Another random idea that popped into my head. They've been doing that a lot recently haha.

Disclaimer - Come on guys I'm not going to get the rights to iCarly overnight.

"Out now, get it out Freddie" Sam said through clenched teeth. She was currently squeezing Freddie's cheeks trying to get the last chicken nugget out of his mouth. Freddie finally gave in spitting the nugget out so it landed on the floor just beside his foot.

"Their!" He said exasperated pulling away from Sam. "Have your chicken nugget."

She looked down in disgust at the half chewed nugget covered in Freddie's saliva.

"Well? I thought you were going to eat it."

"Ewww no gross." She said leaning over Freddie to pick up a small bunch of grapes.

"So why did you take – oh wait should I say force it out of my mouth?" He asked the blonde.

"Well," She started popping a grape into her mouth. "It was the last one and you should know by know the last food item is always mine." She said moving dangerously close to Freddie, spraying grape juice onto his face.

He wiped Sam's grape spit of his cheek and moved away from her a little. "I took it out of my mouth expecting you to eat it."

"No dork. Why would I eat it? It's got your nerd germs all over it. I just took it out of your mouth so you couldn't eat it." She said throwing the grape stem she had left over at Freddie.

"I can't have it you can't have it." She stated simply.

Freddie scowled. That was just so typical of Sam. He can't believe he hadn't seen it coming.

"You know what?" He started.

"What?" She asked lazily leaning further into the couch aggravating Freddie more by the fact that she was acting as if she wasn't interested in the least bit as to what he was saying.

Freddie opened his mouth to speak but, was interrupted by Spencer's shout of delight.

"Guys, guys come here quick." He said motioning for Sam and Freddie to follow him. They got up and walked to the kitchen counter Freddie glaring at Sam.

"Look at this." He said proudly pointing to what seemed to be a very fluorescent pair of handcuffs outlined with strawberry twizzlers and dotted with jelly beans. "My newest piece of artwork" He said beaming.

"Err pretty cool Spence." Freddie said eyeing the handcuffs.

"They're handcuffs right?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, remember that multi purpose art project?"

"Yeah," Sam and Freddie said simultaneously.

"Well here it is. Look you can eat the sweets on it. You can wear it as a bracelet, you and your friends can wear it as a bracelet if you fancy being handcuffed together and…" Spencer said ticking the reasons off on his hand.

"Ooh and look this is the best part. Turn around." He said to the two teens.

"No way," Sam replied "That thing'll probably set me on fire or something."

"Yeah I think Sam's right." Freddie said.

"You think? I'm always right."

"Come on guys. Nothings going to happen, I swear. It's really cool."

Freddie sighed. "Fine but, anything goes wrong you're telling my mum." Freddie said turning around.

"Deal, Sam?" He said questioning the Blond.

She looked to Freddie who's face said Come-on-just-get-it-over-with.

"Whatever." She mumbled turning around as well.

"Yes!" Ok just stay there it'll be done in a second." Spencer said picking up his multi purpose handcuffs.

Freddie and Sam waited till Spencer was done. They could feel the metal on their hands.

"Their." Spencer said awaiting the teen's reaction.

Sam and Freddie turned around Sam to her right and Freddie to her left but, a painful tug to their arms caused them to turn back round again. They looked to their hands to see that Spencer had handcuffed them together. Sam quickly turned to Spencer pulling Freddie with her.

"Ok so you handcuffed us together. Is that the amazing thing you wanted to show us because, if it is I would appreciate it if you uncuffed us right now." She said losing her patience.

"Yeah Spencer I think you should unlock these things now." Freddie said taking a frightened look at Sam.

"I can't they don't lock." He said.

"What do you mean they-" Freddie started but Spencer cut him off.

"I haven't found a way to get them off yet." He said meekly backing away slightly in fear if Sam's reaction.

"WHAT?!" Sam and Freddie both yelled. Sam's yell overpowering Freddie's girlish yelp.

As if on cue Carly walked through the door.

"I'm back I picked up some smoothies for everyone and… What's going on?" She asked walking to the kitchen where the others were.

Sam held up her hand and Freddie followed suit as Sam's strength pulled his hand up too.

"Look." Sam said outraged. "Are you looking? Yep that's what you're nub of a brother did to us." She said.

Carly's mouth twitched into what could have been a smile until she realised what was going on.

"Oh my gosh, Spencer! You don't handcuff Sam and Freddie together unless you want one of them to die, which would probably be Freddie." She said turning to Freddie. "But, no offence to you Freddie."

"Err none taken." Freddie said confused.

"And oh my god Spencer what the hell were you thinking!" Carly shrieked.

"Yeah what were you thinking!" Sam shouted. Spencer cowered away from the two yelling girls.

"I…I just wanted to try it out." He said quietly.

"Ugh!" Sam lunged at Spencer pulling Freddie along with her much to his discomfort. Spencer yelped as Sam wrestled him to the ground. Freddie cried out in pain as he was pulled to the floor.

"Stop! Stop it now!" Carly screamed attempting to pick Sam up off of Spencer. Instead she opted for the easier option which was pulling Freddie so both of them could use their strength to haul Sam off of Spencer. Carly pulled Freddie's arm and he let out a strangled cry as he was being tugged at ob one arm by Carly and the other by Sam.

"SAM LET GO!" Carly screeched.

The blond let go of Spencer and looked around to see a fuming Carly and a Freddie Benson his face twisted in pain. She got off of Spencer pulling Freddie up with her.

"Sorry." She said a pink tinge to her cheeks. Unknown to anybody whether her cheeks were coloured with embarrassment or anger.

"I…I'm going to have a shower." Spencer said getting up and running for the bathroom.

Sam brushed her clothes off with one hand and made her way to the couch looking angrily at Freddie who she was now dragging to the couch too.

"Don't glower at me. This is not my fault." Freddie said.

"Yes it is your fault you were the one who-"

"Guys shut up!" Carly said coming to sit on the couch next to Freddie. "It's done now and you're going to have to deal with it."

"And how the hell are we going to do that?" Sam asked.

"I don't know right now but, we will. We have to. Proms in two days and you can't go like that." Carly said gesturing to the handcuffs.

Sam and Freddie looked down at their hands. Carly was right – they could not go to the prom like that. No Freakin Way.

The end of this chapter sucked I know but, I couldn't think of any other way to end it.

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