Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Akihisa Ikeda and Man of Action. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Rosario + Vampire or Ben 10 Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Omnitrix + Vampire

A Rosario + Vampire/Ben 10 crossover

Part One

Tsukune was trying to get the darn thing off his wrist as he was wondering how he had gotten in this kind of mess. It had started earlier that night as he had just returned to his room after the summer break when he heard the yelling outside his dorm room, yelling with familiar voices. He had an internal nervous chuckle as he realized it was his female friends likely getting into a fight over his affection. He thought to himself, 'I'm not sure that I want to deal with this kind of trouble so soon after getting back. Much as I would love to see the girls, I think it might be a good idea to go for a walk by myself for a while. Yet how to get pass a super-vampire, succubus, witch-in-training and stalker snow-woman?'

Moving as silently as he could, he looked out his door at the conflict between Kurumu the succubus and Mizore the yuki onna, with the former being held back by the vampire Moka and the latter by Yukari the pre-teen witch. As he waited for their attention to be distracted he quickly slipped through the door and moved with haste and silence as much as he could to the school grounds. He made it to an out of the way spot in the woods to a place where he could watch the stars from a tall tree.

Hours had gone by as he stared at the celestial bodies and he didn't mean his female friends. Lost in his thoughts of being the only human to go to a yokai school, thoughts of being in a love polygon with some of the sexy women in the entire school, and thoughts of how he was going to keep things from going wrong. He noticed a shooting star flying closer and closer... before making the connection it was way too big to just be going by. He came to the understanding, 'A meteor is going to be landing on the school grounds. This is so cool, I got to go to the crash sight. I can report the story for the newspaper club, and maybe they might even let me keep the rock. Or at least name it after me.'

Which was when Tsukune followed the where the star had been heading and found the gorge in the ground where the strike at landed. Following disturbed earth and uprooted trees to a crater in the landscape, where there was an object on top of blackened dirt. It was not the rock he had been expecting, or even a chunk of blackened space metal. It was instead a blue-silver metallic ball which looked like a rolled up armadillo. Jumping into the hole, he moved to the strange object so he could take a better look at it.

Getting close enough to it, he only just brushed his fingers across the surprisingly cold surface before it began to open. Once the metal panels divided in two, a strange watch could be seen inside the shell. A watch which seem to jump at him even as the band opened up, before landing on his right wrist and sealing tight against his skin. There was a tingle where flesh touched what he thought was metal, but this was not the thought on his mind. No, that thoughts was...

'What is this thing and how do you get it off?'

Which brought this all back to the beginning where Tsukune was trying to get it off by fiddling with it. Only for the face plate to rise up and change with an image of a figure being shown as a hologram above the face. All of them of some kind of monster from what the human boy could tell, which seemed to switch when he turned the face around. From what he could tell, there were ten of them. Not knowing what to do, he pressed the faceplate back into it's original place. A flash of light was Tsukune's only warning of the strange feeling of changing overcoming him as he transformed into into a moth-like humanoid.

The humanoid was a mix of pale blue armoured like appearance with black skin linking them. His face had no nose, his mouth was full of surprisingly teeth and his eyes were slanted orbs of lime green like the watch had been. On his chest was the watch's face with a mix of green and black, his hands only had three fingers and a thumb while his feet had two toes facing forward and one backwards. On his head were feathering like antenna which did resemble bunny ears. On his back were a wings with looked like they split into four defined segments due to the narrowing of the wings in the middle with the upper parts looking larger then the lower portion.

'Okay, somehow I have turned into some kind of monster. Which is ironic as I am pretty sure that I was born human and all of my relatives have been human, and I am now going to a yokai school where everyone but me were supernatural creatures. Now I know I am going to get into trouble for revealing my 'true' form, which could get me detention at least or expelled in the worse case.' True to the thoughts of the transformed teen he heard something marching through the woods. He was overcome with the urge to get out of there he started to fly up and fade from sight.

It was as the noises come closer he started to relax a little as he recognized the voice of the people who were coming close to him. The first was a frustrated voice of a certain bluenette, "Are you sure that my beloved Tsukune went in this direction? You're not just sending us on a while goose hunt, stalker?"

"I have been following Tsukune-kun for a long time, I have developed my sixth sense with regard to him so I could follow him to the ends of the earth. I can find him and stay hidden from him as well as other with a master's skill, till he's ready for me to give him his first born." repeated the voice of a violet haired female.

"I just hope that he's alright given how the forest looks like around here. I seems there was some kind of fight or something out here. The trees and the earth are all distrubed and torn up. I just hope that nothing happened to Tsukune-kun." this was the voice of the youngest member of his friends.

Soon the quartet had managed to make their way to the crater which held the metal orb which he had found. Mizore had trailed him to this location and was now looking around for him, which is when his invisibility had become apparent to his own mind. As well as the fact he was hovering several feet above ground, shock took form as he become visible again.

The girls could see him and took position to fight him if they had to, likely thinking he was one of the monster students who seemed to attack them once a week or so. He had to convince them he wasn't a threat, so he spoke out to them, "No, wait! It's me, Tsukune. I know it sounds weird but it is me."

"You can be Tsukune, obviously you're trying to pull some kind of joke on us and it's not funny. Now tell us what you did with him and we might take it easy on you." called out Kurumu Kurono, as the succubus seemed to get impatent with him.

"I'm telling you the truth, I am Tsukune! It's just that... " he started as he tried to convince them they were wrong, however it was these words which seemed to set off the girls.

Mizore summoned ice to coat her hands to make claws out of the frozen water, and Kurumu grew her nails out into claws for the battle ahead. Yukari was getting ready to summon something with her magic wand while Moka was getting ready to do some hard hitting against him. Not wanting to get them hurt he tried to think of something which could be used to get them to sit still for the moment and listen to him. Instead the blue haired succubus just up with aid of her bat wings and tried to use her nail claws to strike at him. With reaction of instinct, he blew out a stream of freezing cold vapours which created a pillar of ice between the earth and the flying monster girl's legs as well as her lower torso.

This caused the girls to blink as he come to realize that he had quite a few powers in this form, but it seemed he wasn't done as the young witch Yukari had summoned a large pot above his head which was falling at him. It was another instinct which cause him to use another power and phase so the pot would go right throw him, coating the metal object with a rim of ice.

He turned to the three girls on the ground and wonder if he would ever become human again so he could convince them that he was the some friend who had been with them all of this time. He needed to think of something as quick as possible to get them to listen to him before he hurt any of them by accident or by trying to defend himself.

The three girls broke apart so they could all corner him, at the same time as the succubus tried to crack the ice which surrounded the bottom of her body. The rest of the girls were getting ready to attack him all at once with hopes he wouldn't be able to freeze or phase if he was attack by a number of foes at once. The first to attack was the yuki onna, or snow woman, Mizore. She tried to use her ice claws against him which brought back the intangibility which brought more ice on the claw increasing it's size to a point it caused enlarge beyond the purple hair girls ability to hold it. Her arm crashed down on the ground as she tried to adjust to the weight of the ice.

Yukari was the next to attack with a fireball shot from her magical wand, likely hoping Tsukune shared the same weakness as Mizore against heat and flames. It made sense for a creature of ice to have some fear of the opposing element, yet he managed to phase through the flames as if it wasn't there. The heat also didn't seemed to have effected him in the least even if he could feel the temperture of the flames. The preteen witch keept up the flame spheres against the untouchable yokai lifeform that Tsukune had turned into, until the spell finally ran it's course. The formerly human man turned solid once again as the witch was getting another spell ready.

Moka was the last to attack and was trying to mimic the abilities of her inner self as she raised her leg up for a kick. The sole of her foot was striking at her foe and this time Tsukune was worried as he knew as a vampire she had a weakness to all natural water, only treated or altered water could be touched by her without pain. He had no idea what kind of effect his ice would have on her, especially as it melted back to water. So he didn't phase, he just tried to get out of the way. He almost succeeded...

The kick sent him flying back, but only a few feet instead of the miles the Inner Moka could manage. He was getting worried of what he was going to do as he rose into the sky, when the strange device on his chest turned red and started to make a high pitch beeping as if it was winding down something. The girls froze as they waited for whatever effect attack he was planning, when the red flash of light appeared centred on the moth creature. Where the creature had been, now was a boy in a school uniform. One without the ability to fly...

A four-way call of "Tsukune" was released as the girls tried to save their crush. Kurumu was slashing at the ice holding her with greater speed, while Mizore had just freed her hand from the ice as she melted it. Moka was running towards the falling boy so she could catch him, while Yukari began to chant something. The vampire girl had jumped up to gather him up in her arms, she was about to get him when he stopped falling and started to float again. Soon he drifted to the ground as the little witch stopped her speaking.

Before he could get his footing, he was smothered in a girl mass hug. All of them were asking similar questions, the major one being how he had turned into the moth like creature. He thought of breaking up the hug, but was enjoying this break in the eternal catfight. Till Kurumu complained about Mizore's cold touch after being frozen...

"Girl, can we save the fighting for later? Something weird is happening to me. I came here to look for a meteor and found some kind of freaky watch which turned me into an icey mothman ghost. But from what I saw from the watch, there are at least five or more monsters in the watch. If it turned me into one monster, it could turn me into another monster too. I've tried to get the watch off, but it seems to be superglued to my wrist." commented the lone boy as he tried to gain the aid of his friends.

The girls thought hard for a moment before Moka came up with the answer, "Could Yukari-chan use her magic to divine the nature of the watch? Maybe find out more about it."

The blue haired succubus chimmed in with, "I've been taking magic lessons too, I bet I could get the answers we need!"

"But aren't you falling most of your classes, Miss Bigbreasts?" answered the yuki onna, in an even tone. The nails of the chest gifted girl enlarged into talons again.

Moka tried to get peace back with the obvious, "It might be better if Yukari-cahn does it as she is a witch as well as being the top rank student. Her experience with magic could help find things you might miss, but I'm sure she could use your help with the spells she will cast. It could also help with the grades in your class allowing you more time to hang out Tsukune-kun and the rest of us instead of studying."

This seemed to get the sexual yokai's attention as she smiled at the idea of the time spent with her Destined One. Yukari began to speak while this was happening, "I'll try my best, Moka-can. Kurumu can help me by providing a back up of power and extra focus. Let's begin it now! "

"Kurumu-chan, I need you to focus your mystical energies at me while chanting a basic transitional mantra. Something like 'Power mine, power yours. Sight mine, sight yours' to transfer the energy and focus I will need for the centering on the object in question. I will be holding on to the object while placing the eye of my sixth sense onto it, trying to pull out the images relating to the said object. I have no idea how long this will last or how much information I might be able to get out of the watch before the spell ends. So get ready to begin the chanting, Tsukune-kun can you give me the wrist with the watch." said the brunette witch as she held out her small hands for the older teen male. He placed the arm with the device on it in those hands as the blue haired woman started to repeat the chant while holding on to the smaller woman's shoulders.

An aura of energy was surrounding the two of them which was the shade of midnight blue with star-like white twinkles, which were matched by the eyes of the witch as they were like a night sky. The glow was flowing over them, washing it's way to the watch like object on Tsukune.

Inside the mind of a preteen witch...

Yukari was in a strange world made up of green bubbles on a plan of black, yet it was also at the same time one could see the black through the bubbles. Yet also in the bubbles were the forms of what looked to be yokai, yet as she looked closer to those bubbles she could see something which nearly shocked her out of her spell. She could see images of the same beings on a strange landscape which looked like another world. Yet it doesn't look like any of the yokai worlds she had learned about. Then the information was revealed to her with the power of magic, these were not yokai ! What they were... couldn't be real.

New images came to her as she floated in the centre of another black plane but this time there was a green shape. A green double helix structure, much like the building blocks of all life on earth. Only this helix was spliting apart and reassembling into a different configuration or even different materials. Some were made of fire, some of crystal. Some had more then the double helix, some had only one. Yet as soon as one helix was made in a blast of green light, a red one would appear and force it back into the original form.

Now the shapes disappeared as a face began to float in the void with the witch. It was a strange grey life form with huge eyes with horizontal linar pupils and whiskers like a carp. Sights of the strange being making something in an otherworldly lab, the image showing how small the being was as he shaped something with the same symbol as was on the watch. Feelings of arrogance was strong with this image, but also the desire to help people with their problems. It seemed he was making something to help make the world a better place.

The next image was something she could not prepare for. It was a large being in some kind of red and black skin tight uniform with lime green skin. It had some kind of patches on his cheeks a shade of lighter yellow-green and under it's chine were a number of tentacles making it look like a squid or octopus. Red eyes stared at her as if it was ripping directly into her soul.

It was, however, the emotions linked with the being which was making her scream. Hatred, angry, malice, power lust. A sense of superiority which overshadowed any she could expect from any other life form. It had done bad things, it would do bad things and it was doing bad things. It was after the watch for the power it held and would destory anything in it's way. She didn't know what it those things were, but the feeling coming from this was enough to make her scream her throat raw.

She was still screaming as the horror had caused her snap the spell earlier then she had expected and without a single thought she hug on to Tsukune with a death grip. Tears were flowing through her eyes as she tried to recover enough to tell the others what she had learned of the watch and why the must make sure it never fell into the real monster's hands.

Tsukune tried to soothe her with his touch as he rubbed her back and tried to calm her down enough for her to speak. Moka had reacted with her common compassion by embracing the younger girl as well, placing her in the centre of a group hug. Kurumu was pulling out a tissue from her skirt pocket to dry away the tears on Yukari's face, as Mizore offered a lollipop she had which was the favourite favour of the witch. Despite the rivalry between the four girls, there was also a bond of friendship as well.

Yukari sucked on the sucker as she tried to swallow her cries of fear at the thing she had seen in her vision before she gather her voice. Moka, however, was the first to speak to her. The vampire asked, "Yukari-chan, what was it that had you screaming so hard and loud? What was so bad about what you saw in the vision about the watch?"

The eleven year old took her breath slowly to settle her down before she spoke, "The device on Tsukune-kun's arm is one to allow him to transform into other life forms, but not yokai. From what I saw the beings in the watch are aliens, or at least the D.N.A. of aliens. When he uses the watch his D.N.A. alters to the form of one of the aliens in the watch, one of a thousand at least. I think it was meant as a tool to help people get along. What scared me was an evil alien which is after the watch, no word better explains him more than evil. I don't know much more about him, but if he gets the watch the world... the universe would suffer greatly."