A/N: Okay, so I thought of this when I was watching a trailer for a particular movie that I must say, I am looking forward to because of ZACHARY QUINTO!! Even if he will look like a freak in spandex. Anyway, enjoy!
DISCLAIMER. I do not claim to own Twilight, because if I did I would surely be sent to a mental institute.
Saturday night's in Forks, Washington, are unceasingly dull. The most exiting thing to do is karaoke at the dingy Irish pub. Most people drove the hour-long trip to Port Angeles to see a movie or have a nice dinner.
The five Cullen kids plus Bella Swan sat in the Cullen household on the large white leather sofas, bored out of their wits. Emmett kept suggesting they try strip poker, which was immediately shot down by everyone. Jasper suggested a game of Risk, but no one but him cared about military strategy games. Rosalie was flicking through a French magazine. Edward was re-reading Wuthering Heights for Bella's sake. Alice was channel surfing on the giant plasma screen television, and Bella was staring blankly at the TV.
Rosalie suddenly sat up.
"Alice, go back three channels!"
The rest of them looked at Rosalie for a moment before going back to their own activities. Alice shrugged and started to change the channel when Edward cried, "No! No, Alice, it's okay."
Bella frowned, "What does Rose want to watch?"
Rosalie grinned maliciously at Edward before smiling at Bella, "Edward's favourite TV show."
There was silence for a millisecond before Alice, Jasper, and Emmett burst out in laughter.
"Yes! Alice, show Bella!" Emmett chuckled.
Alice started raised the remote before Edward tackled her to the ground. They wrestled around on the ground, not noticing Jasper get up and change the channel on the TV.
"Just watch, Bella. Your about to learn a very deep secret of Edward's." He smiled. The television was displaying adds at the moment, and Bella noted it was the Space channel.
Edward stopped pinning Alice down. Alice struggled out from under him and sat daintily on the couch, sniffing in indignation. Edward huffed and sat up on the floor, glancing at Bella in defeat. Bella was looking at the TV with curiosity now, wondering what Edward was trying to hide from her.
"And now, back to Star Trek." The TV announced, before switching to the 60's science fiction show.
Edward looked extremely embarrassed as his brothers and sisters laughed at him.
"He spent hours watching this show, Bella! It was to the point of ridiculous." Emmett howled. Bella just smiled.
The Cullen's looked at her. She calmly stood up and walked over to where Edward was sitting on the floor.
"Edward…you were a Trekkie?" That sent the Cullen's into another round of laughter. Edward frowned and nodded.
"Yes. I was a Trekkie." He sounded so upset that Bella leaned down and gave him a comforting hug.
"It doesn't make me love you any less." She whispered in his ear. Edward smiled and wrapped his arms around her small shoulders.
"Oh, spare us the PDA and just watch the damn show." Rosalie snapped, returning to her magazine.
A/N: Any thoughts or feelings? Because there is a little button below that you can press to express those pent up emotions, an I can read them :P.
In other words, review. Like, now.