A/N: So, the last and final chapter! Yay! It's a happy ending! YAY! R&R!!!

Even when you have mucho stamina, you can only fly so far without breaks. Eventually Jeb pulled to the side of the road to nowhere, and waited for us to climb in. Everyone was really tired, obviously glad to climb in and get some rest. Even if it was claustrophobic in here, it's still comfy. Nudge was in the front seat, me, Fang and Iggy in the middle and the two younger ones in the very back.

"Jeb, where are you taking us?" I asked drowzily.

"Well, there's this place in the mountains." He replied, and he kept looking behind the car to see if anyone was following us. But we had already gotten them off our trail, it had been four hours of speeding down the road at a speed of at least 100 miles per hour. "And it's pretty well hidden. Hard to get to, too."

"Sounds good." I yawned, stretching my arms, trying not to hit Fang or Iggy at my sides. "I'm gonna'... take a nap..."


I woke up as we started hitting rocks and bumps in the road. I looked out the window on the right and saw open air, with a forest way below.

"Woah!" I yelped in surprisment. "Are we driving on a cliff?"

"Yeah." Jeb said with a smile. "See? It's hard to get to, and from the house we can see the road. If anyone tries to drive up, they're going to have to go up slowly, and we'll see them."

Sweet. That was perfect for me. Then the road got wider, and Jeb stopped the van. I shook Fang's shoulder and he woke up, and he got out of the car. I got out too and Jeb grabbed Angel.

"Oh my God!" Nudge said excitedly. She jumped up and down happily, like a little girl should.

I grinned from ear to ear, and stared at the house ahead. It was large and wooden, and like an 'E' on it's side. I ran forward and jumped up onto the porch, excited to get inside. The wood was sturdy under my feet, and when I peered inside the window it was furnished nicely.

We were finally free.

The End