Edward and Bella watched Twilight.
Bella had just woken up when Edward asked her,
"Bella, would you like to see a movie today?"
Bella agreed of course and headed off to the bathroom to get changed. Edward said "Be right back" and then vanished to go and retrieve his beloved Volvo.
He returned in his silver automobile with a crooked smile and went to get Bella. They walked to the car hand-in-hand and after a long conversation about how to get out of Alice's next shopping trip, they arrived at the cinemas. Edward and Bella were too engrossed in their conversation that Edward just quickly asked for 2 tickets to the most popular movie at the ticket desk.
After walking into the room were the movie was being held, Bella and Edward took a seat not too far away from the fire exit after Edward said "Just in case" while eyeing Bella. She was about to protest when the row of annoying advertisements stopped and the movie started. Bella rested her head against Edwards shoulder.
"I've never given so much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I loved seemed like a good way to go."
The character on the movie said. Her voice sounded very familiar. Just then the movie started scanning across a forest that was both familiar to Bella and Edward.
"Was this movie shot in Forks?" Bella asked.
"I umm… don't remember having heard anything about a movie in Forks…" Edward replied. They continued to watch the movie as a deer of some sort was being chased through the forest. Suddenly a pair of arms flew out and caught the deer… Bella felt Edward stiffen under her head and asked "What's wron-" but she was cut short by a girl on-screen that could have been her twin holding a mini cactus standing in a desert-y terrain that looked like…Phoenix?
The movie continued and Bella saw her mother and step-father's look-a-likes appear on screen. Bella noticed she had stopped breathing and pulled in a much needed, ragged breath. "What the?" Bella and Edward said together. They looked at each other with confused eyes and then went back to the movie.
The movie went on with mirroring Bella's life. She was about to call security to ask why there is a movie about her life when her eyes caught something walking past the window on her screen. Emmett? Rosalie? Jasper? ALICE? Just then the Emmett-Rosalie look-a-likes walked through the door and she heard a Jessica look-a-like say,
"- like together-together. Um, the blonde girl, that's Rosalie and he big dark haired guy, that's Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."
"This is getting REALLY weird." Bella announced. Edward just nodded with a 'what the hell' look on his face.
"The little dark-haired girl's Alice," the movie continued "she's really weird and um, she's with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain."
Yep, that sounds like Alice and Jasper, they both thought to themselves. Then Bella's bronze-haired sweetheart walked past the window and entered the movie cafeteria.
"Who's he?" the on-screen Bella said. "That's Edward Cullen" the movie Jessica said. "Totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently no-one here's good enough for him…Like I care…you know…"
The movie carried on and to Bella's liking, didn't include the dreaded blood typing class were she turned practically green. To Edward's dislike, they showed their first biology class when he was plotting 100+ ways to kill Bella. They were clearly embarrassed as they shared their first, passionate kiss on screen. Bella turned scarlet and sunk down to her seat while Edward looked like he was controlling the urge not to do it right there, right know.
Every time Bella stumbled or fell, Edward's hands would twitch as if to catch her. Both smiled at their meadow scene and beamed at the baseball scene until a few certain vampires named James, Laurent and Victoria appeared which caused Edward to start furiously snarling and Bella to kiss him to calm him down. He seemed to after the kiss and Edward heard a 12 year old boy whisper "Get a room." behind him.
The movie came to Bella being tortured by James. After James has snapped Bella's leg with his bare hands Edward could take no more and hid his face in Bella's hair with his hands clenched into fists. Bella closed her eyes until she heard her mother talk to her in the hospital scene.
They watched in silence until the prom scene in which they smiled and said "I love this scene" to each other. Edward started to get tense again as the scene zoomed out and revealed a familiar red-headed vampire called Victoria. Edward immediately lost his cool and yelled "VICTORIA WAS AT THE PROM?!?" causing the whole room to look at him and Bella.
"Oh my Carlisle! It's Edward Cullen and Bella Swan!" a 13 year old girl squealed with a book of two hands holding an apple gripped to her chest. Then pretty much the whole room squealed in delight and Edward, reading their intentions in their thoughts, scooped Bella up and raced out of the cinema vowing to find whoever Stephenie Meyer and Catherine Hardwicke was.