Hey guys, sorry I didn't put this in the last one; but the song that Edward sang was 'Awake' by Secondhand Serenade. I'm in love with that song (:
Ok, this chapter is for Kibble Bucket because I haven't dedicated one to her in a while (:

I was nervous, and that was an understatement. Edward sang me his song last week; but I was frightened of what he would think of mine. His was so beautiful and mine is horrible in comparison. It was true what I'd said to him; that I'd fallen even more in love with him. I know it should be impossible but I made it possible. I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. Alice had gone home for the night because she had a test she had to study for; so it was just me and Edward. I was in my room getting my guitar when I heard a sweet melodic voice behind me.
"Bella, are you okay? You've been up here for ten minutes" he sounded worried. I silently cursed myself but put on a smile and turned to him.
'Have i?" I asked trying to sound confident but my voice shook madly. He grinned crookedly and crossed the room and stood in front of me.
"What are you worried about? Singing to me?" he asked and he sounded amused. I glared at him and his smile faltered the slightest bit.
"I'm just worried at what you'll think of it" I whispered and looked away. I felt his hand come under my chin and when I looked up I saw him smiling at me.
"Sing to me and I'll found out what I think of it" he said and then he bent down to kiss me. I kissed him back but he pulled away murmuring something about 'distracting'. I took a deep breath and got my guitar. I started playing the tune and then began singing.

"When you look at me I start to blush
and all that I can say is you and us
oh baby I'm so afraid to be in love
with you, with you...

I wanna be in love with only you
I wanna watch the sky turn grey then blue
I wanna know the kiss thats always new
I wanna be in love with only you
just you

When stars are falling dark
will light the way
will hit the ground and fall
into the shade
ill light the night with fire
and run away

I wanna be in love with only you
I wanna watch the sky turn grey then blue
I wanna know the kiss thats always new
I wanna be in love with only you

I wanna be in love with you
I wanna be in love (I wanna be in love)
I wanna be in love with you
I wanna be in love (I wanna be in love)

I wanna be in love with you...

I wanna be in love with only you
I wanna watch the sky turn grey then blue
I wanna know the kiss thats always new
I wanna be in love with only you

Just you
I wanna be
just you yeah".

He looked speechless by the end of it. I smiled to myself and just as my song said; I was blushing. Suddenly I felt his lips crash into mine. I chuckled and smiled into the kiss and returned it passionately. It was hot and heavy until I heard someone clear their throat and I turned to see Charlie in the door way with a worried expression on his face.
"What did I interrupt?" I asked almost as if he didn't want to know the answer. I chuckled quietly and so did Edward.
"Nothing Dad, why?" I asked and I knew my lips were swollen.
"No reason" he said; flustered and then practically ran down the stairs. I chuckled quietly again and turned to face Edward.
We should close the door next time" I whispered and he raised a perfect eye brow at me.
"Next time?" he asked incredulously and I laughed.
"Yes next time. This is not the only time you'll be in my room Edward" I whispered suggestively and then bolted out of the room before he could respond.

3 weeks later

"Bella, come quickly it's an emergency!" I heard Alice's shrill voice from Edward room and I ran out of his arms and out of his door. I threw Alice's door open; panicking.
"What's wrong Alice" I screeched and then I saw her with a stop watch.
"Ten seconds Bella. Really; I could have been dead by then" she said with disapproval as a thick blanket over her voice. Oh if only.
"What's wrong?" Edward asked frantically and then his eyes fell upon his sister.
"Again Alice? You did it to me for years and now to Bella?" he asked while snaking a protective arm around my waist. Right then I felt the need to strangle Alice.
"Why Alice? What is the need for it?" I pleaded; exasperated. She giggled melodically and danced out of her room and down the stairs. I tried to run after her but forgot Edward was there and we both toppled over. I giggled manically and Edward just stroked my hair.
"I like this" he whispered.
"Edward…" I started; disbelieving, "we're in the hallway" I muttered and tried to get up but he wouldn't let me.
"Don't move" he growled and I have to say it was sexy.
"Why not?" I asked and tried to move again but he still wouldn't let me.
"Because I love having you in my arms" he whispered and even though it was beyond cheesy; I still melted.
"I love you Edward. Even though your cheesy" I giggled and kissed a trail up his jaw line. I got to the corner of his mouth and I saw a small smile there so I kissed it and it grew even more pronounced. I got up on my hands and started to kiss his mouth and that at just the right moment; I jumped up and ran away.

"Bella!" I heard Edward call but I was already inside his closet; buried in his things. I tried not to dwell on the fact that everything smelt exactly like him; but it wasn't working. I saw from the small crack in the door that he was checking under the bed and everything. Finally, I heard a voice.
"Hello Bella" it said; but it was inside the closet. I screamed and ran out and into the protective arms of Edward. Alice came bounding out of the closet giggling like crazy and bounced to where I was; still with a quickened pace. I was breathing heavy and my pulse still thudded behind my ears.
"That's it!" I screeched and started to run after Alice. She was screaming and laughing and finally I picked her up and swung her around.
"Stupid little pixie!" I laughed and set her down. She glared at me but I could see she was desperately trying not to laugh.
"Hey Alice?" I asked and her eyes brightened.
"Yeah Bella?" she asked and I smiled.
"Guess what?" I said and she smiled.
"I don't know Bella, what?" she replied and then I giggled and ran for it.
"You're it!" I squealed and then the circle began again.

1 year later

Ok, so we were finished with high school and we already in college. I came home from a day full of stressful classes and when I got to the door, I saw a letter on it. It said my name on the envelope so I opened.
Meet me out the back. I have a surprise for you. And hopefully you will like this surprise.
Love you always,
Edward. Xoxo

I smiled and made my way around the back of the house where I saw a table elegantly set up. It had candles and roses; the whole shebang. I stepped nervously over and touched the elegant cutlery and crockery.
"Hey beautiful" I heard my favourite voice whisper and I turned to see he wasn't standing but he was behind me; on one knee. My heart sped up and my palms got all sweaty and my eyes were as wide as was humanly possible.
"What are you doing?" I whispered and I sounded out of breath.
"Will you marry me?" he whispered and I felt the tears prick my eyes.
"Yes" I whimpered and threw myself at him.

And with that; I entered the most amazing dream of all. I entered a new life with Edward; only this time; I was wide awake.


Sorry guys, I know you probably hate me right now…):

But I will have a new story up as soon as 'Light in all the pain' is finished.

I just thought that this was the perfect ending. The song that Bella sings is called 'Blush (only you)' by Plumb. It so good! And I thought it fit perfectly with the whole concept. (:

Don't hate me too much guys ):

I still love you even though I may not be your favourite person right now.

Love oyu all.

Bee xx