his hand. Goddess! What is this? Church?

"Who does not, absolutely?" I proudly raised mine. "Can you give me a debate…Angela…and Bella on your views on this subject?" I shrugged and walked up to the front.

"God exists in heaven and earth." Angela began. Hmmm. I took her for the shy type.

"Can you prove that?" I asked. She blushed. She was shy. "Every religion has something they cannot prove because a thing such as 'good timing' exists."

"Uh, yeah…but can you explain the feeling of peace at church you get?"

"Yeah, the lighting, the temperature, the fact that the reverend screams in your face? I dunno, I've never been in one."

"Explain why more than 90% of the world believes in God?"

I shrugged. "Peer pressure, maybe? Idea's spread faster than a new pair of Mark Jacobs." People laughed.

"Thank you, Isabella. You both may take a seat. Now who believes that the world will end in ice?" Edward raised his hand.

"Why so Mr. Cullen?"

"The world is cold, there was already an Ice Age. Things have a way of repeating themselves."

"Who thinks fire?" Everyone, excluding Edward and I raised their hands. He looked shocked when I didn't raise my hand, after all weren't their only 2 options? "Isabella, how do you think the world will end?"

"I don't think it will end altogether, but break off chunk by chunk. The lining of the stars and planets cannot stay in orbit all the time."

He still looked shocked. "When do you predict this will happen?"

I thought back to when the Inner Circle viewed the future. "About…I dunno. Another bazillion years?"

The bell rang, dismissing us that the day was over. Well, for me anyway. I was NOT going to Gym.

I went outside, texting Lily I was skipping. I started dialing Ash's number.


"Hello?" a voice answered, it sounded groggy. Of course, Ash probably had a wild party last night.

"Ash! How you doin?"

"Who's this?"

"You're nightmare! I need you're help."

"Seriously, who is this?"

I sighed loudly into the phone. "Bella. Geez, are you seriously hung over or what?" I sat on the hood of the Lily's blue Porche. A silver Volvo was next to it.

"Bells? Now you call me? It's been like, what? 3 years? It's not considered polite to say 'bye! Call you when I get home!' and never call. Goddess. Where are you now? Africa? New York?"

"Forks, Washington."

He laughed. "Where's that? Near Knife and Spoon?"

"Sorry Ash, I already pulled that one."

"Damn. So, how'd you get expelled last time? Did my sister help?"

"Yup. We accidentally flooded the school. Lily dropped her ring in the bathroom sink, so at night we went to the school and opened one of them, and well, we didn't know how to close it, so we left. Sadly, we also forgot they have video camera's…So, here we are in good ol' Forks."

"….Hold on, let me process that." I moved to from the hood of my car to the top, resting my legs on the windshield. "Oh wow. What did Grandma Blaise think of that?"

"She yelled at us a bit, gave us a guilt trip, and sent us packing."

"Same as usual. So, why did you call? Obviously it wasn't to get all friendly. What do you want?" I grinned, although he couldn't see it.

"You know me so well. You're in Las Vegas right? Can you get Lily and I some herbs?"

"For what? Wait, don't tell me. Give me you're address and I'll be there in like, what? Two days." I gave him the address. "Tell my sister I said hey. Ciao." I put the phone in my pocket and laid down. Goddess, would it kill anyone to give this too green town some sun?

I waited for what seemed like hours for Blaise to get out of Algebra. "About time." I grumbled as I got to the passenger seat.

"Why didn't you hotwire it. It didn't stop you yesterday." I sniffed, clearly insulted. I got out of the car and sat on the top of it again. Students were filing out of the school, 5 at a time. "Bells, get down." She demanded.

I turned my head to the opposite direction, to the Volvo.

"Isabella Onyx Poppy. Get your ass off now." I sat still. People were staring at the scene we made. "Bella." She warned, taking a step toward me.

"What?" I asked her sweetly, like I wasn't on top of her car preventing her from leaving.

"Get off my car."

"What's the magic word??"

"What in Hellewise's name are you talking about?" She snapped.

"You heard me." She glared at me. She didn't take orders from anybody and she never begged. Never.

"No." I grinned at Edward and his family who were staring at us. They couldn't leave in their Volvo, until we left and we weren't going to leave until Lily said the magic word.

"I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience, but it seems we are unable to leave until Lily says the magic word." I told the family sadly. I kept my eyes away from Rosalie, but out of the side of my eyes, it seemed she was staring at the car I sat on.

A big Cullen chuckled. At least HE had manners.

"Isabella…Onyx…Poppy…get off of my car. Or else." Lily sounded terrifying. WELL, good for her.

"I don't want to. Now say sorry for accusing me of hotwiring your car."

"You did hotwire it. Leaving me to walk home."

"Proof? You have it not. Now just say sorry so the Hallen's can leave." I said.

Her face turned from frustrated to desperate. She turned to the Hallen's. "Do you see what I have to live with? She sits on cars, morphs names together, and acts innocent in front of an audience! She's like a child! This isn't even half of what she's done!"

I gasped. "I so do not act like a child!"

She glared at me. "Do you remember that time you and Ash came and-"

"OH! Speaking of Ash, he's coming over is about…two days. And he's got the stuff."

Her eyes widened. "Seriously? It would have taken me at least an hour before he would have agreed with me." She eyed me. "Of course, birds of a feather…"

"Screw you." I jumped off of the car and bowed to the Hallen's. "Now, if you will excuse us." I hopped into the car and put in some classical music, Claire de Lune in fact, to make me peaceful.

Lily shook her head at my music and reversed in a fishhook without looking back.

Witches are cool like that.

When we got home, Grandma was laying down on my couch, eating my Doritos and watching my show. Well, not my show, but my favorite show.

Lily laughed at my expression of disapproval.

"Grandma, if I may ask, what the friggin' hell do you think you're doin?" I politely asked her.

She looked up from the TV. "Watching Drake and Josh." She replied.

Lily laughed harder. Well, I had to get my sarcasm from someone…Even if they deny everything.