A/N: I do not own Bleach... Kubo does……..

But I do own this little story; the concept of the necklace….. And my (OCs)

I humbly thank my reviewers…..

I now give you the conclusion of Hello Again

Chapter 20: Hello Again



Reader's POV

"Hi - Hi! We're your Weather Girls - Ah-huh -…And have we got news for you - You better listen! ...Get ready, all you lonely girls…and leave those umbrellas at home. - Alright! -Humidity is rising - Barometer's getting low….According to all sources, the street's the place to go…..Cause tonight for the first time….Just about half-past ten…For the first time in history….It's gonna start raining men….It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen! ...I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get…Absolutely soaking wet! ...It's Raining Men!....Hallelujah!...It's Raining Men! Every Specimen... Tall, blonde, dark and lean…Rough and tough and strong and mean…God bless Mother Nature, she's a single woman too…She took off to heaven and she did what she had to do…She taught every angel to rearrange the sky…So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy…It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen! ....It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! ....It's Raining Men! Ame---------nnnn!"

To all

Our flight leaves at 0900

We still must stop and check on Chuinie, before leaving

So Get up!!!!

Next stop vacation


Followed by sounds of laughter….

Yuri looks to Sado; he pulls her to him, he knows she is mad; as she pouts….saying, 'I don't want to go …to go home'

He asks if she would like for him to accompany her...

She replies 'no stay in KaraKura town, I may need you to rescue me'

He looks at her warily, as she says, 'I am just kidding it will not be that bad'…

She shakes her head and rolls over saying, 'it is just a bad dream.'

Tamiski and Byakuya ~ Reader's POV

Upon hearing the ringtone, Byakuya rolls his eyes thinking, 'I should have turn that damn thing off' … he looks over at his wife who is snickering at the song Yuri selected…he sigh, as he reads the text, saying, 'one day that girl will do what I ask..'

Tammi looks at him laughing as she gets out of bed saying, 'until then we will just deal with it…. As you told me yesterday, "Miski be nice to Yuri" 'I will now say Byakie be nice to Yuri'…

She now stands on the side of the bed, smiling down on him brightly; she is excited as she gently pulls on his arm, saying 'come on... Get up, we have things to do; I want to go and get it over with … then… I want so much to show you New York… my New York'

He looks up at her, it has been a long time since he has seen her so excited…so happy, …he starts to laugh as he continues to watch her thinking, 'come to think of it is the first time he has seen her excited and happy over something that is not related to medicine.'

He gets up and follows her into shower, listening as she talks about things like the Yankees, Central Park and going to the Met to see 'Madame Butterfly' ….what they are he has no idea, but she is determined that he finds out…he grins as he shakes his head because he now realizes that she sounds … sounds like a Wife…..

He is thinking, 'she is happy… really happy… I like this side of her'….They both stand in front of the bathroom mirror, he holds her close, she is smiling at him in the mirror, he looks at the both them in the mirror… he realizes he too is happy … really happy….

Hitsugaya and Karin ~ Reader's POV

Upon hearing the Ringtone, Hitsugaya snickers as he reads the text, he is not surprise she did it, he saw her face when Byakuya told her not too; he thinks to himself, 'that one is a true hell raiser.. Who ever marries her has their hands full.'

He now grins as he looks over at his wife, she is still sleep...it was a long night for them both; he starts to kiss her cheek…she swats at him, saying 'I am sleep'….

He grins, saying 'Mrs. Hitsugaya... come on get up'... she replies, 'I don't want to'…

He gently shakes her saying 'come on ... get up… we have a plane to catch'…

Karin still swatting at him saying, 'tell it too wait, until later.'

Hitsugaya, now looking down at his wife with a mischievous look saying, 'you better get up … or else'

Karin yells 'go away' then rolls over and still does not get up …

He shakes his head and does something to her; he had not done since she was his student years ago….

He grins and gently pulls back the sheets exposing her naked body while using his Reisatu he lowers the temperature of his breathe, he momentarily stops and admires his wife's beautiful body then chuckles as he blows his cold breathe from her feet up her entire body … instantly she jumps up from bed screaming, 'Shorty !!!' causing him to laugh saying, 'I said get up' .

She rolls her eyes at him and starts to seductively sway towards the shower saying 'Shorty that is going to cost you'…

He grins as he runs up from behind her grabbing her waist, and picking her up, she screams with laughter as he carries her into the shower saying, 'I will pay any price, as long as I have you by my side'


Two Cousins ~ Reader's POV

Tammi and Byakuya are in the hotel lobby, talking as Yuri and Sado approach; as the two couples stand there talking, Tammi is noticing that Yuri is usually quiet, this is making Tammi nervous, she excuses herself and asks Yuri to accompany her.

Yuri and Tamiski have walked into the ladies room…

Tammi: [walking into the ladies room, after making sure they were alone] 'What is Yuri … something is wrong … Tell me'``

Yuri: [just looks at her saying nothing ...thinking] 'I can't say anything... I do not know if she knows…' [Yuri remains silent]

Tammi: [her eyes quickly becoming angry] 'WHAT HAS HAPPEN…? TELL ME'

Byakuya, senses she is becoming angry… but he stays calm... thinking, 'What hell is going on now!!"

Yuri: [with tears in her eyes] 'I just got a text from my father saying your father is requesting that we come home'

Tammi: [looking at her realizing; that she did not know] 'Yes, I know'

Yuri: [looking shocked] 'Why …why … must we go home'

Tammi taking Yuri in her arms she explains what has happen and that she is going home to meet with her father to let him know her intentions to stand as Byakuya's wife…

Tammi: [looking into Yuri's eyes] 'not to worry; cousin, I will not let nothing happen to you, we will return to the Human World'

Yuri: [eyes are nervous] 'Miski, we had plans … to do fun things'

Tammi: [smiling] 'you will still to do fun things with him, I promise that it will not last longer than a day, and I tell you what, take an extra couple days in KaraKura town with him…' [Looking into her eyes] 'OK'

Yuri: [starts to grin] 'Are you sure…'

Tammi [just looks at her big cousin; grinning] 'Yes I am sure… 'So….. Cousin, tell me about him.. .'

Yuri: [Shy] 'There is nothing, to tell'

Tammi: [still grinning] 'Yuri have you fallen for him'

Yuri: [looking at her, her eyes are large] 'No it is not like that'

Tammi: [looking at her now teasing] 'you did … you did… if not …. The fact we have to go home; would not really bother you'

Yuri: [now grinning] 'WHATEVER little Cousin'

Tammi: [Smiling] 'WHATEVER Big Cousin, He seems very nice and I can tell he likes you a lot…'

Yuri: [Smiling, jokingly bumping Tammi] we will see, but first let's get this Damn trip home over with!!!..... I have Plans!!!'

Tammi: [laughing as they walk out of the ladies room] 'Agreed, I also have plans….oh and by the way …nice wake up selection'

Honeymoon???? ~ Reader's POV

They have all gathered in a private area in the Hong Kong international airport, Tamiski has just formally introduced her pilot to her husband, the two men discuss the fight plans for the next two days; as she walks over to Karin and Hitsugaya.

Tamiski: [smiling] 'good morning Karin and Hitsugaya Kun'

Karin: [smirking] 'Good morning… Sensei'

Hitsugaya: [bowing] 'Good morning Kuchiki Sama'

Tamiski: [smiling] 'So are you ready for your vacation'

Karin: [looking surprised] 'Where you really serious about that...'

Hitsugaya: [looking at his wife] 'What are you up to now'

Tamiski: [looking at Karin with a sly grin] 'I' am sorry I thought you had already discussed it with your husband, I will leave you to discuss it; but please let me know soon because the pilot has already put it into the flight plan for today'

Tamiski, now with a big smile, walks away from the couple, leaving them, to discuss the honeymoon arrangements….

Karin: [looking incident at Hitsugaya]' we are not up to anything, it is just Sensei, has requested… [With a grin, she looks over to see Tammi as she walks over to Yuri,] 'No more like told me' [she now mocks Tammi] 'go and get your husband and leave on your honeymoon at the Fuji Estate for a week' [he now stands there and just looks at her]… 'She has made arrangements that I have a week alone with you before having to return to NYU…and finish my 3 weeks of classes'

Hitsugaya with a pleasant surprised look on his face, looks over at Tammi who is now joking with Hisa, saying 'she is very kind and generous'

Karin: [also looking at Tammi, then up at Hitsugaya] 'Yes she is, that is why we protect her'

He nods his head with understanding …..

Karin, then says, 'So Husband, shall we leave on our honeymoon, as my Sensei has requested?'

Hitsugaya looks down at his wife and smiles, saying ' I must get in touch with Sotaicho to let him know I will be gone' now looking deeply into her eyes, thinking … then he says, ' for two weeks … I think I will accompany you back to NYU and stay with you there for a week'

Karin's face lights up with excitement, as she says, 'Really'

Hitsugaya, pulls her close and whispers into her ear saying, 'Yes really…. that way I will only have to deal with two weeks being away from you.'…,.

Hitsugaya thinks for a moment then says, 'I have to make sure I get Matsumoto something nice, since she will have to run things while I am gone'

Karin smiles saying, 'I have already taken care of it'…

He looks at her softly saying, 'I don't know what I would do without you'….

Karin, grins as she starts to walk away to join her friends saying, 'don't worry you will never have to find out'

Hitsugaya stands there smirking as Ichigo, walks up to him saying, 'I guess this is truly congratulations'

Hitsugaya turns saying,' thank you'

Ichigo watching Karin has she jokes with her friends, Rukia, and Yuzu, saying, 'You better take care of her'

Hitsugaya, looks at his brother in law saying, 'I intend to ... I intend to'


Three Days later Readers~ POV

Several couples are on vacation…

Cheri and Shunsui are walking arm in arm in the 8th Division gardens, talking about things in general, she is receiving evil looks from a certain vice captain ,but she continues on with her conversation, determined not to have her vacation plans spoiled……. Her Blackberry sounds…


"YO, I'll tell you what I want, What I really, really want… So Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really .. Really, Really, Really, I wanna really, really, Really wanna Zigzag ha… If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, mast it last forever, friendships never ends… If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give .. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is"

Hisa and Ukitake are having tea in the 13th Division Taicho's office, they two are receiving questionable looks from the 3rd and 4th seat… Hisa giggles and Ukitake rolls his eyes as they listen to their bantering back and forth …. Her Blackberry sounds…..


"YO, I'll tell you what I want, What I really, really want… So Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.. I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna really .. Really, Really, Really, I wanna really, really, Really wanna Zigzag ha… If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends, mast it last forever, friendships never ends… If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give .. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is"

Accompanied by her chaperon, Rukia and Ichigo are at the Kuchiki Manor walking through the gardens with the wedding planner; discussing the changes needed for the upcoming wedding… Ichigo with a look of boredom looks around; wishing a hollow would show up; therefore letting him escape, his mind is quickly brought back to reality as he yelps from being pinched by Rukia, when he fails to answer a question pertaining to the wedding… Her blackberry Sounds…..


'One two three uh!...My baby don't mess around…..Because she loves me so….And this I know for shooo……Uh, But does she really wanna…But can't stand to see me….Walk out the dooor…..Don't try to fight the feelin'….Because the thought alone is killing me right nooww…..Uh, thank god for mom and dad…For sticking two together...'Cause we don't know…hooowww...UH!...Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa….Heeyy Yaaaaaaa…..Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa…..Heeyy Yaaaaaaa…..Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa…..Heeyy Yaaaaaaa…..Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa..
Heeyy Yaaaaaaa..'

Yuzu and Jinta are holding hands as they window shopping in KaraKura Town… she is threatening him with putting the color Pink throughout their bedroom, still holding firmly to her hand, he shakes his head as they walk down the street….. Her Blackberry sounds …..


"You must be my Lucky Star…'Cause you shine on me wherever you are….I just think of you and I start to glow…And I need your light....And baby you know
Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight……Starlight,
[starbright] make everything all right…….Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
[starbright] yeah
You must be my Lucky Star….'Cause you make the darkness seem so far….And when I'm lost you'll be my guide….I just turn around and you're by my side…. Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight……Starlight,
[starbright] make everything all right…….Starlight, starbright first star I see tonight
[starbright] yeah"

Tammi and Byakuya are shopping at the Garden District in New York, she is looking for the material for Rukia's wedding dress, she now holds a rare silk material it is the purest white with a small beautiful pattern of cherry blossoms, embroidered in gold stitching throughout, she turns to him for his approval, he rolls his eyes at thought of the whole thing, she discreetly kicks him in the foot her tone is sweet as she says," yes or no" … With a sarcastic look and tone his says, "Yes Dear".. she hands the material and a card to the clerk saying 'I want all that you have and it is to be next day shipped to this address in Karakura Town Japan'.. The clerk with large eyes says, "Yes Mrs. Kuchiki… right away" she turns to see her husband's eyes reflect amusement, at the whole thing, she giggles as she hugs him tightly…. Her Blackberry sounds…….


Instrumental:'Theres a sky in the east….Over pyramids at Giza….Where there once lived a girl….She ruled the world….Then down the Nile….He came with a smile….He was the king…She was the queen…Under the moonlight…Your eyes wont believe….What your mind cant conceive… Oooh….Nights over Egypt….Nights over Egypt….Nights over Egypt… [Instrumental] Incense & myrrh…And girls that swirl… To the music …Nights over Egypt…. [Instrumental]Women fellahin Wear veils to been seen …..By noone Take a caravan across …..The Sudan Saharan facade ….Is …..just a mirage Oasis in the sand…[Instrumental]Where life once began …Under the moonlight …Your eyes wont believe …. What your mind cant conceive … Nights over Egypt …Nights over Egypt …Nights over Egypt …Nights over Egypt"

Karin is on the beach at the Fuji Estate, it is very private... the weather is cold for normal humans, but it is perfect …. it is warm about 72 degrees, but the water is cold at 52 degrees… she is in a beautiful two piece swimming suit, he had picked out for her… she is laying a lounge, her eyes have a slight glow to them as she seductively watches the water.. she grins as he emerges from under the water… she never thought he could swim as well as he does, she is finding out everyday, there isn't much he can't do, or will do to keep her happy… as she watches him slowly walk out of the water towards her, his muscular body glistens as the water slowly streams down, each inch of him…. She tries to shake the thoughts from her mind, and her eyes before he notices, but it is too late, because he now wears a knowing grin on his face, as he bends and kisses her saying, 'I have waited all my life for you look at me in that way'… just as she pulls him down to her …. Her Blackberry sounds……


"Last night I dreamt of san Pedro …Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song….A young girl with eyes like the desert…It all seems like yesterday, not far away...Tropical the island breeze…All of nature wild and free…This is where I long to be…La isla bonita…And when the samba played…The sun would set so high…Ring through my ears and sting my eyes…Your Spanish lullaby…I fell in love with San Pedro…Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me…Te dijo te amo…I prayed that the days would last…They went so fast….Tropical the island breeze…..All of nature wild and free…This is where I long to be…La isla bonita…And when the samba played…The sun would set so high…Ring through my ears and sting my eyes…Your Spanish lullaby…I want to be where the sun warms the sky…When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by…Beautiful faces, no cares in this world….Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl"

Everyone is looking at their Blackberry, it is a Live streaming feed of Yuri, she is performing with Sado's band, in front of a lot of people; they are clapping …, as she slyly looks in the camera, saying, 'This next song is dedicated to my sisters and the special men in their lives….'

Everyone now watches with interest

She then looks to Sado who is also grinning, standing beside her playing bass guitar, saying....' one…two… ….One … two…three…'

The music starts…'instrumental… then she starts to sing….

"I dream that someday we'll be able to…Look back on this together and say….It was for the best and that it made us….Stronger today, stronger today….

There's much more for us to see….A brand new day for you and me…..And with confidence I say, We're better than ever…..And I don't know where this will lead…..But in my life you need to be…Cause I need to say, Hello again….

She smiles as she dances to beat of the music… Singing

.I'm so afraid that if I wait too long…..You'll never look in my eyes again…..With a look that gave me strength and gave me hope…..And made me feel I've inspired…There's much more for us to see……..A brand new day for you and me…..And with confidence I say, We're better than ever…..And I don't know where this will lead…..But in my life you need to be
Cause I need to say, Hello again…

.Hello again, hello again, yea…….Hello again, yea

She sings looking into camera … dancing to the music…

There's much more for us to see….A brand new day for you and me……And with confidence I say, We're better than ever……And I don't know where this will lead
But in my life you need to be……..Cause I need to say, Hello again

There's much more for us to see….A brand new day for you and me……And with confidence I say, We're better than ever……And I don't know where this will lead
But in my life you need to be……..Cause I need to say, Hello again…..

The crowd now claps loudly with approval in the background; she winks and blows a kiss into the camera, as the screen fates to black…..

The End




Play list, ring tones or music:

Wanna Be ~ Spice Girls

Hey ya ~ OutKast

Lucky Star ~ Madonna

Nights Over Egypt ~ Incognito

LA Isla Bonita ~ Madonna

Hello Again ~ Hoobastank

I know….. I know ….. I did not reveal a certain character…but he will be revealed in the sequel;

Yes… I did introduce another character, in the last chapter …. It is very clear who is ….

The first chapter of the Sequel is written and will be posted….

It is entitled 'Nothing can come between us'

Premise of the sequel, the relationship between Byakuya and Tamiski and what actually happened in Soul Society when they visited… and it's impacts on the other foundation members: Karin, Yuzu, Rukia, Cheri, Hisa and of course Yuri…

The Pairing will remain the same; but expect some surprises….

And more ringtones…

I really hope you will read it ….

To My 'The Ties that Bind' Reader's Kanari will return soon …. I Promise

Thank you....


An excerpt from the Sequel: 'Nothing can come between Us'


A ringtone is heard in the middle of the night…

Instrumental: "All my friends know the low rider……The low rider is a little higher ... Instrumental …Low rider drives a little slower…..Low rider is a real goer… Instrumental"

The man behind the Curtain awakens…

To The Man behind the Curtain

OTAC is in jeopardy; negotiations has fallen apart

HS has order she return or else he will attack

This is bad… Real Bad…


The man behind the curtain is PISSED, beyond words that this would happen now; after they have successfully reconciled both couples… He knows everyone and everything is about to be impacted and if they are not careful they will all be exposed…….

He now looks out his window into the night saying, 'DAMN'