Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or its characters.

AN: Yes there is still sailor moon and the senshi, and I added a fun twist to Usagi's personality. Inspired by my aunt.

Summary: After Mamoru and Usagi have a huge fight, Usagi gets into a car accident. She wakes up a month later and doesn't know who Mamoru or the Girls are. She doesn't know what Sailor Moon is or what it means and she thinks she's getting married to Motoki. With a new evil approaching can the Senshi get back their leader and princess or have they lost her forever?

Dedicated to: My mother, who has gone through so much just for her kids, and I want her to know I love and appreciate everything she has done for all of us.


"You are completely missing the point!" Usagi shouted in frustration, her face red with anger; she was on the verge of picking up the lamp, which rested ever so innocently on the table next to her, and hurling it at her boyfriends face but she restrained herself from doing just that because she knew she would end up feeling like a complete jerk afterwards. She scratched the back of her head feverishly and made a small sound that would be classified as a grunt and a very exasperated sigh.

"Frankly Usagi according to you, I am always missing the point" The twenty-four year old medical student snapped, his sapphire eyes glazed with what could only be identified as pure and utter irritation. He rubbed both of his temples in attempt to stop the throbbing that has begun to disturb his head. Mamoru wasn't the type to get angry very easy, in fact he was extremely laid back and outgoing, but lately the twenty-one year old blonde standing across from him seeking vengeance, was hitting every single one of those nerves that just set him off.

Usagi chuckled; she looked sadistic, malicious even. Her left eye brow cocked and her lips curved into an impossibly wicked grin. Her mind was racing with never ending arguments that would serve to heat up this already hot and sticky moment. In her opinion he deserved all of the lashing she was throwing at him. Sure the dinner he had missed wasn't marking some extremely important occasion ; heck their anniversary wasn't for another two months; it wasn't her birthday nor was it his, but she had gone through a lot just to agree to have him alone and outside of the apartment in a very chic and romantic Italian restaurant.

She had gone out of her way to look even more stunning than she normally did, bought a nice dress for the occasion and even went and got her impossibly long hair, done at a salon. All so she could get stood up, waiting three hours for a man that didn't even bother to show up only to say when she got back to their apartment that something far more important had come up and he had forgotten to call. What angered her most was that he was so nonchalant about it, he didn't even seem sorry. Frustrated, annoyed even but not in the least bit sorry.

"Chiba" her voice was brisk and cold, her eyes, which normally shone brightly; darkened to match Mamoru's sapphire eyes. There was fury in her eyes and this wasn't just because suddenly she was calling him by his last name. "I told you I had something very important to tell you." Okay so she lied when she said the dinner had meant nothing, it was actually a very important dinner, she had some seriously awesome news, but apparently Mamoru had far more interesting things to do.

"Something you could tell me now." Mamoru argued. This time Usagi did grab hold of something, and this time it was hurled at him, and he missed it by mere inches. That poor cell phone never saw it coming; it crashed against the wall with a loud bang and fell shattered to the floor.

"What the hell is the matter with you?"Mamoru yelled some what surprised at her reaction. He had expected a shriek or something but never had he ever expected her to launch her unsuspecting cell phone at him.

"Are you cheating on me?" Usagi's words were blunt and cold; they hit Mamoru like a bucket of cold water knocking the wind right out of him and leaving him completely speechless and shocked. His mouth opened slightly; left eye twitching slightly.

"Are you on drugs?" he asked cautiously, checking her composure to see if she presented the symptoms of drug induced rage. Her face was flushed but other than that she seemed fairly normal. Perhaps all the heat had caused her to loose some oxygen to her brain causing momentary brain damage.

Usagi smiled, her left hand resting at her thigh, the other covered her mouth, a rather sarcastic expression crossed her features, which was further confirmed when she spoke. "Oh yes Mamoru I'm on crack, how did you find out?" when she dropped her hand from her mouth, the frown on her lips was clearly noted. "Of course I'm not on drugs you dolt!" she barked, fire blazing in her eyes.

"Then why would you ask me that question?"

"It's my only explanation" Usagi snapped. Her hand rushed to her temple, massaging the tension that settled there.

"Explanation for what!" Mamoru protested, he didn't understand where the accusations were coming from.

"Lately Mah-Moh-Rooh!" she sounded his name out to make a point. "Lately it hasn't been the same. You've become cold, distant even." Her voice quivered, she was beyond frustrated now; running a long slender hand through her golden locks she sighed. "What's changed?"

"Nothing's changed."

"Something changed" her voice was dark, her eyes never leaving his but all Mamoru simply did was shrug and take a seat on the couch as if the conversation was an everyday thing. "You see that right there! What is that?"

"It's nothing, nothing has changed okay" Mamoru snapped. "We're still going to end up together married; we're still going to be Neo King and Queen of the silver millennium. Nothing's changed okay!" Usagi stared at him in shock that was it, nothing had changed.

"Oh My God" she whispered astonished, she could barely process his words without feeling hurt and betrayed. He was bored, he was bored of her. She scoffed and tapped her lips, her eyes looking at him as if she had just found out something incriminating in a very sarcastically dry way. "You're unbelievable." She her tone was bemused.

He couldn't even look at her, Mamoru knew that she figured out what had not changed, actually changed a lot, the look in her eyes said it all to him. Her hands gripped the back of the couch across from him tightly, she leaning into the back to the couch, her head down. When she looked back up her eyes had this dark amusement to them.

"When did it turn from love into a routine for you?" His head snapped into her direction; that was too far. One thing was to say it was routine, but to claim he didn't love her was just insulting. Sure the initial passion was gone, but there was still love.

"Usagi I still love you." he said, his voice was mixed with anger and sincerity.

"That." She said with a cold and low voice. "Or you think you still love me, because that's how it's supposed to be." Her words sent his mind racing and at the same time leaving him speechless. All he could do, was stare at her, she made a very valuable point. Maybe he thought he loved her, maybe he just figured 'I have to love her'. The more the thought swam in his head the more he was convinced that he did love her, he would never have put up with so much just because he had to.

"No" he whispered. His eyes looked at her with sincerity but somehow she didn't buy it.

"Maybe you love me Mamoru." She began her voice still dark. "But you are no longer interested in me. The passion is gone." He stayed silent because he agreed with her there; it was true that he had lost interest, just not enough to be unfaithful, not enough to leave her because damn it all he loved her to death.

Usagi wanted to cry but she was too angry and at the moment to prideful. Her left hand bald into a fist and began to tap the couch in a fast repetitive rhythm. It was her way of calming the tears that were about to fall.

"You can say that" his voice was stern, he didn't even seem remorseful. A single tear escaped Usagi which she quickly wiped away. "Knowing too much about where we were going just kind of killed the magic." He stood then, he placed both hands in his pockets. He looked so indifferent. Usagi clench her jaw tightly, exhaling sharply, cursing silently when her eyes quickly filled with tears.

"I guess I'm tired." He said exhaling slowly. "You know it's been seven years. When I was eighteen I found out I was going to get married, become king and father to the child of a girl I had been dating for less than a month."

"At first it was great." Usagi continued for him, he didn't look at her. "But then you realized you're stuck with a klutzy, lazy, childish girl who craved attention; right." When he didn't comment she bit her lips. She nodded her head silently. For seven years she had made him feel like a prisoner. "Maybe..," she began exhaling softly. "We should see other people. Then after a while start with a clean slate…or not"

His head snapped in her direction quickly, shock clearly written across his face. He was expecting a red faced near hysterical Usagi that would protest what he saw was even more heart breaking. Usagi stood tall and full of pride, chin held high, and arms crossed at her chest. The only thing he had been right about, were the tears, but they were silent pain filled tears.

Mamoru looked down, he sighed deeply. Both his hands rested on his hips, he didn't know what to say. Part of him wanted to say that was a good idea, while the other part of him wanted to shout and protest and say she was out of her freaking mind. But he stood silent and his silence spoke volumes to Usagi. She wiped the silent but heavy tears from her face slowly. Outside she heard chatter and the sound of a car honking in traffic. A plane flew over head and the sound of laughter infiltrated their silence. Today should have been a day of laughter and joy for the two of them, but it turned into something painful and ugly.

The sun's setting rays dimmed the room and as the seconds passed the faster Usagi made her decision. She silently picked up her purse and walked towards the door. He spoke then but his words weren't the words she wanted and needed to hear.

"Maybe knowing too much messed us up." He whispered, Usagi's back was to him, her hand gripped firmly on the door knob. Though tears fell quickly from her eyes, when she spoke she sounded calm and distant.

"No Mamoru." She said coldly "You are just afraid to truly love." Her eyes stared at the white of the door, refusing to face him.

"How can you say that" he sounded astonished "I love you"

"Yeah, but it's not strong enough." She whispered. "You built a wall around your heart when your parents died." She could already see the pain in his eyes at the mention of his diseased parents. "You built a wall so tall that every relationship before me lasted no more than a month." The silence that followed her words only served to add truth to them.

"In fact when we first meet you broke up with me a month into our relationship." Her hand gripped the knob tighter. "When Setsuna showed us the future, you got back with me because you just figured that you didn't need to keep searching, so you just settled."

"I broke up with you then because I was protecting you"

"You broke up with me because you were running away" she snapped, her head turned slightly but not completely. "Sure at first you broke up with me to protect me, but then you were just running away. You were afraid because for the first time you actually felt something, you were scared because in less than one month I began to crumble down what took you seven years to build." Her voice was dark and angry. Mamoru didn't speak; he had always thought Usagi didn't understand him, but he just realized she understood him better than he understood himself.

"However" she continued after a short silence. "Whatever progress I had made stopped at that time, because after Setsuna showed us the future, you stayed with me just to be safe." Her voice dropped a little, and then she regained her strength and continued. "At first it was alright, you admitted you loved me, but you never let it fully flourish. And then one day you woke up and looked at me and realized you were stuck with me because you were destined to be with me, not because you wanted to be with me."

"And then" he whispered.

Sighing she turned back to the door. "And then it was just routine, it was just an everyday thing to just stay with me, laugh with me, cry with me, live with me, love with Me." she whispered sadly. "But it was just routine, Yeah you love me Mamoru, but a relationship needs more than love to survive, it needs passion." She added gently. Sighing she opened the door. "Perhaps you need to see other people. But just know that the love I feel has always been alive in me. I don't need other people."

She stood silent as did he, Mamoru said nothing. Her tears were cascading, but he never saw a single crystal tears fall from her eyes. She walked out without another word leaving Mamoru to brew silently in his own thoughts, her words racing in his mind like bullets freshly fired from a gun.


After an hour of walking the streets of the Juuban district with nothing more on her mind than her own dread, Usagi found herself seating at the booth in the Crown Arcade drinking her pain away, with one large chocolate malt. Her red eyes told Motoki everything and nothing at the same time. He felt troubled since he had always seen Usagi like a little sister that he needed to protect, but when he had to protect her from his best friend it became a dilemma.

Before, when she was fourteen and she hated his guts, defending her from Mamoru was an easy task, but now defending her and hurting him was like causing Usagi twice the pain she already felt. As far as Motoki could tell the couple of almost eight years had, had some kind of showdown earlier that evening and it left Usagi broken and according to Mamoru's earlier call, pained, which was shocking because a pained Mamoru wasn't an everyday thing.

"Things were so much simpler when we were getting married." Usagi joked, using her index finger to point to herself and Motoki, referring to her younger years and how she had vowed that she would be married to Motoki because back then she was helplessly in love with him. And then one afternoon her life changed simply because she missed the trash can when tossing out a really lousy graded paper and she heard for the first time in her life the phrase 'Meat Ball Head'. Her fate was sealed after that moment, because from the moment she looked into Mamoru's dark blue eyes she had been a goner.

"You could always just leave Mamoru and still marry me." Motoki joked back while drying a cup in his hands; the Arcade was slow today so he knew that Usagi has his undivided attention.

"Really?" Usagi grinned, her eyebrow arched and she had a very amused look on her face. "I get to set the date then."

"When ever, Where ever you want it sweet cheeks" he winked at her and she let out a fake girly sigh. Their joking seemed to be lifting her spirit and as long as Motoki saw the woman he considered a younger sister happy, he was happy.

"In the spring, April 19th" she stated simply, her eyes gleamed. "I will be gorgeous and you will be so jealous"

"You're right, I would be so jealous that I can't wear the dress."

"See I knew it" she laughed then. Her laughter erupted from deep within her, filling her up with a relief she had not known she needed, her body felt warm and light. She had never been so unbelievably grateful to be able to laugh. "Minako would kill me if I married her boyfriend." At her words Motoki dropped his cup which made Usagi arch her brow ever higher. "No, no…don't tell me" she said slyly, leaning away from the booth and looking away from him.

When he turned and feverishly began to clean the already clean booth, she grinned ever wider and turned back to him, she leaned forwards and smirked. "Okay tell me." he continued to frantically clean until Usagi's accusing and over bearing gaze glared him down to defeat.

"I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet." He said nonchalantly, looking away from Usagi who choked on her malt a little.

"Why! What's wrong with you!" the first to questions were shocked the next question came out more like an 'I knew it' statement "Are you gay?"


"Just making sure…although it would explain a lot" she muttered, eyeing him up and down suspiciously. And he only flushed ever more red.

"I just haven't found the right time." He excused, but Usagi would have no excuses, especially when it came to two people who were meant to be together. The thought made her wince but she shrugged it off.

"Seven dates later is not the right time?"

"No…" he trailed. She smiled Motoki had always been the shy one so she wasn't surprised but he was taking way too long and he might send the wrong signal to Minako and then she would never have him, or at least she would hesitate and think about it long and hard and then say yes, but Usagi doubted Motoki could survive something like that.

"Fine, I want to be there when you ask her."

"Why" he asked, his eyes narrowing at his baby sister. If he knew her, it meant her sinister mind was in the works concocting some evil match making plot. Usagi smiled and took hold of his hands.

"One because I have to tell her we are engaged to be married." He smiled at her torn expression "And two; to help you say the right words when the time comes." His hands returned the comfortable grip of her hands. The door to the Arcade chimed signifying a guest and when Usagi turned, she watched as Mamoru strode in as If she wasn't even there, he didn't even spare her a glance.

Sighing she let go of Motoki's hands, her eyes saddened a moment before she stood up. Her voice was still playful but he heard the sorrow behind it. "I'm going home Motoki. I'm a bit tired" she said softly, she leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

He watched as she picked up her bag and headed for the door, as she walked away though she shouted out to him. "Remember the wedding's on April 19th!" then she was out the door leaving some seriously intrigued costumers and a confused Mamoru. Motoki laughed silently, watching as Usagi pulled over a cab and got inside; and then he watched as his friend made his way over him with a brooding expression.

"I screwed up Motoki" he said taking his seat in front of his friend who simply smirked at him. In no time Mamoru began to tell him what had happened and how things went down, at the end of forty minutes Motoki was fully updated with his friend's fight and Mamoru found himself invited to Motoki and Usagi's 'wedding' which he volunteered to be the best man for.

Mamoru smiled, every time Usagi used to walk into the Crown Arcade claiming she was going to marry Motoki, he had always given Motoki his condolences and then agree to be his best man. The phone rang and took Motoki's attention away. Mamoru sat there thinking about everything Usagi has said.

'Clean slate'

That word had given him shivers. He wanted a clean slate, but not with someone else, he wanted a brand new beginning with Usagi, a new relationship where they both worked passionately to love each other. He realized he did want to spend the rest of his life next to her, he realized he was very interested in her and that he did want her and no one other than her.

"Mamoru" Motoki's voice broke his thoughts; he looked to his friend to find a mortified and worried Motoki.

"What? What is it?" Mamoru became alarmed, Motoki looked so grief stricken and his hesitation to speak only further alarmed him. "Motoki what happened?"

"It's Usagi…" he said slowly, Motoki watched his friend tense and the color on his face drain completely. "There's been an accident"


Okay so I suddenly got inspired and this story is already in my head from beginning to end, the question now is shall I continue and WHO WOULD LIKE TO BETA ME? Just asking you know.

Review Please
