A/N: First fan fic, meant to go on my FairyTaleParody name, but I can't wait two days to put it on! Here's chapter one. More to come! Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Don't own Twilight or Cinderella.

"Isabella! Isabella! You get down here NOW!"

I woke to the annoying piercing voice of my stepmother, Victoria. Of course it would be she that awoke me from my wonderful dream and pulled me back into grim reality.

"Yes, Victoria?"

"We have guests arriving in an hour or so. I've told you about the matchmaking that we're trying to do for Irina and Tanya. I need you to clean this house spotless. Spotless, you hear me? Then you will help the maid in the kitchen prepare for dinner. After dinner is served, I expect you to go to your room. You will not interfere with our guests, you hear?"

"But, I have an important homework assignment to do. I mean…that kinda is what the maid is for…"

"Oh, Isabella, don't be absurd! Who needs a maid when we have someone just as perfectly capable as you? This dinner is going to be perfect! I don't want any fuss out of you, or you will pay."

"Fine," I huffed.

I thought about the dream I'd had last night while I was cleaning the foyer. It was one of which my mother and father were together, as was I. We were a family again. It was before cancer took over Renee, before Charlie found Victoria, and before he died himself, forcing me to live with my only option…Victoria.

Once I was done scrubbing the entire place, including scrubbing the marble floors, I made my way to the kitchen, where the maid, Rosalie, was cooking.

"So, what's on the menu for today?" I sighed.

"Lemon crusted tilapia with rice palaf is the entrée. We are serving a tomato soup and Caesar salad. All requests of Miss Victoria."

"Jeeze, Rosalie, no need to go all formal…it's just me."

"Bella, I hate it when you talk about yourself with that tone in your voice."

"I can't help it. Look at me."

"No, Bella. Don't you even say that about yourself," she snapped, "God, how I wish you wouldn't listen to those thoughts they try to put in your head."

I kissed Rosalie on the forehead. I knew the only reason why she was being hardcore bitchy was because she cared about me so much. She's always been like a sister to me; almost a mother except for the fact that she was only three years older than me.

"I need you to put together the Caesar sald and serve it. I'll take the rest. I understand that you have homework to do?"
My eyes lit up in relief. "Yes, I do."

Within moments the Caesar salad was ready. I made my way down to the dining room where each chair on our long table was occupied. Sat at the left corners were Victoria, and the infamous Carlisle and Esme Cullen. Sat at the right corner was Irina with Emmett Cullen sat across from her, and Tanya with—sigh—Edward Cullen sat across from her. Edward looked gorgeous as usual, and so did the rest of his family. But I kept my eyes on Edward, not fully realizing it. He caught my gaze and smiled a crooked smile and then looked back at Tanya. I couldn't help but to listen in on Esme's talking.

"We already have Emmett and Edward's tuxes picked out. I'm sure your daughters will look just as dashing and gorgeous at the ball."

A large smile spread across my face. Esme Cullen was just so graceful, and so pleasant. I almost let a laugh slip out at the thought of Tanya and Irina looking "dashing and gorgeous". Victoria heard my loitering and turned around, glaring at me. I snapped to attention and began serving the salad. Carlisle and Esme thanked me ever so politely. Emmett went to dig right in before Esme cleared her throat and glared at him. I received snarls from Tanya and Irina as I served them. Lastly, I reached Edward. He looked up at me and smiled the crooked grin again. He thanked me with that velvet voice of his and I muttered a thank you, barely able to process words in the presence of his beauty. Our hands accidentally grazed each others upon passing and I felt a surge of electricity pass through my body. Surely, he felt that too, right? But he didn't seem to notice. I hurried into the kitchen blushing furiously.

I couldn't help but want to poison Tanya's food so I didn't have to see her match made in hell with Edward. I was almost hyperventilating when I caught Rosalie's stare. Ugh, Bella, he's just a boy, get yourself together.

I cleared my throat. "I'm going to go finish homework now."

I heard Rosalie giggling on the way out of the room. I could feel it already, this was going to be a long week.